? r* -TT-! IHH ?)ATK"qN.TBfe . - i-XBEl; IS THE U'At^T. YOl'K I'Ai'e !(' wr LL lus-iburir: J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER 1 V?'I> PONT LET F//asr. abroad next *1 SO PFR VP AD IV inVAKii^ VOL- No. XLIII . ? r : - RO* RORr> MfiRTH PAROL1NA. W-eckiesdav Evening- Fe^2f4> V926. "Sin significant Envelopments Have li4aio. >{oted During- the -i . Ppst Two Davs. . JOVNEft A HANO Danville, Va., Feb. 21?- ^ignttrcASt d^veiopnients have -been noted during ? the.>Mt two days in connection with the suit filed against tcbacco pool leaders which IfjiVU tt> the belief that the director* of the organization are convinced ns. to the wisdom ct par tflp'matiff!} in an ?oflttial uray in the litigation Started here months ago ' by, R. A Wade for certain growers '.i xt Virginia and North. Ci^solinm. The I two onfstandtng features ate these": The .statement by Wade that W. T. . Joyner, cf Raleigh. h*jf joined handi With +i;m in hivhaif million dollar action against R. R. Patterson, Tucker WatUns and F, R. Edmon The statement by Director W. E. * Gardner 250 growers at Oret-1 na yesterday that if" the farmers P wouid sign the new contract therv ?would be no question a? to new! ? t ffifcials being placed at the head of : the association- 'a-n<T 'fKat the. sign ? ing. nf the new pontract --would- autn inaticaUt calj for ? new organization. , This, st> far i|* the public 'records go, is the firpt definite promise made and by inference it is gathered ! that the involved offlciaTi, TT they do nc\ resign voluntarily, will be ? naked to do so. The value of this statement uC^s readily 'M'n at C.ret t?a yesterday. Whcnj\be question, wasoasked how many would be will ing in sign, more than half of the gathening consented. y Joyner was here a few days ago Uijdhjid a long conference with the biyi4i-Jooking attorney trorn Haii iax tji: u.*.- ,? v/jumly rrcorit'W*;) ' Sftt'rl tldlcutjd; when he first brought' hi-^ai Hr- stuck fo his guns, how*. vy. r and" U AW "consfiered as beinR in ;i -trshg position.. Wade ;.'iys that during their -conference Jb-jraer tc.l.i l-im that lu? luid ten iernd' tiii ..rl^ignatibrr't-o the director- not 1:ng ego a^d had consented to. ro-: oasVkr oiJy on the. understai\d?j>g that the pool take- Iteps .to.' recover alleged retfryihg profits frcm men alrea'Jy '. ''ngifjeil in {hat practice. The direc tory Wade says he told; accepted -' the price arid nuthorizea Joynor to take a hand in the Waile suit if the young lawyer w?v .willing. ? Wade, . 'filly ?nti*fied-?a? to the bonafid of this mo?);, put his cards on th'1 iabl? ?n<J^ is understood to htive amazed " Jcyner by th? trump cards he is prepare to pl?.-y wlhen the ?uit comes up? evidence not httherto even faintly suggested. Hi On .Friday evyrinjt ' Feb. 26, at ' -o'clock *ln' the ' Graded Sehodl B'jilrfins? a rwiseellano us mix-up will be ' giveri. The program will consist i>f nttm l ?:>;? resembling Zi^fleld Follies, 'Al ? O jW?W*. witfc number* ? sujcfceetirir "Hatches from . Grand. Operq, Sousaa.' Band, and Padertfws kies* Gcnce-rtsr Thh entertainment will be ((Wen by children from the flrrt. seven .