9ROAD NEXT $1.50 PERr YEAR IN ADVANCE R0X8QR0 MAKES RAPID GROWTH ABOUT 2000 PEOPLE MOVBD IN YESTERDAY Roxboro. Now In. the Smpll City Class With Approximately 5000 Inhabitants ? Yesterday was a great day for Roxboro, the citizens having voted almost unanimously, for the exten sion of the town limits. "The limits of the town have been very mucli circumscribed, being only .a .half mile each way -from the court- house, while as n. matter of fact the area- was about twice this sise. FW many years it ha* been apparent that the town must enlarge its area, but for one cause and another it has been postponed, but Anally an act was passed by the legislature, and the vote was taken yesterday. Bright and early the voters be gan to register their votes itnd by mid-day it was evident the question would be carried, and at sun set when tfie votes were counted it was found that it had been almost unan imous, the vote being 381 for exten sion and 34 against. We congratu late the people upon this wise move and believe even those few who op posed will find that they have been benefitted rather than hurt, as they now seem to thin. Sl>NDAY SCHOOI. PICNIC SUPPBR Saturday, Sept. ^Bth, the members of Mitchell --Chapel Sunday School pee in the grove near the Chapel. Early afternoon was giver, to base ball for the boys, and then all en joyed an old fashioned sin?. About '5 p. m. the ladies-uipreati the supper... It was a feast for a kin.j. Every tinir was* on that tab)" one could desire. The whole afterndm was greatly enjoyed and no >me was made sick from th? feust, as Sunday School next day was_ larger than ever. ? A. LEADERS OK BEl" I. AH ASSO. MET IN ROXBORO Pursuant td a call by the Associa tional Director, Rev. N. J. Todd, a meeting was held in the Moxbor; Baptist church Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The following ministers were present: Dr. Chas. E. Maddry of Raleigh, Rev. E. C. Dean of Bnr ling ton, Rev. J. C. McGregor of Lon;.'. >.arstv Rev. C. W. Hood cf Yancey ville, Rev. N. J. Todd of Roxboro, route 2, and Revs. J. H. Bass and L. V. Coggins of Roxboro. A good delegation from the churches were on "hand and ways and means were discussed looking M raising the pledges made by the different chur ches. Tha? ladies of the Roxboro church served lunch at the mon hour. 1 *? ? T~~ ~ JERRY DIXON IMPROVING J We are glad to learn that Jerry Dixon, who was carried to Watts Hospital one day last week for treat ment, is improving. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH LAST SUNDAY Rev. E. C. Dean of Burlington, . N. C., filled the pulpit at the Baptist church here last Sunday, nreaching both morning and evening. Mr. Dean was greeted by a targe audience and his sermons were very much en poyed. He has a gleaning personal ity and is a preacher of ability. ,, NOTICE To My Farmer Friends of Person and Adjoining Counties of N.- C. nnd the Bordor Counties of Va.: I am taking this opportunity to ?Hmrrtr euch of you -fur the very Ttber^ al patronage you have jciverr me. 1 assure y&u that I appreciate your oosmcs* un<T'Ti<fpe you will com? -nr ?ee me at the BANNER WARE HOUSE Danville, Va, wljere you will . find me at all times, and I promise yrsu the- best service and the Highest PrU?s possible. Again thanking ycu for your pat ronage,.' I am, ' - ? ? ? ? Y?urs- truly. GEO. t: HARRIS ?rr 'iv ' 1 ' CO OPERATIVE WAKEHOl'SE ? Will Open In Roxboro On Tuesday, j Oct. 6. The Co-operative Association Ware house here will open on Tuesday Oct. 6th .The Association is mak ing an advance of sixty five per cent of the valuation of tobacco which will be pooled and this alone should make the members want to be loyal and deliver their tobacco. The mana gers hire"have made every necessary arrangement and are anxious for all members to be loyal and bring their tobacco to this delivery point. MORE ABOUT THE BACHLORS CLUB DINNER Last Friday night the Bachelors Clnb of Hotel Jones entertained at Hotel Jones with a most delightful dinner in honor of Che school teach ers of Roxboro. The hosts of the evening. Dr. Tucker, Dr. Beam, Mes srs. Richard Bullock, John Carver. Simon Good friend, Cooper Hall and Olin Brad slier, were assisted in re ceiving their guests by the chnper Ones Mr. and