"Well Attended aiul Very Enthusiastic ? Will Appear Before : Commissioners fc- 'Ires The farmers meeting which met 'n the court hou?(t\ last ^ Saturday ?yening was in. every simse a suc i raiful meeting. Mess. L O. Schaub ml O. F MeCrary from Raleigh i>d Iresseil the meeting, and told of 1 many advantages to be derived :?wnr' the County having a county ?gent Mr. Schaub told about '.bo "ielp such nn agent could be in trent- i ng seed before planting, and guaiv! in.teed that if the County had such .n agent he could niBnr ItTAn tntlse "?is -alary in improving the t-bac- , ? 3 raised in this Oqunyt.- He told I xl so about th- cheap explosive, py- j .otol. This can be bought through :i county agent only, and it has been demonstrated that tewenty cents ! ?flrorth of it will d? more #ork in tho ~ vay of hhsir.g up stumps than you lave been paying five dollars for. Of course, ho told about tho (treat benefits of marketing. and' also r bout the value of poultry, and ee pccially .of^ poultry., disease. Just "hink of It, one woman in this .Coun ty lost more than seventy hens from ?fowl typhoid, but sho didn't know vhat the trouble was until she mude nquiry at the State department, and I then by follow-ifcg the advice lost ?mly tw.j more. We learn that there ? vere something like a thousand! a ions lost in this County from this ? lisease, and nearly every one of "?""""Win '< "uld -havr '? en saved hiui thv\ J? "ufc they are on now. ? Just before the meeting adjeurfied a rising vite was taken to see bow ii any would promise to gebeftrc1 he Board of County Commissioners I ?>n the first Monday, Die: 7th, and isk for a county agent. About six ty five promised to be present. Th^ m:st notkcable feature of the .-neeting win the enthusiasm on the - ? nart of the ladies who were present, ? uid there wis u g-'odly number there. We believe the Commissioners will .. jfraat their request at their next meeting, and on or about January 1st 192li, this good County, will ,t?ke her jatid with the o thee? progressive ?^tie.-. nod will have a-~eounty nt ? : ' - ? ' " v ' ' - ? i BUSY WEEK ? FOB MARKET '?? ?"?-'? ? ? ? i. "' ' Last week was a busy wetk for . tW Rixboro ? tobacco- market, there ^?ing more tnbarro here . than for any single week this *eas;n. On | Monday thi market "sold about 160, >00 pounds, 'his tobacco coming from eight counties in North Caro lina, and Mmf from Virginia. It is gratifying: to sec the marketl r~ setting back some of its firmer; glory, and our farmers are finding that there is no excuse for looking dsowhere for a market on which to1 ? iell their tobacco. ? cnurcn rit'Xt - son (Tiy , T>r>rh* Trimm ing and rveningPRnvT V. E. Duncan, , who is. completing his e:utse a* the Ixraisville Baptist .Seminary, will j conduct the services. Mr. Duncan j " it a Perron Cou.ny young man, nnd ! ** ?? fire sure our pet>pl? >vill hem- i : h'.m ag^'-i 'rith groat pleasure. I . ?, ? o UE.XXU UK MKS. WARREN . - - . - t. . Mrs. W. A W?rt?r\, who has {wen I in a hospital in Richmond, died M;n _y, day, and burial services were con . ducted yesterday afterno-n. Mrs. WarTen was a remBr'tably goad -jwomivii. being known far .and wWe for her dotd* of kindness. awl <-4i:wutvv ' ' ?ntl will be., missed* seriously in her "" n(HghBorfiiii'>3r lo Mr WurrT n, mid ill kindred nnd friends, The Pourier BAPTIST CHURCH fcL. cjcteiids deepest symptfctlif. Suppose a merchant closed his doors and refused to sell any good* | for. eight or ten months m. the year ; and then expected to make onuxiffh | in the remaining week* to c^ver cost, taxes, insurance and other ox j enses, wouldn't he be considered .1 poor business man? Yet the one crop farmer does just abaut that. We ought to have something to sell every day, and put ourselves in the class with successful merchants. The farm \v:men of Person Coun- j ty have been Interested in the ship ment of that ca?oad "of hens and ! turkeys that was" planned some time 1 ago. This has beeir held up because we have no agent to find, out "if we can get o carload in the County. If yoti -want an agent to work out this propositicn for us in 1926, then be sure you are in Roxboro on Doc. 7th, first" Monday in December? and go with the oth?r farmers Ibrfore the ^Cwmmissiohers?