(trade* of the Graded School. The proceed-i will, be used, to continue the library so well be (run as a reaoM'^f the penny 'catiipalgn aided by the '.. nickle . drive, th? Woman's Club, the Study Club and private dojiationi. Come out and hear the one boar concert of "The Roxboro". Kun " <\.ra?k. early to KM the ?eat refcerved fcr yoo. ' ;Adtni* .-m 20 >int?. Piy?SnYTfiUIAN' (it l! WH Sunday ..ffihoo'l at }: !?'. . \ M . M . J.. CroWell . Supt. Mornifig Service' ai U A. ',reon by Mr. Spillnfan of Charlotte, . N C. , ' Bv^ry Service ' Kveninit "Service -at T:TOT ^irlhAn by the I'antor. . ' ? ? Sunday Sdjoal at Mitchfi Chap-l at Bushy ~ B*hui>l 1 tfwigr i)t p. ' h'!1, Prcaident of Queens Cot T Hey Capttiav8pruma - Photo shows Captain and tfrs. Fried being given a riotoua ova tion upon the former's arrival in New York. Captain Fried, togeth er with his men. performed one of tha most daring rescues in the. annats of the osa, whew they (Mght mountainous waves for thgg# days, finally aavbg the entire crew of the sinking steamer Antinoe.. T? of Fried*? own men lost their H?se to the reeeua> PlaymakerS- Has. Good Program Delighted Large Audience With - Three Of -Their Famous One-act Plays ? The Carolina Plavmalcers. a unique organization from the University, delighted ' a large audience last Wed nesday night at th? Palace Theatre with three of their, one-act nlav* i dealing ;with North Carolina folk loi'e. [ This company of players lias won an enviable reputation foi* itself bi>th__ in this jand other states. Th e ir p?re^ sentations havt? been enthusiastically deceived ; in Washington and Balti more; and they have an engagement' ,to appear at an early date^, in a New York 'Theatre. *' J, The plays gly*n herefwere "Quafe Mediciiie,'' "f ixin'a" and "Gains find flaiurf Jr.," all >vr it t on by former. University students. The latter t'A'O anv ,-tandby's ;cf Jhe Plavmakerx and aire Worthy in most respects :f their 'long popularity. ' /The pqjserit cast: is hardly _?s notcwortliy a- that f fps in&r~ years) some evidence if stagi- j tiess occasionally cropping out; The wur'V: c{ j{r George V. Denny, who is also, the manager of. t>ho i rgani. - , . y.atir.n." \va$ .Jittstanilinir and pr.)?n>' ly lifted the productions from the mediocre ..ifn fact the success of the Playmakers has been due in large mensure to> the efforts of Mr. Denny j . and Director Kirch. The entertain- i ; ment. was rfresented here under the auspiciea cf 'the Woman's Club. T. W. Pass Hurt^ In Auto Accident Jumps From Truck To Save _Hiin8eif and Was Rruised \ Considerably One day. tiUt week Mr. T. U'. Pass] ! was painfull?, 'though not seriously. , hurt when he jumped from a .truck, j { the accident happening- in Danville., i It seems that the bov drivlne the j i ruck lost control of tHV? machine as . iHey were ijfcxnft jfawn CTrnitrheed 1 Street In Danville, and Mr. thought fits b?st chance^as to jump. In- the fall he* truck h\p head and considerably bruised about the body, -He was taken t? 'the *W?pital, but wns-lat.er.brough home. We Are " grlad ' to hear this morning ttittt he is impruvjnj? and Hc>t>?s to be able : to.be at his place of business asrain ( soon, . " ~ - A-0 WOMAN'S MfftSIOKAW SOCIETY j The Woman's Missionary Society ut the Bapfist church met- Jan. -th. ?'t;e subject for the afternoon was ^ith Mrs. A. S. deWaming the lender. Four- Httfe girls dressed ar- sTftpanpse Indies took part in the \ program and added interest;, Our ? Pastor, who has spent years, c ti the forfcfjarn field, has ffiven us s.