THE COURIER J.-W. NOELL. Editor. . Pnblit-beti Ever; Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS a year, 75 cents for 6 months fit) cents tor 3 months-*-Ca?h in Ad ? . The Ed i ton is in no way responsible *dt views .expressed by correspon dents. ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ads, 36 Cents per Inch Reading Notices, 10 Cents per Line. 1 ftntgn AdvcrtiiiBg RrprrNntativ* I THE >U?ER1CAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Qflfce at Rox fcro. N. C., aa second-class matter. ? . ? . , r| ? . Wednesday April 14, 1926. REPUBLICAN PLATFORM ?"Platforms, a* *we all kijow, mtan nothing: as expressed by the different parties, but we want to commend the Republicans for that part of ibeir platform adopted at Durham - tart week, touching the sehrol ques-. ticm. Leaving out the preamble, it fyg. ? "The constitution of the state prt- > vides for . a state system of public ! schools. We favor such a system ! of taxation. There is no defensi- I tie reason why a hundred dollars . Wfirth yf prnpprty in imp county should pay in taxi? 94c f -r run- ' j lie schools, while a hundred dol- ) lars worth of property fn an ad- i joining county pays 29c. Equal | taxation means equal opportunitv. Under the present system . an j eight-month $scho?l term would bankrupt the poorer .counties. ! With a uniform >tate system ? ? jf . taxation, an eieht-months term | could he maintained in every ! ?school district in the state with- I flut Hunt* n '? n'-.i'.'j ?? ? f ? , ?counties, and we pledge our., .best ; efforts to the adaption of a Uni form system that will give to .ill ! the children of *he state' an /equal. H opportunity to secure an equal ; education. Under;, the present ! system, extravagance prevails, ih i the rich c' unties. vith Ions? -te r..s of -sehooir while the weaker coun ties ore struggling with & burden: ' to-.) great to bear in their .efforts .. to maintain . theft*" short-term ! schools. Taxes' from all the pco-V I pie in' the .-tale should .be y.-ed.'tO ; educate all the children Cm t rie state. 'We* demand a spht^1 sys tem not as weak as the poorest , county, but as strong* as the rich- ? est county in the state." But, it will be a long tirntf iiefore have an fight months school term under this plan, no matter how equitable and fair it is. for the simple reason that the "powers that bt" in the Democratic party are op posed to it. \Vd majority J they* .viii > rot do it. Public schools are a ! rttate wide nrop^?it iort. the b y who j is educated toi^ m .the expense of Person county may, when he is ai ?man, bwomc a citizen of some other ! eottoty, and help to promote that ; county's welfare; and likewise the j ~bcy todr.y who is. denied *sn edu?a- j -feion because the -mail county, is not j abjje \o give him t he; advantage ? : : an adiK-ati n. may tomorrow be- \ eome the charge ' f -r me -th*:- cavi ty. and' thu?- it ,t?oes. Ti.ily this ' nchool. question o.e where the | ? strong should help the weak. We do not think we will ever. see the time when we will be willing j to vote the Republican ticket," but we unhesitatingly >av if we were j 1*0 unfortunate as to V? a member of ! the legiflatti; ? f.nd s .n o vile lie-] publican offered ?j.*h a bill a? his . platform call's for, we vo-jhi surely I vrte for it and - pcnK ior it ^ ith I all of our might. \ HEJi HOUSES V,S. V TOBACCO BARNS j Oik* day I ant week it was our j pIcAinirr trf pS?s OtJ'OVM'h' ?