14 BILLIONS! CHEAP. SOCIALISM DEFINED. SCIENCE USEFUL. ASHES OVER GOLD. p.Th# Bureau of Industrial Tech nology says it costs the United States FOURTEEN BILUONS A YEAR to buy automobile*) and keep them running. That's more than the# amount lent to Europe during the war and it is also a better investment i than the war loan. Erom Europe ' ~3Egr~Pur- billions we get criti cism, the accusation of meanness. From the automobile for our fourteen billions we get national health, saving of time, much plea* ure, millions of families united. At iourteen billions a year tha_ automobile is a bargain. If you haven't got yours" yet, get it NOW, with the opening of Spring. To use ftkblic , moYieys for the comfort of toe prosperous class is "sound conservatism." To use it for the unprosperous class, their wives and children, is SOCIALISM. We spend thousands on a ttne bridle path, in a great park, sup plying soft footing -for the horses or the well-to-do, that's WELL. But when tlie Governor of New York suggests using public moneys to ?olve the housing problem for the poor, providing decent living quarters at reasonable rentals, that is denounced by indignant landlords as "rank Socialism." V The Rev. Dr. Thomas, president of Rutgers University, says all (Air progress is due to religion ? "this nation forge* ahead through ita . auth in tiounk in a few fath orrw of water on its way from ther Australian gold tields with $10, 000,000 in gold on boa!rd. Trying to get tliat gold he fitted out two expeditions^ -spent all he had, more /than $100,000, failed,. He opened the veins in his wristsj died, and now his ashes will be! scattered on the surface of thej Pacific Ocean above the ^lO.OOO-1 000 in gold that he did. not get. A, good text for serroona. ? ? ? A British scientist make* this most important announcement . concerning cancer. He can de tect, by analysis of a* few drops of the patient's blood, t he pres ence of cancer in its early stages. Cancer located t?nd treated promptly in the beginning can oe> permanently eradicated. Cancers that kill are those fgnored too ?long: Report any r trange growth to your doctor. Seven, years ago, young J. R. ?Tucker, of Dartmouth College, owned just one dime and u v/atc|i .Vow his life is insured for a md )io... That interests many who 1 ?" '.i iilt -money nK-ans happiness. 1 t ?. Mn Tucker won't h.av^ - ? ^ We vltcard an unpleasant y.ovy of slavo labor A tii "c ?* alleged to have ma?fit of morn than half a million -doi'ftis- in J f?2r? by putting convicts in work in the mines as slaves, under conditions of dreadful cruel ; ty. ; Conditions are not as bad a* ? they have been' formerly, however; not as bpd as when English labor ers were branded with a red-hot iron on the cheek if they sougnt work outside of their own parish; not as bad aa when men se**t to ? the mines bv Peter the Great lived and died chained to their wheel barrow*. CARD OF THANKS Will ypu aib* mf thronjyh -the^ columnt of yojir paper t) express my ? iienrtfell ? thank. ami inipreciiitirm to the (rood people of Roxboro for Cltt'ir iii?ny- di*ed. of-tsimlnes, to my hrnilioi'. T ? M, Cluy. during hir ?>ckness and death. I wHI ^ver be grateful -to .than) thriiugh-Uw> yeftrn r (n mirif May God bWss and richly rewfrd e?rh ai?d every; one, is the sincere prayer of ? His Sister. Society News The Bridge Club had a delightful meeting with Mrs. M. R. Long on Wednesday afternoon. The bouse was lovely with bright spring Mow ers. Three tables were placed, for* the game and wany interesting pro gression = were enjoyed. The hostess assisted > Mn4.: Heory Long served a delicious salad course with coffee and mints. Attractive gifts were given to' Mrs. B? R. Long of Greens boro, Miss Isabel McGhee of Wash ington. D. C., Mrs. C. A. Hines