? 'V ^ ? J} GALVANIZED ROOFING (All lengths) ? GALViNIZED SHINGLES, PAINTED SHINGLES-^ - " VP1NE SHINGLES, ASPHALT SHINGLES? ?RUBBER ROOFING? Send us your orders ajjd SAVE the difference Roxboro Lumber G?* "Home of Quality Lumber" PANACEA takes care of the little-chick ailments Indigestion ? Diarrhea? Leg Weakness? Gapes, It will p2y you to look well to the digestion of your flock right ? from the start. .Indigestion is responsible for nott cf the bowel troubles. Add Dr. Hess Pcultry Far.-e-ce-a to the ration daily. . ccit.rr* N1:;; VcAL-.. ?'ica; t :it probacies d.ycftion ci-lls ii.to healthy nctioa every . ' . ?,Pan-a-?^-?-.,c;cuta:r)s .Quassia, which. creates a healthy appetite. Pan-a-cc-ji contains Ircn to tn ? . t. the kid essential to ii;:!o chick growth. Pan-a-ce-a regulates the bowels ?keeps the chick's system free ' from poisenous waste materials. No indigestion, no diarrhea, no lit weakness, " T.o' 6? ' where Pan-a-ct-a is used. SERGEANT & CLAYTON sxifiwv "Sta-Klean Store" ffelar* 3%atr* ** Advance Program. From Thursday April 8, ** To Wednesday April 14. ** THURSDAY Tfrillistnv. Fcx IVc.ver.ts A Jn:. G.iflHh AV'ray Production "THE GILDFD BUTTERFLY'' With Alma Ruben- Bert. Lytell- lluntly Gordon una ..Frank Nfw.-nprt : : : The story bv Bradley 'King? A William .. K< \* Prodpeiiori (A j.ow ?. rnf tful. . 1 ie;;:- heart e-i. girl turned into a cynira!. .-l .vsrirp- wont'* a* a ihrilVrx u.nt peered- climax ADDED Hal ? Roach Comedy, No Advane: "in Adm aj:;s. (tpen 7 ; 1 5 ? *-0:60 P. M. FRIDAY .Joseph Schenck Presents A Jno. S. Robertscn Production "?OUL FIRE" With Richard Br.rtheimess ? Be?cie Love1? Walter Long? Effie Shannon::: J- Flrom the play "Great Mu.sie'* A Fir?t National Picture." A Great, Big: pr\pol.?inp drama that will tup at your heari \>-;th all the strength of its un fcrpetable, ; tory. . ADDED Larry Semon Comedy. No Advance in Admis sions. Performances at 7:15 ? 9:00 P. M. SATURDAY Hptnt. Sternberg Presents Harey (larey with Edith Robert^ In "ROARING RAILS" (A Cyclone smash? With a whirlwind jf Action, Stirring Ficrhts, ? ? a breat-hHaking e<4lmion> .ADDED. ?A .Twn rr>f?1 I.arry s'cn-m-i Comedy "Dome Doctor" 'Matinee at 2:30-^-3:30 P". M,' Evening ?t 7;15 ? 8:45 ? 9:15 P. M. *No Advance in Admissions. ? MONDAY (only) Lee Williams present* The Miller Bros. Production "THE PASSING OF THE WEST" With all western cast off champion Cowboys, cowgirls, thous ands of i;eal Indians. Scout3 and Soldiers. A Gigantic panorama Of real* ?western life never before seen on the screen. Its a picture of the real WEST of yesterday and today. Matinee at 3;00 P. M. Admissions 25 ? 50 cents. Evening at 7:30 ? 9:00 P. M. " (A Road Show Attraction) TUESDAY 13TH George Vierra Presents "AN EVENING IN 'HAWAII" A Musical Produc 4 tk>n, Special Scenery? Electrical Effects ? Hawaiian Singers ? Dancers Players. PICTURE Herbert Brenon's Production "D.ANCING MOTHERS" With Conway Tearle ? Alice Joyce ? Clara Bow ? Donald Keith:: A Pnra ? mount Production. (Has a pretty Mother the right to step out?) No ? Matinee performance. Admissions 20 ? 