THE COURIER _ J. ,W. NOELL, BSt'irv. r Pcbltsfced Rwkt Wci^-.sdny.?\-^Cr.-i ? '. " 1 . ? ??! rUt f STTB?CRIPTlOX nat-MS" ^ $1.60 a year, 75 aents far 6 JL c?nta for 3 mont'h^? Cash The Editor irt in noway responsible rftHf vieyg expressed by-* correspon 'dest*. ' , . . ' _ ? ~ AlivKRTISING RATES: jPhyUy 36 Cent* p?r. Inch ' Heading Notto*r-4Q Cents . per Line. ?"?V ' '? ?' . ? - S r? *-* ^m*ta 1 THC^McwtiiiMFriDetiitjaaouTioi) Entered at the Post Office at Rox fcoro, N. C., as ."-ecndclass matter Wednesday February 21, ]9Aj HOVSB CLEANING CAME TOO LATE From all indications it seems that the T?ba(cco ? Grower* Oo-opcrsttve _ Awwciatton is going t z have a gen eral house-cleaning, but we are afis^J this clean inn has com., 1,.. late.^It-wiil bei_recalled thai the . Person County Tobacco Growers iiNditiot passed cp?.tf!uti ns ask y u* ,for th# cleaning some time. since, raying there was nothing 1 1 it. .However! when the" Government re: port was mode public it was found , ttift the County Assoqiatian'ivident *yiy knew .what ft was talking about,. ?nd 7iow -these officials whtTwere then i ?hi fomiyund are trying' to s'p.Ve their 1 eiyr hidfitL-anti are asking for the vqpseeution , ,f 0mis of " the re< st ' flagrant . abusers. ? .But. wo ajrt of ! ?the name opinion as expressed , by , - that adage.' "it is too Sate, t pity-' . after the devil has got you." - "| ' . IJad this rlean-up coipe earlier we believe there might have been . n ! lot, if the feeling is general at it is around here, we doubt if there can TfXtaaibly be ar.y way to__ save, . ot rfc amm, the' association. The farmers largely have lost fafth in those who . a?e in control, and th?y will tie -low fa .signing any contract unless .they I who -is going: to manage Jthel ' jri - w, dop't- misunderstand "us, we not opp ?sing' n new sign up; In '?? believe it will be a. mistake to abandon *Jhe co-Imperative plain, wt are- believe .the widest thing the fmmrs could' do would be tp Veep the association gdintj. The" o1d_wgy-] ?* selling !V~" wrong, all . " ' * '? ? ? " and we doubt if .raising to barco will ever b- ? really , profitable mitil oh pfratlve marketing is ptft \ bito fall force and effect. But a J bcirnt ?-n^l dreads the li.e, and you I can hardly get n farmer now to ;ign ! a receipt, much less a contract. j THE SHORT BALLOT ' ' 1 ? . ? J * JR>r Wrte time 5T6rth Carolina haa Hod ron?h Vi say about the back wardness of Our gced neighbor Vir ginia, but (?overr.oint jjjsfc as ?.he i'veri- . r Ui?m btt.wmf they are. o-.i th^r ticket. AMI farther, the ^g?v>rnor i* always hampered by having men iij the .nrmu oUtcr? wh > are not in *ym- i pa]hy with Fame of ?-hi* iV4M>y~|.i ir. ... auti*>t the governoY appoint "His own] .^ahjnet, am! nave no eh - wfeo wilt . help, I rather t Hrat? hinder/ jr. ga Trying oOt^j toeen ? tofjt?ode4 tflftt] VftMBiilcni fftis ?' fiwrtrjd . ? J ? .1 , . . ' v.vr'e- ' ? ???. . each but .nv reac&ed the point w here we a ye 'ye afly -? to take issue with thilT feelijijrv -\Vt thi? \ ? y best ftififc .-ier- in >i*bi.s country \ the r . c 5vmTty, me the_farmer<. There may- ?>* a short crop, droughts may "come and prices drop far Wlo>* cost -oi p ro'~ udiruyn. but hi each ?pd every case 'he -ri saa to. thy occasion mil flnfi* ?? tin mak*- another e^o p. Yes s i v?' itr "hat is off- to -the farmur.l and though he usti^iiy ? talks bnM times, yet, when the pinch cOmes he is right there and "goes right- after ? a as t&oj?rt there Ti;wl *1>eetf' nothing hut sunfehine and prosperity. ? . ? . ^ We see it stated autf authentically/ that Durham won 'the .iorthcpniin^ Republican State Ccriivention nTi^. maril^ by a noticeable exhibit of ?civiy. courtesy. The which we hh\e always aigued returned splendid", dividends. Courtesy, plain