"It's Just Splendid" The visitor's exclamation applies not only to the tastiness and attractive ness pf the interior finish. It denotes also her hearty approval of our method of helping the prospective builder in making the proper selection of materials. Ideas fdr Interior Finish - Come in before you build or re model and let us show you our many modern building plans. We know you can find just the sort of arrangement you like. And we are sure that we c^n save you money on the material besides giving you the best. 1 Roxboro Lumber C? "Hnmo nf riitnllf" 1 .-VV.V W r Ham aud for Dinner Today/ ? ' .p- x": ' g*j V EGGS? r ER DOZEN*, 40 CENTS s rtlCKEN'S ? 2 POUND AVERAGE, 30 CENTS POUND HAMS? Si TC 35 CENTS POUND Serve them today ? K ?r~ ./lie at your table will enjoy their meal and it is economic ?i, Come to our Grocery oj and look r. t tha fine, ftesh, new things we are getting in- titty save v?- time and money. ERGEANT n WLAYTON Sla-Kleat Store r- v 23 AND 24. ..t . ROXHORO. N. C. 'aSsssii'^: Wife $alarp Uityeatr? ' . I , " . y t,r-y ? Jfc '. ' ** Advance Program From Thursday Oct. 1st ** ** To Wednesday Oct. 7th ** THURSDAY j*k Gerard Presents The Musical Comedy Supreme "THE WHIRL A GIRL CO." With 12 ? People ? 12 ? There is a male Quartet which delivers pome real Harmony Singing ? There in Mugs Gerard and Eddie Green in Musical Specialties. Beautiful Wardrobe? /Georgeous Scenery ? Beautiful Girls:: Picture "Lend me Your Husband" Picture at 7 :15r? Vaudeville it 8:16 P. M. Second Picture 8:30 ? Lost Vaudeville at 9:30 P. M. Admissior Main Floor 25 ? 50 c., Balcony 20?40 c. (We want you to see this show) FRIDAY Louis B. Mayer Presents A Chester Franklin Produotion "THE SILE> T ACCUSER" With Eleanor Boardman ? Raymond McKee ? Peter (the dog) The story by Jack Doyle. A ?> Metro Production. (A story to make you tingle with excitement ? a dreadful crime, Alight into the Argentine? the heart tingling adventures pf n man, a girl and a dog) ADDED A Caraei Comedy. No Advance in Admissions SATURDAY Warny Bros. Presents Pete Morrison with Lighting (the Horse) in ' MYSTERY OF LONE RANCH" If its the outdoors you love, the grandeur pf the great west, the plains ? the mountains ? plus a real adventure yarn ? see this picture) ADDED A Two reel Mack Sennett Comedy "The Holly wood Kid" Matinee 2:30?8:30 P. M. Evening 7:15?8:46?9:15 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY Joseph M. Schenck Present* A Frank J. Carroll Production "THE SCAR LET WEST" With Helen Ferguson ? Gaston Glass ? Robt. Frailer ? Ruth Stonehouse ? Johnny Walker ? Clara Bow: (Filmed where your Nation's History was made) A First National Attraction: (Big battles when the west was made, thrilling scenes of frontier strife, hardships ? but through it nil the indomitable courage of our forefathers at they fight for love and glory- if you're a true American this picture is for you) Matinee Monday at 3:00 P. M. Admission* 15?35 cents Evenings at 7:30 ? 9:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY Jesse L. Lasky fresents A Herbert Brennon Production "THE STREET OK FORGOTTEN MEN" With Mary Brian? Percy Marmont? Neil Hamil ton ? Dorothy Walters: Adapted from the story by Geo. Turner. A Para mount Picture. (It's time for another "Miracle Man" to reach the: screen, ar.d here it is! Next to "Peter Pan" it's Herbert Brenon's finest Production. No Advance in Admissions. Performances at 7:30 ? 8:00 P. M. COMING Everything to boiJd with. Wat- 1 kins & Bollock. Mrs. Earl Bradsher spent several I days last week in Greensboro, guest j Of Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Long. Mis Marion* Boatwright of Dan ville spent several days here la*t week guest of Mrs. E. V. BoaAfright. ? * * * * Mrs. A. S. deVlaming and Miss Marion deVlaniing spent last Thurs day in Durham. Miss Nina Abbitt of Raleigh spent the week end at home, with her par- ] entt. ^ ***** > Misses Marion deVlaming und Louise Wllburn left Tuesday for| Baltimore, where they will enter col lege for this session. 