THE COURIER J. W. NOELL. Editor. ^7" Published Every' Wednesday Evening 3 SUBSCRIPTION TERMS i$k* 0 a jremr;. 75 cents i:t <5 mouth* CO lifUlB f U 1 'J !!:?,? nth* ? '-..Ml .\,i, . ?sure. ~ The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspon dent*. ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch Heading Notices, 10 Cents ?>er Line j *i*n R?pw?w>uth> I THT aMERIC AN HkFSS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Rox ,l>oro, N. C., as second-class matter. Wednesday April 7, 1026. HOUSE CLEANING We do not know what the suit brought to throw the Co-op Assa e emim Mly nVHer^and his ; resignation wouM doubtless be ac- i ceptod before he had time to with draw it. ^0ie resignation of. :hese" higher- j ups should do much t> clear t'ie at mosphere and materially help liithc swork of organizing the new associa tion* - . CLEAN-UP WEEK ' This wk has been* sejt apart by, the Woman's Club and thfr Board of ] Town Commissiloners as "Clean-Up ] Week," and. we hope every citizen of the town will heartily cooperate. It -is not enough to- simply cWn up ! in y .ur front var-1, but pou^ the rear and ?oe that everything is re moved which mi ght be condusiye to i the breeding: of fljes . 6r nvosqulios. We have heard .the t Wn Dads criticised quite k g^od deal for the fad that : h< > I'd .not .-t aliaco* there were any street in Ro\boroV^sa\ thi* ' season, for, unless all sign? fail*-! tdbacco, especially the' common grades arc co-lnc to be low, and with I a hamper crop Tnany- farmers will I not make enouerh to pay for the rnai>o. Better look well after food and feed stuff, and especially those cows and chickens. With th' s issue we complete :iur atrial, "In Valhalla and Out,-and if you failed to rea.t it you missed* one "f th? very ben books which ha* l*en printed recently. It is our in tention to start another *eri&l how ?n the very near future.' and yftn ?want to keen nil ly'tt1 your l.K^I ? ov.; and. hog^. Nothing would mean quite so Wii Lo mls giad Luumy a> mur,. improved oirws, hogs Hnd chicken^, If they fail t6 lake advantage- of "his splendid opportunity perhaps The Courier will form a club for the I men after it is through with its I Boy a Com Club. We have been very much pleased at the complimentary words we have Wrd from several ^concerning cur editorial in last issue a^tent - the county government. ? Well, let's keep up the talk and when" we come to selecting a man to represent us in j>^i? -' hi ilk produc-ticn of. the workitiS^ un:!,.,. the del is ^^Jlgr^H'a-keenine VT such i ?r Is v':uW "tf^wore time than t w c uld well afford to spare." ' | "They ate wrong. Actual timing under practical conditions conduit-! el by the Institute, show* tha: it takes only eleven second; ram- "per ! COW for each of two feedings U weigh oat the .react feed, than it rakes where the leed is n:t Weighed ' To Aveigh and r co.d the mi.'k from 'i nhH=m4- r*Trfnro nuiic ' ^Tirm r^^~nwUCt these SiL?ir;r'" >^k!.. j , , sa<,'y tinderfod; ??i thlt ? IrL "f|,"g ?"*-* DoX^:;r,!y - tHe; J_l>oHie* the army c.f w?,ter cpws ' * *>o Ho?s Thief' ? The authorities of Asbury Parte, N J have arrested 92 year old Dr. x E P T R. Obaldeston, foT steel ing a horse and buggy 46 yearo ago. The Doctor claims police want hi? half brother, who has the same jAme "He has a silver plate In his head, like 1 have, which he got from a gun fight in New York." that .