>mc yory j intwrettlfiflr ln*plf$i?r lattrr on Uhfc-JWOTk there We had a splendid T^tttT^dftnoc at this meeting. Our i Htii'te/W. M. IT. n^cts -in Il6k'i^h Martlr 2nd to Wh. 'Mesdamcs R. br' ^.Vfilburi), P. \V. Bradaher and I J. r ; Win stprrd'^yl i ;'gc r-ir< delete ates'-frt^m fni^^wCi?ty/ i\Ve hope thav. . man^ of , 1 i;v 'tftTrtfS '-?f -i f .-V <?/?'-" i.m! > IlTi..' fteukh .A Wmti^; will , it, ? liii-.'-.t.';..- rr^tr "i--- " , 'i' ! inn pi <*?Ttt?7PV third attempt at SUICIDE IN FOUR D VVS Raleigh. Feb. 23. ? George. P. Keith, farmer of near Mil hurnie v in Rex hospital Here witl^, a bullet wound in "his ear |1 jaw as the- result of Wake county's third suicide attempt* |j in four days. He is expected |7 to recover . . : . f - On Thursday a negro prisoner , attempted*, o commit niicid* in ? |i the Raleigh city jail 'by hang in^himself.-4ifl?^aa cut dowji ?- tried -and ftrted #U). *% * * Saturday G* M. ~ Jackson, ReejmMe farmer, is .believed to hfcve kfled himself a-ffer- slay ing his wife and * daughter. Sunday keith." placed the nozzle of an * old style pistol agai?->t hi>* ear and puUed (he ? trigger. He . had intended to blow out his; brains on account ?raf "trouble and w<>rry," but instead"TTf gijing through his skull 4he. bullet glanced- south ward into his jaw. . WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION \ WORTH TO YOl' J ? Patrick Henry, said: "I have j;ijw ! disposed of all of my property to my fanvily- There is one thine in are T. wijh'T "could give- them, and that; ? is the Christian If thoyj had that; and 1 had not given themi (?a'e shilling. they would hs^e b'-en , iSch;and"4f they had not that, aiiri I.lpd giv?n"fchoi>( all (he world, tb-yi would- Jbe poor."' The First Baptisi Church is de-j [-siroua cf helping you to preserve ; i and enhance .your leiighni Sunday Schcof 9:45 A. M. I Preaching 11:00 A'. M.. Snbjcct:| "G id's Problem In The Building*! Christian Character." 7:30 P. M. Subject: "Gotl's " Exhortation." B. T. p. U. 6:30 P. M. "The 'judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Mare to be desired are they than gold, yea, jhan much- litre gold." tMLlMtlK ' w. f. west, Pastoi / A NEW STORE . '">{#? J :l Mf. J. W". Dixop, formerly oi the firm cf Dtoton & I-Vatherst ?t, will.' ^ope* a now store which will be cullei^ the Dollar Store ? in the* Critcher buiFdingori Court Street. Mr. I)ix-' on , has heon. identified with tljfc mercantile, business hero, for several years' and he $vill be glad to hflye his fftrnds call on ? htm in his. new .pluce. ^ YOU ARK INVITED The Primary Grades of Bet*?! H?1 1 1 igh Seb&oL Wilt give an ewterkaift- < Jn?nl_ Ittjttfc, school .. auditorium ' at Bethel Hill: '?? Friday night, Feb. '26," 1926, beginning at 7:30, The | ptibHc' fa cord hall y invited to attend k f- TJU-HTATE MKBtCAI. A88O Th?