j v*[- NOELL. EDITOR AN'D PUBLISHER ' VOL. No. XLIII \ . HOME- FIRST* ABROAIPKeXJ $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE RQXBQRO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening- iMarcK j 7,1 926. No. I I *. ? Revenue Tax Four Mitiion KgderaT and ^iate Of{i<jps Swamped on Final Days" : Of Time Liqiit * FEDERAL RETURNS FALL Raleigh, March 1$.? M>Ve ".money j ^'june to Raleigh tod^y through jn . come and general taxes than ever; '".camti in a solitary work period, ."Col-j HHS crtor ?Gilt iani .Grissom op6nirt? $1: 960,000 .of income* tnd t*noujarh other kind to make. up $2 ,610" 000, and Heve- j *nue Commissioner R. A. Doirprbfcon j picking from'thp_iHfckets of the'depr peepul, $1,340,215.58. i Mr.'Gris*om had gathered for the) month 51. 250,000 and Mtf. Boufchton ha.d torn i>ff for yesterday $1,410, 561. ?0., Prior to that ,date he nad j * notched $637,000. making in- round numbers about- $4,006,000 for Marcfe-t It would rtteem that he has taken i more than Mr. Grisjwm has copped from the same folks during the same hold-up period. . - Meat of the big coYporatiotia have j put up. It is officially kfmwn that i the (.'oast Line has not paid its state inccme tax. but othfer roads have done so. { There are still a considerable num ber of deputies from aH parts of the state, from whom the 11th hour col lections are yet to be received. The^ most of these, said the cashier, will / arrive tomorrow.' . The federal taxes, als . pour in *t a rapid r?*e. A milion and a half ; was received by Collector Gilliam <Gri?som> office Monday, he said, ?*d mor^than $2,090-000 has come ( [ -in today. . True Vahje 4 "Are foil living, yoor Me .Willi 1 A true -cmc of proportion?" Y?u !lo : not have time nor streifirth for iveyrythjeg.* Are' you putting first ' thing- fir.*t? ^Apipiy-dbis particular ly to the love of money, lo.vp of .. fftMul eminence, and the love of. pleasure as competitors against character for the throne of your , . life? -Harry Emerson Fosdick". I The First Baptist Church seeks to emphasize "first things/' ? Sunday. School 0:45 A M. Preach. ing.Jl a.. M. Subject "The Glory of the Commonplace." 7:30 P. M. Sub-' ject: "Masters of Environment." ' B. Y'. P. U? 6:30- P. M. ' W. FY WHST. Paster. j PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 0;45, H. L. Crow* 11, ? Supt. ? We have just rearranged our Bible class. We now have a men'* - ola-s and a ladies class. VVe want (?very lady and man of our church to ; attend one cf these classes. Come, ; ond- bring some one ^ise. Morning service .at 11 a. m. Ser- . mon by the Pnstor.-. "Wednesday jiieht services the rest of the month' will be given to. study1 and prepara tion for Communion service 1st Sun- ? jjaji in March. ' , Sunday School at Mirehelt's Chapel ? nt 2-p. ra. Bvcqing service at'RAx 1 . at 7:30.' * - All ore welcome at each and all \ services. We need you and you need Church. P. OARY ADAMS. Pastor.. DEATH OF MR ?A. P. HVURFT^ Mr. A.. P. Barrett died at bi? home ! .n Umlinptr.n la.t WgriaAntlav Mr. j Burrctv-ivM- a native of K?>*l>>ro, but ? nw(*?l~ to Bprtmeton rtiipiy -years f ago, whore he was tne of the bent Krio?n~<iti7.oni of the city havinir beeh Mayor for several years. Mrv C. *'? Mitchell attended the funeral JOHN CARVER D^OPS DEAD -Tio-hn ('arver. n \vi highly , respected "colored resident of EoxWr^r Qi'opjMai dead veiy. a'.iflflen \y aboi^t n6on today- at h is hojnd ir> heojth for '? ?(vnif timt?.- FanoTal ar- . yanaMmmtk . ha vn -not v ?;t Uucii ir.ur.r*,"' M q ? v-ata l\.R Ufl" PTN.V All t ,kV( 'fa nfAfui h < -.'hnr- meters* Not. Road Rev. Dr. S. Parke* Cadman hat been pastor of the Cent ml Congre Rational Church in Brooklyn for 25 ?years. "tVe anniversary!, event was ??idab'Mktetf-'yith a great ovation President Coolidge sent congratula tions. The congregation presented Dr. Cadmah with a parse of 128, 000, a thousand dollars for every i-eat of wryic*. . ' Three Dope Peddlers Arrested ; ? Greensboro. N. C.