J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT ROXBORQ, NORTH CAROLINA W~i ? EE $130 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XL11 WHAT COUNTY | ??i AGENTS ABE DOING LETTERS FROM THOS. W. HEITZ MARKETING SPECIALIST Would Any Of Those Duties Have Helped the Fanners of this County Mifcs Bessie Heath Daniel Roxboro, North Carolina, My dear Mis* Daniel: I am enclosing^ p. clipping from bit weekV Market New* yhich I think will be of general intere*?_to the farmers in your county. Thiu is an experiment that we had sqn t 'mplatcd putting on in Person Coun ty' Z I think an- article in ^ur lociil It paper to this effect would do some ] good. I mm also attaching some ex tracts from reports of the different county agents that ar# in th'e dis trict which your county ii fh If it wculd not take up too mu:h space in the county paper spau might hav? these extracts printed; Then ask the fa -mrr* of Pc^cn County if any of those duties phe formed would hove bercft'rt their farms, if they had been preforgiei on them. I do not' know a better argument fcr.a county agent than the extract" from their reports show ine the actual work they have been doing. Vonrs very truly, THOS W. HEITZ. Marketing Specialist. Maryland l*rcdoccrs Find Carload Shipments of Mixed -Vegewibles * ? Profitable New and satisfactory markets for Eastern Shore of Maryland predi'-e ; are being developed this year as the remit of the- steadily growing prac tice among shtp^r? of forwarding J'-' M2f. -t ? -- i"i; if ? -<1 several products, shippers find gfiod | markets in' many small t.nrriR that ' eulil not handle carload lot i of a I single t o minority . These .markets frequently pay just its good prtee* ?is thr Jiftt ?trte'itte.ii (p.d sometimes, whe n'he !arr:r mJ:r Xet*. are gtuUod, the small tov.-r. price is likely to be bettel. Frequent ly it is possible to. load mixed car lots mere quickly than entire carl-its <>f a single commodity. This is par ticularly true' of fruits and vege tables that comb . in a week or ten 'lay, ahead of the bulk of the crop. In ; addition, there are communities where it is difficult to secure cap] - ad (Continued on Page 8) SWAKTHMORB CHAUTAUQUA Guarantors I.eft With A Small De ficit For Their Trouble. I r" The . Chautauqua had the hoards : last week, and while the attendance eemed to be 'good, the guarantors ' r&ilcd to self -the required number of season tickets and were left with a small deficit-. Ai> a whole the Chautauqua fiiii- not seem to ^measure up to it susual high stihding, the acts being rather of the ordinary . save as to the Davis Sisters. I-ast year the one address was .said to be | worth the entire cost of a aeir-W ticket, but this time the address was not up to expectations. We have not heard whether the | Chautauqua succeeded in getting a guarantee for next year or not, but unless there is an improvement ir i the performances, both on the lec ture platform and in other respceta. j the guarantors will prdbably fape another deficit. OFF FOR CONFERENCE .The' Methpdist Conference is in session in Foyetteville this week, all of the Methodift ministers of this -ecttahv^Rre" in attendance. . Mr R. A. Burch is the only lay member in attendant* so far as we have heard. ? Rarely have known a more consecrated, able and deserving !?et of men in this district than those who now fill the fields and we sin cerely hope each one. will be returned to their charge and allowed to fill out. -their, full four yews. ?? The 14 K*l? and tioys in the Ox for?entini' about 88S children iti that well known institution- Hear