THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE BATE YOUR ? PAPER WILL BE STEPPED J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, May 26, j 926. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. - $1.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE WATCH THE LABBL,| ON YOUR PAPHR AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRSPTION EXPIRE > REV. J. A. BEAM WAS I HIT -BY AUTO SUNDAY Knocked Unconscious By Car .Sunday Afternoon. Un avoidable Accident CONDITION NOT SERIOUS Last Sunday afternoon as Rev. and Mrs J. A. Beam were walking along the highway near their home in Bethel. Hill, Mr, Beam was struck -by a car. driven by Mr. Roy \Vilburn j of Raleigh. receiving several cuts I about the body and head, being | lrnorkp-rin'i.'onsi-: u> thirly j*. Dr. IX. M. Beam. :::> s;?n. -stated that his father ..wh? not in a 1 .seri ni* condition.. Few men in the Co.untv _are more loved thim Mr: Beam and white they will regret to I hear of hi.- accident, they will , yt?- ' joice that it was not serious. From what we can learn it seem? | that two cars were meeting and to] avoid a more serious accident Mr. Wilburn tried to get ?>ut of the path : of the comine: car, hoping he- might j by ;? close ul.ave. pa?s Mr. .and M' ?=? 1 Beam without hitting them, but the I fender of his car struck Mr. Beam, with the result as ab>ve' mentioned; It was simply another one of those unavoidable accidents, probably no one regretting it more than the driver of the car. RESOLUTION OR RESPECT Resolutions of the. Sunday School of ?! TZdgar Long Memorial ,M. E. Church. South, with fespect { to the Death of Ethel 'I lyey Newton. Super intendent . -of the Primary I>ept. j In His infinite wwd:m GoJ UKIj (it tofi-cm'v.' from o-jr .mfri't | our faithful and efficient co-worker, j Mi>> Ethel Ivey Newton. Wc feel j , ..our irreparable Ujss deeply, hut we realize that her faithfu)m >s an?? ' ?oarth *baye. . won; f r her "an inheri- j trince ; incorruptible. thui fiuier'v not I . a w,ay. .1 > served jf:v her in heaven." ? We ra^-oH'e therefore; That ir. | her going evory of work for] . oom'!Yuir1ty bettermen* has . su?fei*e i i an .irremediable loss; tha: Kdga>" . Von? .Memorial Methodist Sunday School,..iix particular ha* been - * ;v\ en by the' pacing' of her who f-r.svl long labored in oar /midst. * hat we.! oomm-Ufl her life, of service a>, an exanvniv /worthy of emulation l/y old' and ? young' alike. Resolved s.eJ.pd: T at out of j our own -addened hearts we offer! our /Idepest sympathy to the* belh<> i - ? he | Savior of u- all. /" ? Resolved Third: That these ran-jr" luli ,ris be. made a part . of th*1 per manent records of the Sunday School, and that copies be .>ent- tiie bereaved family, ahd: to the P. O. CARVER. MRS. V. M. SH VMBI RCER CLAIR HARRIS. . MRS. K L. STREET. mrs. Francis neweu,, vfrtie MOORE. S WINSTEAD. JR.. COMMITTEE. A Brief address by F. O. Carver af ter the adoption of resolution*': TT' I " invite y.m to recount with ??me some of ;er!m??i will be preached in the. Fiy 'it ' Bapti>t. OhurcV; by Rev. Hugh 'A. Ellis, r of the First baptist j "Church "cf. Henderson, X, C. On Monday night. May ttl'-t. the graduation exercises will he held in the high school ' at ' which time the address wjjl oi_ in h;: nor of their week end quests, Mr. ami Mr* . Thomas C. Gill of Henderson. N. C. Those present,. be skles the gruests of homor, were Mr.' and Mrs. W. T. Carver, Mr. and