of Greensboro and Mrs. F. L. Masten, a recent bride. Mr?. J. W. N'cell entertained the Friday Afternoon Club at her home on Friday afternoon. The lower floor of the home was thrown enr suite and beautifully decorated with yellow jonquills and other flowers The club game of Boston Book was played at eight tables. - ?A . salad course . with coffee was served by Ricsdames "W. C. Bullock^ W. ..S. Clary, Jr , and F.L. .Marten. Dainty and attractive Easter baskets filled with mint? .were giver. n? fnvovs. ? WHY BETHEL HILL WON COUNTY CHAMPIONSHP IN BASKET BALL Since Bethel Hill's claim has been disputed in the basket, ball champion ship of Person County, we are giv ing ^he^QlLajxiug reasons why Bethel Hill Jays claim to the cup: X. Vhe* coaches agree that Bethel Hi?l broke no rule laid down by the c mmittee who made the rules. 2. Bethel Hil as well as all other well "regulated jnstutions plays by adopted rules and not by the opin ions of any cnaches or jpetponas ? ? *3. The rules "did hot" express or imply Ul*l A lim1 In -iMh mailt could not play. ? 4. Bethel Hill defeated Bushy Fork in two garner and at these games Bethel Hill's coa?h offered ?the records to Bushy Fork's coach fi^-T examination, These . records' sTiowed the age. grade, ftumbci' of subjects carried in school etc. No objection was made to any player at this time. f?. The sixth grade player did nirt play in but one of these games. 6. JBushy Fork attempted to play a: player below the * elgh t grade against Roxboro and Roxbofo ob jected. t-hcrefpre it'i>cem~ that BQsht* Fork/ must, of been of, the* opinion that a lo\Ver . grade hoy could play. Beniel II ilpsN ixth grade player uh till the- season was over .and Bethel Hill pres.1 een given a square deal ami feels that it will be hurtful to athletics of the coun ty. COACH, Bethel HHL _ Jlo? CHURCH \\NOI N4 KMENTS Sunday School at Longhurst e very Sunday 10:00 o'clock, "a. m. Preach ing next Sunday at U:#)G a. m. Sub ject :* "A Rcviv'al Souifht and Ob tained." {Sunday School at> East Roxboro every Sunday morning. Preaching I next Sunday evening at ,7:30. Theme: 4 What. Time Is It?" We expect good people to attend church. M."C; ELLERBE. P C., h? ? ' ? ' Jafong, N. C. r "" ? i ? ? o~ V? >. / j KLDfcl* DENNY IS ILL AT - TUH "TTTTM E IN WILSON Cm Who - ^ii " nniT~Tivefl hy many-of our citizens is seriously ill in Dtv WoodwnrdV hospital in Wal sou. it was learned her# yesterday, " Wr. Den n yh as visited Roxboro on. njynerous occasions * since* he moved Feed His Hobby .. Dr. Harvey M. Wiley, haa, don* much to insure the nation'* health by hi* -advocation of pure tood law*. Dr. Wiley lives in Waahin* ton, D. C. and ia hale and hearty of DO 0 to Wilaon, and has preached at Primitive Baptist church on a large number of these trips. He has man^ friends here who will regret to learn of his serious condition. PICNIC DINNER On Easter Monday Mrs. Millie Woody, children and grandchildien all gathered _at_ set in the yard and filled with good things ?to eat, which all enjoyed. ? J. M. ' ? ?? o- ? ? ; ? i ? ? r im7.es offkr,hi> in STATE GARDEN CONTEST Raleigh, N. C., Aprjl 5. ? An op portunity for those who have won fame as^ gocd vegetable growers to win substantial prizes is offered in the State Garden Contest which be gan. on March I . and will, clo.-e on February 28. 