f I M i & ? ' W NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER VOL. No. Xtil FIRST, ARRjOAQ A/ Ft XT ? - ORQ, NORTH CAROLINA* Wednesday Evening OcjL 28, t 925. ? ? No A% ; - } M SIXTEEN DEAD IN ALABAMA TORNADO nsS WILL HUN INTO THOU SANtoS OF DOLLARS Dfid And Injured Scattered Atone Rud> aad Around Wr?rti|c 4 Tray, Ala., Oct. 26. ? SiTt*d*' P?r. sins were reported killed *nd more than a score injured by a tornado, which struck Pike County. Alabama, early today. Many homes were laid waste, causing thousand? . of dollars Oy and the local hospital was taxed to capacity in inking care of the injured. Sweeping down with tremendous force the it -nil roared through this' section, levelling homes ? and barns and rushed on its way southwest ward. ri&i Loss of life w*s reported in the Good Hope section, at Luvernc in the Oak firove neighborhood, at Unio* Springs, in Corner and Sprinphill. the last three places being in Barbour eednty, and- at Sufaula, where three jasxroes were repfltled? killed and several persona injured. Hit Pike Canty First Reports reaching here indicated the tornado struck first in Pike county and then shifted to Barbcur i-ennty, where- ij spent ft*: force ' In this section and then proceeded t? the sooth. Of the - 18 persons re verted killed, IS were resident* ?f Pike county, who lived within a short, distance of TA>y. The other three all of wbota ' were negroes, lived at Comer in Barbour county. Local physicans and Red Cross workers quickly offered their services ie earing for- tornado victims at a rsaaa meeting held here this after noon. Five thousand dollars were raised for relief work and rescue parties were organized to seareh for any additional victims of. the storm. , Fr?r Dcnri 14 Ow Family. - '! In the Good H-spe sttkiori.' ?Sv*p mUc? wut oi Troy, f-ur member*. of avi?, 85. [? Megroes ? Beatrice tilley arid baby;' Ella Lee Bine. Near Loverne twe are koowtt to dead, both white. They are; Mr*, 'e acock, 106; Tom Long, 70. The injured are: Walter Knight and Itife, not expected to live. 'Herman 'Knight, Ray Knight, ank Davis, Pat Swanacn and wife, Negroes. I Home# Wiped Oat In the Oak Grove neighborhood, Koa Giff\n'? homo waa destroyed and Mr. Griffin, his wife and one ?child seriously injured. Two child tea escaped unhurt. * At Oran, on the Montgomcry-Troy 'road. the home and store of Walter i Kelly was completely demolished Mr. Keller and his family injury while a brother was Km. LUNSFORU ? WICKER r al escaped ] - "7 The Methodist Parsonage of Rox- j boro was the scene of a pretty wed JdfoK lott Wcdpysdjiy alK-nnon., when Miss Vera Sue Lunsford be came the bride of Mr. ? Paul W. Wicker of Sanford. Rev. J. W. rfrr.d % officiated, using the impressive ring ceremony. The bride, who Is mr\ ^ttiaCftre" brunette, wa* lovely in .t chrldge 'frock of brown charmeen, with Banm nutrten choker, and aeeeaso .riea af tan. She carried a wrsag* V Bride's roaes. and iaee ferns. The wedding was a very quiet af rfair, with only a few relatives pre Mrs. Wicker ii i weU-known an* ular vcoag *lrt of Pacaon oocm . has a host of friends both sad In and,- around Mrbhna, she has ttaght it* the i'w?t years. tis a promising young trip, they will Saaford, N. C. PERSON SUPERIOR COURT Durham County Profits By the lj>#t i- < Teraa '<* The following cases were heard and disposed of at the term of Court ImI week : : State vs Ruffin Mitchell, burglary. Guilty. 10 yean in Stat* prison. State vs W. A. Hicks, assault with State I 0;nsjn, liquor. Guil ty It mvntks on Durham eaunty Stite vs NT. R. Sneed, liquor, Uuil 1 ty, Judgment suspended 011 payment" of coat. State va>L. S. Smith, carrying con cealed weapons. Guilty, $50.00 and cost. . 1 State Vs Jhu Torian, liquor. Guil ty, J2 month? .