~Wtierr -vwiMhjv buiWing . materials, heu>. you need i.ot ig be a judge of qualities and prices to get the best valaes |a ih_e market affords. , ^ _jg That's our job? to supply w hat best fits your need b f and voyr pocket when and where you want it. . '"TStfrttrtj? -gtktigfactton muW~g;dwnh-eyeiy pun liam ~-v Wi. c;m't experiment with doubtful jnatei^rrSy ^ou not if vou buy -your materials jrom u?. - ? ?,?-? ~1 From Foundation tb Finish you can Get it Here. ? xboro LurnherT> "Home of Quality Lumber" ?t ^v/^?v?xy /SVW igvir?^ ~/$\i v^i y?vr?&\y /sv; : ^vi^Vir When The Birds Begin~ To Sing and the Plows begin to Run ? The mind of Man Turns *to Gaeden ? " SEEDS MUSTARD CABBAGE ENGLISH PEAS SWEET PEAS RAPE, TOMATOES - BEET and -4RISH GOBBLER POTATOES? . GIVE US YOUR ORDER Sergeant &C LAYTON * *? Sta-Kleav Store - PHONE 23 AND 24. ROXBORO. N. C. She Palart Slmitrp ** Advance Program From Thursday Feb. 25, . ** To Wednesday Marfch 3rd<** "? THURSDAY ? * ? Bill* Wehle Presents The 12 Cylinder, 90 Horse Power I-affin* Show "TWP.lir C?C n'Ar.c .? ? ' ? "mm Balcony 20? JO cents. (Pictui-e Twice,' Vaudeville Once) FRIDAY ?' ?iwy?^h^,?4^nA'> Th? V- <*??">?. 90 Horso Power Lsffin' Show "THERE SHE GOES COMPANY" with 18? People? 18^-Entire . bands' in prcgr*mj-Manon Roberts the-;.?ky rocket of Mwical Comedy, A thousand ? twice' Vaudeville Onci ) SATURDAY Billy Wehle Presents The 12 Cylinder,- 90 Hot-te* Ptfwer Laffin' Show "THEtlE SHE GOES COMPANY" with 18? .People? The Lust and Final Day? Entirs change in Pr.gram-. JPieTURE Lefty Klynn in "Sped Wild" Matinee at 2:30? P.-M Matinee Admission? 15 ? 35 cents. Night at ?,7:15 ? 8:15?9:15 ? 10:15 P. M. Admissions Night Main Floor 25? 50 cents Balcony 20 ? JO cents. (The Fir?t of the Gas Sun big Musical Com'-dj SJ)f>w?, One of the Large -it sh?vf? yet presented in Roxboro.) MONDAY? TUESDAY William Fox Presents J.hn Fork's Supreme Masterpiece "THE "J RON . .U0R.SE" With Madge Bellamy? JUeo.. O'Brien ? J. FuYrell ? MacDonaid ? FftlH'1.4 I'lmeit-C')! il Clutilwlrk ? Glndyn Hullete. ? A Wililuwi Fox Produce tion. (The Iron Horse tells the s-tory of the Union of the Railroads y. A Panha.unt Production. (All "the flashing, hpoior, sentiment and pathev of life behind the Footlights iti a great Paramount future) ADDED A Cameo Comedy. N?l'Advance In Admissions ? Performances at 7:15?9:00 P. M. COMING :>? MondSy and Tuesday March . fu^irth.' ' A Monta B

.g' T 'Tenth' (irjuie ? Gn'mcy Rimnie?, fiuth' Hawlcin*. ' . ?Eii-ynnft; ? l*oui?o l. :oxr fcUu M Jtimraer. CARP Of TftANjtS Wp rip?ir<> 1o thank rach anduverj nwn far ttrnmn kinflneaM? ?b"'vq ut. during "tip ttrfir iHw"? ? Wir-tan , ' ? - ? ?* 1 1 , l>1 jl I - .{ > 1* J'. ?! ^ ^ * V 1 T I OrjT**y RTTw KJIIU JUKI1 mtniffin -e^ery one of yi?/ ? _ ? Mt- asfl Mtjo THE CDURIEk . . \V bnia^y . ?4V V*2Q. ?? ? : ? ?- ? r? - Everything '.to build- with. W*t? kina ?&pAail*ek. F - ? < i ' A 1 ? "Vfle *are 'glad to learn tha* ? Mis* |. Annie; Yilliaes who -has*' b?en - sifk tftg pm few _iv?s1es-^g^?g cn tiicily. Wtrsl ^al Lmgsion and daughter, - ISfoji-ah, hav? returned to th^lr. hortic in Pittsburgh, Pa., after ^xfttdine ?? i/?6r days with HTs* Onto Will tfield ? Alisf? ? J. rene Whjttiekl* of GrfipRs , b'jxflT^^'spendiag some-J^iNt. . Ufie ? wjth- Relatives. - " -? '.?"???? * * Mrs. N. R. Villines -and- son spent . Sunday with Mr~~an4 Mrs. W. P-' Rogers. Mini Alnia ? of Roxbor* _ was the guest of Mrs. W.-P. Roger? the ?past week. * * * ' Mr. Earl" Satterfield is at home agan after being: away a couple of Weeks. Mrs. R. L. Wilburn spent last week with her daughter Mrs. parr Tim berlake -at Durham * * * '?+ /" Mrs: F. L. V^ge, Jr., of Zeibulon, 'is .visiting httr father, Mr. Jasper Harris. . Mis*e* R -.