1927. _The time fou eniullmcnt in this eontes't closes x?n April .15 and all gardens to com pete for the prizes must be enrolled by "that . date. ''Those who wish to take .part in this contest should hajid ih' their ] names to the - home demonstration agent on April 15," says E,. B. Mor row,. extension horticulturist at State College, who has charge of the contest. f'We*are arranging cur closing date to- coincide witrf th - con test being put on by tK& Soutnern Ruralist. Oirr contest is oppn' to every County in the State where as many as - 25 entrants are seemed. The county organization is headed by the home agent cooperating with the corunty council of farm women. It should be remembeerd that the . State prizes go only to tho*e coun ties mak-lrrg the best showing in en rollment and reports. Prizes, to in dividuals aire offered by the counties. Last ye*r one county organization < ffered 16. valuable prizes. Three of these were for the three best gardens fiT the courrity and the others were distributed on a township or school district Mr. Morrow state.* that the suc cess tif the garden contest in Xo^tli; Carolina tbis- year win depend on the enthusiasm and ene-eiyy of the Total communities. 'In some of the move successful eoanties last year, i itc organization was township' basis, with cilairmen for. each town siip and vice-chairmen for the sc&gol districts, mad th?e whole cul minating. in; a general chairman for the 'county.^ .The- enrollment to date hxive been in socue few coun ties, reports Mr. Morrow, and others ^should get busy at 'once to share in. the priz*^ s-^-0 May lfrst h- National Lvrg TWv -.v hon thv Jxatam will be asked to pay homage to the lowly hen arwl her pruafocts. Tom Tarheel says a man eamnot I be useful without making eraemies- | SOUTH ON U krGE OF L!VE8flfcK. DEVELOPMENT 1 ' Raleigh, N. C.t April J5. ? Durji* the next five years, the South. will experiniW UTi?~of its grcat^sC periods of livestock (fUrelopinment accord-. IngtoR. S. Curtis, of the Animal husbandry' department ?t State Col lege. "There are four sound, fundarnen- | tal reasons why this is true," r?>* Prof, Curtis.' "First, the rapid^le i- volopment in industrial and ^business lines will make necessary the pro 1 ducti:n of more livestock and live stock products. With the increase * of industrial workers in this seo tion, there will come same who. are livestock-minded and both of these ( facts .will have their influence. "Second, the coming of tourirts | cr settlers, from, livestock stater is brinjsins*. to the attention of our i home people the. possibilities of live stock farmirf in | clii?ite fitabie for its. successful propagation ;,nd I in a territory adjacent .to the great consuming markets. "Third, the eradication of the cat tle tick / new nearly completed and opens up the way for a freedom of "exchange of breeding' stock which makes all territory accessible to the best markets of the country. "Fourth, the lesson taught bv tht*j war, post war conditions ard the destruction of ccttoh bv the boll weevil, is having and will continue to have a fovoVable effect on diversi fied farming. This will take into ac count the marketing of roughages through cattle and tHe furnishing of a home supply of meaf!^ Prof. Curtis states that there are i. several other nVirvcr considerations but these are "the leading ones. The | 1 growing of livestock is* fcound in . 1 principle an.d in. fact as .proven by i the accumulated wealth of' other sec- | tions which have followed this plan . foi* decades. ? ? .. HAPPENINGS AROUND Ft ELENA (Continued from Vaje One) j picnic dinner, Mr. Roy Pearce and wife of A*he- 1 ville Jiavc returned home aft<>r visit to relatives in this neighbor hood. I Misses Elizabeth and Earl Tfyn berlake and Mrs. H, Lance attend- j ed the Easter- base ball game iri Durham .Monday between the Dur ham team and Duke team. Miss Elizabeth Tfllett. of th% State Normal, spent last week end | at her home near here. The book shower, given for the school last Friday evening in the school auditorium was a "vmt i.it\ / cess in- many Vi-snec t =w. 2"2-"> 1 >'^oI-.