#vei"?! (oonties to tht t-a?t of a*, uad *e tttPimk ny I ny ? [^niKf t ii< >Y hen houses we saw. W hi le these i house* were not expen*i**r wot ?. ly* so' cost y as barn*,. jtt ? ; 1 i i 1 y . tluwyn -the pscple vcro ?t ' r~Vv thia new tramt. . . .we wish that might be abje to say the aajnm thing as to this good .County, but we can't. In the place q? new hen htuses you will see on almost every farm you pass a new tjbacco bam going up. It seems that our farmers "can not see any thing in farming sav^- raising to bacco. Their father* raised tobac co, and. Jthey raise it the samtf-way he did, forgetting thai the land ia not in the . same condition, or that 'competition has made it more of a gamble. ^ Yqo mky continue to make tobac co your sole dependence, and con tinue to bjiy flour, meal, meat, .and ' feed stuff tor your work stock,' but you will also continue to become' poorer and poorer with each crop raised. Better go into partnership with that good wife and build her a "ne^ hen' house, so# permanent pas tures and help her with the cows, and spend more time in that garden, and see how soon you will get in a position where you will^ndt have to ask 'any man- to loan you money to make your next crop We are r.fither a prophet nor a seventh son of a prcphet. but we are willing -to *take our Reputation thp.t thf farmer w^i raises a big crop of common tobac co this year is going to owe some body money when he has finished selling. Don't try for a bumper crop f tobacco but try for the BSET to bacco you ever, raised. Every in dication is that common tobacco will Selllow, but you never saw the time 'when good t-ioacco' ''Hi i.uL. -ijl ? a pr St' over cost of production. That is a .severe, but just criticism which ?a good -v.' ftrfrrii makes ? as ' to' Person County's court House, It ?is a sharhe and we hope it will' only be necessary t_ have (his matter Called to the attention of the Boafd of County Commissi nets',, who are the custodians of tlx court house. When the women get behind >uch things something is going to happen, and it is going, to happen soon. ? -6 ? ? ??= ? Polities are beginning to warm up, So far only one candidate for a boun ty office has made announcement,, tnat of Judge Bradshec. but rumor says there are many more on , the fence, Theii friends' are urging them to run for tKis and that, and i y-u know there >& , nothing more acute than the ear of a politician wtien the political bee is buezing around his ears.- - 4 " -j ? afltnd .Chaplain t ' h!s j.b. We'tfV *an other ift? tapcc of ? where he talkcsl too much-. But really, the State .h a ? p.ot cleaned :;.uitt?:r-up, - and a ??r;*iu investigation might reveal some: things which would. r.: t be creditable to the State. I \Ve do n -M know Boh ReyvV- J old1*' rase for the Senate .will amount to, b::t ve do know he; Is mighti-ly hel-pinjL" Uncle Sam, for our waste b&gkv: is silent te*tim:iy,to thai ?factL_ Do you Jove poetry ? Well, it >iay , r.ot be .real p^try, but we v ant every reader to read that one j ub lished in this issue, headed the "Hou?e Fly," It is full of sense, if it is not poetry. NEWS KROM SIRL Some o4f the farmcf-s in the >outh east corner of Person are selling com to thbse who made a big to bac.c: crop last >eas n. We /link from what we tan hear from .the we-t fide of .the County that we are jr< good -hape. The >outh *idc of firanville county raised the b st crop of tobacco in 1925 that they have raised in many years, and this* i strue as to a part f Durham coiin ;ty, and quite |C gjod deal of ?H$q tobacco from each county was *Gld at the Planters warehouse in Rox ^oro; ? Mr. 0'. H.Oak ley ?old one - grade which contained 40 pcunfls for JUifc- dollar a. p.uad. Mr. .Sam Watr kin*, who runs the John*on ware rho:refe ? rrt ? Oxford made some - ii-arawBs i AUny farawj* ^?old at . bettec than sixty dollars, and one man aueraged ' aa ; high as seventy two d^llfcrs. They also made TTirie" " good corn \h * fie above?