Mrs. r the. Graced Sohooi auditorium for tJac- :?n,uc?ii. The parents of the town are a'H cordially invited to hear this address.. In the afternoon at 3;30, on the high school grounds, ihe team of the Oxford Rotary Club will cross bats" With the Roxboro Rotary team. This . is tibe first jrame of the Rotary Leasrue, composed of Oxford, Dur ham, Henderson, Raleigh, Burlinptott ?and Roxboro, and the boys are \>Ti xious. to win it. Come out and root for the home boys." The Oxford boys will be entertained at lunch byYthe Roxboro club. . ? ? oZ ? -J " A MODERN FURNITURE STORE . ' Lady From Neighboring City iiuys From. T. W. PhSs & Son. This is a fynny old world in mdnv ways. For instance, we have- known ! some . f oar Indies wjien wanting ! to furnish their ncw'l me tJ get In their cars and drive- to some Hear by city for their furniture i week a lady from a1 neighbor- ,c;ly | \va.? posing through here, and see ing; . the display of furniture in the shew wnidows of the modern fur niture st&re/of Mess'. T. W; Pa?s & Son. st: pped in and looked the l'tte over, the result being that sh? ;/ur cr?3sed more than, one thousand dol lars worth of furniture, declaring , ! * at she. had looked over thP^stock I c.f her hoitte city? and it i* a pity.-, to;, and also another near-by city, but had not found such a splendid display, nor such reasonable price*, as she found iit the Pass' store., ?he .expressed surprise that such a 'line coul.ii be carried by a store in a town like Roxboro-r-but she did'nt know Roxb>ro. It is a fact, you will not find a superior line of fur niterc, or any line carred in the best department stores -that will sur pass those carried irt Roxboro, and of . course, the cost in the way ?of 1 ?*r\t ! axes, etc., makes it -m matter f t them to sell for lefiT But. the - folks just will fro from bOme to spend much of their m^ney. MR. (; ENTRY ENTHUS IASTIC "OVER TRIP Mr. Gentry, field agent for Satter field Insurance Agency. has returned from attending the meeting of agents of the Jefferson Standard Life In surance Company. He says the Jef ferson Standard is THE Company and can not . understand -why every one does not have a policy in this great Company, On .January 1st. 1926. the Jefferson Standard had 265 million dollars worth of insurance in force, and the agents at the recent meeting pledged that it should have 300 million by January. 1st, 1927. Ray (Swings and his "STEP LIVELY COMPANY" li ? People? 14; At Palace Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday May 26 ? 27th. | AT JHR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at D:45, Mr. R. L Wilburp, Supt. ~ Sunday morn In g~ at 1 1 o'clock the invent ^rm& de livereci .by -Rev. Hugh A Ellis of , Henderson. ns i\iti regular ? flfili Sunday Union1 WTetlne wi U;""5e held Tn the lleflrf) dist cfHttfchr vote fob " , J J M, OTJRTX7CT - ; VtiR. ? = ('I.ERK PERSON' CO. SUPERIOR . * ( otjRT Wou)WAoW/2Wrn ? . "The now seemingly certain abolition of the two-third ani unit rule in Democratic national conventions indicates that the struggle far n m -inntinn hptwren Wm. a. MrAdon ,.t ' Cnlif.wni:. and Guv, A1 Smith >f New ^ ork will, no (ioubt .be resumed in 1028 right where it left -Win famous 1924 convention at New York. Political |>rophcti* are aire i:iy wagering that one ot these two will be the Democratic nominee for t *?? PrdSjdency in 1928. - Newsy Notes From Helena (iooch Heirs Have Relic From Duke Factory. Iieulah Asso. Expects Record Crowd f The many friend4 of ' Mrs. C. A. ! Hamlin will be - deilgftTei * - * ? that she is fait on the road to re ? eo very. She returned . h&me list i Saturday from the " hospital. j companies! by her mother, Mrs. Val j ihes ,of Caldwell. : ? Rev. ijr. BarcltfF of Duke. Uni [ versity spent the week end in Helena, t preaching at New Bethel :"ir. the \ I mpi/Cing and at Helena at night. ' J | A. *W. O'Briaptis critic ally ill at h "?vie ripat' here. Hi.