Mrs. Beam, Mr. and Mrs Wltburn, Mrs. W. H. Long, Mrs. Earl Bradsher and Mrs. Edwin Eber man. Covers were laid for thirty six. After a cordial address of wel come a five course dinner was ser ved. With Dr. Beam cleverly ac ting as toast-master, much merri ment was caused by the humor and wit of the responses, ajid the new tepchers were given a most cordial welcome. Miss Southall, the music teacher of ?t\e high school, added on< more delightful feature to ine eve ning' with music, and the old Ballads played and sung by Mrs. Beam were particularly enjoyed. A most de lightful evening was enjoyeJ. by? a'l, ^hankH lu lllH Knod Baoholuii-i i>f Hfr tel Jones. ? E. " PALACE THEATRE Mmday and Tuesday, Oct. Kth and 6th. "The Scarlet Wlist" "The Scarlet West," the picture that was filmed where our Nation's History was made ? thrilling scenes of Pioneer days give action to pic ture cf' gripping love, drama and Indian Warefare. There js none of us who has not thrilled at the tale of "Custer's Last Stand" and of - the heroic Battle put up by that brave Indian fighter and his band of sol diers until they were wiped out to the last man ? it is an unforgettable and dramatic incident in the history of the United States, and it has been reproduced with Fidelity in this Pic ture. If you're a true American Citi zen this picture is for you. Monday and Tuesday October 5 ? 6tb. Matinee Monday 3:00 P. M. Admissions 15 and 35 cents Evenings 7T30 9:00 p; m. i v 1__ ? SEE BIG PIG AT HALIFAX COUNTY FAIR County Agent Bridges, has a pig club in Halifax County cf sixty mem bers. These pigs were farowed about the 20th of March. One of the?e pigs, a pure bred Duroc, weighed 403 pounds last Saturday, Sept. 26. He had gained 90 lbs. in 21 days. The boy owner 'has set the goal at 500 lbs. at Fair time. You want to see a 7 months old pig this big. Come to the Halifax County Fair at South Boston October 20, 21, 22 and 23rd. NOTICE To The Tobacco Growers of Person and Adjoining Counties For about twenty years I have been selling your tobacco at the Hyco Warehouse, and I am taking this opportunity to inform you that I will be with the Winstead Ware house, Roxboro, N. C., this season and believe I can be ,of greater ser vice. to you in getting you the high est dollar for your tobacco than ever hefore. I cordially invite all of my friends and every one who wants the last dollar for his tobacco to corac to mi at Iha Winstaai.l Warnhnine I truly appreciate your liberal pat ronage given me in the past, and I hope to ttfrve you again at the Win stead Warehouse. Yours to serve, R. H. OAKLEY. W. F. Long, R. H: Oakley, T. D. Winstead and X. 0. Perkins, Pro prietors of the Winattad Warehouse. xw, nvnin unwr - SHOT FROM 111 FIRED at ONCE BEFOB Mr. Fletcher Newman of Hill, S. O. Shot While ping Tobacco. Danville, Va., Sept 27.? Kelati' of Fletcher' Newman, well kne former Caswell county, N. C., far er who was mysteriously shot a killed from ambush on his farm Society Hill. S. C., last Wednoxi and whose body was brought . Leasburg for burial, are greatly tified over his death and unable. J eccount for the jjerslstent el which have been made to do harm. Newman, father of six thridren" a hard working farmer, was stL ping tobacco in a pack barn wfc he was shot twi^p through the h from a thicket. Onn of his "chili, heard the -shots and thinking I father had shot game ran t > the to find his father dying and _rr_ less, (t is not known who- kil- . him. John Stevens, one of hi> nep hews, says, however, that the ntrtl orities have arrested a tenant why, is held as a suspect although the^ is no direct evidence against him. , The man in custody bought froa Newman several years ago a horj and Ipiggy, but. as he did not f'etti for it, it was reclaimed by N'awml and as result there had bee'i soil ill feeling between the men. ! May Newman was aroused in ... middle of the night by sonieoi knocking at the door. As lie a>jUg wered the call a load of b:rdshot wfij Cirpfl at ? hiui ? 11 nd hp ? SKaa^Jij wounded in the face. He > learned who attempted td ss him. (Mrs. Newman waS>ft ol, liar fallal*. who has been crlf! ^ time, when she received a wire til ling rt the shcoting anJ calling her heme. She left immediately for her Ihcme. ? Ed.) PROVIDENCE B. Y. P. U. Providence B. Y. P. U. will pre sent the following program on Sat urady Oct. 3rd, 7 p. in. Jesus the King. Qf All Ages. Song by the congregation. 