* motioned roantifcK. . ? ? r? ' Want Ads Read Them THOROUGHBRED WHITE LEG HORN wps for sple. Guaranteed to be absolutely )>esh and de livered protnptly and in good con dition. $1.00 per netting ofTifteen, or the regular market price per doien for eating- purposes. Apply to Mrs. T. P, Noell, Timberlake, N.- C. tf r ? ? A Garden of Pretty Girl* with Bili Johnson's BAND BOX REVUE at Palace Theatre Thursday end Fri day this week. We have a few more pieces of Gold Sea) Congolium left, also fomeJexL" cellent values in Rug?, we are closing at prices. Wiiburn & Satterfield. FREE tickets to the movies at Can tor's -Dept. Store with y:ur pur cTjasesJ. _ KEYS LOST, on ring in leather case. Finder please return to The Courier office and receive reward. BUY your dry goods from Cantor's Department "Store and get a ticket to the Palace Theatre FREE START KIGHT. Feed your hens and ? rnielrsin Pnrina Starlrra Chick Chow. See c-ur ad. Scrg ant & Clayton. HOUSES FOR RENT,? 1 hare 3 good empty houses fcr sale or rent. 2 six rooms and 1 four rooms. Price shall be reasonable w:il yiie |IU-1 ssiuii -l .i.e. ? .1. I.. Garrett. Need a Trunk? Get it from Wiiburn & Satterfield. FIELDS NEED LIME. H is economy to use lime? get the BEST; the ifelimatic. the same that is usecl ,bi the Experiment Station. S^n>?. yrur orders to E. ' H. Mco?e, T;m berlake.N. C; - ? ? ' A Garden .?t Pretty Girl* v.Mh Mil ?Ji'hn-nnV SJUVIV BOX RRVUR- in I'iltace The?.??* TKaistfay and Fri rfay t-.ig week. START RI5HT<. Keed yrur liens and V chickens, Purina -^art'wya ana Cbk-k 'Cri'oW. ? See -r lint' & Clayt: n. '? " Tafce. a lw.k at the ne* things in Piece Goods at WHbitrh & Satter FOR SALE, one 2.H. P. ?rlectrrr motor, l&QD r.p.M:. 220 volts, 60 cycle,. & CHEAP. Anply to O. B. McBroom, Roxbcto. "X: . C See the latent shades in hosiery in the quality you love to wear at Wiiburn & "Satterfield. START RICHT. Feed vcur hens s-nd eft likens Purina^ Startena ;.nd Chick Chow. ? See :ir ad. .S^.rtr ant &. Clayton. Hill Johnson with his BAND BOX RlfYUE 10 ? w it cvvay before seeing Ab. Barr.ett. on the hill, tf BLANKS ROF SALE. Blank dfeds, deeds of trust, agricultural liens, chattel mortgagts, etc. at The Courier cftice We carry Good Shots and don't" de ny it. William & Satterfield. Bill JoHhson with his BAND BOX RlfVUE 16 ? (People ? 11, Palace Theatre Thursday and Friday April J5th and 16th. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a i-andi date?for the rronrination of Clerk of the Superior Court for Person Coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri maries. You all know me, and t solicit the vpte of every Democrat in the County. _ ^ - ,Y ours , for service, 4t D. W. BRADSHER-j. SALE OF BANK STOCK As atintitiistratrix of the estate of Js C; Rogers, deceased,.' 1 win offeT for sale to .the highest bidder for ?a?h at Ihe Court House loor in R.nhArn. X. C., on SATURDAY. MAY 1ST. 1926, at 12 o'clock W., tw'erit y.flve 'hares : of the Capital Stick f The Peoples Bank ..erf Roxboro, N. C. I_ This April 9th, 1926. ! MRS. h!- lLY nOCKll". ' Admrx. ,f J. G> Rogers. RESOLUTIONS On March 11, 1926 at Watts Hos ti the it ? f Mr ? il. T. Blf /< ard of Roxtrro, N. C., R:Jte 5 ?V-.