- Dec. 7th, 11 ;00 a. m. | Mr. March art, would you like for Person. County farmers to be able 1 to pny ciu*h for their groceries, [clothes, fertilizer and ether things 1 they ere now buying "on time?" Would you welcome a cosh basis f:r the majority of your transactions? Would it be to 'your advantage to discount yaur bills in ten or thirty days, to do away with the err eat ir part f your bookkeeping snd bad debts ! j Thit* can be brought ifbout without any miracle, rfght here in Person , County, within the next five or. ten years, IF YOU WIL{L TAKE AN ? ACTIVE PART in holpitie the farm ers get a county . agent. Practically !^V4jiex>bM|p_e%ss- man i n Raxboro - wili ! Wti .voir "A ctiuntf agent TV ill ' be- v fitie thing for Person County'V-Give thirty minute3 of ycur time to go with the farmers befcre the County ? Commissioners on Dec*. 7th and rea? ycur reward later on in cash tran sactions. The 'farmer and the mer chant are dependent on each other.. ; If you believe that, then ybu will be in the .court house at eleven o'd-ck, Dec. 7th. j" Mr. R." A. Scott, of Alamance County, plants neithrr cott .n nor tobacco, yet he is rated as one of [the most' successful farmers in the [ State. H.c is written up in national I j magazines a? .one of the big farmers of the Sruth. HE HAS, SOMETHING TO SELL EVRRY DAY IN THE | YEAR? eggs, cream, chickens,- cows, calves, pig<> co?n, all ^ sorts of hay? and anything ej^e that can be grown I; in Alamancfli Poesn't P'erStm "Coun ty haVe just as . gc"d soil? Can't [We follow Mr. Scott's example? Did >'ou ever see a ?carload- of corn, peas, string beans, beets, okva and^bther green vegetables shipped from Roxhoro? No; . you haven't, and if we dcn't get, a coun.ty a pent, it is probable you never will. The County Commissioners are not po rn* to grant the farmers' request unless enough men and women ask for an agent. "Right here at home, boys. Jes right where wo air, Birds don't srng ifny. sweeter any where, ft Grass don't grow any greener'n she gr^ws pown in the' pasture wher?. the ole path goes ; JEverthing In ear- shot's pretty, er in sight. Right here at heme, boys; Ef you size %em up right!" ? Contributed NEAR EAST KKUIKI T There will not be a County-wide canvess for this cause this year in this County, but every one . ?jathn can do so is urged to bring: or send any contribution fer thia worthy cause to Mr. F. O. Carver. This is really a good cause, the little children of the East need your help and we i trust there will be n ready response to this call. BASKET BAlsL Bushy Fork High Sctoocl S ? -V . vg ?. *' ? Stem High School * ? ? WinUead WAjulwiiM ? Saturday night 8 o'eiock "Admission i -"> arid 25 - cent*. - I. The origin of this beautiful hymn, | 'Jesus Lover of My Scul," should be known to every follower of Christ. I can not recail what hymnologist j K*ve the f blowing history of thid i hymn, but I will paa? it on to v: u mm his contribution, I "Charley Wesley was preaching in* I the fields late in the afternoon nr. 1 1 i for some reason the mob bccame in furiated. They made an ecort tol lay hold on hiny but he made his cs-i capo. ' As he and his comrade l*e th spring-house t5 get milk. While there she told Wesley and his friend to craw] out through i the window in the rear and go un?fcr| the hedge' beside the spring bratiSw it was there that Charles Wesjjj vi'rote this grjand hymn, "Jesus er of Mjf Soul." .The flight had v'cubt suggested the line, t4Let m !