$1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THE DATE ON THE LABEL LSTHE^ATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED!!! watch the laSskl OX YOUR PAPER. AM) I>ONT LB* SUBSCRIPTION EX pirej:: J. W NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. No. XL1II HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT, ROXBORO, NORTH, CAROLINA, Wedged ay Evening, May 5, I 926. DEATH OF PROMINENT R0X60R0 YOUNG WOMAN Muss. Ethel Newton, One Of Rbxboro's Most Prominent and Best Loved, -Passes HO X BO HO S H OC K JB'D It was a great shock to the citi- j zeris pf Roxboro, When the report was j received bete MoritJ&y morning that! Miss Ethel Newton had died at the t hospltaf hv Durham at 1:15 o'cl ck. She was suffering from an attack ; nf ? whi.it v ? vhri^,i> > and wa> carried to ti e hospital last I Wednesday. She submitted to the ' burgeons knife on Saturday '-night. j but it was too late, and she died about an hour later. Miss Newton was a daughter of . M )T a?i<1 l.UI^, W. 'I. Waujis: ? ,v ;v- ? horn .arid reared in Roxboro, age. 30, and was a favorite- with all. After j ( bmpletirifi: her education she taught !' school in the County, but for the' past several years *he had been j teaching in the Rcxbpro *e^ool*. arid I was recognized as one of the fore most instructors, and loved by . every : chil<* she ever taught. She was a . member of the Edgar Long Memo rial Methodist church, and was very active in, air church work, taking .in especial interest in your.g peoples 'Aork and Sunday School. The funeral services were . held j yesterday morning at 10 o'cl- ?pk in I the church, conducted by her pastt?r, 1 Rev. F, if. Shajnfcarger. Rarely, if ever, have \Ve' seen a larger r,t tend ance, or more numerous floral 'offer ings, all showing' the great ljve I every one had for Mis* N'ewtcn. Trolly, her church, Roxboro school, \ society and Roxboro at large will miss this good woman. The sym pathy "of. all gc out to her parentc -xrn'd her sister*. and refatives and triends in this sad hour. , . . . MOTHER "The .heavenlV songs can rib sweeter I . be I Than the songs that my mother made. 1 ut-.ar : p rf-. * v ' Antf iii Clod's 'city I hope. 5Dmc day, ? T > hear th^m sung' in mother's w^y," ? eben e. rexford. MOTHER'S DAY wilt he observed at the' First Baptist Church- /.fcc-xt Sunday. Sunday School 9:45 A, M;? R. L. Wilbur n, . Supt. Prcachine U A. M;, .Subject: "Our | Uebt To .Motherhood." Preaching H P. M,, Subject: "Find ing A Refuge." , . | B. Y. P U. 7:00 P. M. "My Hon, hear 'the instruction of thy Father, I And forsake not the. law of , thy moth^rT For they shall be- a chaplet of grace I Unto thv head, .! ?And rhains about thy ru'*ck." Pi\iv. ?1:8-0. .'A W. F/ WtJST, Pastor. TEN 1VMN(JS TO A TIF. Helena High knd Bethel Hill High | nines played a teft inning tie g&mej on Bethel Hill diamond. The -score j was. 19 ? 19. The. game was played | with many errors by both teams,! many so-rallcd hits were made .by | knocking the ball in the tall pine? : close in left field-, Helena boys gathered seventeen hits while the Hill boys gained crFtfrr for clever. The stick work of Man,?um featur ed getting five bingles out o T seven times Up. B. Pearee Tor Helena got the only clean hortie run of ihe day, however, Walkei of the Hill parked pne in the pinea ami nr*de the circuit While the fielderi wa* finding the ball. -j Score by innings: ? R III Helena ? 0 10 0002204 1?19 17 I B?thel Hill 4 0 2 1 0 6 6 8 8 1?1911 B?nqrlf?: ? i H. H. S? Blalock anrl I'eartv. | B. H. H. S., Perkins, Wllhuni. Jones and JWalker. i -M.OTM6|tg PaV~i?ro<;kam The- Epwortli l.iajfut of Bronjcu dale Methodiat Church will cbwrvt Motliers" Day "Sunday nlirfit it 7 - n'nlrmlr , Unr B. < ~ UulVW'Miy will deliver 5H aTFTrrfiTTl Thr ptlttic is cortttnliy' ihvitj.1. > Desperate Battle With Fireln Forest Fajls To Check Fames (KNJRlF.ltY F1.0VVKK I)Tv" With Mother's Day, Sunday. May 9th, comes our annual ob servance of Cemetery Flower Day. Xel us think of the mothers and those for whom __Lh?i lnho7*>d :?nd lo\ed. next Sabbath? and show our respect for their memory hy visiting^ the cemetery and decofatmg with flowers the graves of relatives or friends. IVews from in and around Helen Many Social Affairs Of Interest To Local People M r. and Mrs. Jerome Horner and Prof. Horner- of Oxford visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tyjed Moore recently. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Howard of Dur ham >penU?last week end with Mr. and "Mrs. C. H. Reade at their home near here. Prof, and Mrs. Gtfrrlson were in Roxbo: Saturday shopping. . Mr. Warren Ashley was in. Dur ham one day last weok on business. Misses Helen and Elbise Pierce of Mt. !?iqn section visited their cousin Mtas Pauline Jones last week ehd. Mr. G, A. Hamlin spent seyerai; days in Durham last week at- the ? bedside of his wife who is in the hospital there. Last Wednesday afternoon from', three to! five o'clock Mrs. 1\ P. Noell. delightfully entertained.. the . Junior F.pw^rth l.Anprhp at her home. here. Many interesting games were play ed on the lawn, and after much mtfr 1 i'njcnt the guests were served fruits and 'cookies as refreshments. The community is indeed f >rtunAtv to have Mrs. Noell here and to have her interest in all community ;ic-: tivities; ? y, . ' ' ? - Mrs. Tom Hall visited' Durham' oiie day Inst week. Thursday % afternoon April 20th from three to five oVlOck, Mrs An nie N'oeH and daughter. Miss Louise were hostesses t ? theLadfes Aid. So ciety, at their home "Twin Hollies.*' Mrs.. .A. Terry, presiilent of the cJuK had charge of the program awl conducted :\ very 'interesting! meeting. Much merriment was j caused by the reports from the visits of "Pollyanna." In. the social i'our following the program the hostess server! delicious cream and cake. Besides the regular member^ the club had as guests, ' Rev. Mr: Lanee, Mrs. East from Mt. Tivaab. and tUfas Blanche Gooch. The club next month meets with Mrs. Char I lie Ashley. The entertainment given last Fri day evening in the school auditorium by the primary and Grammar grades of Helena High School was well rt?ndered and. enjoyed by a capacity crowTT The commencement sermon Sunday afternoon by Rev. Mr. West, was masterful and was well re.ceived by the large congregation present. He spoke many words of counsel to the graduating class and youth gen erally and admonished: them to strive toward attaining the unatona ble.. Another feature of the com mencement' as yet unannounced is an address Friday nifpht by Hon. R. P, Reade of Durham, . Rev. M. Bradahaw of Durham fill ed the pulpit Sunday morning at the Methodist church, preaching a splen did sermon from the text *Fear not, little flock." Immediately a ?t??r the sermon the quarterly c*vnf??r**eee was held.- The presiding elder took occasion to compliment both the people and the preacher on the fine work of the circuit for frhis year. The League Sunday nignt was all that was expected of the program. The congregation of ladies and chH(?ren thoroughly enjoyed the hy th>. mgn> \v,: AWr-y- -pfovM h!nT?rg"'rv Rp< song leader, a;ii the' singing '6f Jht .Illimt-.s .'ire Destroying l.arire Part of Best Timber of Mc Dowell -^Omnty FIGHT ON 12-MILE FRONT A^heville. May ?|J)| by the Mcl)owel!~*?biinty authorities were taken !at<- today -in*. effort to check, the f ;-ef RoxbOro are attending physicians. - ? Miss Noma Clayton and Mrs. I/ena Ellis are visiting in Durham. Mis. Pgmp Day. I-orenza. fcthel. Vixon, Pressly and Grace spent th'e fourth Sunday in Raleiyh. Mr. 7jeb CUyton hurt himself right} bad in jumping off a truck re?ently. ? E. PREHHYTtfRIAN CHURCH ?Sunday School at f?:45 A. M., H. L. Crowell. Stipt. Morning service at 11 A. M. Mothers pay sermon by the Pastor. Sunday School MitchvltV'Chaip at 2 P. M. Preaching service >*. 8 P.M. ' . Preaching 'service at -Bushy Frrk school house 7:&0 P. M. Come, bring a - friend t>>-1 1 S.m-v?W wirfi sagre. Mrs. F. J. Heater, Roxboro Church. " ' ' . ; ? 11:1 5? Mission Study with tries- j sapre, Mrs. 0. W. Hood. Yancey vine Church. 