- son?, - Dr, i A. JU O'Brfcarit of Carner:n and L T. O'Briantof \Vin?ton^5*iem have been called home to his bed ski'-. !' Xiev. Mr. McG:'egr>r and Rev.- Mi*. | Covins of Roxboro Were in Helena Monday aridftlso called at the' home ; f Mr. (VBr-ian:.. j J. M. Clavt 'n was hurt last S'.in- I | day. when tire horse he was rfaing j threw him.- At : present Mr. Clayton) ?s resting well and his condition . isn't thought to be serious. T: e members. of tht* AritiOch Bap tist. ehurch are* making preparntiimf , to. attend the union pieeting of the : Beulah AssOciati n t;? be held at Providence church next Saturday ; and Sunday. A record breaking crowd is expected to be at, these ? services. He%'. H. K. Lance was in Durham ' last week when he went to have his t tonsils removed, and throat treated ?r Next Sunday night at seven thirty: , o'clock the Helena Epwcrth I 'will have? /'.Vrr.ire of the. League .-*er- 1 .a* ires at the- Bro ksdale Meth liFt ! church. The J. R. Gooch heir? have aiv in tere?ft*injj'picc,e of machinery on their tarm near here. Years ago Mr. j Gooch was. in -the tobacco 'business i j and manufactured plug tobacco. He ! purchased from the Duke Tobacc. ! e:mpany of> Durham the first cn- i ! gine they ever. used in- their industry, j. and tibe old engine looks like it j might be in good enough -hape to j be rigged up agai n . for service. v - ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING IJQl/OR. FOUND I Chief of Police Oliver arretted | four negroes from Durham last Sun day afternoon. The charge was speeding, but Upon investigation of the car liquor was found, and the four negroes, John Blackwell, Lucius Webb, .fames Mile* and Arthur Bates were hound over to court un der a $200 bond. The men were i lodged in the , County jail for the ? night, and bond given Mbnday. mom ! ing-for all save John Blackwell, the ? driver of far, who wa* driven 30 j-dAVA-in-. jail. . - ." M (J3IC RBt'ITAL The puftd* W. Nowwl'.. j-witNayprar l|i a Tec it 'tP Friday, ' 4th. at X PTM-. ?t the Itojtbjro Bigh. nirtitnrium.- Kvryhfylv l? cordially invited. ri>i..f?r,l inO-IIXlJ^JCgaE ROOKKY at Fakx-e Theatre. Friday 1 M*y>28t>ht . Democratic County Ticket l ive Offer For Board of County Commissioners ? Only Two Other Offices Contested TKe following -.the Qi-tr. Operatic County. ticket. Where t'jpre/ i s no oppos it ion thorp vyiH be HQ v tf?- for >uch oftiev ? n -.June "?th a.t the. 'primary:-? ? *-? ? : . ? For -T ' ' Legislature: R L. Karri I T r Clrrlc Superior Court ':. ? D. W. , Bradsher ' and J. M. 0*Briant. ? ; |- For Sheriff : K. V, Brooks and- Si-j I JL AV.hi.ttin. | For Treasurer: S. B. pavii, '. ... i For " R eftister o f -.'Deed.