\anna Vancey and Min nie Allg-ood o$ NV C. C.' W., Greens borq, spent tK& week end at home. . J?- r. ?*? h '*"* Mr. aii'I ^Irsi- Snipes irtq( 1 daughter of Durham sj)ent the 'Week J end. with ^fr. and jffa. Joe Blanks. Mr. \V. J. Dct^) i^ ^pent fha .'week j end yisitinp his b^athir, Mt. \V; R Dennis, ofL^Brcokpeal, Va. ? ? ? ???? V V "Edgar Mjasten >ni Jamek Cafrver spent . tlje week end ? at Oak Ridge . Co'iUgft wifh-Mnyi; ard Clayton? t f ' * ?> / - " Mr*. M.: R; L*bng,._ spent several days this yreek in Greehslrord, guest ?- i Mrs. B. R ? Long. . i * w * * ? ? ? : J| Mrs. K M. Long and MKs -Afyrtle* 1 .t.:ng; of " Burlington spent Friday { hferei -with' '"Mrs. R.r H?. Gatesu l 4; .? 1 Dr. R. E. drooks i of ...Burlington spent- Friday hert with relatives. 1 -Mr. W. C. Byll^ck spent several days "In Hendevsoh this. w6ek. " ?****? Mr. R.- L. Harrif "Tent last. week in- Greensboro. * . ? ? Mr.- Winnifred Clayton of Cbapel Hilf 'spent^ the week end at home. i *. * * * . * Moss Mildred Li>ng of Greensboro ttpeat the^w#^t enif at home Mt. Tony J3uncan spent several days last week at . Wakefield. ? '* '? ? * ! Miss Onie Whitfield is ?pfnd?ni? tKn itrnnU in M, Q. A L L ENS VI J. I E H. S. HONOR ROLL'. Bt'ow are'the name* of pupils who averaged ninety and above for .one half year's work: e 8th Graie ? Evelyn Wilburn, Re.JJ ben Strum, Isla Crumpt'n, Lueile Kjfiitry, Mary Gentry. 9th G: ade ? JIueL Gentry, flarold Gentry, Marshall ? White, Elise- Vick IT?. "? ?10th Grade? Lueile ' Montague, Melputn Hicks, Bradsher Gentry, flonor r~ll fir fifth mDnth: '8th ^Grade ? Mary Gentty, Iala .Crumpt, feubtn- Strum, Kv*)yn Wilbifrn. ? 9tli Grade- -Elise Viekers, Rosa Y&rboro. . . 10th Gj-ade ? Bradsher Gentfy, Lucife Montague, Melganv Hicks, Ad elaide Meadows. AUTOMOBILE COLLIDES WITH COAST LINE TRAIN Rocky Mount, Ft?b.~ 22.? E. G MiteheJl of Fairmant was. .instantly killed and Mi ps Mary? Lee and Minnie ffr-yant of Benson injured when, their automobile was in col lision with an Atlantic CV>ast tine train lest nght between Holt's Mill and Four Oaks. ,, ? - MitcheH'l#body iyas shipped from here today t-?'h!s home ..fox burial. The two ytfung' Women were or ufcht to thf A. G. L. honpftjll hsre for treatment- ' It Was said today thai ijt- w?? n^t- wiiuistv JNtureil but Miss Bryant war in a tlanjfercu', condition ' with a. fractured thigh and jhvulder and., other injuries.. E,isT . ROXBORO AND , ? ii: .. L_. , . Prayer meeting ? at v Longhogt -Uetbodi h \ Church Wediutxaay- ?. M , *eW21.. 192?. 7:30. Y^a iifwel f>me: .Prayer meetipg at Orae* M TT rKnn-h Kft*t Koxh/>in ihi!r,* , -:1 .Fieet-fting at Longlvurn at lL ? th. Topirr "flpi. poftdeney." ? W* elpjet I^cJkwVWI j of p?*ple. Preachfng at ESff? Kox- 1 bean) at 7 :30 p. mt Come over ana j be with u^-. >1 , i j ET-LKRBE. I A ^rHL RCH-GOINGlBoMMl MT V ? ? - J . . One of the* mqst beautiful lO 'be' seen is that of a commuttity that .attends churfch ( 100 pejr rent ? ^ * nvns. cities, and ? countrie*, we ?ee people who (ire Interested in ' Aaroh work . and charitable in^ilqfion*,; an^""^ enod* index to a person's character is the appreciation he Tias of the church. fWhat are r-mnr ?f. the tv.iubTc"tTvot' we face in regard to churchatU'iVd ancfc? Many people attend the ser vices, but their conduct during the hour of worship is very wob2coni?nfir fof.*repular church attendants. The Church-. of Gid is a ?acred place, not ? place for whimpering, gumchewlng, disrespect fluxing prayer and ottoer -uch acts. The .worship hour J- too brief and tco valuable \to be con sumed in %suehr irreverence as this. N'ow we are &birt4ar to suppose that tfe.e community. d:e v.attendjng : Kircfi. Of course, the-' pastor may he' refr'.yi.-sibr-e. is hi? place tj roVrect his fau!t4?