40 cents? Night Picture 7:30 ? Hawaiian'* 9':0? P. M. WEDNESDAY William F:^ Presents An Emmett Flynn Production "EAST LYNNE" With Alma Ruben* ? Edmund Lowe ? Lou Tellopen ? Majorie Daw ? Bellie Ben nett::'* Ftom the novel by Henry Wood. A William Fox Production. (The 1 ^leali'M ilmMm nf I In' created inta nn ewn greater motioi) Picture) A0DED A- Cameo Cfimedy. No Advance in Admission. Open 7 :30 P. M. COMING Monday and Tuenday April 10? <-20th ? Allan Dwan's Production ."SEA MORSES" With Jack Holt? Viclor?Xoah Berry. tAMF.* V I'll CI. I1^ HEAD \ iNrws of the death of My. Jame* ; ? At ? T'htlpy. fn* of elder, t and nioVT'liTawllftlil> n1'.!jtmi?. UHt'.1 : occurred. je-lerday morning Tit t2t3frl will with (fnUma vtercl throui^oSt hsr fntivf cown'HTnity. '? nir "PMpi j.m? 82 ytars <f>prp and iifforod ii mioUe nl 'imririysM l<|i! Tuesday mornlnfr about 11 o'clock? w?$. a ;-pl#nd1d citizen iiui was ac tive in good, works. Ed) ^ -? ? Ltiv< THE COURIER Wednesday April 7,. 1926. i . Everything to build with. Wat- 1 kina & Bnlloclt. ^ Esther, Lottla ar.d tfat;le | Burch accompanied by Meas. Marvin I 1 Burch ajid Reams Long left last*] i Friday for Mr. Olive, N". C., where [ j they will visit several places Eastern Carolina. ' W ? ? * ? 3Iisse* Minnie ^A'TTfTfiod ofNr'Crj j C. W., Greensboro, and Miss Vivan j ' Allgood of Pittsboro spent- Easter | r here with their parents, Mr. and | : Mrs. J*. W. Allgood. ?f? # * ? + ?* | Mr. and Mrs.. C. C. Armstrong of Gastonia visited friends here Easter Monday. While here Mr. Armstrong was a pleasant caller, at this office. * ' * * * ? , MrsJ Millie Woody has returned home from.- Pttersburg, Va., where she has been visitingjier daughter, Mrs. J. C. Stafford. ? ? * V ? Misses EsteHe and Jiay Williams of K ittre II, N. O.. are the guests of | Miss "Fannie Belle Woody, - who is at ! home for the spring holidays. ? ? ? ? * | ? Mesdames R. N. Fcathorstdri and , T. W. Pass and Mr. Garland Pass spent one d ay _ last week in Greens buru vibiiiug fi ii,jvh?*. ?* * ? . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buchanan of Oxford spent the Easter' holidays with Mr. Buchanan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Buchanan near town. Mr. and Mr-. .Haywood Byrch. Mrs. Roy Monk and Miss Esther Burch ?'pent last Thursday in Dur ham. . ? ? ?.?*.*? Mr." \Maynard Clayton of Oak Ridge spent Easter here with fas parents^ Mr. ah.l Mrs. A. W. C!ay- \ ton. | 4* .J" * *. <? Mrs?. -Sadie Bro:k^r of Durham with M?--" 1 ? r-ii ^'rrnl- ? I Mrs. J. . C. Staffer! and children; oi :;Pefetsl3UBg, Va.. -.-pent 'Eaftcr : here with relatives and friends. -1 | . ? >(t" ' ? "? V '? ? ' ! | Mr. J. J. Woody- .who is taking a; course in embalming "n "Raleigh, was i h*?rc for Easter. JuUge "L.. M. Carlton spent -cvrV;:: days, in Yancey vilie las.t week at tending cqurt. ' *veral i More* t head Bluffs. i Mr. E. J. Y. Alien of Washington, I D? G., favored us with a pleasant I caK Monday. ? ? \ * t . Mr. G. O. Hail of. Tampa, Fla., : arrived last Hat Jn!ay and will spend; some :u me with his family- r ! \ .* ?. ?"? ' * Mr; G. .W. Puliiam of Eale.gh | spent the- week ? :vl. with h*s family ] h^ere. ? > ? ?" -I Mr. and Mr?. O. T. Carved of I*ur- j ham were here ?,r the Easter holi- | -<**?- ? ? : ? .- [ Pamelia &eade of Greens- \ borp College spent Easter with her , parents, at Timber -(ike;:. 7vlis? Dor:thy Yrunger )ast i week with her sister, Mrs. J. L. j Atkinj, at Durham. ^iss Ola \Voody and Mrs. F. 1-. I Masten ^pent Easter with " Mrs. S, { A. Jone-s at Greenville, N.