1. Scripture reading, 1st Tim.'l: 15 19. Heb. 1: 8-12. Bessie Harris and Minnie Dunn. 2. Prayer by Rev; J. C. Mc Gregor. 3. Forward, by Ada Walker. 4. Introduction, by- Lawrence Perk ins^ iS.Kijig promised by the Proph ets, by J. H. ShotweH. 6. Christ's Kingly deeds, by Rev. J. C. McGreg or. 7. The King crowned with glory and honor, by M?s. T. G. Buchanan. 8, Who" is the King of Glory, by Georft'e Perkins. 9. Two other attri butes, by Clinton Walker. 10. A helpful and comforting conception, by Cameron Holt. 11. Conclusion, by J. R. White. 12. Poem, Motto for the quarter, by Delma Whitt. ? Mil dred ' Slaughter, Cor. Sec. REVIVAL SERVICES AT BROOKSDALEj Revival" services will begin at the Brooksdale Methodist Church next! Monday evening at 7:30. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, pastor of Calvary Metho dist Church, Durham, will dp the preaching. Mr. Earnhardt is an in' teresting and instructive speaker and has had great success in evangelis tic meetings. Two services will be held daily throughout the week, 3:00 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Everybody, welcome. B. T. HURLEY, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Sunday Oct. 4th: Sunday fchooll at 9:45, H. L. Crowell, Snpt. Presch ing*at 11 b. m. by the Pastor. Holy Communion will be observed at this service. Every member is asked to be pretent. Sunday School at Mitchell's 'Jnap tl at 2 p. m. Every one ia welco'Jie Proaohing narviaa at Warren's flnw school house Bt 7:30 p. m. P. CARY ADAMS, Pastor. Bt'SJNESS MEETING The first fall business meettng of the Woman's Club will be held . in thf club room of .the Kaplan building Monday, October S, 3 p. m. The members are urged to be present. Wednesday h-vening tun.Miri ke MBT IN ROXBORO Durham-Lynchburg High H ay Considered Monday ^ Afternoon s Plank whereby it is hoped to link ~ Virginia with Ncrth Carolina j a gocd road were considered lomiay afternoon at a meet ins he'd >" Roxboro by members of. the ex-' utive committee, appointed at ? Lmeeting held in South Btiston, Va., some q Burke Hobgocd and W. N. Keener, local members of the committee attended and re porti'il an interesting meeting. Advantage* offered by tha pro posed route were mentioned to snow the great , Re r vice that could be ?tendered the traveler in sheltering gjirtances between Washington and ?pointi south. Thirty miles can be save;) betweir, Washington and Durham by the: route coming through Lynrhburjoi it was pointed out, and a little less than a hundred miles chopped off the distance between Washington and Florida. The dis tance between Stouth Boston and Roxboro saved would be around four miles, it was stated. Consideration wa3 given during the meeting to placing of road signs along the entire route for the con venience and information of tourists. Virginia people reported that the possibilities of getting their end of the road paved are good and that favorable action wilt probably be taken in n short time. The North Carolina side will be paved, high way people of this state "nave said. The Lee-Jackson route has been suggested aa a name for the route by the Virginia people. No sug gestion has beeii made by the North Cunlina members of the axcotive -committee and. it 1#". considered like-| thill tllo.l^g^estiont made by the 'irginians will' be accepted.* Under the plan "being worked on, oute 13, on the North Carolina side, '?ill be extended to the Virginia line, SWil'i^KHOfVtdto 13 Oil the Virgin ia side.? Durham Herald. quarterly conference AT ALLENSV ILL.E The Fourth and last Quarterly Conference of Brcoksdale charge for the Conference year will be held at Aliens vil'le next Saturday. Dr. M. Bradshaw, the Presiding . Elder, will preach at eleven o'clock in the morn ing and conduct the Quarterly Con ference. at two-o'elock in the after noon. As there is a great deal of important business to be attended to at this Conference, afl the members are urged to be present. B. T. HURLEY, Pastor. 