old fa*h ioYied politenep*,<* costs absolutely nothing, leaves a favorable impress sion, exerts usually a far-reaching "Si influence. But befyonti -aUL^his,- it is merely the mark fa. gentleman. We be? to congratulate our Durham I ne ighbors . . V ? " VV' ' > -\v-; V. ?. And the ax ? has ' -"fell,"' Robert R. (Bob) Reynolds, f the city of Ashe ^11* has formally - nnn j-.moctf his for the Senate-'Wgjilnst' the" Hon- Ix?e S. Overman. .The rfnlbjtian of "Bob" is laudable, but we doubt hisirvviadum, for we do Tnt "belim-o there is a man ifi the 'State who can dqieat Senator Overman at :hi; ttrne. And, to b? raJltlid. we .see o..> vcuiijn. why Senator Overman should ' <1. defeated. ? ' " - . ? ' ? '??' ? ? - ? ?" w ' To us i(j. seems fitting .?t?a.t M-. Tucker Watkir.s shojkC S> into" tha oil business after his .'resignaVin as at?c t' of the tobacco warehouses for the Tobacco Growers CO-operative Association. Next to being one of the , higher-ups, with a- salary in kteping "to their ideas, we know of nothing rticre lucrative . than the cil business? provided you strke oil.; . * ' ? ? ? ? o ?. ' - . Ojie of" tnc ".ewest. and mp*t sprigi-tly newspapers coming tp; cur desk is- the Rutherfjrd County New*, published by Mess. Pricc.and Miller. Price is a newspaper man with both ability and experience and if the two first issues are any*&riteri?i~Ui*? r??ople_ R' fi P"-W.'il, Young Bob Reynolds ..has launched ? his candidacy for a Senate sea} -on an alaminum issue, which as every good housewife kpows is thin and light. Also string enough to cause- Mr. Overman to begi-. to I get ready to organize: \-r jt n o '.I-.- next issue. ^ TUCKER W ATKINS TO . KKOAGE IN' fifcSlNESS " AT S<"?1 TH BOSTON Danville, Va , Feb. 19.? Announce ment was made today that Tucker C: Wirtkins who recently resigned a :-h nfrmhor'of the tobacco fool, will move his h^m'e-from Richm nd to South Boston and will engage' the o!l hu?m?<", 'having recently aoco aittted biself with the United States Oil company. ? -a ? LAND An increase hid having been placed on' the below .ds^drfbisd lands, the wrwfcfrjopied. C otyi MiflfctoniMF wi 11. on Monday. .Mifrch IJth J?26. at 12 o'cl:ckr M. in front i f the omt b'?W door in E?rf?ro,.N. -C -ell to the highest bidder ' for cash .tjie . ft-nujuTiit Until- lO'.wln Th?? tA TifThh t owoshlp, branded? tip the Vorth By ?the lands nf Tom Gentry, ion Ka?t oy of M -nVfic VaCg11Tr~retgTiT -rrrr- Sorrth by leitrrfc A ifw^AtKr West_ bjt R. fc. . Pucci,? eontainiog 12 f*- lf> corf's -more; or less.' X ?l'1,VrK w,tl begirj. at $82iCl. - Thisr Februijy I5tb ^eer | ---rNiVPftW ? } v. ,V m.. ' Want Ads "TO QUALITY WE ADD SERVICE". R-j*hort. l^Miirirlfv P*> ???. ??I MpipilVIIKijm .? th? Sanitary . Dry Cleaning ! Durham. $T<-ryth>PB ' Kvaranti-.-fl ? - ivhiXE I'AY . Y?M'R TAXES rk farm, and pl&nt a s: much 50,000 in to \- bficco/ Address, P. O. Box 67, Rox boro. >{. C. ' V ; _->"WHY TAKE -A WEEK" - .. To . have ysur garments Dry Cleaned; when^yoil ca^.have tbem returned" in ljT -Hoar.- perf oily cleaned..'* . * 1 ?' ' r Roxboro Laundry Co. ' \ (UpyfoyTQ** Best Cleaners) Ph ne 157 PECAN GROWING is profit ab}e( interesting, helps to- diversify, easy -t. learn, trees long lived, has un> limited markets. For particulars attd prices write B. Wipht,. ? Cairo, Ga. : ' 2-l7-3tp 'WANT .S.TO.Otf?? Jen* j ? m i ? . yv.'"\ .;'? or-, a hundred. Pay . for _.what has been pressed, not what" yiu ex ?- poet to have pre? s?-i. BT'V yaur dry poods from j.-antor-'. Depaitnlent Store and pet a' ticket] to -th?*, Prince* 5* ^heatrc FfcEJS. TO QUALITY WE ADD SERVICE" Roxboro Laundry Co (The Kli-ansr that Phone 157 WE HAVE CUT NO PRICES? But I vve are f till the cheapest ami best !