-C. ? * ? * ? :JL Miss Elizabeth Mast en of Ccats spent Easter with her parents, ??Ir. I and Mrs. Ii. H. Mast en. ? ? -+ '*?' ??-*_. . I Miss Annie. Boyd Bulloc^ of Wins- | ton spent Friday. here with Mr. and! Mrs. W. C. Bullock. *>*??** Mrs. W. C. Bullock and children | spent Easter with relatives at Bui- | lock. I Charles Wood, Collins Ahbitt, ^ur- 1 ? tis (^a"kley,.? Ehgene Thompson of | Chapel Hill spent Easter here. ? t+ * ? * ?> Mr. Bernard Crowell of Henderson- 1 ville spent Easter here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Crowell. | M rs. C. As Hines and son of Greensboro have returned to their j home after a visit to relatives here. | Misr, Janie Burns of Merdith Col- | lege spent Easter "here with her ( ft^rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns, j * ' + -Misses Elmo Smith and . Lane of I Parmville College gpent the^ week j end with^Irff; J. M. 'Pasis. ' 7 ? i 7 ? * * " 1 Mr. Lee Boatwris(ht, Jr., and John | Moiif. of, gaiiville. lVa..- jrerc weelq ' i nil 'f f?.1 V. Duutiuijtlit. ? ? ? i ' V ? : hpent ; East*- 1 with - ir#lai ^ e ir* G4j5? i aonsille. . ? " > t -? > The fulJotflitg teachers spent" t.-c Easter holidays at their hoaxes: Mios es Delia D;dRon, Wmston,' Emily Sojithall.^ Magnolia', Irene (Jodde, Stuart, VaM fndiaCoUipa, FVujuay Springs, Irving, Troutmfin. . ? .Acini 4* Bram Wood*-- spoilt , peverml da^s lftre last -week,' ^turning to L6ui?burg College Wed nesday. ; Mr. Andrew Bray of Wallace, N. C., i? spending a few days here visi tiTnrhts ? cm l^orth Mfttff Street. Miss Roxannie Yancey of M J- C. C. \V.f Greensboro, spent Easter here with her parents. ? 9 ^ * ? . * ? 9 Mi&s Mary McCausland spent, the week end with relatives Sn Phila delphia. * <* * * ' ? j ' . Mrs. W. B. R^yster has returned to her home in Durham after a weeks visit to Mrs. B. B. Man^um*. w ' * Miss Marjrie Lacy of Richmond, Ya., was the week end guest of Mrs. E. V. Boatv.'rierht. ' * . * Misses Ethel and Eva Mewton spent the week end visiting: friends :n Roanoke, Va. Mr. and Mr*. Ed^ar Smith 16ft Saturday for Danville where they will spend the summer. * * * . * * Miss Isabel . McGhee has returned, t > her home in Washington after a visit to Mrs. W. R. Woody. f . > Misses Carrie .Sue Vernon ~ ?nd Edna BrAd^ier spent Ea=ter v.itK relatives .ir Burlinjrton. ? * * **, ? Misses Frauds and Mildred I-pnp: j of Greensboro College spent Easter j at h:me. * * * * * | ?Miiss Eva Newton spent Eftster j with friends at R^leifch. i ? *? - * . t ? ? Mrs. M. A. Stewart .i* visitimrreitt- ?. tives in Richmond. Va. A ?Mr. -Lavrrence,/ A !??::? ~<l V/f S*:\to ! .Goi-ejre- spi&rit Easter h?re; Mr. Jim Eroadhead pent Easter j with relatives Six: Phifadejpma. fcMr. J. M.-#'Pa-5 of Di'.lwyn. Vs.. ypeiit Easter here.' NOTICE The firm of. .A. 'Lipshitz and' Co.," composed of A. Lijvhit/. and ?i mon TT'^odfriVtnd.' has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, the inter est of A. Lipsjiiti having' been sold to J- Goodfriend, the business will be carried on under thtf firm name of S. & J. Goodfriend & Co , and taken over si] accounts due to A. Lipshitz ar.d ??. This March 2.", 192(3. A. Lipshitz. *** , ? . Simott Goodfriend. MRS. GARRETT CELEBRATES SIXTIETH HIRHDAY Mrs. Charles' H. Garrett- was i .ifiven j a 'surprise dinner #ye-'tc-!\iuy evening1 1 l>t her trtiles . from. Ron -.j boro. in honoi- of her 60th birthc:iy. .