Wednesday Evening | SUBSCRIPTION TERMS a year, 76 cents for 6 month* I ' centi for 3 months ? Cash in Ad ? j ha Editor is in no way responsible J ?tows expressed by correspoh - Advertising Rates: Display ads, 36 Cents per Inch. Notices, 10 Cents per line. Forwi*n A^v*rtf?in? Rr-prasvntaUve THE AMERICAN PRtSS ASSOCIATION at the Post Office at Box N. C., as second-class matter Wednesday Sept. 30, 1926. A NECESSITY We do not believe there will be a nas, woman or ?child in this good Coonty who will' suffer for bread another crop is raised. True, ne of you may have to ask the the merchant or the fertilizer to carry yeu- over before pay * iag all of your indebtedness, but you will buckkle down like a man and make good. But, we do believe the time has cime when we should ALL cut down on luxuries, live close to the shore and put forth our very best endeavor. And this applies just as truly to the officials who have the spending of our tax money as it does te the individual, but we do insist that there are certain 'things which coat money, additional money, which are not luxuries and one of these is a County Demonstration Agent. We are not clamoring for a man to -come here and teach you haw to raise tobacco ? you know too much about this already and raise entirely too much of it, but we do want a man to come here and help ypu dis pose of the surplus you raise on your farm. We believe, we are al most persuaded' to say, we know, the average farm in this County al lows enough to go to waste every year to almost support, feed, the family on tnat tarni. And thai is what we want a -demonstration agent fer. Every farmer in this County knows there is not a market sufficiently elastic in Roxboro to take all pro duce brought in. Just now we ex pect a car load of salad, turnips, etc. could be secure! here if there was a market for it. Of course, the merchants will buy it, that is the 4rst few baskets brought in, but a few baskets will glut the market and the farmer coming in late will find nj market. Same thing is tnte as to butter, eggs, hams, or what not. If you are fortunate enough to find a market here you will get the very highest market price, but the troable is, our market is so limited. A County Agent, working in con junction with the State Marketing Division, would find a market fnr jut such produce, and he would be the cmure of many thousands of dol lar* camming in for stuff which is allowed to go to waste today. This is a matter in which every fanner is interested, and unless you make it plain to our worthy Board of County Commissioners that you desire such an agent, they are not going to appropriate the money neces sary to secure such an agent. We do not say this in criticism of our Board of Commissioners, for we know they have twisted and turned in rnvtry direction to keep from ^increas ing taxes, but there is tome way whereby the small sum needed,- enc thousand dollars, could be hail rnd ?we know if you .will lay the Wat? tar before them in the right light, and let them know you want It, it will be granted. Will you do it? From every indication it looks like the Democratic party is .doing its utmost to gtve Mr. Coolidge an other four year term in Washington. Governor Ai Smith ii hobnobbing wKh the leaders in ' Chicago, wMeh means he is launching ftis camptign trtr Hw nomination in 1928. If the Democratic party has Nothing bet ter to offer than Al Smith or Willie McAdoo they had just as well (jet eat of business. ~ (?curing this need? Yes, and Person County needs, tnd must have, a County Demonstration A (cent Messrs, Commissioners, won't you make it possible for as to have such an agent ? Like a bull dog, when we take hold | we never turn lose, and we do not intend to let up until Person County is placed in tho ranks of the progres sive counties with a County Demon stration Agent. If you want to choke us off, give us this agent. Now that Mr. Cameron Morrison has settled the deficit to the satisfac tion of at least himself and the Charlotte Observer let's let it rest and talk about something mors pleasant, for instance last Saturday's foot ball game, when our Baptist folks cleaned up the University. \V. B. COLE INDICTED FOR MURDER j Jury In the Co>e Trial Are to Come) From Union County Richmond County