0 ' A I SCHOOL WILL OPEN The Ai school will open October the 5lh, 1925. All pupils in this dis trict will please n^ake their l>6it efforts to* be present for the open ing. The parents are also cordially invited. TEARING DOWN AN OLD LANDMARK The old tobacco factory on Depot Street belonging to Mrs. Mamie Mer l'itt is being torn down. Thus one by one all frame buildings in the fire limits are disappearing und soon, there will* not be a frame building within the fire limits. DR. VICKERS OCCUPIES NEW OFFICES week Dr. G. C. Vickers moves his offices into the new building erec ted by Mess. Wilburn and Satterfiel l and now can boast as har.-lsonie, well equipped an office as you will find in these parts. He occupn* the corner loom v o ? ^ > A-RICH HAUL. ' Yesterday morning Sheriff Brooks and hi* deputies made a raid down in Flat Ffivcir township and cap tured a 160 gallon still, destroyed 4500 gallons of beer and caught two men, together Willi About 30 gallons of com whiskey. The men captured were Jim Tnrrian and ' lv-?H<.nn both of Orange County. O'BRIANT SCHOOL WILL OPEN The O'Briant school will open at "elght-lhlrly Hfltiday morning, Oct. 5, 1925. It is highly important that all children Te present the first day if possible. _ ' VIOLA BOWLES, Teacher. 1 ' - ? ? ? - ? ^ ^ ? ? Dept. ju, Mrs. T. B. Woody was the charm init hostels to the Review Qlub last Thursday afternoon at her home an Main street. Mrs. Eberman, presid ent' of the club, graciously presided over the meeting. The roll call was responded to" by comments on what the club means to you. The study hour was taken up with a review on the past years work and a very in teresting contest. Tempting refresh- ! ments were served by the hostess. The first meeting of the Friday I Afternoon Pleasure Club was held ' with Mrs L. C. Bradsher on Friday afternoon Six tables were arranged for the club game of Boston Rook. Beautiful fall flowers were artistical ly placed throughout the house. The tiostesx, assisted by Miss Dorothy Yqunger, Mrs. J. L. Atkins of Dur ham and Mrs. Frank Wilson, served a delicious salad coucse with ice tea. The first feeting of the Research Club was held at the home of Mrs. S. G. Winstead Wednesday afternoon. The club has taken up studies in The Modern English Novel for this year. The general topic for Wednes day afternoon was Gearge Meredith. Mrs. W. T. Pass read an interesting paper on The Life and Art of Mere dith. The second paper was prepared by Mrs. E. E. Bradsfier on the bock, "The ' Ordeal of Richard Feberal." The third paper was a review of '?The Egoist," by Mrs. R. L Wil burn, and the fourth member on the program was Mrs. J. A. Beam, who told the .story of her book, "Diana of The Crossways," in a very inter esting manner. - The hcttess served ?delightful refreshment!' to the mew bers present. A NOTE OF THANKS AND ENCOURAGMENT The pastor of "the E?st Roxbsro and Longhurst Charge is express ing a few. thoughts of appreciation just here. We have had a most won derful year. Experiences of every na ture have, arisen. Life has been great. Friends have been mnde and spirit ual growth Has been seen. Life is greater now than it was twelve months agp. Sadness and gladness have been seen very often. As the Conference year nears an end and cur return to the community is un certain, we are expressing our ap preciation for kindnesses shown. We were greatly delighted over the congregation we had in Grace an audience cheers a pastor. It was the largest that we have had for a regular church service. The W. O. W. are to be congrat ulated for tkeir splendid coopera tion. I wish other pastors could have seen that Degree Team of East Roxboro as it came marching in clad in regular Wcodmen clothes, an if took its place in cur Church. No, the men did not stop with at-, tendance but made a gift of finances The pastor is proud of- the met) of our Church. Just a few more words: The pas tor now thanks Longhurst Church fcr its splindid work. That chlurch has paid its pastor's salary in full, but lacks a bit on offerings. We will get that. Longhurst church is doing better than it ever l)as done and it certainly cheers the pastor. We are now urging Grace church to work rapidly for the next few weeks and come out with flying col ors. We know the members can and we believe they will. The