THE OVTE OX THE. LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED!!! > -= WATCH THE LABqjL OM YOUR PAPKK. AJfD DONT LET SUBSCRIPTION EX, PIRE!!! J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLI1I ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wedn^ay Evening, April 21, 1926. No. 16. DAIRY DEPARTMENT Of FARMERS' COUNCIL Demonstration of Cream Sep erators by Two or Three Companies l*rof. B. I. Satterfield, chairman of the Dairy Department of the1 Farmers' Council, will have charge of* the program in the afternoon of .Saturday; May 1st. He will have the j following speakers: Ohl Sis Cow ; Sir A. C, Turnery i of State-College. - ? : ? ? - ? -J I)uir.ving in Piedmont Carolina.: I Mr. W: K; Sc#& of Alamance Ccunty . Demonstration -ot cream Separa tor* by representatives of two or three standard, companies. There --trill, be a short business meeting of about 1-5 minutes, and eacH speaker will be limited to 30 j ^miiiuu's.'. *i> the 1 1" jui Jin v, ill i . . et about an hour and a quarter. The] crfcam separators will be * in opera- j tion both before and after the meet- f ing, in order that every one may have an opportunity to examine them and ask questions. We plan i to have the- actual separation of the cream? pour milk into the bowl i.nd separate it, so you can see cream come out of one spout and milk j from another Every one interested jn arty phase . <>f farming has a cardial invitation to any meeting held by the Farmers* Council. t ? COUNTY COMMITTEE, V. / V* "" a. j> CX. yf.agsf&tf* Chair in tn,-i PERSON SON HLM1UATE1) ?' Norfolk Va. : April t8. 1026. Mr. * W.VNoell. , ? i Roxhoi;c>; I?, C. : Dear Sir: : It JH&.-Jt* yews, to coa. j Viriee ?? these, "people in the "GVent"" section of X rf lk .that 'Person Court* : 'ty rtnd. Roxboro were even on : Uie ' . .Map^and just when t was tryiug to make them believe' it w as the 1 Gar th n Spot " my Home Paper with a front . pliSfe item hi "Box Car" letter^ commenting just n little unfavorably on our Temple tf Justic^, which upsets all I have accomplished ? it is enough to rive a' fellow :i genuine case. of "(Jon dullions"? I see but one thing, to Mother County to come back and say ''Son don't cry? -I. am going to build a New Temple of Justice^? modern ; and up-to-date in every respect, one , that all my 'Sons and Daughter*' ' can with pride point out to any . stranger . within our grates." Until then, I am a "Ruint 0oman in the * Community whar I do reside.'' Yours truly, k ^ WALTER \\ HORTON. I N TER KSTI XCS N M RET I \ G Of the Poultry Department of the ? Farmers' C-ouncil'. The poultry department of the* Farmers' Council met last Saturday eyefi fng* arid had a must enjoyable and profitable meeting*. It was veil attended, in .fact was entirely too large for the size of room where it Wak held. Many hidies.. am! men . were. obliged t *ta?d throughout the "?'??' -ton, hut ai ? .?? -nuti to en joy the meeting : | yway. It - was j scheduled '.j meet in the < oiu;t horse, but the day being the regular meet ing of the Person County" Co-op Association. Che Council adjourned ! to the offices of Mr. R. f. Satter field. County Supt. of Public Schools. Mr. Allen G. Oliver, Poultry Ex pert of State College, was Pf?*entt and made a splendid talk on the . subject of poultry. He advised every one present to go into the poultry fcusiness, starting with what, they had, rather than to try to jump into it 'too strong* '^jHerprovc.d cohellt Mvaly that ,tlipre was^ii^ney Qi the business fo't nv& cne "who would give it study follow tho advice * of those who have made a success ?of the poultry business. His slogan | was "thjfee ' m-s nnrl offe "KundrEtT hen*'* on every .farm. wisb:ou? ; ? ? -people .would ? ixite'u lo men ? wh^' Mxx^-kwow and follow siichr a"dvice . for if ; 1 ? i wf "trrr n rri trr mafcrns: a ?. SHECl ~ st _ "farming new lines must be adopted. Ji . ? : ' . V r? 7TT? v " The last return of J). AY. (i.riAUh's "The Birtfc A Nation** Palace ~~ T&aire, (Friday April 23rd. Two .jerfortnauOeB only,' 3:00 and. 8:00. F. Stare That Shine As Season Starts lAyrooAtTCgl Many JooWm made gallant bi< Is for .fame, but ^f^ndom ?'feontinaes to idolize the names of Ruth, Johnston, Cobb *nd Hornsby; veterang-triM nnd-tnio. WM, B. COOPER, EX-LIEUT. GOV. WINS NEW TRIAL ; * Helena High vs Roxboro High Helena High defeated Rosboto I High nine f:r the second tunc In as many starts. They started \vjth Helena Scoring on^ counter in the firet stanza, but in the second in nnijr Maogurh. the "Helena mourids man lafct control, and wa.