tffro UATK OS T3E Y Vlfl.l, IS i HE HAl i-, VOl'R I' wn.i Bt: WTfil'PKtV! * -V WAKH ihE^aiho, Voift PAPEi, ? ? ' DON'T LET sVflS(RrrTR>N BX TIRKt!! l-L j.-w. noell; editor and publisher HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT ' i $1,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ?VOL. No. X LI II ROX BORO, NORTH CAROLINA, AVednesclay Evening- March 3, 1 926. OWfS*W - W-THFJWnRK TRiftl itiemjgpr.s. of . Law Extension JS:, *??- Class Present ,V I'tiique Affair AWARDED $25,000.0*) An'unusually enthusiastic, audience , .greeted "K participants in rtie meek , trial" . pi rsented Friday nig-lit at Court H- use* by the law extension) i'tlva of the University of Nortlj ?Carolina. ? Professor W.. E. fAtkins ? , f the- school of commerce at 'the i University has been conducting, thv I "? class for the past .several nr nfhj.'j Hie case involved a breach Of prtfm- 1 iie suit for the "sum of $50,000. Uj ' V:; g rlaime;! by M -'- Wary BTank; (nee Mr. K.- 31. KaTinlrfft,) plaintiff ?0 . that W.. W. Wood%r the defendant1:! _L pri\pn?e(| In hvr t>r:ico of various kinds was intro. duced, alt of Which was vigorously d?- I nied by the defendant. ? . OjirlWn.of thj jpcil bar, ac ' fi-ji :xi ?ti ' expreisd high ap-j "2 . pfc?atMm for?the work that Mr. ?A . Roxb B ' SKft'WScl JSaw :uj; erf "sslaWyers for" the plaintiff; Sam 1 tl^rritt And, U B. bawes acted it lawyer* for the defendant. Xttor ' ways . for both sides argued their cases n\ost brilliantly; so brilliantly in fact that it is reported the r? Supreme Court is trying t&_^rt - a ?line on some of them. The jury RaVc tfc. plain-tiff half the amount of "her" claiim, amounting: to $2S.Q0|) 5Tha -.Attorneys having becom? ex- < Haustcil, there was no appeal noted. | N. C. -MjWS ?Ba'nl; Robber* Commit '"&uirl*de Raleitfh, Feb. 28.v--Trcy Fitz>n?rnl?J. .white. 37,* aliened mcmbct* of a b,m?i c/f JbnWiV^ wh^, helii >ip the Bank ofj . Efland , E)e:u mhor, I'omniiitwl ; ? suicide in a cpH 'n death row in -tale's pviron. this after.noon by. gtranjyWntf httr.aeVf with a sheet.. 'FitzfrevaM wns recfntly # rem avwf- te the prison /foil: wing: effort ??? he made td take hi# own life whlK aW<in# tiiul in the Durham coun ty ,jWfcgr- iv. '.'??"i ? ? o ? JWvidson Seniors Made Oeod Cradu David? on, Mm-. 2.- Fifty-fetr. cf the 95 members jf the senior 'clasy . if Dtfvtthott- college made -nboye 00 ,ier (jint on their' general average for the . tint semester the rl^.-s Average for the entire 03 .students being?, 90.52 per 11 in his home and messaires ? front that place today, though in dicating flight improvement diiring ? the night are terribly deposing, Hetutersiih Hanker Charged With , piP.h?.>l?m?.nl ^4. :M'nrl -?on, Matrh 1; ? Injjtctments in 11. Counts w?-rr -,rctin*ned by.' tJTei errand jury ip Vane* Superior court ; tkiiti aftri^iM*n^ ngmnst-H K. "rhargiog him with the embex'xie Tnpnt 'rf. as cashier of the ' detsuci Parmer* and Merchants "bftnk of'. tlintfUp|nF t uri' inuring Some of the field men of the &tate Highway Oomraissim . ; '^jhave" arrived and are x^ttfi^gog ready for work on the ; roa&^^ll leading North by way of Lonp burst and Bakersvitle, thence aen the ?dnqection with high way number 13. We under stand the ew??trfi?tftr? have l>cen h?re 'tooking over the lay J ^tut and will h^vef their ofttfit?