de Sam's Giant of the Ait Tin* Marling Bomber Is the world's biggest airplane. Required two and one-half y?*rs to build, cost ing $400,000. As 90ttn.:i? Lieut. John A. MtcReady finishes expeiimental flight tests it will be stored at WcCookPMd, Daytdl; Ohio. ' /? ** **?" MOTWF.R:- et cher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Sub stitute for Castor Oil, - T?aregpric, Teething- Drops aflr! Soothing Syrups, pared for Infants in arms and Children all ag?s. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of i'rovT ''"rrtions ?2 ?2?li rackago. Physicians everywhere recommend it. f t he material a3 ffcSwn r.t A." This strip should be cut a:* lot'.T -- seam is to be and 6b oil and a half wide. Tho t kit < .'Lhe seam shbuld be b...*k . i.rl basted to' the play.- strip ? ? .hut there is a narrow or dkei: betWeen them. Tho ??r.vh-m; shown at B and C is usually rrytia about three-eights of &n, inch hark from the. edge-. 1 It is always Vest to press a acam i of this kind both before and .ofte r it ia: stitched. JtEABFRS:? rtJTII WYWB il'KAHS' filOBtratrd itfinpkU* ,#ALTi:ulN(? PAT . TF.RN8 ANV-. F'.tTiNC" h Ut*. Sk?TI Chftwer >.' Its is minx to fied up >:kk producing ration 'to h'i? ' hens this winter and get some of thai. I nrcnev being spent for high-prie?t- ' oKga. _ \ . i ? ? 6 ? __ In three cariri- houses of Bed fort 'County, 24, <100 bushels of sweet, potatoes have been stored and are about cured out.- Two'. Welch. - ' *iif L s ? ? 1 1. ^ ? The ! Danville Warehouse Co. OPERATING 5 BIG WAREHOUSES IN DANVILLE VA., FOR OVER 50 YEARS THE LEADING BRIGHT TOBACCO MARKET OF THE WORLD. ACRE'S BANNER WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE M. O. Nelson", W. T. Keeling, , W. T. Fowlkes, ' - J.- C. Roberts, J. E. Neal, Mgrs. S. P. Robertson, Mgrs. ^HOLLANDS PLANTERS WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE - H. W. Winstead, Mgr. J. K. Dudley (Formerly of Iioxboro ? C. B. Davis, N. C. Mgrs; : ; ,1 UNION WAREHOUSE Geo. A Myers and H; C.Swansdn, Managers. Prices continue as high as they have been on all smok ing types, particularly so on grades having COLOR. Fine wrappers in demand and high. One of otir branches having sold a small pile of 30 pounds to one of the "Big" Companies , at $1.00 a pound. . Bv Bring us your next load and we, will Convince you ? that no man or men can. sell your tobacco for a HIGHER w PRICE. ... S' Each of dur houses are managed by men: who:< name P m