-simply -.can't- produce mi\k pro-" -fitably. They eat and eat and their owners have neither beef nor ,niilk to. show 'for it. They are overdue at "ttn? ? ImU-'herV ? iw. are in every herd where the dairyman does .hot feed in accordance.' with milk capacity- and production. Keeping feed and milk records, will $how the dairyman how to profit lifcom the Susies; cash, in fully on .the Bettie.?, and how to avoid losses on the Dol lies. - - HilRDLE MILLS SCHOOL ; HONOR ROLL First Gra'de? C.'arisse L: r.g.^ Second Grade ? Minnie Lee Moore, Marion Coleman. " . Third Grade ? Shirley Brioks; Vir i-:nm Garrett 'and Floret', ^ Mbore. ^ "Fifth Gratfer^rX1^:a L Hawkjns. , Sixth Gra^ ? Ruby Claj.tori, Mary CoIeRian, Frances Rmjm-r, O.- car Hawkins. Seventh Grade-r-Thelma Leng, Xt'll'-. ?d\var.:l?, . . Ruby F ox, 1 Roy ce .H-jff, Adell Clayton. Eighth Grade? ftuth O'Briar.t, Frances : Lon?. Tentlv Grade? Ruth HawjcSns, Gar ney Rimmer. Eleventh Grade ? *.Mabet Mary Whitfield; Want Ads Read The ni The Real West in all its glory "THE PASSING OF THE WEST" At Palace Theatre Mwday April 32th - ? :?' ' --j We; satisfy your neighbor in .Shoes, \Ve ? ? " ca n satisfy you/' "Vf i]bu? *V "'<* ? SatterffeHI... ??'V FREE tickets. -to the r.t C :..: tor'F Dept.* Sic re \v;:b y-ur pur chases. KEYS LOST, on ring in leather. case. Finder please, return' ."to : The ?Courier offtae. and. rtec?;ve reward. Summertime ?? trouhle time for feet. Bring your Foot Trouble? to ?us. We carry the $choll applian ce?; an - know how to fit thf m. Wil-' tuim & SatterSelrJ. ?" . *? . LOST* ? 30x3 Weed Chain last Thurs day, March . between Jafcng. and Mebane. [ Finder please re turn to Courtier offtce and receive reward, or notify W. B. Humph ries, .Talong. 3-24-3tp It pays to buy good Shoes all the time. It will pay you ta get your Shoe* from us. Try it. Wilburn & Satterfield. "Yerra's Hawaiian" (Hawaiian Sing ers ? Dancer ?? ^Players. Electrical' Effects at Palace Theatre Tuesday A^ril 13th. (One day orly-i^^ Trunks and Go d ^ium we are closing out Wilburn & SatterfieM. Bl'Y your dry goods from Cantor's Department Store and get a ticket to the Palace Theatre FREE We have" a (ejtr Seal Cqjigo/iu at a fTricW W Our Piece Goods Department i<* Bright with the Seasons Latest, designs. Wilbum & Satterfield. HOUSES FOR RENT ? I have 3 ? good empty houses for sfTe oF rent. 2 six rooms and 1 four rooms. Price shall be reasonable WSU-piv* pa&ession at 'onte. -Garrett. ? ? ? *? Yrnng Ms?. Sfmtetbing ffw Neckwear at Wilburs & ? gaffs/i*. ~ flrfd., ' r- '">j ' .V-j ? - FIEI-ItS ST.F.D MMT 1. kmow to u.' e- lims^-iret in* kEST, )he" !> climatic, the same tfcat is used ;M the Station. "Serd your orders, to E. R. Moo>e. .Tim ; bc^Iake, ?N. C. ' ? . ? Spring Fabrics 1 That are envied ? by spring flowers ? Everfast Suiting . Everfast Gingham Printed Voiles Plain Voiles Plain Jane Prints Percal Prints '.X:. East Color Suiting off cents per yd. ose Hangs High," was given for the benefit of the school; the "Lit tle Marionettes" were shown for the : same purpose, shruBBery was plant ed out at the new High School and lasfnut' not least, $10 in gold was :ffei*ed for Declamation Contest. In the Library Department, fifty books have been* added to the? y>ilection. Work accomplished by. 1 different departments jn the * Extension, Library am^nts to $64.50. Mrs. |'PajPie ii n of Home TScononucs department, and reported splendid work by the children in sewing and embrordary. -Clean up. week .begips^ ,Ti*s himt ""??'r KTT-.rTT*rf snrt rarntv tivf eggs were .hidden and Uie_hunt w*> t^OTOTyftlv . fTiroy^d . by ' fh>ljwn ut during the i!h>e*s and our iMhwy Mr. T. S. CiHy. __ preciatte ataijillinff you did for la ? in tBe trying hobr. We aalc Crxfr r ictPMt 6Te??-ng upon y?n all. ~ ~"TTTF7"dSy, liroth ?r^Pl^"gSSSr8T ~