J. w. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST! VOL. No. XLII ROX BORO, NORTH CAROLIN SOUTH-EASTERN UNDER lei a iuic run A BIGGER AND BETTER ROXBORQ ? Si, SHALL THE TOWN LIMITS BE EXTENDED Mayor Barm Grm Some worth while Rhmw K.r Extend ing. Reade Them Editor Roxboro Courier, Roxboro. N. C. Dear Mr. Editor: As the time is rapidly approach- ' ing for the election on the question of whether or not the city limits of Roxboro shall be extended, it occurs to me that possibly oar people have Dot been folly informed as to the merits of this question. This ques tion means so murh to the well-be ing of oar citizenship and to th^^fut ur? growth of our town that I am here attempting to give some of the facts in regard to this measure which cause oar present Board of Town ". Commissioners so earnestly to ad vocate the including in the town limits of the proposed new territory. It is believed that the great ma jority of our people are in favor of this measure, but the thing th<it is especially feared is that oar- people will not go out to vote on next Toes day This would be a calamity in deed, because this is a vote against the books and every registered per son who does not vote casts his vote against extension. Will not oar peo ple in favor of this act remember this and come to the polls og the 29th of their own accord, without solicitation, and cast their vote for . farther nrogryss and im|m<wm?it? I trust that they will and that this rvjch cMfc. pride and duty may be manifest in oar splendid little town on that day. Let neither the men nor tba Hjf*. forget that they an- vo ters and that it ' fs their duty to come to the polls and vote. There are two classes affected by this proposed extension, those with in the present town limits and those within the territory proposed to be incorporated. I can imagine no rea , -,n for any citizen living within the present limits voting against this measure unless it would be because of a conscientious feeling that it was unj'jst to those living in and own ing property in the territory to be I incorporated: For them it means a -?-rjuch lower tax rate, 30 per cent at least, we think, it means a larger and greater municipality, and it means that territory not now good I far residential development due to the lack of municipal improvements will be opened up for homes or manu facturing enterprises. What can this class of affected persons lose by voting for this measure of progress far Roxboro ? Now as to the class of affected citizens, namely those living or cm i? ST land within the territory pro posed to be incorporated. It will coat .them something- in the way of taxes ta be sure. If they gain more than their taxes amount to however what have they lost? Have they not gained instead? As long as they remain outside of town they cannot hope to. enjoy tho3e municipal facil ities of which the town boasts. If t^ey should include themselves in the town there would be extended to them as rapidly as possible those benefits and facilities which make city life the envy of his country reighbor and friend such as water facilities, streets and lights, and all ? such things. He could expect his property to take on a greater value, it would be more desirable for resi dential sites, it would cost him less to have these facilities than if in' stalled privately. It seems to me that both of these classes of affected citizens would be the great gainers if city extension carries. For this reason and for the great er development of Hoxbcro I hope no citiaen will forget to vote on noxt Tuesday and that the gres: -najor f!y of them will' vote the right way. Y?nr?' "very respectfully; * P. BURNS, Mayor of Roxboro. ? OPENING OF SCHOOL Sbj'rics Creek rehool wttf open on Monday, Sept.' 28th, 1935. All chil dren in thia district arenrged to be present on the opening date. MISS DOROTHY YOTTfJOER, ? ' ? ? Tuthte ?WUAT1?? ; ATLANTA. GEORGIA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT . -A. M. SCHOEN, Chief Engineer M%. Satterfield, Agent, Satterfiekl Insurance Agency, Roxboro, X. C. Dear Sir:- , Your letters of August 12th and 14th addressed to Mr. Paul B. Hul fish. Manager, were duly referred to this offlce for attention. These were received prior to receiving our en