pastor does want his first charge to come out in full. All cooperation is urg ed and desired: Again the pastor and wife express their thanks for all. kindnesses and cooperation extended us during the year. REV. M. C. ELLERBE, t ? J along, N. C. o . MOORE REUNION The date t^ttfor the Moore union is SatUKCiyf'Dctober 3rd, at Mt. Uriah. aIi 01 tftA dfiflfanflnnts of Gen. Stephen Moore, deed, are invited. There will be a basket pic nic and a general love feast. Seve ral orators of note have been invited and you may expect some speeches of high fnHer All frieprin of the family ate invited, and The Courier especially. No 39 ROXBORO TOBACCO *1 ARK ITT Will Open Tomorrow, October Int. For First Sale. Everything is in readiness for the opening of the tobacco market here in the morning. Frcm every in dicantion t>w sales will bo light for some time, as there is yet consider able tobacco in the fields, and the farmers will be busy looking after this before they will begin to market very much. - As is generally known, prices have been very disappointing in East Carolina and South Carolina, as welt as in Georgia, but we believe oar farmers will get a good price for anything they may have which is at all desirable. TiW,, there is a world cf common tobacco in this sec tion this year, and that will probably be low, but our prediction is that if you have some gcod tobacco, with good color and juicy body you will have little cause to complain. NOTICE The time for preaching at old Beulah Baptist church has been changed from the third Sunday after noon back to the second Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 Oct. 11th, 1925. Everybody is invited. Services wiQ be conducted by Rev. J. C. McGregor. We also invite all to help clean off the cemetery on Saturday before. We had a large crowd -on last third Sunday, and all enjeyed the services which were conducted by brothers W. g. fillman and Bob Young. We hope these brethem will come again. /Cottage prayer meetinir will be held at the home of A. V. Hudgins' Friday night jlfc 8 o'clock. A wel come to all. ? H. Fixr. TOBACCO EXHIBIT The tobacco exhibit at the Danville Fair this year will, be on a large scale. Liberal cash prizes are offered for lemon, orange and mahogany wrappers, bright and djirk Allen, cutters and export leaf and granu lating lugs. Special cash prizes for Henry County types and African leaf. The department is in charge of Geo. A Lea, C. B. Davis and H. L. Boat wright and special attention will be given to the display of the different types. Tobacco growers everywhere will profit by a visit to this exhibit as every section of the old belt will be represented. No charge is made for space in this department. The exhibit is one of the most important features of the Danville Fair, Oct. 13th to 16th ? four days, four nights. HURDLE MILLS HIGH SCHOOL Hurdle Mills school will open on Monday morning October rhe 5tb. The parents all over the district are cordially invited to be present for the opening. It is also urged that students make an effort to enter the first day. ? . On Friday, October 2nd, M "clean up" day. The parent! are expected to be there by 2 o'clock with neces sary utensils for cleaning house ani yard. It is important also that all high school students meet on this date. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Powell Dobson Neely invites you to be present at the marriage of her daughter Margaret Hamlin To The Rev. Jadi Levi Martia I on the afternoon of Thursday, the eight of October at five o'clock j St. -Paul's Episcopal Church Winston^Salem, North Carolina ' At home after the first of November i Waimea, Kauai, Hawaii. SCHOOL NOTICE The first meeting for the colored teachers will be held Saturday morn ing, October 3 at 10 o'clock in the colored graded school building. B. I. SATTERFIELD CHAUTAUQUA COMING The Chautauqoa will coma to Rox boro this year on Nov. 4th, 5th and 6th. Somehow, our people Tiave not patronized the chautauqua as freely as they might . We know of few things which are of more moment than the Chautauqua, both ntoralty and intellectually, a.nd we trust they will be greeted by full houses tar every program. '

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