~ trvc ? Ask vouv ueiehbrr. WHITE ST AH LAW.VDKY . "WHY TAKE A WEEK" . Tn^. have your Garments Dry Cleaned. ' when yon can have them" returned in 12 Hours perfectly cleaned. Roxboro Laundry Co. ( RoxboroV Best' Cleaners) t'-yl. " P1ii^b147 - . -- KREE tickets to the movie* at Can ter'- Dspt. S?ore with ysur I WILL PAY the hiehest Cash prices for-..-cnKham_5t?Hon. M. W. Andrew*. 2-17 4tp PAY VotfR TAXES this week and I s??f . 'he additional ncnaJtv * Wallace Word?,. City Manafrer. The 12 Cvlinder H Hor?e Power LafflrT sh w "THERE SHE GOES" 18-^Peo'ph ? 18 at Falatfe Theitrf Thursday- ? FrBay ? Saturday this week. . " ? The Oaeen of Musical Comedy ? -THERE SHE (WKH" 1'.? Peo* TitG -'TS At' Palace- Theatre, n-|T? F :, Si'*.. Thi-; week'. ['.The featii's Favorite is here/ Billy I Wehle's -THERE- SHE GOES I COMPANY" 18? rrPe^rle ? 18 at Palace Theatre Thursday ? Friday Saturday this week . * ' 7T- 1 1 -^he First i>f th? (ius Sun hi* Mimical Comedy Show's" "THERE SHE GOES CO.". Palace Theatre Thurs, Fri. Sat, this week. FOR SALE ? C.mpcte Haw mil] and oil ene #f wilb?ell mill PAY YOUR -TAXES thta we?k and .save the additional penalty. . ? Wallace Wo^ds, Cftjj Manager. vi in: i/|;ovk "mMVt 1*br Cleaamg Pter.*, W?J - -v^.-^rylh'r.g- that ? 'be" ..Bexbai^, Laundry . j .- y^nrv*^> 157".- ?? ?$v***by' 7V>?. ? .??/?? ? ??? i .? ?; . YOU dtp " sa*f at C*MorV Dept. 6to#e and get a FREB'tirke.t to th> Tnaiwio. ? : ? " ? ?.?"??' .'.)?? hCWf- ? One Colli* female dog. sable .. imd -white, answer*- to. namt trf ' pup. Reward for mfarmation" lead ing to recovery. J. A. Painfr, ! Roxboro, Route 3. . . ? > ? , ? ? FOR SALE ? Y?Jh?? m?rfe, priced right. J. J. BarSeft, Hurdle Mills. , I " , 2^I7i?tJ I AV ILL V\y t^T^?rf55kpiic? for cedar log? delivered at Se.moVa, Si. W, Andrew.*, 2;17-4pt GO to Huuh Weeds for Seed Oat*. Clover, Grass and all . otbn- kind of Seeds. , 2-17 2r?~ WANT MMfci Join ihf Buy Corn Glub- If veil dj not know about it just i;all at our office cr tivop ,us , ~ a postal. card and we yrill give you full particular)!. Will -not cost you a cent. Call or write The <3euri?r, Roxboro. FOR S \ L F.~ T korou ph breji Barfed * Plymouth R:ck etrg*. 75 cents par .fettmg of lifttc-'n. Mrs! -\V> T. iKiiby, R:xbbio, N: C. 1' 2-10-4t' ? ..4. ,, ?? $50, Op? ? Join the. Buys Corn Cljpb. If you d' nbt-kno-vv fatbnl '1 - call Vatv our cf&cc. cr drop .us "Sp postal card and v-r \vil]^?iye yau. full particulars. ;Wil] ir.t cost yos' i a cent. . Call or -vv i- i t=e The -Courier; ' Roxtoro. ? -?? ANNOUNCEMENT ? I hereby atnobr.ce that I :tyivp'i taken the office .f Dr. *S .??;/' F rdr.j Fr'r.nikliwt;D?, N. C by. d^wiVl h ov ! cat?d in that tov.ri after, the firlt of March* All* ikbtsrji .and Credit "nd ?patients; viih "ir.zcmjfeied "'eduiii. will kindly <=f6'jrio bof:re thst dato. ,| DR <\ T.i THOMAS I ; 3t= i WANT S50;00?*? rJcin . ihe Boy; Co r. 1 Club. I f v q 11 t!; not knew,-!1- , it it .just 'call at our < fir-e \r'r drop. uf. | fall particulars. Wi'i .-i t *. :> ? ' .. a cent. Call or write The Couri r Roxbqjjp. j ?i . ? : ; 1 ? ? 'l ftERT'I/r OF av . ;:AL fif.i o TESTS IN SPRF.AIUNC, LIVE __ ' Yield Per Acing up to ?o,00C ?? regard?- chilojien. while i'f'r adults the 'limit U $30000. T'~e Company will pive a Very liberal "commis-ion contract (diifct j with Home Office) to a good per sonal ppaducsr. > 2- 17 2tp I " . y-: \ a: prescription for r-OLDS. GRIPPE. FJ. I . DEXC.t E, BILIOUS FEVER^ and -MALARIA It Kiil The Germ& Rubber Stamps | f ? Stamp Pad Ink -i? . ? Daters ? . * ' -^Signatufe Stamps ? " Orders -received' by noon^ ready for delivery follow ing morning. 1H? ROSE. A6EN0Y Box 842 IknH>?m. N. e. Phone F-5351 ? IN BUSINESS Only solid worth in yflto clothes ?rn be considered. \VTlil? t hp cut of ? ><>u I Tcliffhlra is important. the Hfflrth oLJlit _ fabric, the