gineer's report, but we are now in receipt of our engineer's report of the test of the automobile pumper. From your tetters we gather that you wish recommendations for sec ond classification and we wish to advise that recommendations for sec ond classification were supplied Mr. O. B. ( ro well . Gen. Supt., on Decem ber 31st, 1924, one of the recommen dations was for the installation of a 750 gallon per 'minute triple com bination automibile car. As soon as the other recommenda tion s have been complied with and we have been notified by the City Manager we will of course have a resurvey and grading made for the new classification. As our information is that JUr. W. W. Wood is now city manager and probably is in possession of our rec ommendations, ew respectfully re fer you to him for further informa tion in reference to compliance with the recommendations. Yours very truly, A. M. SCHOEN, Chief Engineer. Dictated by W. D. Cates-RM CC-W. W. Wood. City Mgr. Mr. Paul B. Hulflah, Manager. ? - NOTICB ? To The Tobacco Growers of Person and Adjoining Counties For about twenty years I have bet/i your tobacco at the this opportunity to Inform you that I will be with the Winstead Ware house. Roxboro, N. C., this season and believe I can be of greater ser vice to you in getting you the' high est dollar for your tobacco than ever before. I cordially invite all of ray friends and every one who wants the last dollar for his tobacco to come to see me at the Winstead Warehouse. I truly appreciate your liberal pat ronage given me in the past, and I hope to serve you again at the Win stead Warehouse. Yours to serve. R. H. OAKLEY. W, F. Long, R. H. Oakley, T. D. Winstead and - J'. D. Perkins, Pro prietors of the Winstead Warehouse. NEWS FROM ROUTE THREE Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rogers ' of Rouge mo nf. Route 3. spent last Thursday night with Mr. J. N. Luns ford. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tapp of Dur ham visited Mrs. Jenny Tapp last week. Miss Vera Lunsford and Mr. P. W. Wicker motored to Crystal Lake last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Herbert McCianahan of Pen hook, Va., was a Route 5 visitor Sun day. . Miss Vera and Careue Lunsford and Messrs. Willie and A! Gray, and | P. W. Wicker attended the Mebane j Fair Thursday night. Miss Vera Lunsford was a Durham | visiter last Wednesday. Mrs. H. C Tapp is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. J. . F. Reams. Mrs. 3. X. Lunsford and children ] visited Mr aiw Mrs. 1. J. Rogers -of Timberlake, Route 2 Sunday P. Ifc'J Mist Vera Lunsford visited Mrs. T. O. Pende,r of Mebane and Miss Evelyn Oakley of Burlington last week. ~ Mr. Linwood William* of Ringold, Va.. was a Route 5 visitor last week. Miiis Helen Prarce of Timberlake, visited Misses I Alia and Sarth Moore ?V." ~~ AT THE ROXBORO BAPTIST CHl'RCH Sunday, 6:30 p. m., Sefct 27th, the Roxboro B. Y. P. U-* will give a special program; all members are urged to be ^resent. The public is cordially irtvited to . attend this ser ????. ' a u vuiiiilui AN ERROR CREAM SHIPPING EFFORTS' 1 GOING GOOD ORTST j J Miss Daniel Comets Aa Error A* Te Payment For Cream _ ' - When Mr. Hendenhall, manager' ot the North State Creamery, at Burlington. was in Roxboro looking over the situation in regard to w tablishmg a cream-shipping station. 1 understood him to say that hia company would pay cash on delivery of cream .and made this statement in an article ' appearing in the next issue of The Conrier. Mr. Menden hall did n6t say that. It was simply a misunderstanding on my part The fact of the' matter is that -it is impossible for any creamery to pay cash for butterfat until the cream has 'been put through the Babcock tester, a very intricate pro* ces? which determines accurately the quality of butterfat in your particu lar can of cream. The creamery sends your checks promptly on the 10th of the month following delivery^ While there is no big money to be made in selling cream, it is a side line that should have a strong appeal to Person County farmers. When Dr. Miller was vacinating rattle here last year, the number ran somewhert between 7060 and 9000. That shO?? up pretty well for a county of 1900ft, population*. But these cows are ntfl' bringing