} l^ie children cf Mrs. Garrett were i re^DOTi.-.ible for one of. the most vn-j Joyabic ft^r4 ? ?' ?lnhr.ri.tw y< rmrnioi {riven in some time nrrthe county. About 250 pt-op?e praliieved around j a l':np table, whih was &uijt specially for the occasion^ and evervrne that! , attended the affair brought with j | them -ome contribution to the <iin .:er. ;^-^Ji..-4rftrrett" had no. idea that] she would be visited by 250 people] | and was joiner about her., usual j duties of preparing a dinner^ when 1 relatives and friends beean x~ arrive' ,'from all over the \ ounly and other places. The children of the honored ' mother who were responsible for the dinner are as follows: S. J. Garrett, H. H. Garrett, C. C. Ganrett, Mrs. A. R. Crews, MalcUs Garrett, Miss Sue Garrett, all of Roxboro; N. B. Garrett, of Timberlake; Mrs. P. T. Monday, of Woodsdale; Mrs. M. i Puckertt, of Oxfoi'd; and James Gar-' rett of Durham. Cotton and tobacco will likely bring low prices this fall; if pro vision for fox! and feed crops is not made this year, there will be hardship op *ome farms' this winter. Renew Y our Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification o t_ the Sy?t*m is Nature's Foundation of "Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are underpin* Inn )uui iilalif/4 ? Purify yoor ;n tire ?y?tcm by taking a thnreagh course of Colptabs,? once or twice a week far scvajaL wgijtferriiiid sec how ature rc:wards yf>u with health. a#*, full- tiirr-rimn* ? ) nly ' At any drug store. ? Vciv.) Do \ ou Know There Is a Difference In * Hosiery We have a generous Assortment of Shades in the Hose you all know and .love to wear. The Kayser*? Phoenex and Cadet. Try Us for -the Next Pair and get Hosiery Satisfaction. J WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD Advertise In The Courier IF YOU MAKE A MILLION AND DO NOT SAVE? IT WILL HE V STATIONARY Rl N Granulated Sugfar, "per 100 lbs ? --- XXDai?y Red Hot:, per ban ? ?Extra Good ShipstatT (15 1-2 per cent . Protein) per.' bag: LV. Feed Oats. !> bo., per bap ? - Thick Fat Back, by the 1G0 lbs. ? Golden C*$wn Syrup, per eal. - Canned Corn No. 2. per can Canned Snapp*. No. 2 per can Kar.ry, Paten! Self 11: sine r'Hr.lr, Good ^traicht Fldor. per fab!; . .. I'orn Meal, per )W lbs ? \S> tin*-*- the "Nabcy Hall S.ed Sw?.*t i '? t n-r Mil ? vsll TALK. ? ? .PAY < CASH PAYS - Aubrey Long & Co. PHONE ?7-M fBeitsr Stroice. Js OurJJim. Sft Qosts {No (More" SPENCERS FUNERAL HOME We are pleaded to announce that we have re cently secured the service of Mr. F. G. Elliott, an experienced and expert embalmer, who will from now on be atiHiated with <Air Es tablishment. . Mr. Elliott comes to us very highly recom mended, by D^u quids* Funeral Home of Lynchburg, with whorn he has been associat ed until very recently. -We are now in ^position to offer the peo ple of Koxboro. Person Coonty tnd vicinity an addition to the service we are constantly striving to make more porfeet. Watkins & Bullock "Everything To Build With" Announcement There May Be ? ' Millions of Flies ? " ? - Tins Summer ~ House \Vtll-ProTi>:?d with the- Screen? , e Install vou ,-an ~:4fi<*rd to L:?ssrh at them ? They can not get in. Xowl^the 1 irrte to KEEP THEM FROM ETTINa A STAPwT IN THfi'HGiiSEi. . ? We Will lie 'ilad to Furnish an ?stimat?

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