them siltg and tell how yoa like them JUNIOR ORDER FOR ROXBORO Jr. Order U. A. M. Organized Here Monday Night Mr. A. N. J acknon of Gary, N. C-, State Organiier >f the Jr. Order, completed the organization of a Jr. Order club here Monday night, with a charter membership of 47. The fol lowing offVrers were selected and will take charge a? soen as installation fhall have taken pla.oe: N Lunsford, C. R. B. Dawes, V. C. B. G. Clayton, Rec. Sec. Fl-ank Willson, Fin. Sec. Broadie Riggsbee, Troa.s " S. R. Wade. K. L. Street, R H. Gates, Trustees W. .R. Jones, Warden. By-Law Com.: A. M. Long, R. H. Gates, S. R. Wade, W. R. Jones Gea. | Pulliam. j , The next meeting will be on Mon day, Nov. 28rd. when L-nghurst Council will install the officers. DEATH "OF >USS ASHLEY !? ? : ; Miss Willie Ashley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ashley died at her hom? in Helena yesterday morning 1 at 8i30. Pneumcni? was the cause I of her death. Miss Ashley was only 17 years old and was a young lady i of beautiful character, being a favor ite with all of hor friends. The burial service will take place at Antioch church cn tomorrow. Her father was in' Jacksonville, Fla . at tjfe time - of her death. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY Rev. Mr. Royal. who has been con nected with the Home Mission Board of Maryland, will prenfft at the Baptist 'church next Snnday niornln? at, IV o'clock and. at 7 p. m. The public is corduiUy invited to those Bervioe*. MR. CUNNINGHAM WILL PR \ I'll K LAW IN 1lH|| r , RAtJElGii iT gt ii ? ? ? ej Thy f-ilo-irfiTg announcement will W of interest to our .reader? for they all remember with pleasure Mr. Cun ingham's- residence hrre. *He was connected with* the Graded Schorl for .averal yejrrs and later was in -bo'- ~r V"n vji.n 1 tl .'ill .w'n^ from the Raleigh Ti:i>e? : C nm. for the, past .flve years deputy clerk of the Uni ted States C:urt of the District of Eastern North. Carolina, has re- 1 signed in crder to go into partner ship with Willis Smith in the prac tice of Inw in RiUeigh., No succes sor haa yet been appointed to Mr. I C'unninghnm, who is declared by I Federal Court rfficiais to been one of the most efficient court cl'jrksl ever in Eastern North Carolina and; to have been of inestimable .value in keeping the courts moving rapitj ??? . ??' If ysu wish to spend a pleasant hour and at the same time lend your personal aid to a most worthy cause, you will not fail to qttond the con- 1 cert given by the Oxford Ort>h?noge] Singing Class. . . . B NOTICE No preaching at Lcnghurst Metho dist church next Sunday. No preich ina at Grace, church. Pastor is at Conference, Hay Street Methodist church. Fayetteville, N. C. Preach inff Sunday week at the above named j churches. M. C. ELLERBE, Pastor. COLORED TEACHERS MEETING The meeting for the colored teach ers I spostponed frcrn- November 14 j to "November 21. Th? colored super visor is out of the ft>wnaick at pres lent, but will be back for the meeting | tn the 21st. B/l, SATTERJFIELD. NOTIfK HlGH SJCHOOt, AND GRAMMAR GRADE TEACHERS I The high schiol and^Mtr grade teache'W will meet^November I 14 in the graded school building at| ten o'clock. B. I. SATTERKIELD. SERVICES AT ST. -. - MAKKK CHAI?ES,j Rev W. A. I.illycfop will conduct fenrices at St. Mark> Chapel ' cn next Sunday evening at 7:30; The pcblic is cordiallst invited tb these rtrvtces. * >se POULTRY CULLING DEMONSTRATION I Three Full Days, Nov. 16th, 17th and 18th Nov. 16th, Monday: 10:00 ?. :m,l Helena, 2:00 p. m., Hurcjle MUIb. Nov. 17th, Tuesday: 10:00 a. m.,' Bethel Hill Rich Schrol. 