- relieved by ,-Bialpck. 11 weVer, it loOkc-i .a* if the ftve run tallied by Roxbriio- in ihi> frame had 'put -the. game- in i?e; *t&f: one _sr?Orcd tint il-" the fourth. The Helena boy? w-ould not he de nied either -hits or tallies, because I tiu-y gathered twelve safe' '.blows oil, 'Davis. in the eight and . pri. 'ftiird inhmea. an ! two- . safeties - off .-?f. Ilpbjjoofi; It . was .-the stick woV< f I'earce,' I. -Peacce, B. and Blaloct; that, decided for Helena to add five, markers in the ninth in.niiig r^tly. Batteries: Helena: Mangum. Bla . lock and Pcarce *" 1 . Roxboro ; Da vis. II bi*3od and Richmond. /, . ' DEATH -W^MRS^ JOHN HARRIS Mrs. John D. Harris died at the home, of tier husband near Lcjteburg last Wednesday night at 1- -Vcluck, after a short illness. Thf Danville; Mts. I'leasants ??f- Leasburg; George K. and J.- A. Harris of Roxboro, and .Do Ian Harris of Durham, AN ATTRACTIVE ? WINDOW DISPLAY Sergeant & Clayton had a -most J Tovel and .attractive window display the past week, it being a window with about forty or fifty y untr chickens in it. There was the hover where the little fellows found shelt er and .warmth, and then there was the scratch patch which wa$ well littered with the chicken feed which Mess. Seargcant & Clayton are mak- j in(g a specialty. It was the one | popular place on Main . Street, for | every one jpassmg stopped for a look. ?' NOTICE TO CON V ? ? FEDERATE vrtrans The. Daughter.?, of tbcjConfeder^cy have called our. annual meeting for May. the ftyh, 1926. . All Veterans W7TT~Vin>^r"in V-nrtirt hon^r r.t.' H' o/fkek on this day for I ho -i >0^ : rio*- - sessional desire that 'every W.cran Jtte present as oun'rafil ^ ;?; now servlricr a term in ? the Atlanta- pettitejitiary. \Vityifcm B. C;oper wa> eonricted i on. four counts and give^, 18. months' on epeh, the" sentence^, to run con currently.. H* was lieutenant-gov ernor North Carolina when in dictcd. AMERICA'S GREATEST NEBI> America's greatest need is not bettor laws< nor better schools, *w*r i better social and industrial condi tions, but it -is a genuine revival -of ; the Christian religion. Make right the hearts of- men and every thing ' else will be right. j -The First Baptist Church is seek ing to help men get right at -heart. Sunday School 9:45 A. M., R. L. AVilburn, Supt. Preaching at It A. M-. Subject: "God's Formula For a Revival.' 7 :.10 P. M. Subject. "They All Do It/' b. v. p. u. at em P. M. "Ho' that heareth My word and believeth'^on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting lit' \ and shaH ntt come into condemnation,; but is ' passed from death unto life." J no. 51 24. 'W. ,F WESt. Pastor. PERSON SrPFRIOIi COURT ? Pais n < ' jiinty ? Su>nai:r Court is in bf-s^ion this week. Judge Devin, presiding, with $Iaj. McLendffn pvosr- ? ecuting. With his customary action pudge'. Deviit got right down to business, and after a *hort charge to the grand-jury; had business mov ing right along. Mr. E. A. Snipes was made foremaji of the grand- jury. Several cases were disposed of dur ing the first day, ' some receiving lines, others either to the roads or jail. , ? We will give full proceedings in, our next issue, "THE PATH ACROSJr THE HILL" { A comedy drama-m theee- wet** five males, five females. Umei t\tfo hours, yfm ' be given at Helena High School Friday evening, April 23rd. at eight o'clock, under the aus pices of Antiocfi Baptist church. A) ? ? ? ? iad< . a 'Id man t !