-an Durham County roads. State .vs Dempaey Curtis, Buck Craddock, WValey Paylor and Fred Pnylcr .liquor. Guilty, Buck Crad dock and Dempaey Curtis 6 months pn Durham County roads; Whaley and Fred Paylor 6 months on roads, said sentence not to go into efftet If good behavior is shewn by each for 5 years. Further each is fined *50.00 pnd one fourth of costs. State vs prady Simpson, malicious injury to personal property. Gui'.ty, judgment suspended oa payment of Jack Cozart, naD^ling. J Guilty, $5.00 and cost. State vp Roaa B. Johnson, assault with deadly weapon. Guiity, judg ment suspended on payment of cost. State vs Nick Edwards, liquor Guilty, judgment suspended op, pay ment of. cost.. . - y ??? ? ' A, State vi Herman Walker, liquor. Guilty, judgment suspended on Fo ment cf coat. During the absence of Maj. Mcl.en don on Wednesday Mr. C. A. Hall ac ted as Solicitor. Mr. Hall is a candi date for Solicitor at the expiration of Maj. Mel**"!0"'8 term and the general opinion was that he would lill the bill. CARN.1V AX. There will bf# Carnival at Alllens I villjc High School Friday evening. ' 7 Jb o'clock The predominating , Slature will be a "N'tgrO Wadding," ylor whi-h XS cents admission will be charged. As this is our first public gathering of this year we cordially invite yco all. Come, and "hive an i evening of 'fon.?X . / V ! OOOI> SALB8 AT THE WIN8TB*D ' ' (iood sales at "the* WlNkBfaU) last week, and prices x erj aiisfftr, tery. Loo kmt thqee Bowen and C. ? Hfc ?ifrBaith ?f Caswell county also made a goad average, selling 1076 pounds for an average of ?4? S1 -ifr nirm hii l,f^.artr^Oan>ith tk. BUWBTSAQ^ 1 B? haxi -My SHRVICW CALM? OFF There will be do ^'rvice* - at th* I Baptist ihorch on next Sunday, and j the tongregation U urgently reques jtuJ lu. mnahip h.Ui M-ik? who are conducting a revival at this ' ASHEBBRO GETS TRAIN OF WATER kiftbhn f~-A? ? ?? High Point, Oct. 2*.? fThe first trmio load of water for Ashboro to relieve that town's wate- shortage^ Jcaused by tha prolonged drought left thi smorning at S o'clock. " Nine anka cars were placed on a side trade here yesterday. Last night they were filled with water from' local, hydrants. Other can are expected here tomorrow, and the plan is to operate a train of 15 can to Ashboro daiy until the water shortage is relieved. . High Point has answered an Tp peal of Ashboro for relief. The town's supply of water is low, hard ly half enough water being nntl sble to meet the needs. R-tw-rn 250,000 and 3000,600 gallons oi Witar is consumed each day at Asbbcro. To have a sufficient quantity a??n for conservative uae, 100,000 gallons must be supplied daily from other than local, sources. High Point is grepartd.to give this supply of iftO.OOO gallons. Railroad ? officials sre? rocperatmg in this movement to give Ashboro relief. Arrangements have been made to operate a special train from here to Ashboro each day The nine oars were vent away from here nine ears were sent away from here on the regular train ttais morning, however "We certainty appreciate the co operative spirit which the city of High Point is shewing," sad Oc-k McCrary. mayor ef Ashboro, while h?r? for a eonf-rsnee with city ftoials and the division superintend ent of the railr:ad company,* to make arrangements for having the water hauled to Ashboro. Hajwr StcOrary said ther? had been practically rio-r.'nn on Asheboro's water she to 30 per 9Mt more than th^y were a' week igo. We think from now on is a good time to sail as w? usually have good weather far selling tobacco thfcugk Nit-mke and December. And wetriant to say to you that we have a force that has had * long experience in the ware house buainesa and each one of them are ready and will do every thine they possibly can to get you the highest market price for your to bacco. Chlr buyers are men of long ex periences in the tobacco business, and moat of them raised on the farm, and are as anxious as you are to see that- you get a good price and will do every thing in their power to satisfy you. your tebacco and come to the INDEPENDENT where you and yoor "tobacco will b> looked after .to the very beat advantage. Your friends, .INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE. ^ 8Wtt Boston. Va. McLean has appointed Mr. E! JH. Carlton emergency Judge, and h? wiH hold Alaavmce Court, a t*o week* term, beginning on November l?th. Until that time Jmdgi Carlton will be i nhis office berets nsual^ In appointing- Judge Carloin Gov. has Honored himself and ?