< Mar. IS. ? Frd-.' oral agents last light arrested in this ? city a man' and Jwo women, aceusedl of being higher-ups in the narcotic traffic; toot ii quantity of morphine off of them and placed them in the ; county jail to nvi^it a bearing here this afternoon before United States Commissioner' W. S. -Lyon. Jesse. W'yatt Goes tp Prison Raleigh, March 16. ? ItiU If. Wyatt. Torbier plainclothes-' detoo- ! th-e (in the""Haleigh fo,rcc, was taken ' to tho state's prison Monday where i he \cns committed for, a minimum of eight months j?nd a maximum ot 18 for the -slaying. :f Stephen S. .Hclt, atbornoy of S;nithfip!cl, June 1, 1925. Gold Discovered Near Asheville As.he>villc. March 14? ^Sreat ex citement has been caused in this sec tion by the reported dieeovety of gdM in Yancey county near But n.v ville, about 40 miles northeast of Asheville. Slate's Deficit Million and Quarter Raleigh, March 12. ? The ^deficit in the general fuw} of 'the statf treas ury, which first appeared during December, has gradually increased until new it is almost million and a quarter dollars. ? Outsiders Inquiring About Our State ?Raloigh, March 12. ? The state de partment of agriculture continues to receive numerous requests from peo ple outside the state fo> informs- , tion about North - Carolina. These requests come, in all from ! "HI >tates and foreign countries. ?' Murry Bernard with his "JUST J FOR FUN COMPANY" 20 fl pie. The brggent show yet, .nt Palace i Theatre, Monday and Tuesday March 22-23 rd. I ' " ? I tuftlK DESTROYED BY FIRE. 1 / f Mr. J. B. Barrett of the Bethel, Hill neighborhood, hnd the misfor- ! tunc t? los$ Tils home by fire on Isst i Saturday morning. Mr. Barrett was i .help was secured. Tbo fire apreadri rapidjy srfd 'notMng of any eonse- I Qve.Ace was saved. Only n limited i iim'r.unV of' insqr'nne(<' ws<^ earned and the loss falls heavily fin thW ! poot^lnan " ? M A 1U ; A R E r B A R v-:tt -Sarne^t died- at Aged ^nd Infirm as buiifd at the ground at Hager* afternoon beside' ibanri, Mrs, Bar AN INTERESTING TRIP ~ PLANNED FOR-fftRMERS The Farmers of Thi*'- Count jt Invited To V?it Hie North"'' State Creamery WED.-.MARCH 2L THE .DAlfe * L-7- ' " * The Xor.tfr State Creatuovy dm Burlington "extends to tile farmed#? . (ff Person County cordial iiwTfati|E ?to visit the creamery .and noiiltW' di\ssing station on March 24th. ' yjjh piJM? Ufeve\R-Jxbcro at ll:30'.A>?j If more convenient. please rneet ? at Gocdonton at twelve o'clock. 7hM? may be some cars tjiat can take A extra passenger. If you havp--.? cofc-eniont way. to go, pli "xroOr^t wnship chairman. (5n Saturday, March ^Oc'h, at -:0O P. M., there will be a meeting c? iff farmers *who are interested in fft courfcging ' the cream end pouH-^V business in Person QountyT . T$6(f County committee will meet with tiro township committees Id the otfjee ? Prof. B. I. Satter field, and any ":h?'rc who are interested will receive '|i cordial, vfetcome. The object of this meeting vis to work out the detail* of starting tho truck ,that will cqgfe cream and poultry 'to JBurlin }Ve. plan to have, this truck- making regular trips at an early aate. (Turtle t^r the- meeting prepared to mafl|? .sift: great ions that will . help- yopr heighborhroi. *A committee of thvee haa beeiP ;*p pointed'for each towi\ship. Tho fal lowing^ have been named town. ship chairmen: ^Qxboro? rMrs. J. E. Daniel. - ' Bushy Fork ? C. E. Hester. ?? ' Olive Hill? Mrs. John. D. Wiiiste ul BfW III WINS I B. B. CHAMPIONSHIP ?The "Jackets'" Frliiyrri