* T>n the }ebk now very soon. If no hitch occurs tWis work will go jright ahead and by fall' this ink should be cbm pitted artd opened to the public. ATTENTION, MR. FARMER ? It there ever waM a" time when you i could jiffc**# to .get in your flivver And drive a few miles to pave a few dollar1*. it f* nq^w. and if you twill | read the advertisement of the Bar- 1 bouii-Wribora^ Hardware Company of j South Boston* y ju \viTl see that it wilt mean riiotiey for you to take fd-j vantage of the prices -quoted. ' Read 'this advert isemjent' closely,, note the prices and' therp put a fi*w gallons iti your-jshn. henry and journ ey to the Barbour -WFlJiorn Hard ware Ooimnpany and save money. .These people a?e well known dealers i and you know they make no false statements. The iroccfs *adviertised are. ? .nf well-known makes and you can easily tell ju*t how mucjh you are saying. . J>R BSB YTERI A N . AKKOtfrtfasM BM'l'S Sunday School at 9:45, H. *L. Cro'weU. Sunt* Ri ea,ii qqmc on ;i^o. '. MorntoK service' at H S^." itt-afi bjr the Pas tor.' r ? , * Sunday School at MitcheilV :hap?l ?t J p.' m. at Warren's Grave school h'.tise at 7 p. m. Every one w.^cotne at all services. ( Dr. W. !l. f'razer, who was cx .pected be here on Monday night and deliver a IectBfl-, ha wired that owinpr to illnass. in his fantily, he will . be unable, to keep his " engage ment. . P. CARY ADAMS, Pastor. : o HLHASE NOTICE Wo regtet that the. play, "Deacon -Dubba," which ? wnn i.> bt 'givo'n nt Caldwell school en Friday nifrht, March tfye fifth, will have to be . postv pone&on ? accoj&nt of the lHriePs of one of the chafafcRfs.^-? H. M. WOMAN'S * CI4UJB Regular 'Jmsin^&i meeting of the Woman's club ts be held in Kuplan building at 'I p. m. Monday, March j 8th", 1926. ' c J vcrsity of Nbrth Carolina's Glee flub, which has achieved n fame in the South corresponding to that made> by Hjityand in . the North, leaves the State this week oh a northern t Air. the .urulminiUinn of which will be in New , york City, where the- Tar Heels wiil cojnpete, fer" the first time, for national hon ors in the ' tenth annual IrvtefcoU letciate Glee Club Contest to be held in Carnegie. Hall Saturday evening, March 6. ?~o~- ? ? . S;i'ishorv Maih l>is?appear,s .Salisbury, March 1. ? Relative* of George M-elchor are very much con cerned because' they -have no news 1 of him swico/ie suddenly disappeared 1 from Salisbury, a day or two afterl \Hew year'* (bv. * Mr. Meichoi is , abviqt years old aiid- was ymploy o l "tjV 11 I tycu I phrrahitig firm. He left j hp hoarding house withc,jit i ''word) u to Mi deitinftttor) and' left his) warV clothes and his watch , in bis I room. i ? n , ' ? Younji Man Terribly Injured ,:it ,N?w Bern '! ? ' ? - ? . | \Nfv? IJern,' Miirt;h 1. ? With both 1 L ir "iiKie:-i->~ t*~' 'be? knae ;. fld . with utT -;m " "tfe ? lnjjif iir..i ? tm(l> bruines, . I^cpnnrd Peck, yc*injp Mtiy ? ,, .1 o ,,i i., .. . ? -_r ?!_ ??<>nditk>r. . as '^Wie - Q' . " a** ' "C . " u i'i 11 i> ,j \t> ? 1 1 1 Tttt a! . e ^ t * i1 ] m 1 1 1 ? o+twvk .vcriiftul ??>-?'->> -tv?v> -ai.-rht. Veil T. ? V ' rrriT" r*,-irL;^,^^ miiTi i. , 11 K MIE riXLEY DIES SUflDESLY TUES. Found Lyinjf on Floor; Funeral . Services Held This ??*? Afternoon -RESIDENT OfF ROXBORO^ /?Mrs. Naimte Plxleyr, aged 7S y nt-.j, di&d suddenly Tuesday, morning at fO <^ciocfc, 'as a result* of an attack of heart trouble, brought en" by Vld ?ge. ? ' A few mjnutfcs .before the. aUi?