4 * * * * Mrs. H. S. Morton and daughter spent last Friday in Durham. * * * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins and children . of Henderson spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Watkins. Mr. Maynard Clayton of Oakt Ridge spent last week end here with| his parents. ~ . ?***?? Joe Kirty, Bertie CBriant and ' Cyrus Kirby spent last Thursday at| South Hill, Va. ~ * * * * * ? ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods, )flss| Elizabeth Morris and Dr. Carl| Thomas spent Sunday in Louisburg, guests of Miss Annie Bran Woods. M^Ss India Collins spent the week em f at her home at Holly Springs. V Mr. and' Mrs. W. R. Woody spent last rfeek in Baltimore and Wash ington. . / .**??? Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, who] have spent the summer in Danville, will "return to their home in Rox boro/fhis evening. / ***** >/Mr. Edwin Eberman, Jr., will, leave in the morning for Pittsburgh, Pa . where he will resume his studies in Carnegia Institute. ? ? ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Haywood and Miss 'DUie Woods of Chase Oity spent Tuesday here with friends. *"*& ? ? ?* Mr. Collin Abblll, Will) is> aHi'l.il ing the University this year .'pent the week end at home. Mvs. H. L. Ciowell spent a few days this week in Charlotte. ? * * * ? Miss Ruby Mitchell of Raleigh is spending some time here. ***** Mi*. R, B. Smith has returned home from the South Carolina Mar ket. ?. <* ? ? ? Judjre J. C, Pass, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Fcatherstsn and Mr. Garland Pajf: spsnt Sunday in R^idsville. / 9 . ? o * ? : .. M s. E D. Cheek left last Satur day morning for Richland, N. C.t ?vhers she will spend a week visiting n the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Herring. ' V-M Mv. and Mrs. C. T. Woods, and I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Oakley were j Chapel Hill visitors Sunday. Mrs. Geogre A. Duncan is visiting her son, Mr. Robert A. Duncan and friends in Wakefield, Va. Mr. 'C. E. Oakley of Durham spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Ookley. -? ^ * ? * * * Miss Millie Jane Brooks, Miss LiHian Wcody and Mrs. Millie Woody have returned home after spending o week in Petersburg, Va., visiting Mrs. J. C. Stafford. ***** ' Mr. Rupert Bass spent several days re re last week visiting relati ves. He left Saturday for South Africa for a four years stay. ? ? * ? * * * Miss Helen Bass of Richmond, Va., spent several days here last week visiting Mrss Celia Daniel. ***** Mess. T. D. Winstend, W. F. Long, H. D. Long, A. S. deVlaming and J. D. Perkins have returned from the East Carolina and South Carolina markets where they have been buy ing during the tobacco season which | has ji^t ctosed. ** * * * * ^ Mr. Jefferey Boyd left Saturday I for Rod Oak where he will attend | sc h<y>] this term. JL. Dr. and Mr?. Davidson, who *pent! the tnmmor in Ioura, hava i ctnrnnd | home. * ? * * V Mr. E. V. Boatwright, who spent the summer on the tobacco market at Kingatree, S. C., has returned home. * * * ? ? Mr. A. M. Bums spent last Tburs- 1 day night in Pittsboro visiting hi* I parent*. JtM Is study ?in* tow at Wake Forest , spent Son day here with the home (oiks. Miss Pollie Walker left yesterday evening for Baltimore where she will attend Peabody College. Mens. M. R. Un( and W. B. ' ox art spent a few days last week in Greenville, N. C . on business. A NpTE OF INTEREST Next Sunday, Oct. 4th, Grace Church is to have Snnday School nt ten o'clock. At eleven o'clock the pastor is to preach there. Sundcy afternoon the fourth Quar terly Conference of The East Rox boro and Longhurst CEarge is to be held in Longhurst Methodist Church The Presiding Elder of the Durham District; Doctor Mike Bradshaw, is to preach at three o'clock. Immedia tely after the sermon the conference is to be held. This is the most im portant quarterly conference of the year. We expect the church to be filled to overflowing. Come out peo ple, just as well enH even better th*n you did for the Se-ond Conference ? The pastor \ NOTICE, OLD FIDDLERS CONVENTION All of the old . fiddlers of Person County are invited to gather at 7:30 p. m. H.nday. Oct. 12th, 1925. at the theatre at Jalcmg, N. C., for sn Old Fiddlers Convention, Prizes will be awarded as follows: First prir.es, on violin, banjo and guitar $5.00 each. Se?ond best, $3.00 each. Best on harp $3.00. Second best, ^.00 Best on mandolin $2.00 Best group of two playing togethe.