-?'?? -4e*t: those ? Yrhrrm he lores. hr-* the r jilot are interwoven a. wealth of fun- 1 rry situations, affording a delight ful, blending of drama, comedy and fftntinu-;.' - - f*t inn;, and ? spt'nTfrs^rT .!?>? evening. AdmissioB.. 2" 'and 1_"? (I. D. C Meeting Held At Roxboro - Local Chapter DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION The Democratic . County Con vention is hereby called to meet in the court house in , Koxboro on Saturday, April 24th. nt 2 l\ M., f holds a "position"* fro Ro*boro spent the vreek ^ end at her home here. Mrs. Pet tic 'TTamlia and. daughter. Miss I00 chicks hatched out to-, date and has already sold broilers at a fancy price. Mrs. Penn Noell has j a flock of eighty pure bred white 1 Leghorn hens that are laying, and is also ryi)n1pg an incubator with a capacity of .400 eggs. Mrs. Creorge Hauser is also raising chickens f .r market. These and others have nice flocks of poultry and will continue to increase their stick. The gardens are begwiwng to look attractive around here now. Pos sibly Mr. G. H. .Hauser has the j earliest vegetables: nice lettuce, cab-' gabe ftbout large enough to eat, gar den peas blooming. Mrs. Tom Clay delightfully enter tained the Study Club of Roxboro at her beautiful home here Friday .af ternoon April 16th. 1 hef.lwer fl^pr was thrown ert suite and Svas made more attractive by pptted plants and spring flowers. After the ^program the hostt - served delickras menU, Cafeteria style, collating of Ham, rolls, butter, pickles, Angel Food Cake .and coffee. Besides the members. Mrs: Clay had as visitors Mesdames T. O. Pass, T. \V. F'as^ of Roxboro, Mrs. R. A. Pas* of Asheville and Mrs. IT. JL Hall x. f Helena: iPREAX^HING AT . - - ABRKia GROVE There will be preaching service at ffiCTCT-g m the chapters in the division were then made. all of which were encouraging and interesting, two of them report ing the work in organizing a chil dren's chapter. Mrs. L. B. N-Well, Of Charlotte, second state vice pres ident, and chairman of the educa tional division, followed with a short address on educational work. A vocal number. "An Arcadian-Lul laby" Was given after this by Mrs; J. A. Long. The state president. Mrs. J.' Dolph Long, of Graham, was then introduced; and gave a. full and detailed outline of the general work cf the state chapters. The delegates enjoyed the address which -gave to them such a splendid: insight into the various divisions in the U, D. G. She laid great stress especially on the organising of children's chap ters. for the preserving, of history for Coming generation*. Another fact to be regretted was the ab.lenee if a Nr.rth- CaMina Monument at Gttty:sburg. -She spoke of tj^e grvat J >ride Xorth Carolina had av the fart that her troops went farthest at Gettysburg anit yet to mark this, there was only a small tablet put there by thff federal, government, of. which >he was ashdtfied to peak. After her address, Mrs. T. C*. Brad sher sang "In a Garden Quaint and Old." Th?* closed . the program, and the ladies were then Invited to en.-] joy a delicious lunche:r.. The next meeting will be held with the Leon itlas Polk chapter. *>f Chapel 1 1 i VI . FOR CM \ lUTY'S SAKE . Concert . by South Bo -ton Kiwannis Club. Under Auspices of Rox boro Rotary The South Boston Kiwannis. C'ub. under the auspic&s of. the Roxhoro Rotary Club, will give a concert ift the new High School auditorium fjr< the benefit of charity and the crip pled children fund. Th:s concert fom'efc with the very highest fei ommendh^ions rnd every one w;|t 'be amply repaid for -attending* to say nothing cf the good work the pro ceeds will gO to. There will be. vocal and oiario solos, negro quartette and abundant, music. This is the first entertain ment given in the. new high "Chool auditorium and it is hoped to see the house packt i. Remember the date ? Tuesday April 27. 