~ ? -,.f were ?addri.to the library. The program was both I entertaining and instructive and a j full house Avitnessed the ' :evenings; performance. 1 If r. and Mrs. J. II. Jones, Mrs. ;T.* | I.. TThoberlake, Mr. Gilbert Pearce f jd nrlestorr. S; (\, were gue.-t- Oral I Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I ,T. D. Pearce 1 f the Mt. Zion section. '.Miss Blanche Gooch gave her Sun day School class a delightful 6ut ing last Saturday afternoon down by tKej river sirfe. Many games were -played by the Juniors and "delicious ro fresh m ents were served. A fast game of base ball was pjayed on the local diamond, here Monday afternoon between the' Helctna: and l^oxtboro teams. TV.; score was 6" to S> in favor of TTeleiia. . A large crown of fans witnessed the jr - - - -- ' ? " " n mi l lir i r.' if it i** |)rT feet. ..spotless work. ROXBORO, N, c. Heads Big Corporation by a large congregation. Rev. Todd the "Moving Spirit" in the Union was with the hand and gave a splen -4td- outline a?_JJre there will b?. given by the Epworth Leigue a debate ? -the query being;. Res dived.' "that .it is easier, to Jive a Christian life in the city than *h the country.'* Tin- affirmative will be upheld . h.v Prof.. B. I. Satterfteld anH Mrs. Emma Noel!. The negative stdf* ^vill be' upheld- by Prof. Garrison and Miss Mildred Satterfreftj. This 'will. Lbe another *4red letter" day for our League and a capacity hou_u fa j pected to .Witness the program An | other special feature of the evening I will be sOnes bv our mep's ii jivteJ-tc, I North Carolina i* o nthe verge of a great development in livestock J production, thinks Prof. R. S.* Curtis j of State College. Club work gives the rural boy and girl a greater vision of the T>eauty of rural life arid the build ing of a better citizenship. Every ; farm . should grow . . soma corn every year aT^i this year. ?> pecfaJly, should the acreage be iii ~cr?ased.' " . -zevsmmm* - After 23 years of service, start- j ing ad office girl, Mi*s Mary Dillon becomes President of Brooklyn Boro ('.as Co. ? Years ago upon her promise not to marr> was made manager, but higher promo tion freed her from -her pi edge. Sex ho barrier to success says Miss Dillon. ROXBORO DEBATERS GET EVEN SPLIT ? V Continyed From Pa ge One) nability. . The quar'ftt w;h a distinct credit to the school, in whom we are justly ?proud.- ? . - ^ ? ty? MRS. BETTIE SIMPSON OF JAI.ONC: IS HEAD Mrs. Rettie Simpson- aged;62, died " at the home of Sam Riggrns, "ear Bahama, last evening at 7 o'clock as a result of ah attack of pneu monia. I \ The deceased Had suffered the at-* tack of pneumonia about a week ago, at whifch time she was apparently in good health ? Air. ? Rigging and hi# wife a tended to the deceased during 'Ihf _shcrt period of illness, which caused her death, in spite of the faithful attention of the family she was visiting. Mrs. Simpson was a ' resident 'of Jalong. * She is survived l>y a husband, and three .sons: W. E. Simpson and J. Cl. Simpson, both' r.f .lalong, and C. D. Simpson of Spray. The;'- funeral servjc were held ?at- \ urday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Methodist church at \JaJorig. The burial took place in the Providence' church- cemetery. ? . " ?? ' Or ? - ? ? Bvery good gardener, in North Carolina should enroll in the State wide garden contest and help his county to win one of the major prices. . >. 'SUBSCRIBE TO THE COURIER ? . $1.50 Per Year in Advance, Notice! Beginning Feb. J5th we will GIVE FREE TICKETS TO THE PALACE THEATRE with your Purchases . at ?? < Cantor's Department Store, where you can Save. Did your back ever nurt you wtien you were Working with a short handled hoe? All of our hoes have five and a half foot handles. T ry one and see if it doesn't help. El E CO. 'Hardware For The Home And Farm"