0 11:30 ? ?Historian's. Report. ^iss Helen Graves. Lea Bethel Church. ll:40-^-Speqial Music, Mill Creek, i 11:45? "The Other Woman." Mrs. W. F. West, Roxboro Church. Lunch, Thursday Afternoon 1:30 ? Devotional. Miss Esthor^j Boyd* Lambeth Memorial. 1 ;40 ? Three Minute Talks; C, A. Mrs. T. M. Alien, -Semora; R. A Mrs. \V. A. Woody. Bethel Hill: Sunbeam*. Mrs. L. L. Goodson, Providence Cas well. ^ 1:50? Circle Plan, in the Country j Church. Mrs. X. J. Todd, Mill Creek. 3:00? Brush and Pencil Sketches of Our Work. Mrs: R. L. Wilburn; R6xbdro Church. ? 2:10? Round* Table Oiscus^ion, { Mr.v. J. A. Beam, Bethel Hill "Church. ?2:20^? Presentation of Banners, ; UHH I'. I'. Tucker. Milton Church. 2:30? Stewardship, Mi\s. J. C. Can-' ipe, Rcxbqro Church. 2:40? -Report of Committees 2:45 ? Con deration Service, Rev. W. F. W?*i| Y. Pass, Mrs Lillian Day, .Mrs. A* J L Boyd. Time ami Place Committee, Mrs.; Annie Clayton. Miss . Beam Brook*. Mrsv A\ <& Crutchfield. Resolutions Committee, Mrs. A. M. Burns, Mrs. L. P. Duncan, Mr*. W. D. Florance. i BILL- I NSTEAD SPENDS THE DAY HERE Mr. W. L. Umstead, Loiter known as "Bill," was in town yesterday i shading hand? with his numerous i frieiidai But don't imagine from! this statement jhat "Bill" is a can didate. far from it,, it is just his nat- 1 ural way. We do not know what' he would do should he taekle poli- ? tics, but we do know when it entires I to selling tobacco and running . a| warehouse he has few superiors, as was so well demonstrated here the \ past season. AN OLD FRIEND SPENDS THE DAY HERE! Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Sowers of Lynchburg spent last Saturday here i visiting: their daughter. Mrs. Harrcll. ] Capt. Sowers is well known to most i of the people of this section, havmjr i been a conductor for mar.y years on the. Norfolk & Western, and has many frienc^ who remember him with the kindest of feelings. BROOK SD ALE CIRCUIT 3k M other's Day will be observed at Trinity Church at- eleven o'clock Sun Brookfand Church 'will observe Mother's ad of I the Animal . Husbandry Department of State College to a large crowd "in : the Graded ? :'hool building. j 'l.ahy ng from every angle., Rarely I have we ever seen ii more interested ' audience, Mr. Arey grew up On a' | N'^rth Carolina farm and speaks, a t language.. which we can all under | stand. His hearer* were delighted with hit nrnfiical advi.e and his ah swers to " their many questions. Korth Cb rolina is doing a fin? thing j for her/farmers when she semis to j them a man of Mr. Arejr's ability and | experience. Mr. Ralph- Scott, who' is conncitod with .the \orth State Creamery, of Burlingtsn. (rave some advice to the farmers about .the, cream and eggs they are. sending on. their Farmer's Council trjick. He suggested that warm cream should' never lie mixed. -ii..th cream that .has - already cimled. When cream has cooled sufficiently, mix it with the -cream you already have on (land and stir it well each time new. cream is added. Mr.' Scott brought out another p;int that i< f interest to every farmer" who is in terested. in having Person County produce' known as high-class stuff. Someone has been. selling rotten eggs iirtd sending them to Burlingt. n. This can easily be checked up. and, Mr, Warn i will take al . r, . to locatt, the customer wl'D^Ts hurl ing tl?c Rofi(l name i5 )gr;ooiatj!. AH *$ a da;, End kept ina c.~ol place. D# not allow a rotten egg on' your farm, not ;>v:en ( ^for a .'nest egg. ' Nest egg;. of V: inn j Vr plaster-of.paris can lie bought to; a few cents it dozen, tr you can make j them at h me by mixing plitster-of- J Paris and -water in an empty egg I shell , and allowing this mixture to. harden. ? At the close of the meeting. M r. i 'Crutch field gave a demdnsiratiffri 41 f | separating, .