* ? Whatever ' a ihuwch is /iaing; tliafe; hiirddr.s. tha Worship of . a 'Cf fhnaunity " must' 'be :crrc hav^. s3 C :'w people. pre -rent for . tt prater ervtec, preaching. feevvu-e or Sunday'], 5ch;ol? . Because our leadern Have put their Vtaiivp of ariorva) and" influence in the ? wrong- ? place. How ibout the Saturday r night bl . principles have the right idea: .get up. and" leave when such pictures are cast before ur. We need to appreciate the church more and more. * M. CTEU-ERBE, Jalong, N. C. VRGFTARLE .EATING CON TEST " QV .IN SCHOOL As a part of the Bed Gtjss nu trutian " progrtun, the .children have been competing- in a vegetabte eat ing contest m' the Various school? of' Person -?ounty. One. little trirl wrh2 . aid she sifnply eoutd not eat any vegetable. except, potatoes and beans has already learned to ""like -.two other; vegetables, and is trying more kinds, . . Hie reason for this -interest is that cljUSren have been convinced that vegetables are necessary, No body can be realty heal'hy. unless he' rat's. plenty cf vegetables, ?(?specially green, opes. Tht' bc?t rujtf i-s ? tttof. vegetables every day, other than' potatoes. .Serve a leafy vegetable .three times a week ht least and eviry day if posiihle. Cabbage is.. the most common leafy vegetable and cain usually be -eeured Easily and at. small cost. It is moct' valuable if served raw,'. in cold slaw. When you cook it try the fallowing method. Take off the outside leave*; cut the -abbage into small ' piece*, removing the tough stalk. Cook in an uncovered kettle of boiling water for 20 or 30 minutes; cook only unr How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break op a fold overnight or la eryc? wiih batter., j salt.iunl p^psf>' or with miile fcaot&^f Cahb?ge eooketl in "tj?i*-. \vay ' is bpth j haaUh'fti) ,aml palatable. |liBj|H - ? <*frnhod ? tainatij tamed the year :*rc^j1nd. ? It i'$ a pood pt*n t : ??ry-t? them oft 'nT'tht-y ar r- ? pood* f<5r you as orange- and aT<* muca; chUfaJicr. JLei'? bun gtin JieiiaUUA ?k jjc . Adult* i - ^l th.m* ?- much jis.;ths children do-. . pon't ??*? .?j? ' chlldj en things. ? -,-K.OBSRirA IfE&SHEY. ? ,' c-i? -i : rO ? } KL'BSCftlBE TO THE COURIER? Pt-r \ rnr ;n A'Ivhik J I How bo You Feel pSilS&Bi u j Someonfe his Mid you could/almo-it^i udge the in war 3 'feeling l>y the outside appeaVsnee. If you will drop in to our place we will see that the duttide measures up. Receiving today a lot of sprtog Coats in the newest shades. Spring gooda.are coming m dally. Ai.w wr have uii hand today the shade and quality of hose you want ifi the pointex beel. Watch our windows and better still coprte in and tike ; a look? It wi.l pay you to trade with us. Try It. WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD .New Store In Front of Court House: - JOIN THE BCOJSOMIC.VL HOUSE KEEPERS Sairir, pee 100 lh. ? Cottcm Seed Mewl, -per bap. Good Straight Flour, )jer bbl. -- | . Red bag I ? Golden Crowir Syrup, by the ? ? ? t*se, per g?V ? r ^-.Thick-Fat Bjwk?..p?r lb. Li.ut in GO lb tabs', per lb. 14 l-2c Eatinc Appu-?, pvr pa. ? OrtBRfis- mf pk. ? ? - 8#e SavibK it is ea?er than fnaklng it. _j! ?* Uty Cash? Cat* Pay* Aubrey Long & Co ? Rough Lumber ^Rpll Roofing ?Flooring and Ceiling ? Windows and Doors ?Galvanized Roofing - ? ? Shingles and Laths ?Lime and Plaster ? ^B rick and Cement ?Paint, Lead and Oil - _ ?Builders Hardware SEND US YOUR ORDERS *** Watkins & Bullock "Everything To Build With" No Matter Where the call comes from, we aiWw?*r it promptly. Our service' reaches to .anywhere in Person Count v. 'Those wishing the distinctive type of" service thai this firm ren f ders need not fef+""3epriyed of it ^ merely because of a few miles dis f tknce. We serve where the nfed arises. .