*o11." The tempest and st:rm from which I they had just found a hiding plncfo j 'Whiie the tempest still is hi?;ri.v' "Hide me, O my Saviour hide," "Till the storm of life is pust," ;?*. Trying to cover their defertseloV. , heads with their hands, '? . "Cover my deffcnsejess head ( With the shadow of Thy wings." . Having sunk to the ground fam and weary, the third verse, a* 4, generally omitted, we give it ent?i "WVlt" Thou not regard my call?j Wilt Thou.nct accept my prayer? Lo! I s-iuk, I faint, I fall! Lo-J^crt. Tboe I cast' my care. Reach -me tflit 7*iy icrac4m*? While 1 of Thy . strength receive, Hoping against hope I stand, Dying, and behold I live." * Washing their Wounds - and; bruises ] gave tire thought of the list Verse rj '"Let "iha healing streams abound, B Make and keep me pure within." And lastly the fountain of spring] water f: :m which thoy drank and) [obtained* fr&sb ]ife.s\- . "Thou, of life the fountain are. Freely let me take of Thee. Spring Thou upi within my heart, rRifce to iall eternity." V > ? w; L. LOY. HF5THEL , HJLL FOOT - BALL SEASON GL03J3S - The' football team of Bethel Hill j High 'Sehool concluded its 1925 iea son by a -defeat at the hands of outh Boston . Since this was the first year of football at Bethel Hill thei j were only four games of the schedule. Of these the "Hillians" won two and lost two. On the wholo this is. con sidered a successful season, nince nil of* the g-^mes played were against strcng teams. Although twice de feated by the more seasoned teams of Oxford and South Bost:n the record of Bethel Hill is .perfect in Person County. Twice it oppor.ed the Ro>iboro High, , and twice the Old Gold an-i Blacks emerged triump hant from t).o fray. On the merits of this we can justly claim the High school football championship of Person County for 1925. Special praise must be given Coach Fountairte and Dr. Merritt for performing the remarkable feat of 'converting a squad of rookies into a well rounded and smooth running machine.* But their* will be an equally hard task "next year,. frr seven of the first string men are reaching, for their ?ep skin this year. However, here's hoping for as succesful a season yext year as the' one just closed. LITTLETON TODD Sports Writor B. H. H. S. Ath. Asso. IN MEMORY OF THOS. DUNN On Cct. llth, 1025, Ood neeJed another little angel to fill t he vacant, place around the great white throne, bo just as the sun was, gzing Jwn the dckth iingel entered and bore away (.or darliilg baby. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketti There is a vacant place iiY otir home and a vacant place in our hearts, but Thomas, we know thhtJ you are a lit-Un ^ngwi and that ynn ran nrveiv tjever conie back to us, but w ran go tf. ycu.-? M. mm ANNUAL BAZAKK f th, beginning at 11 o' clock. There will be an extensive [display of fancy work done by the ladies, and every one will have an j opportunity to "shop early'* and buy . their Cbriatmas presents. Dinner will be served, and you all I know what this dinner meariR, and the I farmers who are in town and all of | the business men of the town are | corcfially invited to dmc with the i ladies , on that day. Tell your wife | when you leave home Saturday morn' i in g that you will . n~t he home for dinner, :i$ you will dine with the ladies. r? o THE r \ USUAL THANKSGIVING SERVICE An- unusual but timely and ap ,w of riate Thanksgiving was .held in jle