2:00 p. m. ' Allensvitle High School. Nov. 18th, Wednesday: 10:00 a.-m^l Bushy Fork High School, (Mr. Oliver's farm.) 2;00 p, ra., Olive Hill High School. The idea is that wi shall meet at seme central point in a neighborhood and so to r.ome nearby farm, where the owner is willing for the poultry expert to cull his flock- If you Hve n oar one of the meeting places 1 nnted above, and wish to have your flock culled, please see Prcf. B. I. _ Sattorfield this week, cr write to him. Only one flock can be sailed at each place. All farmer* and their wives are cordially invited to .-ijrae to whatever meeting place is most convenient to them. Poultry culling is part of the work that is done by a county agent. When we get an agent in Person County-, wc will go into each com munity when requested -and Rvve culling demonstrations until each owner of a flock can learn to do this for himself. CELEBRATES 54TH BIRTHDAY T. D. WinStead tobacco denier \*5is entertained ?t the home of hi? daugh i ? Mrs. B. A. Thaxton. as ist ! Mrs. T. D. Win stead and Mir. ttfVT. Win?tead in honor cf his r>4th birth day. ' ? : Jt' - .. A turkey dinner headed the \yolI phmned |tfogram, aftov whichigthe guests ' offered toasts to the honor ed truest. The dining room * Tvas beautifully decorated "with 54 li old fashion randlei-sticko bnd several v Ac eft of cut flowers, which much t : the occasion. * The tobacco buyers were the pu ? ,| .sr. -^ndersojv,^ ?? Senior, R. H. Oakley, W. F. Long. I W. R. Rierson, E. V. Boatwright, J. | S. Harvey, and B, I/. O'Briant. KOTrCE, FIDDT XttS CONVENTION TV p.ro \yjll b" nr? oM Hi^p FidfT^r". Convention at AllcBsvi!]? Ilisrh on Nby. 13th, First and second prizes will be given on banjo, fiddle, guitar and mandolin. Admis -km 25 certs for adults, children under 12 years of age 15 cent**: D. H CRUMPTION, .Principal. STEW AND CHICKEN SALAD ?The ladies of thp Presbyterian church 'will serve hruilswick stew and ?chicken salad pt the Crowell Garage on Saturday, Nov. 1 ith. he? inn in vt at 12 o'clrck. Al! of the h-j^i-iess men of the town and farmer* of the County are invited to coma down end take dinner with us oh that date. ? Com. CARD OF THANKS Wp wish to express our heartfelt thanks to each_ and every one who was so kind to us during the sick nest and death. of our dear husband n el father. W,e as3urc yyi that you will always be remembered by us. Mav God bless each ard every one of y>u. Mrs. L. P. Davis and Children OLIVE HIM. PARENT. TEACHFRS AS SO. The regular monthlv meotinsr of the Olive Hill Pa'ent-Teachers Asso ciation will be held at the school Thursday November; the 'twelfth at 3:30 ik tu* Mr. Byhl Satterfleld will bci present and make a talk on some educational topic. All the patrons of the pchooj are urged to be pre ?ent.~W. JL i <%' OXFORD SINGING CLASS COMING The" Siijging Clasp of Oxford Orphanage wiH give a concert in Ucxboro an Saturday, Nov. 21 si, in the graded school auditorium at 7:30 p, m. ' This CIi'isi ha* gained an enviable I reputation for giving concerts of n I big horde r ? concerts that are bath | entertaining and uplifting. Below we ' publish tome comment*; , n the oan I cerT criven by this Class of children fratn which if toemi that it maintains i the -too high standard of excellence nnd -^ve- believe that a pleasant and I profitably evening awaits all those I who atlend. ' ? i JR. ORDER PRKSENTS fi ag And bible Longtiorst Council Presents Flag and Bible to Roxbero Hi*h School Notwithstanding , the inclement ! weather the flag raising' and prawn- 1 ?tation (it Bible