-, $2.00. Beat group of two or more, $3.00. Best on Hawaiian, $3.00. Admission 25 and 35 cents. iFor further information apply to iO. J, Blue. J along, N. C. NOTICE OF T1TE IHSOLITTION OF CO- PA R T N E Jf M H 1 1?| The co-partnership heretofore ev icting between J. E. Latta and C<$, operating n clothing store and Tires sing rlub in the Andrews Building on ( Depot Street In Roxboro N. C., hast this day been dissolved by mutual agreement. / The business will be conducted by J. E. Latta, under the firm name of J. E. Latta and Co., J. E. Latta as suming all the indebtedness of the firm nil mminti Itia ?'..m ::^r.cJ to J. E. Latja. G. G Ashley will not be responsible fir' any indebtedness incurred by ssfid firm from and after this date. This September 29th, 1925. J. E. LATTA, * O. G. ASHLEY. NORTH CAROLINA PERSON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK E. J. Robertson -vs Mary L. Bray, Sac Robertson, Lucy Robertson and SaHie P. Thompwta. NOTICE OF SPECIAL PROCEED INGS The defendants above named will take notice that a special proceeding as above entitled has been Vepjj^ in the Superior Court of Person County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of partitioning among the ten-, ants in common a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Hoiloway township, Person County, North Caro lina ,011 ihe Roxboro-Virgilin.i high way, adjoining lands of T. C. Pool; D. E. Whitt, Thomas Sanford, Henry Tuck and others, containing 849 94 acres, being a part of the late 3. W. Winstead home place, and allapf d to be owned by the plaintiff and the defendants as tenants in common. ?The defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Person County at his office at the Courthouse in Roxboro, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the petition or complaint filed by the plaintiff on October 31, 1925, 0)* judgment will be rendered agiinst them ns therein demanded. This September 29, 1925. D. \V. BRADSHER, Clerk Superior Court. Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell yon that "Perfect Purification of the Sys- ; tem is Nature 's foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that ? are undermining you* vitality 1 1 Purify your entire system by t'ak- ' ing a thorough course of Calotaba, ; ? once or twice a week for several i weeks ? and see how Nature re- ' wards you with health. *? Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifier*. Get a family package, ? containing full direc tions, price 35 cts. ; trial package, 10 eta. At any drug store. (Adv.) To You? Do You Have Any Objection to Quality Every Coat, Hat, Dress or Shoe that is worn, is the style of some year, Tf vntl -prafor tn wear l ut anni-nna style that is your privilege and no kick coming fropi us,. But for a change why not try the dew things. A change is helpful and cheerfuL iNew Coats and Dresses arriving daily. The latest creations and in a Quality you love to wear. Coats $10 to $65 Dresses $6.75 to $45 Shoes For The Whole Family. ? It will pay you to trade with Us. Try it. WE HAVE A Protected A Painted Surface is a Protected Surface. The weather cannot harm it ? the building painted looks better. You are doing your share to keep up your VARNISH, STAIN, BRUSHES ETC. Watkins & Bullock Everything To Paint With Night . and Day Do You Belong To The List Of Economical Housekeepers? Century Tires Especially Constructed to Withstand Cold and Heat, makes them most Desirable for Year-round Drive Out And Talk Tires With Tom Today SUPERIOR SERVICE STATION M. T. MOORE, Proprietor. ? Cold Drinks at all Hours

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