home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C" Pen HpALE ANNOUNCEMENT ? Y-?. willl find a glad ? welcome at! the Brooksdalo church ami Soiylay SchooL Come and joip our Sunday School. Preaching Sunday evening at 7jl5 Subject! What we think f American Civilisation. . W. L LO.Y. Pa.'tor. X ? o? : ? W m NEIGHBORS j(One Act^Plaj, by Zona Gale) GLORY OF THE MORNING ' ? . ?? Indian Play and True Story , ( By William Leo nard ) "Presented by -6l*ue Hill School Faculr' ty, ;Kriday" evening December 4, 7:30 o'clcck. Admission 25 ami 3t> .cent* ? Olive Hill School Btdilding'. "? On Saturday evening at S o'clock Mils Kachel Jordan delightfully j entertained at a dinnni pnrtY ?t hrr | h rae?in Smithfw Id, N. C. The color, scheme, green and yellow, wgi beauti fully carried out in the place cards and tib'.e decorations. A Ave course dinner was served by Misses Hilda Pcedln and Jean netto Holland. When the nUt? were J served they were found to contain ^fortunes, all of which were read, aloud. The surprise of the evening Canto when Mrs. D. Carlton Stephen sen read a little poem announcing the approaching marrio ^s; of Mi?j Thelma Peedin to Mr. C. K Oakley of Durham, Dec. "J 2. The hostess then presented the guest of honor with a beautiful piece of lingerie. R McK. PEEDIN. Mrs. W. R, Woody entertained on Wednesday morning, at a l.vely Bridge and Rook party. Beautiful chrysanthemums arranged in an artistic manner made an attractive setting for four tables of bridge and six tables cf Boston Rook. The hostess assisted by Mesdames H. ? C. Barnett, Edgar Smith, J'. J. Win stead, W. T. Pass and Miss Mtude Bai nett served a turkey menu with accessories, hpt rolls, pickles, c -JfTre with whipped cream and chess pic. ' *!'! (? Study Club n?et on Thursday,! afternoon with Mm. M?e G':odmJti In . carrying out the Thanksgiving idea the attractive, home Wat pretty, decora ted for the occasion with bright and varied colored leaves. After a presentation of several in teresting pupers, and p. most delight ful stoty by Mr-."S. G Winstead, , fh-r h:st**? fRfw rt ? a** ? w?uu j with accessories* not lolls, picklas ? and hot tea. To each guest w*a ^iven a turkey jk'l'JMlUd Wll ? a teg. filled with mints. Mrs; Good- J rtian was. aisiasted in serviftg by her j sister, Mrs. Sam Goldstein. I :? On Thursday Mrs* ; G. 0. "Hall tvai,s ' hostess at. a Thanksgiving: dinner, j having: place- laid for fourteen i quests. A turkey., menu with" acces- 1 sov it ;- . wa.i served to the. following:! I Mr. ant! Mrs. B. G. Broofcs of lial- j ! etjgh, Miv and Mrs. J. H. Hall. Mr.! i and Mr.', . G. a^' Infinity, j 1 Mr. and Mr?. W. U Singleton, L.j j \V. and C. T. Hall, all of Roxboro. | One . f the most 'delightful' af fairs of the past week wM the party j given Friday afternoon . by Mrs. T. W. Hentier>-:h. when &he entertained the Friday Afternoon Club. Lovely chrysanthemums arranged in ? taste- \ fill effect made a pleasing . setting for seven tables arranged for Rook. An elaborate menu of Turkey, With! all accessories,' scalloped oysters, pickles, Hit' rolls, coffee and stuffed dates was served the guests. Mrs. Henderson was- assisted by Mesdames J. J. Witistead, B. E. L-ve, W. D. Morritt and II. \V. Winstead. .... ? ? WOMANS* CLUB The regular, meeting of the \Vo hions* Club will not he held Monday the 7th at the Kaplon building but will meet Thursday, Dec. lfttli. at 3 p. rr,. in connection with the Art i Exhibit at the new high school Hudi tcnum. , , NOTICE*? H KiH* SCHOOL TEACHER5* The high school teachers will i meet in the graded school building promptly ?t" ten -o'clock Saturday mi1 1 Ming; Deicmbet ?*>. AM ? in thin group are expected to be present. B I. SATTERFIBM). "? !?' 