& came the deceit sed '^envod r4T6 be go ing ab utjn. her usual manner: She was seated 4n a chair 'whaarC-fctie; called for medical aid, but when tvgfcl daugbte* reached her she Was^feuitiT -4*'ing on her face on the. flov^^ead. Mrsv Pixley been a ,jre.F ay, of^ Rox boro; 3jtrs% GeorgC" Walker, .Qf Ivox horo; M-i?s -Lizzie PSxley, c-f .South 3sston; two sons, L. G. Pixley. of Timberlake; two sisters, Mrs. Robert. Scott, and Mrs. S. C. Barrett Tbe_.funeral services of the de ceased were . held from the !ionie Wednesday afteroooil at 2c 34 o'clock. Rev. W. F. West,, pastor of. the vices/ the burial taking- place in the Bitrchwood . cemetery. " ' ; . y j CONCORD AND OAK CtflOVE Mr J. B. Satt 'plietd. -Lho . feu PUT !vink=ndetit, will" be mighty glad" to w 'yoiv^im time for. Sunda? Sch^l next : Sunday at ten; . ? . / Prea&irtg at eleven. . Topijcj \ "Meaning cf .the Lord's. ^Supper." I Fallowed' f>y the observance of .the | .sac 'ai)iept. Children -tV be served j fi ? >t ? oome by classes. At Cirovr ? Sunday Sch-ol ' v. ill open jncftiiptly at two. Preaehiru at | three. Subject : "FourkTatk.n str nes of faith." We are glad to have the i people w:rsKrp with us . at any <>f the services. J. W. BIw ADLE-V^ Past>r. THR. 1WANGUM ? ENTERTAINS ? Friti.iv night Mr. R, R Mnn gum Rave a ?tan party honoring his brother, Mr. Sam ? Mangunj of Wil son. Thr guests w?re Drs. E. J. Tucker and J. II, Hughes. Mess. J. H. VVbitt,:?E. O-. Lcnpr, E. V. Boat wriftfbt and J. W. N06I!. Bridge wan played at twe tables .and after many* progressions Mrs. Mangum sewed fruit ^alad and cake. 1111 Hfc 1NTEREST1H6 MEETING lftr have realised tn'ai she ha?"* of rare l?^ut^nd p-wei-. ?>??* " Rfyl P. Cary. Adams was on the program ftr a speech- on" /'music,'* and Oirfc. totd the Rotarians if there was 'any one thing he knew nothing ; aboiilTlr wis niasic, and then pro ceeded to deliver one of the moat in teresting talks ever delivered a round the Rotary table. Altogether, the Rgtar'ans have had few mere en joyable meetings. ? o ^ NOBLL MASTkv" _ ? 7 - * ? . ? ? The. ma triage . of Mi ?s El rzabeth Naell and Fred L>Maaten took^'.ace at Halifax, Va.f on Monday v after noon, came as* a* Surprise to their ..many, friends here.- and throughout the state, as., both are popular and widely known. 'Hie 'bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. J. W; Xboll, of this citiL_und Is a ?"popular member. . jf* tpe . social .-life '?of ttoxbere. The- gzocm is a son of Mt. and Mrs. H-.- H. MraCeri.yand a ' \\'?l Y' known busintjji'S ? man tit* . K'jx . Mitny. ^ :cial affairs have? .al 1, ready been plahne'df. for ?fl'rs.. MastenJ I ahd the matfy friends of the.*ooupl< are glad that, the marriage! :es not take them away from the city.?? B,| ATT I -A' ni-NG WOM AN S' MKETlXf. d .The following ladies* left yestcr day morning t ' r RalelyH who?'* lluv will attencKHe State meeiii;? .01 th* Women's Baptist .Missionary Union : 3Tesdames D. W. Bradsher, A. M. burn of Roxboro, and Mrs. N. Jj Todd and Miss1 Miltjr&d Slaughter of Providence. ? . -J Monta Bell's Production " Lights of Old Broadway", with Marion Davie s and Conrad Nagel at Palace Theatre, Monday and Tuesday March is? t9th'.. V; ? run k i H CAR O F/TNA" COW EX ( ^ELS IN y PRODUCTION LA'JT YEARi SlU'EB MEBAT. GO$S TO S EV*W^|WBY AT CU*tt- j L,OTTE. NORTH CAROLIN'V. P*"- ' friit' nn "ruj? * Iri; ' ? ' ? :i f : . . ' ? - ???'.pn Jid far ?? >'nW?? in" i . . .. ? _ - . i . Stl'w^n Farm C. mpasy ~ of i CharioUft,.. C., ha* derelopc?i pud c 'vr in i'MfJJF^SISSwT" [Un$ ? ."tLU. taw w?- ^uirtj<n^.ni| ?n SfiSfdtoyj -!.weii 'Winmngfa Cold-Slwtul by) K of 4 pouTjds of 'fcnttPi .fat.i _? ? ftwl'j Utiilix wnn ttrtgAI r&ftqo pTcVIgini y <>?? .julu'l'i . . yf n y . - ~M. whfn sha l)1]lfln fha . iiiuj '7-llii! ) i! f.nnTi . f ~in?V' r<4 ? . lltr If ? l'..