(ream with a Primrose | Separator. M r . G. E. Adams had a| De I.ivel Separator on exhibition.] Both f these gentlemen were most courteous in explaining the advan tages of cream separators and an- ' "wering the many questions fired at I them. This was Person County's! first introduction to a machine which We feel sure is destined' to play_a big part in its future progress. -Mr. W . c. Warren announced that I hereafter the produce truck will run i.ii TUESDAY instead of Wednesday. ! as heretofore. He will Observe the same schedule as rear as possible Within a few days he will publish again the schedule and list of stop ping* pkveea. NOTICE The Veterans of Person County will please note the change in date of the Annual Dinner given by the Person County Chapter U. D. C. Instead of May 10th the dinner will be served May 8th, at the same time and place a* heretofore. MRS. M. H. LONO. ? Pres. Person County Chapter. SERVICE AT PROVIDPNCP. * There will be a- wvlce' f jr Mothers Day, Children's Day and Cradle Roll Day at Providence church, Perstfn County. Sunday f. M.t May Oth, be ginning at I o'clock. All mother* and fcabirs arn especially invited, und the public is extended a car dial invitation. W> will try to (five you a good tiro*. -Crail?~Koj! Supi o - NOTKK AH negro . seventh ?ifrade pupil* who wish to take 'the.- seventh grade ~?xamTnalioiv n re. requestetVto' merf* -fn lite coWcfc*! graded school buiici rag .May 12, promptly at 9:00 o'clock. ' "BTT.'SXlTBKFIELT?. ? : -?r\ t ; -flunthry Borf*t for jfat your- rose./ - ? ' ^77" AN EXAMPLEJHAT IS WORTH FOLLOWNffi Mr. 3. H. Shotwell Shows How I You Can Cgt Out The Western Hay RYE TURNED THE TRICK Mr. J. H. Shotwell, who lives out on route two. is n farmer who is fapmircr with his head as well a?* his hand*. Like nearly "very ether _ farming ;i n thfo County, his hay. a* well : $ his ufn. 'was short but. 'he ? . vs* ^c'.ermini ? ^ -1 r .> ><1 fur his mules to last him tw > months. He mowed the. rye and put it ip at once, and he says it U a# fine as*, any one couid wish, and the mules relish it. The ryv vvhich. wax :n.aw.-. ed had grown G feet and ten inches hieh.. and you can imagine whit a pile an acre would "make. Mr, Shotwell says the cost tcr the two acres was $2,31 cash, and re I quired one, arid a quarter days labor. ^ As a result of this small expenditure | he will not have" to buy hay, WhicH is quite an expensive luxury just at this time, even if you have the easily which many -do not have. Here is an example we commend to iill of our farmers. follow the example of such men as Mr. Shot well and soon we will-have the nust profitable and prosperous farmers to be found.- * -r? . JUNIOR? SENIOR BAXQI FT r- ? ' ?- ?- '? - ?- : - rl The Juriior-Senior E>un que t of the Bp the! Hill High %Kot>: was held in the sfrhoor gymnasium,. on Saturday . evening at For the crreat oc casion the hall was decorated with dog-wood blossoms;' lilac. narctesua. and th^ Semqr class coilors, gold an? the e;ltiry hall, and during the ovtriip^ mj.sic was fur nished Uy '.?Me.*sbrs ! Jame- and Mau reV.:K gave the first toast to the sen iors, the response beinir given by Littleton Todd- .lust before' the next course, .M?r Annie Joyner gaVe a toast to Miss Beam, after which Miss Beam responded. The last toast was given by I'evry Melt n to the faculty., the response being given by *Mr<. .1. -A. Beam. * * The waitresses, jn their dainty costumes served an elaborate three course dinner, consisting of fruit cocktail, chicken >alad, creamed peas, potato chips, saltines, pickles, rolls, butter, coffee, ice cream, cake, punch and mints. During the evening, entertairflmenk was furnished in the way of toasts, music and lastly an address to the Juniors and. Seniors by Rev. J. A. Cerni. AN OLD BANK NOTE Mr. W. R. Graham was showing an old bank not of Confederate days here yesterday morning. It wva a $5.00 bank not^ issued by the Bank of Roxboro, North Carolina, and dated January 8, 1862; signed by , E. Gt Read*, president, and "C. S. Winatead, cashier. The note i* owned by Mr. Hi G. Petree of Germantmpm, N. O u Wto has quite a collection of these old Confederate notes, which he. prizes very highly. * ' A FISHING TRH' Mr. and Mi*. Will Jone^ >er? kind enough last Week to take a party composed of M**s. J". D. Petted, ins, Mra. Edd White,. Mm Jf., *R ... ,r . v-. . ??? 'T f" f !njr trip, which w*a on joy*