Thriini'h The Season Without' Loos r> ing a Single Ganje RASIJtfALL BEGINS SOON BetheT Hill has won every same ?pliysd jn tl)C Person County Champ ionship series and na? observed tvcrv rale and requirement laid down rtr tbe rules which \Vere adcptrl by the committee' appointed for that J W>rpi>8? I Bethel Hill lost tonly one hijrh schbot cranio in the, ??tnte and that was to the Durham "White Whirl wind" hi(?h school champions of the iutg^ The Yelldw Jackets" only losje r.ne of the quintet this, year and ex pect to come back next year with lijorc "Pep than ever. ! The "JacTcets'f . have now -turned their attention- to baseball and soon the crack of the bat .will <>e heard on the diamond. A good schedule of granges is ex pected to be complete within a short time with some of the .be.pt high , school teams of the ttato. ->Con. ^Woodsdale ? Prof. G? W. Smith. Holloways? J. H. Shntweil. : AUensville-r-T. B. Davis. Mt. Tirzah ? R. L. Day: Flat River ? Frank Timberlake. Cunincham ? Mrs. T? L. Franklin. All who are interested will please come promptly at 2:30 P. M., Satur day, March 20th.' J. C. WAGSTAKF, Chairrran. W. X- AVARREN. - - ? BH3SIE HEATH DANIEL. Tobacco Companies Warn Against Excess Tobaecij \ssociii_tioir Passes Resolutions Urging Con servative Planting C.? ? LARGE CROP WILL MEAN DISASTER Richmond, Va.p. March 16- ? Warn ing to growers of dark and bright ' tobaccos in the Southern states that | the plan tine: fcof a large crop this ytfar will result in marked lowering | _of prices and fjonsequent disastecr to the producers and to the trade: | in general are contained in resoiur lions adopted by the Board of Gov ernors of the Tobftcco Association of ihe Oriited States, in vnnual meet ing here* and given to tl)e press to day. v * ?A survey made bv the Association! indicates farmers in the Bright dis tricts of Virginia, North Carolina, [ South Carolina add Georgia are plan- , ning* to plant a full' size crop this I year, with the probability that the i production will be greater than that of last year. A production of Bright tobacco in excess of 500 million pounds will, in the opipion of the Tobacco Association b? a surplus that cannot be absorbed by the trade, leading ^nevi-tably to the low ering cf . prices below the cost: of production., with the consequent re ito to the farmers. TFhe resolutions adopted by 'tHe Association call attention tt> the fact that approximately twice as ifltygh tobacco ,'ia now .grown in foreign , c:untries as is produce^ in the U. S-, with England and other countries rxhowing a decided incl matron to use hnmc-^rovvn tobacco in order to build up the trade of tjieir ;?svn 'countries. Cognizant of the situation in hcth the Bright and Dark areas, leading "bankers of the 8outh have * amo out tfce diyfc?cr to-the farnv 4u- phM*tinfr*?,Urfre crop this year, founding a warning th*t overproduc fion "of either Bright or" Dark to m*rk8t? con- | diti. ? , ^nnuiv acute by tbc ?faWing j off ,m the?foreign_ <le?n?mr. -is err- -j trfin tpi- v reStlit in prjiH-s belov the cost .of production,.; with, th e ,*,*>ns*- i <1 uen t 4mg?,c lal Hi*nHrr ? ' Tjim?" ! nrs.' 'V ;'?T" r~~ > , iL ^ _ ? ? ?Tbo four 'KaVmony 'i, Quir-\j ' ?7Tk' \'X,$. wiUv -HiVr. .KO . i i . . ? ! Don't miss .the treat of the vpar, i Uncle Zebs Country Store, mcrchan ilmf (riven away absolutely free, ati Pnlaee Theatre Thnrsdny'Mafph 25. RAKTWB Kxn:Raio\ ! ? . ? _u -The .Norfolk A Western Railway ; v. ! 'rui; Its annual Easter excursion , from jQurhnm to i.ywhburg on Mon day; April 6tfc. TKis is Hn evens in Wi ich the /"people- ^f this- section take' muclf intcrekt, ? for many of thenjl tnke-'^fny'" ontinj this time, Sfc?: notice in another, column. KPHESUS i,KWR\T -HWH . Server's KimUay March :ri?t: <l?ment Sunday Scheol l"v a jn M?rninir service, "11 a- m.. Extra; (s?vioe at I.fcJJ Pethel '3 ]T. 1r^. Only Tii w"i(. r icc .'