ta the Roxboro High j School by the Jr. Order of Long- _ hurst Sunday afternoon w? largely j attended. - The presentation was made at 2 o'clock at the high school building, and the sclfool officials thanked the Junior Order for remem bering two of the prim; needs of the school. Mr. R. M. Gantt and Mr. E. C Gunter of Durham and Mr. A N. Jackson. State Organizer, made talks on' this -Sccnier. ? Eonghurst Council No. 5B5, the donor of the flag and Bible,, is a very flourishing order with a mem bership of over 200 members, and not only the schopl officials but the entire' tewn highly appreciate the n?ts of the Council. ROTARY MEETING IN OXFORD Last Thursday was Rotary day in Oxford, it being a meeting" of Group $ of the 37th Disttlit. Andrew Jiamieson is chairman of this group and when the roll was called it was found thit there were present just fifty per cent cf the membership of the group, and Roxbiro had the dis tinction _ cf having the largest per centage of members present. Ben Lassiter lpade the address of. welcome which was .responded to by Joe NoeU- The. program consisted of speech making, music, vocal and instrumental, and really the speak ing wai< of "an exceptionally High order, and was all done ? by home ?men. Roiihori was honored by hav ing one of its members on this pro gram, Prof. Archie Stalvey, and we are qnly telling the truth twhen we say Archlo delivered one of the very vest speeches of the day. After the speech-miking the meet ing adjourned to the Womans' club where dinner wa- served? note. we '<^ffrnpr**YT() Wrt'liWeh.'-bttt.-al real old fashioned Christmas din ner, turkey, cranberry sauce, fried oysters, and all df the . other acces sories to match, making it a sure enough Christmas dinner. In fact it was simply J1 ?amnle of Oxford j Kcsjitiiuy- ????? . I Nc"W, if we could stop here, u would be all right, far so far Rox fcoro had acquitted herself "with | pride, but? there was a foot hall, at least?it was advertised as a foot ball game between Oxford and Roy bor ? but our beys were too weak/ and it was simply a one-sided affair, just about a match for those base ball games heretofore mentioned. But , it was a good day, well spent, 'and we forgive : Oxford for drubbing cur foot ball boys. ANNCAL MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The local Red Cross Chapter will have the annual membership drive Tuesday, Npv. 17th. Half^fhe funds thus secured will be used fir chari table purposes at homo So w?bei\, the Red Cross representatives wait on y,ou,- greet them with a smile and have your dollar ready. MRS. dcVLAMIN'G, Chairman. DEATH or MR. L. POTTER DAVIS Mr. L. Potter Davis died at his home on Rsute 4 on Nov. 3rd. Mr. Davis was 47 years old, and had lived in the County practically all of his life, having been bciu in Ken tucky. He leaves a wife, four daugh ters and six sons, besides a large number of relatives to mourn his death. Funeral services were con ducted by Elder B. P. ^Kinney. - o .III DOE CARLTON HOLD ING TWO WEEKS TERM Judge Carlton will leave Monday morning for Graham where he will preside""at a two weeks term of caurt. This is his first Court, hut he will preside like an old stager. and if any of his decisions are con tosted we predict he will bat 100 with the Supreme Court. DON'T FORGET IT If you enjoy a lecture Son do not want - to forgot, t ha. fact - that- Hop. Thus. J. HafUSi will speak at thjr graded school auditorium an next Menday night at 8 o'clock. He will instruct you. amoufc_you, and send you hdme a better man far having 'beard him. Coma>. i ?. ... , ? I , I 76^. The Woman's Club The meeting was opened with the reedin gof the minutes. The preni dent suggested two disappointments j ef the afternoon were in not having Mr. White, of Oxford, for a talk, and in the failure to have several musical ! selections. Mrs. R. U. Wilburn. of the Artt Department, reminded the Club again i of the Art Display et the school auditorium Dec. 9th to 12th. She explained that admission for adults would be only 15 cents and children 10 cents. The Club was urgently requested to advertise this exhibit. The chairman said she hoped to have a speaker on art at thh time. Pic tures can be bought ranging in pricc from $5 to $73. The hope */an expressed that some rne would buy a suitable picture, to present to the school. 1 The cemetery committee reported that thirty-out more lota had 'wen pimited in. grass this fall; that the crcous bulbs were here and would be nlrntcd -onn. There was discuss ion end rne -agsestiojvi-sto a name for our cemetery. Blow ; but ?ure growth was repor ted by the Parent-Teacher Associa tion. Good hooks art constantly '.ic ing added to the cjub's libraiv and M S. T. C. Hrook*. I'b-crian. VrlH welcome fm' ont who wishen io get. a Irak on Fr:dny tf'ernocns after ?eho.il.-' Mr-v I*. Pari said tiiat fhe-Trhtssr ? fi>r- th~? ehilansn- ,in_the r.c Economic department have been going in for_ several wsoks f and she -ould see soajc rcf^lta. .Tie , Social Service department .reputed] 'tb.it tin. R, B. Smith took ' nine i crippled children to the clinic held at Burlington. One of the most encouraging re ports of the afternoon was from the Jtevicw c.Jat^of w.hciji Jfc., Edwin Eberman Is n resident, relative tj the furnishing of the room for the rmm- ! mar grade libr?fy. This group has | had the waHs kalsomined and the I floor: painted. It has nlso put in the library a set of reference books ] *cr the 'childrenp cse. j An enthusiastic- talk by' Mr*. A- j S. dcVlaming, one of the six Rox- j bofo ladies from the Research, club ; who attended the district meeting j of the Woman's Federated ? Clubs at I Chapel Hill made the Womnn's Club | ff Rcxboro desire t3 be federated. This cen be done at the ' tfost pf 35 i tents f-cr each member. I Prior to adjournment Mrs. PassJ called attention to the fact that the] Abrubbery exchange is on the1 calen dar fc? December. ? Cor. So;. On Nov. "rd the Reasearch Club man delightfully entertained at the hojno tf Mrs. W T. Pas'. The sub pect of the afternoon': lesson ,va? Joseph Conrad. Mrs. Carlton had the first paper on Almayer's Folly. Mrs. J. J. Winstead wr.rta On I "The Nigger of the Narcissus." Mrs.| E. P. Dunlap gave a sketch of Con- 1 rad's life, also wrote on Lord Jim. I tnd Mrs. H. S. Morton prepared a] paper on "The Rover." The pro gram was Very interesting. Mrs. de Vlaming (rave a report of the 8th district meeting held at Chapel Hill Oct. 29th. The member* were in vited into the dining room where the hostess served delicious refresh. itionts ? Cor. Sec. Mrs. F. M. Shamberger was hostess ] to the Review club at her home last Thursday afternoon. Quotations re lating to duties and responsibilities of citizenship were given in Hwwew tcrol) call. Mrs. A. R Warren, Mr*>.? R. B. Davidson and Mrs, E. .Kbexmajf were program leaders. First pane;. "Growth and development of nuln frage for men." Second number, "Growth and development ? ef bu^j, frage for women." JJWrd. the "FMk sponsibiiity of the woman voter*1 At the close t( W study houf'tM* hostess served "l,aS course 1/ ., e. ? |,l: tn ? , ii 1 n Mrs. E. Gr-t'laytow entertained t'W* I Friday -Wf.Tnn-n f)nh gniunlmf ndtoTrtonijTf The fcursWl weoe the thai-roll# hc?to?? Mblevf, W)>r?' tplaced far the <"i ubi, ? a ww ? i , li v# I " R .i ofc,' UH'elliniClnWKHPiljMMiin.S niul,- Jiutunu* leaves werantflfd ns decoration. UaWb^^VftrticiMuore No. 45. FOOTBALL STAR DIES OF BROKEN KECK HIS HOME WAS IN SAUSBTRT Captain of I>nicr? Rhyne Mklt Team Fatality Injured in IHgh ?' . Point Glue High Point, Nov. 8 Baxter M. Gillion, Jr., of Salisbury, fullback" and captain of the_Lenoir-Rhyne col lege football game, died in a local hospital today Of injuries sustained in the game with High Point college yesterday. Physicians said death resulted from a broken neck and a fracture at the base of the brain. Gillion was n star in the game yesterday, his de fensive play being one of the out standing features of the ccntest on til he was injured near the clsso of the first half." He was taken ftom the field unconscious arid neve* re gained ccnsciousncss. Gillion had been a star at L^noir Rhync college for two years. Prior to entering tft?- Lutheran in-rtitote, he was a student at the University cf North Caiolitin w.Kere he played football. H* wa ? 23 years pf ige and the en' Af M^. and Mrs. B. M.""* Gillion, of Salisbury. Til addition to hie parents he is survived by tw? b* others, Charles GlKioi, of Salis bury. and Paul Gillion, of Oiina C.-:ve, and by two sist-ern, Mrs.' Con rad lflll, of Conco.d, and Uisa I.ticila Gillico. of Salisbury. Thf body was taken late Uday to? Salisbury where the funeral and. iri Iffrment will tike place tomorrow. Members of the High Point' coti^ge football :quad will attend the fune ral in it. brx y and it is understood that th. U.noi.-rRhyne team abwr will be present for the services. 1SR004CLYN SCHOOL I HONOB ROLL ? Seeond Grade ? Kaami DmUL . . TOlrd Grade ? Myrtle Wade, Ousa lo Day, Curtis Clayton, .Tack Clay ton, Clayde Oakley, MVilcy M-:o*?ey, Coslestia- Day. Fcurth Grade.? Bradsher Slaughter, PsttieJWKlt'. N?H>*>nlel H^". i.oyde '.'laytrs, Garrotte Hick 3, Sybia Clay ton Sixth Grade ? Mpvnard Gestry. -Seventh Grade ? Iv? Neathery, Sophia Clayton, Graham Hieks, Al ma Slaughter. ? The following were "not absent or tardy during the first ijionth. Raymond Flsig, Garrette Hicks, Robert Heathery,. Nathaniel Hicks, Bradfcher Slaughter, Pattie Daniel, Maynard Gentry, Graham .Hwfcfc, Dolphin Whitfield. Sophia ^la^bon. Alma Slaughter. ~;?w. ROXBCRO TOBACCO, UAtffcET Sales have been very heavy dor inir the past few d*ys, t witl^pjrices ruling about the .same.qa.^ast week. Good tobacco is .^eiynp: well, and the farmer who a load- of colory tobacco poes hqipe gi5j^rng'"wth a grood sized rol^of money. M , ' ? There iftynry i ? mii>r;lirrt from the adjo^fippf .fjjuni'jes t,han for several yea.pi, qnd.if it paM fijrmera to haul thaif, torero froi%.th^'n()i(rti borlng iSffWJtiefi,. surely ii ,witj pay our own .fipont y , termer? s.e]t on theli>,J|wJ?,??T)fet. ',v ? ii'ia '?)?> ?< ? r ? t ? if?-? nn4,.g|ia^bfith ..Fajjlflf, **&&.,, fnitt cocktajk c^ic^(jn.,lsalftdi. ,picjj)e,p aiuff c^.-riUv'^ nenpors, . ^al^es, Ijoi jolla, coffee with whipped cream an i nuts. A deIfSjif?ul meetinpr of the (Bridge club was held Tuesday after s .mm ?mvwd*,n Mfc1?*** ? xfnnithj' Ito'Hd.idnijruniitvy, inter nmarey enjoyed. flrtV Ltti* SMKHt mMFMpetiB. injEf salad course, (?ofl^^c0,an(^, salted n4CN. ?'?>> n oiiijn>2 :h !Xt\'ti]!30 Hti to Mniiiiirtfy fnwy-i, k W ^tutty "MM* UffcfeM* the c,ub* (wj vim '*mtfipVrfcWV+1mont* Ks 1,,% %;^' *m- Tut" MM tH%e?#n hii?*d*;iw:topic for .snllijim lv?lm; ,?ii n . s- ?? i"ri? H. OvU* >old? . .