0> ' ? SERVICES* AT ST. MARK'S There will be services at St. Mark's next Sunday evening at ?by t he Pastor, Rev. W. A. Lillycrnp. The public is .orduilly invited to this service. o PABKNTS-TBACHKIIS KKTMKl, till: Tho Bethel ' Hjll Parent-Teacher Ansocijtiim will me>t next Friday nifcht in the auditorium nt ' 7 :00 o'clock. N J. TODD, Pres. ' .MRS. J! A. I IK AM, See. .. . I CO-OPS PLAN TO SIGN OP 65 PER CENT b Aim to gkt absolute con. ^ TftOL IN OLD TOBACCO BELT R?fr??iilttl*? of 43 ('ountifa b Virginia and North Carotins _ Present. More Than 600 Attend Meeting Danville, Va., N*: v. 28 ?Co-opera tive marketihg of tobacco will con tinue on a jrrowinfr scale in the obi " bright bolt of Virginia and North Carolina for the five years folio wiujr the expiration of- the present con tract cf the Tobacco Growers Co-op crative association, according to the contract adopted by the laevtin^c of more than COO farmers, representing the cream of the tobacco prowing industry, who ennw today from 43 - counties of Nftrth Carolina \">r ginia vanfl packed the Masonic tem ple . here. The, heiv contract; which wn#. rati fied by. the representatives of >ii to bacco growing couoties, today calls tor absolute control of ail tobacco Br;wn upon thp lands of signers by the association. It calls for a 65 per cent sign-up of all the to bacco grswers in the old belt of Virginia and North Carolina, nnri in case of failure to attain "the 65 per cent quota, it allows a withdrawal privilege to all ligherk anil a ccm plete dissolution of the association in case the withdrawals bring the percentage of the association's hoM ingi to- less than 50 per cent Complete Harmony Prevails Complete harmony, understanding and gffsji will marked 1 ho six-hour ussion in which , a vast amount of business was aceounted for. An or ganisatrdn committee fr ni a major ity of the old belt counties was, elec tc-il at the cli)M' of meeting .? and upon them rest the determina tion of the date when the. -campaign for signers to the next five year con tract shall begin. |y. ? ? ' . /NOTICE Attention to the integers. of Mill Creek Church : Saturadv at eleven o'clock arid Sunday at eleven o'clock, are the regular hours for the preach ing services at Mill Creek Church: If you are a member of Milt Creek Church you are expected ? tO/ hb there each of these services. Mo one can. fill yaur . place. After the pleaching services oxt Saturday; the W. M. S. will hold ita regular monthly meeting. A. splen. did program has been prepared t?nd will present , it at this meeting. will be well worth the time of e very woman of this section to go and en joy this program. Visitors will be welcome. Members of Mill Creek can n?t afford to loose this oppor tunity. The women of Mill Creek are certainly doing a wonderful work. Don't miss, the Sunday. Schoal at ten o'clock-.. We have, o fine Sunday School at jVtill Creek. Thi? is due largely to the efficient leadership Of tiur Superentendant, Mr. N. H. Street, under his leadership , the Sunday S?horl within the last twelve months has been graded. A large number o? teachers have taken the Manual , Study * Course, the enrollment has doubled; contribution has already in creased and enthusiasm has multi plied many fold. If you want to attend a live Sunday School come tc Mill Creek Sunday morning. N J. TODD. . : : -?g' . . NOTICE TO THE WOMEN OF * T * IJETHKL TOT. COMMUNITY TW women of Bethel HtB Church* * and I. community are having a Study Class at Bethel Hill Church every Thursday afternoon^ at 1:30; If you are a member of Bethet HUV Chureh . or live in that community, you are especially-urged to attend this class. This is a wonderful Work the women are dping. OoAle and See. N. J, TODD, t*astoPi