-'n'/ r i .iii fM1* ? ?lk?. in- th/. : |-he teHnlg"^ ? M i i ? .-V. ? J I' :iww., S?lo-.lii . ? ? ?' ? >-~r j III"'''- -u i .1 1' ? I I . ? 1 Vo? Ar?-ooi5i-i?.v iririte ? _ ?r - I.. V: ?c6tK'.t*f9; i'sttar - Fashion, usually so frivolous in her dictates, takes a new turn by ? ereatirrjj this practical sport hat of <traped ?grifgrrain ribbon Mn brown, a narrow red band as it*i only trimming. One of 'he practical fea tures of this hat ia-thatit can- be crushed without damage. CLINIC 10 BE HELD FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN l>r. O. ll Mitiei Will Hold (,'lkuc j At Vance County Hospital 1 On The 19th ' MRS. WAD? ELL'S LETTER Henderson; .N. C-, March ' 6th, 1926. Mis' Bessie Heath Daniel, -Rox}>(jro, N. C. My Dear Miss tianiel: - - I wish UTTxtend a.iiry cordial in .Vitattoo to yqu to bring or send uny crippIeR from, your County to the Clinic that Dr. Q, L. \fillcr" is trf hold here at the Vance- County HospitaJ. ? n the l?th. . We will take care of them, and hope that yiti can arrahge for a good number to come. With best wishes, ^nd looking for ward to seeing "you, I am Very truly yours, MRS. W. B. WADDELL, Welfafr Supt Vance Co. This letter from lilts. Wmkiell Jbrings an opportunity 1 9 all the crippled children of Person County. , Wt have not hod a clinic . 9c}7*ne?r RoxbOro in .a^Jcnjr time. ^ ______ AH cripples will be iurmshea transportation, free of charge, if we* are notified on. or before March 18th that they wish' to go. We will leave Rnxboro about 8:30 on Friday morn ; ing. Mdrch, 19th and return *in the ! afternooft There will be no charge ! for Dr. Miller's examination. Every phycician, minister and | teachcr in Person County is earfi^stiy requested to report at once any child" under sixteen years who may possib ly b*e benefittml -Six children frsm.our County have ? already been < XHr^ine-i and treated, j Three of thqm have been entirely cured t$o are' still taking treatment, i and one has been discharged as in curable. Nine others were examined at-.a clinic in Burlington and trill be treated in the Orthopoedic Hospital | in Gastoniu ^ust a9 soon as theri is rooni for Chexn. Please .understand that all of this is done without any expense t? the parents. The State of North, Caro lina pays for the examination, fpr surgical treatment, for board, laun dry and all other expenses while the patient is in the hospital. Many generous friends pay for all trans portation to and fr?m the clink;? and the. hospital. Please1 remember that each ap plicant MUST -RE OF SOUND MIND. Dr. O. F. Miller is one Jt the greatest surgeons of the South! If you could see some of the little piti able, twisted bodies, that have grown straight and. strong under his skill ful treatment you would be glad to help us find all the crippled "child ren iriTerson County^ M?$. R. B, SMITH, j ROXftORO SCHOOL A!>'l> ,, MISS' KRVlN COMPLIMENTED 1 CHapel Hill* N. C? March 15, 192G. Miss Bthel Ervin, Latin Dept. of Roxboro* High School. Roxbor:>, N. C. - , My Dear Miss Ervin: Your school receive*- second Hoimk . rable mention . in , the recent Latin- < Contest^ Champ Winstead's paper was the be*t of ^he thr?fe"sent us; but the papers of ?dwin- Long and Miss nrad^her. were also excellent.