-' Tri-Statv Medical Associate? men iir Fayctteville week. Dr. ? aL ? Uuanv Ia- tpftflyhAr ? of tha| Association arid attended Cho >n<*ot-. irig > n Fa c tTIfcLL^l ' . ^ - ? t N KW lilMI' iETFr* V"_ 7 : ipciftl iit'c~i-.imir,iinr'~fi,- vr iir.icK rwif * tJ t' f i *** t tff ^ j? *i fHl ' iWfll / Mac*... Marshal Dunlap tVfns The Grand - Prise , . Of ? ? fVtHara 'Sjf-:BV MISS '.SOl^TH ALL' 1 h^i Satterfield Insurance Agency and the Parent-Teacher Associate'!, *4ve a worthwhile entertainment in i the T> <;raii(.tl s,.hw| loniim on Monday evening, Feb. 2*| when the Agency distributed fiftv _ ye dollar* in ca?fc . prizes ti the ; high school boys and girU wimtfni i Jcffer?on Standard Contest. ! Judge L. of the .local ' b?t grave a very interesting histor ical address en the. Declaration of] independence and the- part that Thos Jettereon had- with it. In closing his; address Mr. Carlton paid high tribute: to insurance in general,, to the -ser ?vice of the Satterfield Agency, W e fact that it was no longer neoejs ary for us to send mir money to the Krth and northwest to get our in J Mtfance for this could be obtained; from the Jefferson Standard; a stronK . liberal, progressive liohie company: whose reeources was mora than twen ty seven million dolfer,; ^nd that j ?.already had njcre than. 280 TiWtlS. ^ '?,ur'' ? ?* ? '""I'mvi t in ? fottc ";r, State instttutfen managed by riafive born North Carolinians. Mfaa Mildred SatterfiH.l in i, hM ' of the Parent-Teacher Asaocia .tton. expre^d ,-in appreciation of: the contest and the benefits tie' schfjolx had darjved fr;m it. Music wa* famished by Miss South, i all. anjl a quartette consisting of! Mess. R. E. Hamlin and K. L. Street and. (Mrs.. Preston (Satteraeld ;.nd Car nfcy. ? Sir. B. L Satterfield, County- Super Mntendent of 8?b*Ms. |n his oatwH -*sppy manner" delivered the prir.es to tiiL- wlr.ru r. ? The winners of the $5.00 price's offered to the individual sehoofe; Were ,^\llensville, Harold Gentry; Bethel Itill Littleton T-cdd; 'Bushy Fork, Bland Lee.; Helena, ,Liicy >J. TiUettr Hurd'le Mills, MaVy Whitfield; Roxboro, Mary Marshal Dunlap. The winner of the $25 00 grand prise fir the'"County was Miss Mary -Marshal Dunlap of -yrt- Roxboro schools. Special mentijn in "the County con test ; Miss Lucy Tillett, % Helena" schoo^ and Miss Maragret Brooks, Bethel 'HHJ school. ? Cor. " -? ? I NTERM EDTATB-^JtHBny BA NK (Those interested in forming, an' Intermediate Credit Bank here met in the court Jiqusg^awiin, la,t Satur day evening After considerable Aiscus.ii-'n the farmers present were asked to make- a thorough ;i n v -,v~ | and see if they -could. Secure . five | thousand dollars subscription to the j enterprise, and meet again, on next j Saturday at 2 o'clock If "they are successful in raising the stock an application will be made for charter, j For seme cause the. farmers have [ shown very Ifttte interest in .this ^proposition,, and ? it look's as if it is oesiirwu . io, fail. . . ? ? u " ..J BOirsD OVER ON . ' ? INCENDIARY CHARGE ' * ' ? ? 1 At a- session of Mayor's couTt held Tuesday afternoori, Jack Wrenn was ' i bound gver under bond of $1,090 foe., appearance afc- the April term oft Superior Court on a charge of at-! timptfd incendiarism. ,Hr. .Wrenn . Was not abl? .to Rive. n satisfactory explanation of hH whi-'rBabbifts on . Monday' nijrtlt when an attempt wa* made to fire the Palace Barber, shop, ;?nd. other evidence woi ked nn In Mr. Scott of flw State Insurance , Department led the court to find ?probate eggae. Bond Was arraVifred jorne time last' flight. , ? fiPII RSI'S? ENT . EIRI.D .Servicer next Sunday at Seni?iu;i Sunday .School. 