in as much mcney .as ttiayj should. These cows ought to brinjg enough cream cheeks to aid fan in keeping away from time p This business of paying "time pr is simply economic slavery, and sooner we look that fact squa. in the face, the better it will be us. I suggest that each out with this in viev: . .... try earnestly to deliver enough7 create each wek for your cream checks to j pay your grocery bill. Or, suppose ! you set a definite amount to work! for. Would you like to have even I $1.00 a week extra? Then deliver 2 1-2 lbs. butterfat each week. As I stated before, thi3 is no Ten j tore, in high finance. It is intended] primarily to open a market for what- j ever surplus cream there is in the j County. It's best feature is that | it will afford, a STEADY income.) something .you can count on every week in the year. The creamery will i be glad to take every gallon of cream ] we can possibly get in Person Coun ty. The North State Creamrey has its main office in High Point. Recen- J ly this company took over the cream ery in Burlington and they are now in position to handle all the cream they can get in surrounding terri tory. "Opportunity' comes down Success ful Street And the lazy man waits to meet it; But the man who flpll win Goes out with a grin And holds out both hands to greet it!" | B. H. DANIE3,. THE JO^NSOX WAREHOUSE | Mr. S. M. Watkins of the Johnson | | Warehouse, Oxford, has a message j I in The Courier this week. It is not I i necessary to ask you to read it, far | j you can hardly turn the pages iwitk | out being attracted by his adverti-ie I ment. Oxford has long had an en 1 viable reputation as a tobacco mar ket and Mr. Wat&ins has had much | to do in building up this reputation. | He cordially invites every farmer in ' ttu> n a - ? ? + ? ? ? n>ku a luau UII lUC ning day, October 1st.' ROXBORO BOOK AND The Kewell* are just about com pleting the additiVrT to their star* room on Depot Street in which_ the ?Roxboro Hook and Stationery Store will he Inratfri The book depart ment will be up stairs and they will carry a line of goods as is usually frond in such stores. In addition to the book and stationery line they will carry a large line of gift good* where you will always find some thing to salt- for any gift occasion. Wateh for thfcir opening announce STATIONERY store BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS Evidenced by 719 Chlldrea Enrolled First W?k in Graded Schools The Graded schocls opened last week and Sapt. Stahrey fu'rni?he*l us with the following statement aa to enrollment : High School 152. Eleirentary School 321. 'East Roxtjoro School 69. Total in white schools 542. Total in colored school 177. i Grand total in all the schools 719. | lawn party and box party Longhurst Methodist church i- to a lawn party on Friday night of this week. The boys are -to man ?(TI- all "stunts." girls to act as sales men of refreshments. and ether events promised to make it sn en joyable occasion. All finance* will be apprecSt^d be %anse the party In for church purposes. On Saturday night a box party and cake sale will be held . in front of Grace church at East Roxboro. This is for church purposes. All ccrpe*-? tion will be appreciated. Every mem ber of these churches is urged to be liberal and aid in clearing off offer ings. The PmBtor does want to re part every thing paid in full thia year. Come to the parties and be ready to help financially. THE PASTOR. Jalon, N. C.. Sept. 21, 1925. JURORS FOR OCT. TERM OF COURT The following names have been drawn for the jury list for the Oct. ira of court, beginning October 19, .Harris, O.T, fori, C. A. Monk, A. R. Davis, J R- Poushee. L. D. Allen, L; M. Joe Moore, C. R. Holernan, D. L. Davis, W. W. ?V, H. W Rogers. WKm Bollock, C. T, Blalock, leb. Whitfield. R. Carter, Joe Biirch. W. R. Haw kins, D. J. Oliver, Eugene Law? G. )G. Woody, J. E. Kirby, W. B. Car michael, J. R, Welsh, Sam Fulcher. W. A. Moore, J. A. Malone, L. A. Bradsher, O. C. Crovrell, S- E. Peed, W. J. Edwards, J. E. Hester. A REMINDER Don't forget the meeting of the leaders of the churches of Beulah Association. Roxhoro church will be looking for us. Let us be there on time Sept. 28. 