|" . yettr? on soato ' v'uch publication tire eligible tor memKbi-shlp. 1 Eberman is a junior in the DV partnient of Painting and Decoraticp Jf the Cullene uf Fin.- Ails. Edwin Eberman is the son of Mr, and Mrs. E. Kbcrmarr. and we arr all pKud of the record ho -is raak ? ing at the Carnetrie Institute J Technolo(ry.T? Ed. Www Tihfeir Cww ii AGBHBMIC f'RKJ-'.Ik/m ! - - * . ? ? ? ? ! Academic Freedom does, not mean license, to subvert the troth; bot it Joes mean the right and the obliga Uon to tie lcy*l t> the f*ct^'. The First Baptist Church 'stand* : for The Truth? The Whole Truth? Amt Nothing But Tho Truth. Sunday Schcol 9:46 A. ,M.,R. E Wltburii, s vipe? inteSdeSC Preaching 11 -00 A. M.. Subject; "The Freedom of Truth." 7 :30 P.. M. Subject: "The Hope of Humanity." B. Y. P. U. 6:30 P. M. "The Truth shaft rtiake you free." i .Pno. 8:82. W. F. WEST- r>wtor . MR. PASS IMPROVING .Hi*; T.'W. Piy? i 4?wb JJ- ??fer ine from' an.. automobile accident. fSv+rMi happened in iDiinvvlte. On "M&nday afternoon he had a -fainting -pell, prcbnbly caused from bilious ness. and fell out of hjs chair but we are triad to kiurv from reports . lhi< that.. .he is feeling fine,, and hope*- to be-?ut soon. -Q. ? . _|_ OUVB mil. I'Utl.VI . "p ?TEACHERS ASSOC, I VlKiN ? Th} Itm wt-tihfe ot the Uliv-I Hill ' Parent-Teachers Aisotriaticn for the -ftcfeoet year will be held Tlmrgdhv : o>k?ek. Oflfoer* yjw -wjiJ? ha* elected of - scikrtfti -are. jUirjcM '?'? (-it- ^ M'BOUNft MORTGAGE - UNO INDEMNITY i CO. Sir. IJacon. Field Representative ?r ? Here Looking Over The* Town LOAN EET ROXBORO $100,000. Mr. Zoch H. Bacon, rielri repreieo tative of the- Carolina -Mortgage & Indemnity. Co. spent "Monday #od Tuesday in Roxboro with Xho. local atfent Mr. J. S. Waker, Mr. Bacort stated tohut his Company, had loaned in Roxboro clase tov $100,000, with a'Aitfmber of* pending which would make the total well over 1100,000. THe puj*pose of IVHr. * Baccn's visit was rfor" securing: uA ditbnal loans. , K. When asked about* conditions over the State- Mr. Bacon stated t hat. some sections were temporarily suffering from poor crop c:n" attend the ^Missionary Cotyicil in Uali'-'^h March 10?^17 as much as possible. Suit Publicity. ~ 0"^ ? ? jf A POOR MARttlED MAN" Dolt't fait to >ee the fTiiimest play ? vcr ? "A Poor Mfcried Man," by the End Epwcrth League of South TjQ3tQi? i' p(day rjsht, ' March IStli, at 8 o^cicck at Jalong School A udi-. '?torium, featuring the Ori*ic. A ingle,- >? Oxford Bears. ' . ? Thin is the deciding game of the season as R:-xboro haa'nt Vast * . ? Conve out and see a good game. MOVED TO C.REENVU4Ja Mr. and Mrs. Sv Arch .Tones and n Master Well Jones left vestertUy ** marninif t r Grpenvilje, NT. C., where t.)ije> will make their home.. -Mr. ?hinc ' has been in the automobile business there for the - past several months foetnee hie moVfrK. Their fritfnd^ v-1 il reRtet theTr iroinir. but ' hope- for them much success. MRS. MOORE KVI'tniY * , RWdYKUINfl j Mrs. Mollie E. Moore is rapidly- ? recovering front a f?H which frac tured Tier .h'P " -niiinth- afro. Slid in now with Her d:uifrh.ter, Mrs. J. I*. 3owl??, "5S5 Fllmore-. Street. filers- .. ?> lure, Vn., ? She will be delighted t? ret curds fTffm ijer TfiSBfl* wfco wuA n 'vi'itc imr. ? ; : ? ? c ? _ V U4. communr:ation - ? ^ '/^ tion' P iy H & I JudftUT" A.-.F. * a: m. {? iitrtW Meulm? ff '-j't'JSfiT:. >' Uuaa-7 AU AUiW, . ? r- M-.- 'i.iy'- xre VM,. W. MOftRiJLU \V, ? ^r- ? . ? .. . ; _t? ^ 't L:_ _"_'L ^ ?' - - ? --1