10 a m. Worn : ins; service/ 11 ir_m- Wv-i-nr-w."; vi'f V. p. m ?' ... I f Top ure rbrdi/iiiv inYiteji to at j/etwi t'hese CWMfren r-met?d tc the school.' ? ' Men -a.. ;.>;?( i :! B"w U"V*<*unisfTeopl?- ? r*ri- Lukiteti-titi . Y. i'. L'. v. -Are jrvt?~rrT i irtnA t-W&gv4*-u,r. 1. ? r(HM\Hk.'Vtsia^ _ V:-"';v v for According to W. J. (Unktn r arrant of Nunpa, tdahov Junes Coebfltt. formor champion said ha man 60 ' himself ia now 60 and Oxford's Chief r^innri^fsSmeide In r:im f ou nd Hilf rfour Later L_ Oxford. I- eb. 22.? Chief of police. I. H. Hobgoo<J, of this city, rommitt ed suicide this morning about 9 o'plcclt by blowing out " his brain* with a ,82- calibre revolver. The tragedy took place on. a hillsidv! in the western., extremity . of Elmwood cemilery and the "bedy was dis [? corvercd about half an hour later by ; the -colored care taker, who at oi.ee ? notified 'the sheriff's office. "At the timC'iif the tli i overj*" the body was still warm. as. was the radiator of the neaiinrJAr which tho dead man . had used in going u the fatal vpjt. j The revolver ..with one erfipty. c :j s fft - bv*. wji? still Vla^ped in hU right h?nd, and his brains were, slowly ?3ba\nu from a" wound in the head ? juit abDvp and a little to the rear of|th^ rigftt ea*. A corner's jiKy was qUiAly im panelled and returned1 a verdict of suicide, after v^-.ich the Sod)> \va I removed tc Wood* undertaking es tablishment . to await interment.. . ?'The Iron Horse" At PalacerFheatre ? ? ? ' tj Features A ? Few ..Of The .Old JTitae Western -Gun-mert i .William Fox's Supreme Achieve ment '"THE IRON HORSE" which | coraes to The Palace Theatre, Mon- ' (lay ? and . TuesdAy March 1? 2nd. "The" Iron Horse" tcila the }tory of ? the Union of the. Railroads fcomple ting the link which bounc^ the. East and West in 1869 ? 'Names "which have come down in History and will ; (To on ^forever, appear' in tne (Lincoln, Orant, Dodge, ikaffalo 'Bill' Cody, Wild Bill " Hickok and Pat . TOasterBon -are just a few of them ? The picture is not a melcdraora, but j n spectacular cinema record of the linking of America; based on His torical Records:; It' - too Big :i , Production for, ysu, to mtss! Matinee Mcuday'at 3:00 P. M. Evehhjjrs at! ?:15^9;t& P. M. Admission*' 25 ? SO cents. (Benefit 10th Gra^e R ox* boro School) THE PALACE- TIIEATRF. ? - V ? ? HO ? ' ' " UROOKSDA.UE SERVICE Mirntay School at UWIKI ;i. ir... U. fT Brooks, superintendent. Preach- j ing at 11:00 q.1' m. and * rt30 p. ta. .Morninjt suEJcct; Are We Able "To iVtc <lod Tbrnugte Beicnoe, ? Kvcn-j ing snbJaet-./CAn-"" Wfc Find Oo^ .In Kvolutioirt- ? -i_ ? i ' EpfcSHh feaime at 6:\5 p. m.: The ofHr.er? of the _Ej>w<>Tibi Jiuajcoc ui!1 li" liiyu'li.il .it l.!i> '?>?: ?? , ' .- r* ( " .i'. v I ? m a RKna>j..v?