10 a. m. If you want to spend next Satur day evening with pleasure and profit come to Mill Creek church at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Perry Morgan will ad dress a joint meeting of Mill Creek and Bethel HU1 B. Y. P. U. Our neighboring B. Y. P. U. are invited to be with us. Don't miss the above meeting. N. J. TODD. DEATH OF MISS ANNIE PEARL WHITE Miss Annie Pearl White died at the home of her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. White, in East Roxbaro on Friday morning at 3:05. Miss White was 16 years of age, and was a member of Clayton Baptist church. She was confined to her bed for on ly a few days, death resulting from meningitis. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. N\ 3. Todd, assis ted" by Rev. M. C. EUerbe, after which the body was laid to rest in the . town cemetery. SOME FIXE TOBACCO IN THIS SECTION Mr W. T. Pass was exhibiting some fine grades of tobacco on Mon day. The samples were from the crop* of Mas*. Jesse Brooks and Bethel Barnwell of the Prospect Hill section. The samples from the barn of Mr. Brooks were exception ally good, but these represented some of the pick leafs from this car ing, while the samples from Mr. |Unrweir? represented several barns. BACHELORS ENTERTAIN THE TEACHERS The Bachelor Glob of Hatet Jones Ewteitained the Kasha? ?< >k? t>aa boro Graded- School at a banquet in Hotel Jones' dining room lest Fri day evening. Plates . were laid for forty and -toasts and speech mak ing Were the order :.f the evc-iing. : a lovely meetinp with Mrs. Charlie I Harris Wednesday morning. Two tables were placed in the living room. The hostess assisted by her sister Mrs. Clark served a delicious salad course with ice tea. Mrs. Russell Newell entertained Thursday afternoon to the members of The Thursday Afternoon Bridg? Club. The room where the tables were placed waa attractive with bright fall flowers. The high score I prize was won by Miss Polly Walkac. the booby by Miss Marion deVlaming. I A delightful salad course with punch was served the following: Misses Polly Walker, Marion deVlaming, Louise Wilburn, Eva Newton, Re becca Duncan, Elisabeth Feathers- ; tone, Elizabeth Masten. and Mrs. , Martin Michie. I KOXBORO TOBACCO MARKET Will Open Thursday October 1st For This Season The Roxboro tobacco market will open for first sale 011 Thursday, Oct ober 1st Overvthirig Is in (rood ?hape for the opening and the Tonic co Board of Trade cordially invpps , every farmer in Person and j ing counties to bring their tjbaecn to Roxboro, pledging their be.'t ef forts in doing everything -possible i secure for them the very best price ' obtainable. The warehouses a!l join with us in thia invitation. Roxboro Board Of Trade. BILL I'M STEAD AT PLANTERS WAREHOUSE i ? * 1 The attention of the farmers ' of this and adjoining counties is called tc the advertisement of Bill Umxtead, proprietor of the Planters Warehuose. I Roxbcro. N. C. Bill Umatead U *n; old warehouseman, hiving had y^ars I of experience and few men are bet ter <Jualif)ed to sell hour tobacco | than Bill. Read his ad and then ? bring him your first load of tobac- \ c- on October 1st, and go home with j your face covered with smiles. ? CELEBRATED SEC OND BIRTHDAY 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. -Winsteadj celebrated the second birthday of I tbeir ]ittle dai^ghttfr, Mary Edna. | Sept. 14th. It was quite an enjoy able occasion for all who Were pre sent. Among the guests were four grandmothers. The little ones had games in the yard; after which cake and cream was served. FOUND IN THE FILES "Dear Sir:- I got your dune what I owe you. Now be pachunt. I ain't forgot you, plese wate. When some other fools pay me I pay you. If this wux judgment day and you wux do more prepaired as I am for this account you sure would go to hell. Hoping you will do this, I remain yours bery truly." ? Ex. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHI RCH NEXT SUNDAY On next Sunday Rev. E. C. Dean of Burlington will conduct .services, prcachinc at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. in the Roxboro Baptist church. Mr. Dean ia one of the leading pastors in the Mt, Zion Association and you will enjoy these services. The pub lic is cordially invited. W. O. W. LOG ROLLING The Lor Rilling- by the W. O. W. last Saturday was a great success from every point. The W. O. W.'s paraded the streets, after which they gathered at Woodland Heights where speech making was the .order for a short while, after which dinner 'vas served. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School at 9:45, H. L. Cro well, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the Pastor. , 'Sunday School at Mitchell's Chapel at Z p'. m. Preaching, at Bushy Fork school hnai t -* r n fc'v-y _r ? welcome at all services. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY. Will open for business Monday morning. Sept. 28t)?. . . Let our wagon oall for your work. ? . ? niusr of IMPROVED FORDS ARRIVE ] Cars Most Attractive, with _ Lower Bodies ? Many Other Refnenenta, Better Brakes First -of the improved Ford ? to arrive in Roxboro went on display in the show rooms of The CroweU Auto Co., local authorized Ford derni er, and immediate ky attracted die attention of everyone. To say that people who law the cars were surprised at their- appear - ! ance would be potting it rater mild } ly. The new types exceed all ex pectations in improved appearance I and more ^comfort and convenience, i For the most part the bodies have been completely redesigned and con form in every respect to the moat advanced features of body construc tion. Not only have bodies been built lower, but they a ft Set* on a lower chassis frame and with larger, low hanging fenders impart to the com plete car a striking suggestion of riding and driving ease. While the CroweU Auto Co. have been able so far only to show the touring car, other types be shown as quickly as they can be obtained from the Ford Motor Coatpaay branch where because of their {?po larity demands on production - axe somewhat delaying immediate de livery of all types of cars. , ? TEACHHtS? MEETING The first teachers' meeting of the year will be held Saturday Septem ber 26, 1925, at 10 o'clock in the new Roxboro High School Building. Some general matters and plans for the coming year are to be discussed. B. L SATTERFIELD PRAYER MEETING AT BAP ? ? tsit cni'itcn Tura-Eviexoife Rev. J. C. McGregor, pastor of North Roxboro Baptist Church, will conduct prayer services this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Rcxboro >tist Church. The public is cordially invited to attend this service. ATTENTION LADIES of/tie eci^lly I want to call the attention ladies to the fact that I am espcc.^ prepared to do satisfactory work in I their line. Yen will find my barbers polite, attentive and anxious to serve j you. Favor us with a call, shop in the *old National Bank building. | ? J. R. DO A RES, Proprietor. -O ? 11 Tv ? BEST DANCE OF THE C7.ASOJT Mr. George L, Cuningham requests us to announce that the best dance of the season will be at Hotel Jooes Friday night, Sept. 25th, 9 to I o'clock. Admission $100 A 'good orchestra will murnish music. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPCES On August 6, 1925, the soul if Mrs. Annie Pullen McGregor passed to its rest and its reward. Sister McGregor, a woman of ex ceptionally fine qualities of both mind and heart, had been with us only a short time, but we felt the loss of a faithful worker and a cultured christian. Therefore, be it resolved: ^ First, that we the members of Berry's Grove Baptist .. Church ex tend to her husband and to her fath er's family onr deepest sympathy. Second, that we commend then to ou rHeavenly Father's loving care, asking Him to help them bear their sorrow with the abiding faith that was her comfort always. Third, that we send a copy of these . resolutions to Brother McGregor and a copy to the Biblical Recorder for | publication. i While fighting in ardor in midday of life, ! The Master in n)ercy then ended earth's strife She said, in much wonder, I've only began; -- He smiled back in answer, "Come, faithful, will done, She looked for white harvest^ the sheaves yet unbound; She reached forth to gather. He gave her a crown.. . MRS. \V. P. BERRY. MRS J. J. BARN'ETTE, MARY E. HALL. I pi.? ??<?? ?" T the but picking. and do this before 1 frost if possible, advise extension. workers at Stste College. This will J (TTfatlv aid in boll weevil control cext lyear. * 1 . .. 1 ' . ?

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