*-?iSl?r^W'3Hkdge Cartoon ti? emientiy fitted for this position. BOOK DAY iMwUy, 2nd. wiU be ob served. as bock day >a Roxboro. We earnestly desire all tlvtiee who 'rave b?*>ks which they wity give to the library of the Womaaa* Club to have them, ready Honda y morning-. Npv. U.a, sari .!..?? ?n.. . .II ...>U lai l ham Cbairaun of Library aad Hitenswn of Wanraas' CIA. . MR. AND MRS. WIN STEAD < HKHBRATtyS lflfTH ANNIVERSARY The handsome new home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Winstead of Semora, ?y C., wit a dream of brauty on Monday night when the inferior was beautifully deccrated for tie tvle b rati on of their tenth anniversary, where throngs of guests had met to Celebrate with tMa popular young couple on this happy occasion. The lower' floor* ware decorated io preen and white. '?* After several piano selectirns had been played Miss Josephine Chandbr beautifully sang Then the Wed ding March was played by Misa Lucile Woody. The bridal party en tered the parlor from the dining room, four bridesmaids first all dress ed in green and white carrying white roses, and then, came the bride nnd groom of ten years ago. and under the beautiful canopy of green staod the hride and groom and a beautiful cetremony prepared by Rev. O. E. Newman of Virgilina, Va., for thi3 pspiclal Occasion was read, followed by a short prayer offered by Rev. J?~ V. Coggins of Roxbcro. The bride was beautiful in her white bridal robes, the court train to her wedding gown - being carried by her young son, Clinton W>nstead. The bridal coaplc and the attenl ir.ta proceeded to the dining room ;o re ceive -congratulations- from the eigh ty five _goaats *ere ...prjsont.. Her maids of honor, Miaa Agnis Whitt. Gertha Striokland, Vida Lee Stephens and Mabel Chandler stood In the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs, Winstead and young son Chi ton. Each of these maids were beautifully jcttired ' in white and njle green, aad t3?ly a beautifa' picture under the brilliant lights Mrs Mor ris Taylor, stater of the bride, >e ceived the guests at the door. The breulffast rscfn was used to iispley die great number cf beau tiful- and useful presents. Fruit punch was served in the front hail by Miss Agnea Whitt and .Miaa Gurtha Strickland. A buffet supper was served in the dining room to the eighty five guests consisting of a salad course, olives, pickles, mints, hot coffee, cream and cakes, where the color scheme of green and white was carried out. On the dining table stcod a minature ibride and groom all attired in the dainty bridal costume. The cutting cf the wedding cakr was the occasion pf much merri ment, as the thimble, needle, money and other articles were eagerly looked for until all were found. An other enjoyable feature was the read ing of the t?aets from the great num ber of gaests - present who wished Mr. and Mrs. Winstead many more happy occasions of wedding anni versaries. The .following guests enjoyed cele brating with Mr. and Mrs. Winstead on this happy occasion : Rev. C. E Newman ? of Virgilina, Va., Rev. L. V. Coggins of Rcxboro, N C? Miss Annie D. Connally, Harvey and Ben ton Newman of Danville, Va., Mrs. W L. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Poin ter, J^r. and Mrs. Marvin- Jones, Mr. and Mrs. T G. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. D Allen, Mr. and Mrs. F E. Walls, Mr. aad Mrs. W, C. Taylor of Milton, N. C., Mrs. Thomas Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Morton of Mil ton. N. C., Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Yar brcugh, Mr. and Mrs. Lipscomb. Milton, N. C., Mrs. P. T. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Blackwell of Al ton, Va., Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tally, Mr. ud Mrs. J F Stephens cf Paces, YaQWrs. J. N. Long, Mrs. S. B. Nel son, Misses Rath and Gertrude Nel son, Mollie Yarbrough, Fannie Sue Wilson, Ivucilo Woody of Roxboro, Josephine Chandler, Mabel Chfcndler, Winnie Taylor of Milton, N C, Gur tha Strickland, Agnes Whitt, Lois MoSherry, Mary Peters of South Boston, Va., Mr*. M. M. Taylor, Vida. Lee Stephens, Messrs, W. B Sel lers, of South Boston, Vai, ? G. L. Cuaiugham, Taylor Long, Alston Tbcmpson. J. H. McAden, E. M. Wella, Mrs. B. S. Winstead and Mrs. G. T. .?Cor. 1 H PART There will be a Hallowe'en party ?t Hardle Mills Friday night. It' just t u> you want on ; Hallowe'en, a? don't fail to be at Hurdle Mills ?n Friday night, October 39th. Yco art LI ?njn? rhn Nngrn .Minintffil Ulf ^triag masic and , other catchy fa% of the evenirgi The Review Club held its regolar meeting with Mrs. A. R Warren hurt Thursday afternoon. The roll call ??? responded to, with comment* on your favorite modern novel, the sub ject being "Predominance. c< Women ?in American Fiction." First paper, Wills Oather and EJdfth Wharton, by Mr*. ?. H .Oakley; second paper. Margarette Wllkerson and Edna Eer ber, by Mrs. I. O. Atebitt At the close of the study hour the hostess served a very delightful - .. ?*. ?? The Research Club met October 21st st the home of Mrs. R. L. Wil burn. The topic for the lesson was Mrs. Humphrey Ward. The first paper was by Mrs. Brace Newell n Robert Elsmere. The second number was Helbeck of Bannisdale by Mrs. A. S. deVlaming. Mrs. B. O. Clay ton wrote on bady Rose's Daughter. The fourth paper was presented by Mrs. W. C. Bullock on The Case of Richard Meynell,, The program was very interesting and was enjoyed by all. The hostess served a delight ful salad I'ouree, after whii^i the Club adjourned to meet next thfce with Mrs. W. T. Pass, Nov. Srd. ? Cor] Sec. ? ! - . ? u. Eversr worr(an . of Kilt Creek is especially urged to attend the regu lar meetine of tfch WWUOatf Mlv getting tut of !t. And we vfsnt th? farmer* Ibeu; sehres to be ihteVeSted enough t* get together and ask the Cooin.ki sloners for thair assistance. Tome on. boys, imd lota carry this thig ovar. |f this is the thing the farmer needs, he heeds it now. As the writer suggested lets talk it over in eseh township and' then let th4,?? men rom aH'niite townships raret fa Roxboro snd" ?!T' discus* it to gether. Who will' set the date to begin?. Lets hear from more faras ers and fanner wives My wife is already thinking; about the ereaaa she ronld spare, and many other things which would bring her in a good little sum ofpin mcney.and I guess is aiso thintaing wh4re she must spetid it. Whb will be the next "to e-. ?tc? his feelings abo'it' this matter? ' ROBT.RT L. DAY. ANNOUNCEMENT Mm. J. N. Lunafrod ? announces the marriage ' * of hef daughter Vera ' Sola To Mr. Paul W. Wicker on Wednesday, October tweftty-firat nineteen hundred and twenty- ftvr Roxboro, North Carotin* j i i fWO SPLENDID SERMONS Rev. W P. West, of OtiUowhee, N. C., was the'pt-eacher at the Bap tist church 'last Sunday, morning- and evening. Mr. West used as hia v ab ject for the morning service, wPt>w er," and for the evening ' hia subject was "Peter." Mr. West is a preacher of power, and ; both sermons showed ?tudy and originality, and were great ly enjoyed by, large conversations. LOCATED IN HENDERSON VHXB Mrj O. B. C.rowell left Monday morning for Hendersonville, N. C., where he has locatcl for tho prac tice of his profession, entering the firm of Aldridge, Taylor a-ul Orw ell. Mr. Crowell has boen here ?ince he entered the< legal, p,-of?*slon and has made for himself an enviable reputation, and will be 11 honor to the profession -in hia adopted city. REGULAR MKBTINO Regular meeting of Bctbcl Mill Parent Teachers Association will be held Friday Oct. :t0 at 7:30 p. m Bethel Hill high school auditorium. Every patron interested in either school of community Is urged to be present. We hope to offer you aa in teresting program . N. .1. TODD, Pree. I ? ? o ? | MR. !>\Wr? TAKES | . OATH OK ATTORNS* At the term of Court h laat week k(r~>K B. Dowe^ torrtothe -ath making him a full fledg?d lawyer. Mr. Dawes Is connected with Reg bore High- School and is- very lar in .(his community , and friends would be glad ti locate here fot the ]