Courthouse, Rockingham. N. C., Sept. 29 ? A special venire from Union county will produce the jury in wh&se hand? will' rest the fate of W. B. Cole, cotton mill owner of Rockingham, charged with the murder of W. W. Ormond, formerly a friend of the family :ind at one time A suitor for his daughter's hand. Judge T. B. Finley, presiding ovc. a special term of Richmond superior court, today directed that 200 venire men from Union county be Sum moned to report here Wednesday at Id o'clock. The order was issued af ter defense counsel agreed to a mo tion of Solicitor F. Don Phillips that a jury be formed from another coun ty. \ Union county is separated fcjfii Richmond by Anson, Mortro?T t**.r county seat, is approximately 50 miles due west of Rockingham, Two members of the grand jury that indicted Cole after deliberating forty fivfc minutes were excuse!. They were J. B. Gibson, Hamlet, and W. H. Entwhistle, Rockingham. Tho latter is related to the defen dant. 1 : Cole, -Arho has been in jail since last August 15 when he shot r.nd killed Ormond on one of the city's principal street*, pleaded not guilty when arraigned on the charge of the indictment. He had entered the room while the grand jury was in session. When, as provided in the procedure in this state, Cole was re quested by Solicit3r Phillips to stand for arraignment, he did so alertly and answered the solicitor's questions in firm voice. The form of his answers waa whis pered to him by a defense attorney and to the last question "How will you be tried?" Cole answered steadi ly, with a lift of his chin: "By God and my country." . "May God send you a true deliver- 1 anee," firmly replied the solicitor. ? o PERCENTAGE OF STATE TEACHERS Nearly Fear-fifths of White Teach ers In State School Not Co! lege Graduates % Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 28 ? Almost four-fifths of North Carolina's teachers in the white public -schools of the state last year were NOT col lege graduates. This is shown by figures complied and published in the current issue of State School Facts, a publication of the North Carolina^ Department of Education. The exact pereent unge, as shown by the figures quoted by the education periodical, was &9.3 non-graduates of colleges; 20.7 per cent college graduates. The state last year employed a total of 16,984 white teacher; in. its 3,512 were college graduates. More college graduates are se cured by the city school" than by the rural public schools, it is shown. tn~ the city schools,- 44.26 per cent of the white teachers were gradu ates from colleges, while the per centage in the rural schools was only 12.97 ? the city school per cent age of college graduate teachers be ing almost four times tnat of the school in the country. regard to the negro tea/ners, with an even larger percentage prepon derance in favor of city schools, in the nogro institutions. The per cent age of colored teachers who are col schools, the percentage is only 1.38, as comparod with 9.54 in nogro city schools. J Fair .time _ is hesb. pick out your best products and enter them for I the premiums, advise extension i workers of . State College. the field from go'od plan* after tkJ corn is mature, say agronomy work era of State College. Members of the Scotland Neck Poultry Association in Halifax Coun ty ordered 20 tons of chicken feed cooperatively at a saving of $6.. com pared to logjl prices. WANT ADS Want to buy something? Just a few words in our" want column will find some one who is wanting to sell just what you are wanting. Try it. Mr. A. C. Gentry has been appointed to collect for the Satterfield In surance Agency. Any settlement made with him will be approved by the Agency. S. P. Satterfield. WAJtll^U ? Ewes, must be cheap. State best price and breed. M. C. Kilby, Milton. N. C. 9-23 2ts Don't go wrong in life insurance. Get the best. It cost no more. The Jefferson stands supreme. See S. P. Satterfield before you buy. Satterfield Insurance Agency. District Agent. Do it Today Accidents will happen, before you leave on R. R. or car, Csill at S. P Sctterfield's ofTice and get an acci dent ticket. $5000.09 for 25 cents a day. k Satterfield Insurance Agency DO NT EXPERIMENT" It may be you can afford to experi ment with trivial matters of little importance, but when it comes to Life and Fire Insurance, you had best go safe. See S. P. SATTERFIELD RESERVE A SEASON TICKET? for The Chautauqua. Educational, interesting and entertaining. SOME OF THE VERY BEST ? talent of the country assures a worth while Chaytauqua this sea son Arrange your dates so von won't miss a performance. COTTON WANTED? I will pay a liberal price for cotton, eithar Heel or lint, to apply cn your fertilizer -"-count. Come to see me, and bring along yojr cotton: W. T. PASS. USE YOUP. PHONE inttcad of the clothes line. Phone 200 and let us ''eminstrate how we can save you. bcth time and worry. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY A dandy assortment cf SajtK for ' Men ami ? Yuurn; Men at WllbUi'n and Satterfield. REAL ENTERTAINING? fcr men. women and children, young or old at The Chautauqua Nov. 4, 5, and 6th. NOWHERE ? nearer than N. C. Uni versity 'will you hear lecturers of more compelling interest or - of jrreater educational worth than those to be delivered at The Chau tauqua. NO MONTHLY RATE on pi-faxing suits: 35 cents per suit for press ing, SI 25 for dry cleaning, whether you have 1 or 100. Let us show vou how well we do it. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY ii ? ? ? - For Rent ? Three Ideal Office*. C on veniently located. Steam Heat, Electric Lights and running water in each room. Over our New store in front of Court House. Wilburn and Satterfield. LOST ? Miedium f-.ized liver an8 white pointer bird dog. Has small yellow spot just back of head, caused by medicine coloring the hair. Any information lead ing to the recovery of this dog will be appreciated and rewarded. D. W. LEDBETTER JACK GERARD? With his "Whirl a Girl Co." at Palace Theatre Thursday, only. Oct.. 1st. The opening Musical Comedy. NO MONTHLY RATE on pressing suits: 35 cents per suit for press ing, $1 25 for dry cleaning, whether you have 1 or 100. Let us show you how well we do it. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY Place one of nur Neck Ties in front of you. Wilburn and Satterfield. Few Harmonv Kings Quartet with "Whirl a Girl Co." Palace Theatre Thursday only, Oct. 1st. DON'T MMS the opening show of the season "Whirl a Girl Co." at Palace Theatre Thursday only, Oct. 1st. WE ARE NOW AT WORK and we sincerely thank yob all for the liberal patronage given us. We want to please, and if we fail please /?all our attention to where we have fallen down. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY Get your Sho? from Wilhurn and Satterfield. RI1PRESBMTATIV.ES WANTED t? (all Sawmill machinery by old, established manufacturer. Ex __duaive territory and vary attrae tive proposition. Write today. Hill Curtis Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. D-10-2 WE ARE NOW AT WORK and we sincerely thank you all for the liberal patronage given us. we - -Tntto please, and if we fail pleaw call our attention to where we h?? 'vmiTE^TAR LAUNDRY If you owe the Satterfleld Ins. Agency account* over SO day* doe, pay at once. S. -P. Satterfleld, Mgr. ' Bl'V CONOORD YARNS? Direct from manufacturer at a big saving. Spun from long combed wool in many beautiful shades and Hea ther mixtures for Hand Knitting, also machine knitting. - 50c four ox. skein, $2.00 per lb. Write for free samples today. ALL WOOL blankets at wholesale prices. Con cord Worsted Mills, W. Concord? N. H. 9-9 4ts HOUSE FOR RENT? Eight roc ins with bath, for rent. Located on Mlin Rtm-t in very niiia location, See Cantor'*_yDept. Store. 9-l#tf I HAVE INQUIRIES from the North and West for farms in Piedmont Carolina, if you have a farm that you desire to sell, will be glad to have you lits same. NATHAN LUNSFORD. For Sale, residence on Court Street, 8 rooms and bath, electric lights. House in good condition, splendid locality. Price- right. Apply to T, S. Clay, Roxboro. 