* .All these papers were among the bery best of the whole state": y Ycu kn?w of e?urse fhat last year Miss Bradshev won ftrg* Hdhorablej Mention, with Champ Wmstead'x gaper a)s$ excellent. The lists- ?tf tfie five highest schools in \tM*j ytar'a and Hst ye a r!s~ contests ?h<yw f'ha* y>ui" yhool only won . .place both .times. This speaks \\#H- to r the j "ability -Y^Vrnstcnd^imd - Mi** Brad-} tM&s'e allow me to congratulate you ' on this - ex?eUent showing and wi?hU: your school good lucfc t?T~ next; Sincerely, ? r / c -a HrVnuKK. flnr-l.; < "'inj 1 | _ f j||irp ,j worth of Merchandise given a Way. OiolfeStrA. t l'a lace Thea ire Tn \irs~ ! March only. ^ - J Robbers Are NowOn Trial Cashier Riley Describes HoW W ;ind 1 dentines 'liege* j.; wood and Pay n* : LARGE CROWD IN COUWT HilUboro,' March 'the r(ihVeryv,an(I kieTitifying: C- H Hegcwood. and William Pa$rne as two of the men who held him' ujf and" ! r ?bbe^the bank of Efland of $5,-. 996,6.r> after they had locked' .him ip the vault about 10:30 a. m. on pe~ ' J cfen^er Yl, last, Roberts Riley, cas ho lier, finished" hjs testimony in th^ trial of the two men and Worth" Davis? a 6:15 f'clock ? thi? evening. 1 Judge W. A:. Dfeyiri, presiding; adSr pourned court at the end of the cash ier's testimony, the state having ad ditional evidence to offer tomorrow. One of the large&t crowds that ever attended Orange county court waa ! pfcefent, necessitating the closing oi the doors. The case started at 2:30, I the jury being selected and the testi | tndfiy beginning at "3:30. Mr. Riley told of * Hegerwoiod;. Pjiyne and #Tr?y Fitzgerald, viita Lcommitted'Suieide-in the penitentiary asking for < for $20, each hav ing hi* hami.in his right coat pocket. Fitzgerald ordered him to "put them up," Hegerwood repeating the order, the two . holding their guns , on tyim while Payne took the monev out of of the drawer, $1:200 or $?.'*00, go ing into the vault for -the remainder. Jledgewood "forced Him into_ the ^afe, saying ho <Vfuld give him om>- ' second and then blow h'w brains out^ Mr. Riley said. HLs pleas not to b& 1 'jked ilp \yere unavailing,* he tertS fied. He said he stayed there 15 or i*20 minutes,- M. P. Efland. a- director, 'deceiving- the" combination he callegi from Within and opened the safe. Roxboro Scouts 'Friday,,*' March 12th, the Scoots, had .? (treat meeting. They had a . regular debate on "Resolve, That I Hagers Mountain is a beftter place } for Scout i?abin than Bamett'a Pond." -The debaters were '"Peck" Long and Jack Barnette against I? M <'arlton- and 0. Carver. Friday March. ^9th at 7:00 we "will ' have <Jur next meeting: We want every boy that intends to continue his Scout -work to be present.. There . | are several beys wantig to join; to it you don>>- want to give your place to a new boy came and fill it, your self. . P*. CAR* ADAMS, Scout Master. , ? *? o ? ? PROFESSIONAL KEADER ' AT OLIVE HILL H. a ?Mis* Sarah Gertrude Knott, who w>fl cive an expression recital at Oliver Hill school Fridtay evening,' March 19th, at 8- o'clock,, is a 'profess ional. She has been head .of the Ex pression Department of'Chawan Col lege' fdr several years, bat will go with a Lyceun) Bureau at the end Of this term'. She has written and produced a number of pageants, and one-act plays Person County peo ple can hot afford to miss hearing; her. The admission will bo fifty and fieflty-five cents. ? v> _t EPISCOPAI, SKR\ ;CK Thort will be service at St. Mark'* Church SundaV evening, March 21st, at 7:.*i0. "Mr. Kipponbrock of Texas will, conduct tho erviee. All wo 7 tfippenbrock will also conduct. . ?er- - vice at' lWeu Sunday afternoon "at j o'tlfick. * -Jifarry' Bernard with his "JUST ?FOR?FUJ>r <'OMIP.A.NY1 -JO-People 20 All special Scenery, -Palate Thea tre J&uiuiuy wan Ttr??tiwy Margk 24 a^rd. ' - ? - ATTENDED >VOyE.VR COUNCIL Meadame- R ,f. Teapue.. R. R_ Smith, Q^C. DuncA. 'J. l>. K. Rich Yn^nd: Mftwic -MeiTritt, K. M. turgor, H. ?>. . 1.0,^; K U atreetL *T - . A. K. WoniLffi\^ CfjgtujpcU* feet ifig ' &? . M : I 3 t A; e V tfcg it ' , go

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