8 P. M. ? ^ o "COME orr OF THE KITCHEN" High School play to bt* given in graded school auditorium Friday night at 8 o'clock. April 23rd. The plav. based on the story of the satue name by Alice Duer Miller, is full Of wit and humor and stjll has a strong underlying plot. The pipy ran several successful seasohV in New York and 4>aa also been screened by the Paramount Pitcture Corporation with like success. A strong and well selected caste has been taken from - the student body ahd tbeir interpretation. of the parts give* promise of a mo*t suc cessful production. The leading role? are played b yRacha^l-Bradsher and Ben Stfthrey, supported b.v Emi ly 'Stephens, F.dith Bowles,' >Tary Shu ford Carlton, \^iJdred Richmond. r.dmt lolm IfftM-ninnT^IKnTr ConnaHy, George Biirch and cWmp WinRtoRd: . Tickets *wilj be on sale at the Pal w&a' Phramafljr,; prtces ,35 and 50 rentft. ? ~ ? . Pricey of Indies Spring coats great ' ly -reduced Qt Harris & Burns. PERSON COUNTY | . S.S.GONVENTION Meets With Lambeth Memorial liaptist Church On April 24-23th Office of Person County Sunday I Schrol Association are cf the* opin 1 ion that oiie of the most interesting artd helpful, as well as. one of the most largely attended Sunday School . meetings ever held in the Couxrfyr will be the annual County Sunday i Schocl Convention at the I.amberth Memorial Baptist Church; Saturday ftnrt Sunday, Apr'd 24 and 25. prrams of the Convention have been mailed to all pastor:* and Sunday School superintendents in the ?ountyr With special yimtation? to attend the convention themselves, and re questing that they try 'to get all of officers to attend. The Convention program includes addresses and conferences on prac tically all, phases of. the Work of the modern School. In ar ranging the program the small Sun-* day School was given much atten tion. During the Convention there will he question and discussion per iods, when those present will have* opportunity to give and get infor , maiion . concerning ; iuiy Sunday Schbcl problem. . The Person C~unty Sunday School Association is one . of the units of the North Carolina Sunday School Association, in which Sunday School worker? jf :iU evongelioafr denomina tions participate many of which ^re completely organized and doimf fine work. At this time all of the. one hundred counties in the State are organized into C-unty Sunday School Av :? i;it ? ,' n.- . ? " LOOK-OUT!!! . "FOR HEAVEN S SAKE" ST PALACE THEATRE Palace T. v atre. RoS:bpro ,N, G., Monday and Tuesday April 26-27 fch Harold Lloyd is.kinir of laughter to day for the simple roascrt that laughter follow^ him as Rainbows follow summer showers. The latent comedy, pern frahi the screen's Com edy Genius ? -Harold Lloyd's first bi|f Paramount Comedy. "For Heaven's Sake Don't miss it"? Matinee Mon day 3:30. P. M.. Evenings 7:30 ? .0:00 P. M. Admimssions 25 and 50 cent**. The Palace The?tue. .. ... MASONIC .HEETTtSG There will be an important meetinpr of Person fsodge No 113 A. F. & A. jM. on Tuesday April 27-th, 7:30 P. M. All members are urged to bo present. Wm. W. MORRfctX, W. M. A C. GENTRY, Clerk. V PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH " Sunday School at 0:15. * H. L. Crowell, Supt. Morning: service at tj- ,AV Sermon by Pasta**. Sunday' School at Mit cheH's Chap el at i P. M. Preaching at .Bushsr ^ Fork school house at 3SJ0 P. M. Evening service at 7r30 P. M. Sermon by Pastor. Every one welcome at all service*. P. CARY ADAMS, Pastor ? NOTICE The Veterans of Person C'ounty will please note the change in date of the. Annual Dinner given by the Person County Chapter U. p. C. Instead of May 10th the dinner will be served May . nth, ax the sarnie Mm a and place as heretofore. B Mrs.. M, R. LONG. C-ouoVy - Chapfcetk -- See the welding of the N?-rth and '? Sotith in I>. W. .Griffith's ^Tha Birth 'f '? "of a-Jiatiori*' Paiac^ Theatre . FxxdaiM AyH BSrd, at 3:00 and 8:00 -P Nb YOU HAVHv NEVER ~een uny thing more witty and appealing than. ? the little Irish girl rrt ^giiaw Out *? ? of the Kitchen." She is none other than'~