7-15 tf YOU'LL FIND THE SANITARY CAFE n delightful place to eat. Everything new, clean and , sani tary. Prompt service of all the market affords, for both ladies and gentlemen. Next door to post of-, fice. Joe Imen, Prop. NOTICE ? All past due taxes unpaid by Nov. 1st will be advertised -'lid sold at publi? auction. You are urged to give this your prompt at tention. W. W. WOODS, City Manama ?. We have obligations that must be met. To do this we must collect. If _,U_1 0\v? the < Satterfleld Ins. Agency accounts over 30 ^ays due, pay at onfe. ? ^ / . S. P. Satterfleld, Mgr. Folks , and Fields Need Lim* The body needs lime to build it op, and so dees your land. Use Ume, get thebest, the Dolimatis, the same that is used by the Experi ment Station. Send your orders or see E. R. Moore, Timbeflake. n? ? ... . tt FOR RENT? One of the best -tar* Rooms in Roxooro, located fn Main Street, in business renter. Room 25 x 100 feet, two stories n:id basement, with good cement fl-opr. Address T, O. Pass, R.x boro, K. C. : f-23 2ts. The Jefferson holds the lead in North Carolina. The people are realizing in no uncertain tones, TRe superiority of fTTT Jvffi'isnu. Get the best, it cost no more than the other kind. See Satterfleld, ' COTTON WANTED? I will pay a liberal price for cotton, cither seed or lint, to apply on your fertilizer account. Coma to see me, and bring along your cotton. W. T. PASS. USE VOI R PHONE instead of the clothes line. Phone 200 and let us demonstrate how we can save you both time and worry. WHITE STAR LAUNDRY DON'T FORGET? The Chautauqua I detes Nov. 4th, 5th and 6th, a big i get and better program than ever before. Get your Shies from Wilburn and Satterfield. liE'^T CHICKEN exhibit at the Dan ville Fair. October 13th to 16th. VISIT THE WOMAN'S BUILDING and School Exhibits at the Danville F?ir, October 13th to 16th ? four days and four nights. FOR SALE ? ?sod saw mill boiler, I 30 h. p. A bargain. Apply to Rox boro Steam Laundry Co. FOR SALE ? Good saw mill boier, A bargain. Apply to Ro.xboro Steam Laundry Co. FOR SALE ? Good saw mill boier, A bargain Apply to Roxboro Steam Laundry Co. I WANTED TO BUY? Ten good milk, j cows, or heavy springers. Writ* all particulars. Address G. S. Rogers, Lyons, N. C. It pd ! FIVE GALLONS FAINT FREE? A large paint concern, in further ance cff an advertising and introduc tory campaign niw in progress, offers to give, free of charge, five gallons of its best house paint, J any color, to one property owner at each postofHce or on each rural route in this county. This concern wants its paint on a house in each locality this season which is the purpose of this remarkable offer. It ?Vso wants a local salesman in each county. Persons interested are requested t* write the Central Oil Company, Louisville, Ky. A Knox Hat and a Young Man are boon companions. Get them from Wilburn and Satterfield. A GOOD FARM FOR RENT? 126 acres, fine tobacco and corn land, two good dwelling houses, g; od pack barn. Address. Mrs W. R Broach, Hurdle Mills, N. C., Route 3 \ 9-30-2tp WANTRf>~The address of Mr. Bob I Henslev. His subscription has not expired, but we have lost his ad- ' dress. Address, The Courier: J CROSS THE STREAM of AmiSITY SNA ISANK ACC'MtfiT mm it C r<r*-+ The sure road to success and happiness is defi nitely marked and it is open to everyone. It begins with regularly saving and banking a portion of your earnings. As your balance increases your interest in it increases, and the feeling of security and freedom it gives you, helps to make it grow faster. Getting ahead is not a hard up-hill game ? it is easy. Just %a little economy: and regular trips to our Bank ? that is all. Try it. Come in and start today. WE WILL WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT OVER SHOES Walk-Overs travel longer than you expect. At home or away ? sixty miles an hour or sixty hours to the mile ? hgrg w a ahnt that will anything ym, pvpr at the price. If you want to discover how long really good shoes can travel try a pair of ? WALK-OVERS We have them in the swanky new oxfords for the par ticular young man and comfort shoes for the older man When Walk-Overs go on ? shoe troubles go of o The Peoples Bank "The Bank of The People" N. KEALLY Will Open on Oct. 1 A complete line of l^adies and Children* wear, Gents' Furnishings, etc. My motto: SELL CHEAP You will , save money By getting my prices and seeing my lin?. ? N. KEALLY? Next Door to Farmers Hardware Co. ? Roxboro, N. C. ' Court Street QUICK SERVICE We have installed a TUMBLER in connec tion with our DRY CLEANING Depart ment, which will in sure QUICK and EF FICIENT SERVICE. ?I . E. liATTA <St Co. ROXBORO, N. C.

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