-: \V. T. j Ki:by, for GoKwr: 'Xfc. A P. N For Surveyor: W. Roy Cat en. For Commissioners : . N". > H. .Montr, i ir ornery. Pi M. C;\s.h. A. C. Gentry, It O; Bailey ana K. C._ Wagstaff." , As stated ab'ov^ the only Vti&nye? , io .be' voted, for :n June "?th will 1>p the candidate* for Clerk 1 KFTTINC. TO HE HF.I.D WITH I'HOM 1)FN< K BAPTIST <*Il R( H Program In Full. Dinner On The Grounds Program for- Fifth .Sunday Miet ing to be -held with Providence Bap tist chtireh; ration P. U Demonstration, hv Mill Creek ^C'hiftvh. ' . i Sunday jTK?ri>mg t t^j o'clock , Sunday Sch ? Demonstration bv \V. W Morrcll. . 1 1 : 1 "is Evangelism1 i n .Sup da y 1 School, by Rpv. J. A. Beam. n :V'u. Seansifi, by. Rev. _\\ j. TnM. ; Dinner on th*\ grouu-cl. 12:00 av iin Kva.ngeli-': l y Key. L. V. Coggins. .[ 2:13. Evaitfcelism as Taught in:, the N'ew Testament, by Rev. C. W. j Hood. I 2 ;30. Present Day Evangelism,. by j Rev. .1. C. McGregor. ' ?2:43, Address, Personal Obligaii n, j by Roy.' W. F. W^t. Every church in the Bculah A^r- 1 ciation is urged to send a large del- | egation to this meeting:. TOB. BARN ON MAIN STRF.FT What would the people of this j section think if they drove into a j city and saw :n Main Street a to macco bam? Well, that is just what Mr. H. W. Winstead saw down in (Florida. He was invited to visit ! Florida and tell them something j about tobacco, but, he says ne could j not hold- oat to tlwm any great j things for tobacco thte season. . j i'k^mux HuaiwHin, i We visited the plant of the Per- ? son HOsteTy Mill Monday afternoon,] ?nrl nrnpri^tnr Mr. U. B. Mc Broom, told us be- would, have his machines ready thr- operation about Thane 1st. Wtfile the" plant is small, yet it is bein^ne?flTT^fPCT vvitli i!k?| Vrtfr rind l'rslo hose, and . will be of the most modern equipment through^ -T? . ?' . . . THE PERSON COUNTY MISSIONARY MEETING Durham District ? Salem M. E. Church, May Twenty - ninth, 1926. ALL MEMBERS TO ATTEND M otto : t< A nvttrhprg Prov'Mmr? if fco Forward." . Morniriir Si ? - ? ^ i0:00^-pevotiotiftl. Rt>v. K R- . Cleffg. ? 10:IS? \NV. on?e,Mr> E. R. Hp**. 10^:20? '-TU'^pon sc." Mr-. Mrxie Fox. 1 What the County Orjranlzatien has nVeant.- ? Mr*. J. A. Con*. Jr. Reading.? Selected. Mrs . Pierce J" . i ? O ' l , , \V IT'"' r.'.f .1 . """" " T " ~ Prayer and Dismissal-^Rcv. W. L i L'ny. . . . . i Afternoim Session: ; Hymn. I Devotional? -Mrs. G. A. Duncan. K ?'!? M .-niorial ? ..Mrs. ! Margaret Teajrue. 1 Solo. "Gite'*? Biliie Street. Good Will Industries ? Mrs. VV. I. Lov. |. .'..Children'.- Work ? Mrs S. G. Win-; ' stead. .Song- -Mahr ajet CrHr-'ver, Helen 1 J^bmpsori'j,' Frivh ?Critclier. ?::(?? t .fro :'?i Dei ? s -of. each' .Auxiliary. ! ? Unfinished! business. Cl ainsr Devotion*! ?Mrs. F. M. ? Shamber^rer. , ? . 1 AM member-. 'of eaCii auxiliary in . Person County are urcred- trt attend |/th'i?< meeting ,:tt S.a*:em Church. Sat-.' j Oivny. May- 20. ... k. t.. Street. i ' C upty Chairmdn. . UKVIV -A! . I>1 ST. CON. AN!) FAST ROXBORO SFTRVrCB The revival at Lontjhu rst Method ist church ;9 1 'fn prosrres?. Crme on time. Come early.' Morning service 3:45. Services Y ? children, those wh ? art*, at work in the mill arrl vther- who van attend, church; Pi t ^chin^ every nijrht at 7:4i>. Song1, service burins ?>t 7 'Vo P. M. V,' j;>U vc> ar cobpsra t :p3T. we ne*d yoiir attendance. The ' i' i" the District < V. n f etfen . rijk < V a pe 1 II H I on ? Thu rsi day find . Friday of tin- week. The revival, is eared for. in his absence. Service, f r next' Sunday, May* "Oth. 1'92 i. Mary . Pickfcrd'l* latent ''I.lTTl.TT AKNTE ROONEY" PHlAco Theatro Friiby r May 28th. (Ort? day only) J.; '