-d ]f Mt. Zion I church. Mt. Tircah Circuit. We therefore, as members of "he Society wish to pay till* tribute .f respqrt X'j her memory) ! Therefore be it re-c}vej: 1 First, . We have- lost ctte; i ? ?'Jr ' f ; 1 ! h ?.'l ? ..e '.-1. Se:ond. She .was-or-> of pur fcfist. I hc/pcrs both ~pit*itC?lJy:afid f' *c:-*ilv < Thi:d. we : ? -ly ?y n;*r.t.h. ' the family . in their 1-i-s hr.d. : r-a y | 1 1 c -l v e t. - EU-sinss-'-cpin ? . 1; ? i i;h! ' i that ? v "y pub,:- < : . !rf the Rexboro Cptirfer, ~The North ; Careiiria A'.ly:ioate, snd a copy b? ; sent the family and also be reccrd ' fcd ,n tfie nnnutes. mrs. J. :;ocrk. ? MRS. W, C, ALLEN., ? ? MISS IDA H AMI- IN. | FOR OVER | 200 YEARS | hxar'em oil has beer, a worid j r.-ide remedy for kidney, liver and ! Madder disorder^ rHSSItSsBt, j lurr.fcagc and uric cc^d conditions* ijgflEP WBfrte ^ KAA.RCCM C'.L SDaBBBBB | rorreet intcrnaltrcublcr- sti:r.u:etc vital I organs. Three tires. All drupg'.sts. insist j ja lie original gesu*ac Go:i. Mcxjal. With a garden of radiently beautiful girls. The Oen NhrM: SJ.ftO t? $2.50 plus tax AtaUnee: -S1.00 to S20f0-plus lax (olured : Ntght t4 $1.00 Matinee: 50 c?nta to.? 5 cents. | Cotton Seed ? TO LOAN, OR FOR SALE ? | 2 We have cotton seed for planting, several varieties. We S ? will loan you your seed for planting and you can pay irs g back when we gin vour cotton this Fall, or we will sell a S, you what you want' for best cash price. ' All of our seed 3 jj have been thoroughly recleaned. ? See Mr. W. C. Woody at J. J. Winstead's fertilizer house | H at the depot. | j T. T. Hester & Co. | DURHAM AUDITORIUM ? Saturday Matinee and Night ? Messrs' I>ee and J. J. Shubert Present ? G&y, ^Golden, Glorius and Unforgetable This may be the last opportunity vou wiH hftve 1 -n rcc und hear this glorius world triumph, the foremost success of the musical stage htetoryT^ -PTHCES - Shoes For Flappers and Their Daughters No? that isn't a misprint. You read it correctly. The word "flapper" has gone out of- style, but the flapper hei^elf is still with us. She i,s any woman, smartly dress ed. in the If.test vogue, with the most youthful 'clothes and shoes that -she can find. Her age ranges anywhere fioiji nine to itinety. Women of all ages want to be young, the men too. If they tan't be, they want to feel young. If they can't feel young, they want to look young. They want kids' styles in shoes, and yet they want some semblance of comfort. .We have just the shoe the young lady wants and we can give the older lad.v~~The youngest looking shoes, with the youngest feeling fit that any shoe merchant can give. _ .A big shipment of the ver* latest coming in this week. r- ? HARRIS & BURNS ? ROXBORO'S REST STORE ? WE have a PLAN which WILL CUT VOUR INNER TOBE Bills just about in 4^ IT IS BASEO ON MICHELIN TVBE5 U . ASK US FOR THE \ FACTS AND FI6URES \JM IT W?ut> PAY yOU J&7 For Sole By L. & W. AUTO CO- and - ROCK IN .SERVICE STATION Roxboro, N~ C. fcii-ii-i. Advertise In Hie Courier if everybbdv in this community would bank theiSr" money right here at home instead of hoarding it, or sending it away it would help everybody. Loyalty to your own community means self -protect ion and self-development .for when' the community prospers we all prosper. - ? - ? - _ Our progressive Bank is here to give you every i fa cility for your financial transactions consistent with our wel! known conservative banking methods. We Will Welcome Vou The Peoples Bank "The Bank of The People"