- if <vm. On? Tuesuxy .at' 'n6>m '?t he 1 l"'vel' _Jgnfca -Mr; Archie Smith of Dmtdaa, "V.i .. anif fer jc tftnhffctgl'i V ft , 'Vrira man-frd. Rev.. i". I>W A.lv ? >- 7 7m ?fllg--| t#ly- -toe Lh'iiy ic'V; I" for Va. ? ' ? - ' , i WtMM WOUWDG UNflTlltn MUM Martinsville Husband IMon?? Unexpectedly and the ShootA ing Take Place ; CHESHIRE IN HOSPITAL res Dunviile, Va. Feb. Mrt< Booker, of Martinsville, was shot dead this morning; Everett Cheshire, : who. was at* her home was shot through th? lyngand may die, %y ? Henry Booker who returned ,?o his Fayette street home unheralded at ii o clcck today. After the shooting Booker gave himself up to the authorities 'pf whom he told a, story which he offered as provocation for J the shooting. Oommonvleaith's Attorney J. 15. J Taylor, who made immidiattf inquiry, said that Booker charged Cheshire " with alienating his wife'* affections. The shooting took place ifn a back room ct the ' Booker home. Booker this morning went to work ? at the restaurant where he is em ployed and then returned, armed at 9 o'clock. What he alleges he found caused him to open fire without any words.- Three Shcts were fired, one Of them failing to do any damage. M fj.. Booker was found Head from, a shot 'hrmnyh thn. and fh?,h ire is in a periods condition at Ijjcy Lester hospital -with a bullet in the ? He is tco'weak ?to be questioned. Booker was*. great ly agitated when he . surrendered. He is, in. jail without bond in the -meanwhile " ? "* ~ * ' ' ? . O ' ' . ? ? DEATH OF MRS. MARY EBERMAN ' ?" ' 1 ?' L M?; Mary B. Eberman died at the hqme of her ?iy Mf. B. Eberraan, last Sunday eifemngy . Mrs. Eberman hud iieun. itL-foetii health 'or soma time and about t#rT d^ys si a?e ?he sutfered ^ stTrke. of p.-rrslyjij. death resulting' from lliis Causr. He! home ?was iri Lancaster, Pa.r though ihe 'had spent .considerable time' "Tier* with her son. - She was expecting t? return t : . her home in Lancaster * v?ry\ poon, in fact was awaiting tho arrival of her . daughter, who had been spending U?e winter in Hao? lula. who was Expected . to ' arrive ? about the last of the ip nth. - Mrs. Eberman was a devout CI.* t -a n woman,' a member of the Mora vian Church, and was :rte- of the most lovable women we have ever kn r wn .She had reached, the ripe 014 age f 86 years, and her years' Ja^l_feey>\fiill nf gnrvl deeds, as well * as ' pleasant words. .The . funeral . services, were conducted at St. Marks Chapel by Rev. W. A. Ijillycrop, af ter which the body was taken to her. old home, Lancaster, Pa., for burial. ?? ? '/ ? v : TRUSTEED BANKRII.IT SALE On Monday, March" UtTat twelve o'clock neon I will offer the stock of merchandise belonging to Natner Keally, Bankrupt, for sale' at pob- ' lie .auction to the- highest bidder. ba. htli -rm- Conrt- - in Rot b1 ro. X . (' cccupi^d by bankrupt. Other personal prop- '? ert.v of bankrupt t6 be sold at same .time: - . , ? . . fi P? BURNS, Treutce. COUWTY MEETING OK CO-OP ASSOCI ATMHi ..Last Saturday the- Person County Tobacco Growers Association held it? regular monthly meeting. iptiere w* a i?Ksd attendance, and rhuch ii? Urpsf Is manifested in the Associa tion. Director Faucette o"f Granville f 'otriny an<L-i4r. Johnson of Smith-:, ,li?l?t urora j>ramnt aiftl ..i?etn wjyi ttjw .. Odunty meet rite -9 .A IHSBUXX ?fJHiMiwinvjjfr Tor te;'iiw?i: kuIray ' I Mil bt- ia the hajfrfler nf Tte9S<( ?tfii-c ? ? tt-.ib'iro ?") ? pniiUiTi , 26t.h, 1926,, for the riirrporft of jmuw- . . tinsr.. State income tax p?yer>r n? ftUWt'tliPii i - ? -r DRAGON UI/BBS* -AT.CALDWWX :thr ptaiir. "TicWW , ?ii -??tui'u r.-ii. cwt- -

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