$1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THE DATE ON THE LABEL 13 THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED Roxboro W ATCH THE LABEL I ON. YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUK . SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, June 2, 1926. No. 22. INTERESTING REPORTS - . FROM COUNTY AGENTS > More Clear Money From Six Cows Than From Eight Horse Cotton Crop VETCH, OATS, BARLEY Anson County. J. W. Cameron: Visited a number of farmers dur ing the week who sow^d vetch, oat* and barley fpr hay crop -last fall for the first time and were interest ed in cutting- and . curing it to the best advantage. Some o t the farm I Visits State tlJejT Will "get more hay this year, than they ever aid _ befre on account >f having *Q_WL the -mixture mentioned above last fall. Mr. I); R: Batten, a farmer I visited, who has been keeping >tx cows for three or four years and j ? .retailing milk in a nearby town, and who prows practically all of his! ? ;ind hay for hi?,c;ws on i his farm, stated that he had been i Retting an income of around $200 1 per mo'nth on an average from the > sir cows. He :has a cotton farm on which lie works from six to eight ' mules and is considered cne of our j best c -t'.bn farmers, but he states ' that his -^ix dairy cowa have been " I'Hrinscipg him In possibly a little more* clear mopey than' his cotton firm during the last two years. I nion County. T. J. Broom ; _ Purchased -Wshels of Soybeans this week. Terraced .25 acres of tariri i We an artrrn^jthe dairymen , this. . \r~e | liarve '.t ing of barley, vetch, and oats [ for hay ,i* in foil blast. The crop \ is very ffne*. .jandv farmers _ sro-., ver#y.t * j-'r *>'_j i of -t-be:r ? 1 an. inviiafcona by ;.ja!l i . to c .me anrd look the ttrop ' before ' H is ;..?ut. ? Some' f.vi;tr.ers yeppfa, to j me .-that- they have more than .'-u'eyj j. can. use. - ?? | The 4y,00lril;s. of vetch seed" : t iat | ? was ? jsowtt }ft the county last fill i . i- ! . fields certainly, look beautiful.' Much ] .of it ^.yin l>e allowed to - ripeh Heed I befo'.v being flowed d.-vn- for i r.\ ; Mli - ha- already Wen .tuvrijbd' uhy. | der for. cotton .Vetch,.. Icapediest;*. and ? I Soybeans form r*. trip' chat i?i. being i I adopted ,'fpr / ' j|-buj!ding "by the j . pcogrc ??*ive farmer- , . f: v FOR A L A RC; ER A N I) j I'ETTEU ROXBORO j To th* Editor of The Courier: | ''United we .stand; Divided we . j To have the riipct spirit of citizen- j ship we should patronize ur own townsmen. .1 n strati of aroivtjr t ??> some i nearly city to buy cotton mill stcVk, depc sit money in their bank?, b;tej their men f:r oU** t wn officers, ^we i iVhould buy , stock irr our own cottorr mills, deposit money in our own ] Uaaks, sell oar tob&ceo With -Var own J wAreh'-usemen, buy from our cwn f merchant?, and trive bur own men. a! chance at out own office:*. Yours for. a larger and. baiter Rox-j buo, ? I C. "II HUNTKH. j . ? o ? - DEATH OF MRS. BKUJC.S j Telegram was received here Sat urday afternoon 'anncuncinj? the ] death of Mrs. J hn Brier** in Wash-I inffton, D. C. Her husband, !>?. | rTohn Brings, is a native of this ! County and has many relatives and j friends here who wilt mourn wiflb ! him in the loss of his good wife. Mess. W. K. Moore, Arthur Whit tield, Tom Moore and Miss Katherirfe Moore left Sunday morning in Mr. Moored car for Washington to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Brings. - .1 . o ANNOUNCEMENT ? The*e will be a Sunday school Day program rendered by the child ren at OAlt Grove church next 8un _ day" morninjr.JlcHrular Sunday school ivt ten. Program at eleven. Prnathihfr at Concord _a't three thirty. Sunday school. at two-thirty Wea^' he prompTT ~ 7 ^t^braple^. . D. W. Griffith^ Supreme Achieve ? ment"The White. BbseT With NeU Hamilton and Carol Dempster. A mi_ I ' :i ?? Ai" -! - - I'i vluction.' Palaae T' ieetre . i' i ' T . * - RQXBQRQ ROTARIANS DEFEAT OXFORD CLUB Oxford Starts Off Well, But, "Wind" Gives Out. Broad head. Babe Ruth of Rox. V ROX. SWINGS WICKED BAT Last Thursday afternoon the first | game cf the Rotary League was I played here -.Oxford vs Roxboro. The [ "first three innings looked like it was j Oxford's day, but in the sixth frame I the Oxford pitcher weakened i>nd j the Roxboro team piled up a lead of 'MX puntt poo ring ciovan ,mn-i in that frame. The* final score was 21 in favor ;f .Roxboro and '9 for Oxfor... After the uame .lunoIT was served at the Crowell parage by the ladies of, the Presbyterian church, and it. was a "lunch" to please the heart, as well as the stomach, of the most fastidious. 1 One of the things not tho jrvv- | gram was a stunt pulled off by Mr. Taylor cf Oxford, He rapped on the table arid called for order, announc ing that he wanted every man around the tables who intended to. vote for Cooper Hall to raise hM hand, arid we were ^ad to note that every hand; went up. > About f rty boy scouts, and four teen prospective , Camp Fire Girls were guests, of the. Rotary club, who bad- the pleasure f hearing (Charlie Woods, the .invited speaker fair the [occasion, after lunch. Mr. Wood- is intensely ' interested in . boys work, land his address was an." inspirati: n:' to the , young people. ? ? 4 Interesting Notes From ^lelena Flower Garden of Mrs. G. ,H. Hauser Attractive With Reautlful Poppies Mr. ;6. HV Hau&fer is in WiMon Sajem this week on business:/. .. Mr. and Mri Sam Htfward of Dur lian-' sji t\t ? last .week end at. ?^? It&Sig 1 Mr.- >?d. Mrs CharHe Reade* Mi ?s Hel.ep I.anae h- . vVit'ncr her ; ijra&Unothe'r'; . Mr?. D: L. iC xtnhardt! ?>? Darlritn. . . 'Mi-ss' Marv Ashley. spent' v.cek tt Louisburfc where she went to at- : t, nd the c ommencement exercises &f|. Louisbup-; College. Mr, Hemp Harvey of Durham was I 'in this neighborhood (trie, day this i v/eek. ! Mr. and Mr>. A. J. Terry and fami ly visiteJ relatives in Bahama last | Suriday. ; Mr. John Chambers made a trip | t Norfolk recently: ' Miss Mon t Ashley i* at home from ; Louisbirrjr C^llejre where she crad-! 'Jdted tHif spring. Miss Ashley ex--, pe:*ts .to teach thi* faU. Misses Pauline Jones, Helen j Pf.arce and Sarah >foore visited; frietttjfe .'?n and near Chapel Hill last! vn&k'. . . ? ? ? ' ? Amonar those who attended., the District conference - of-.-.-ChapeJ. -?VI HI - from here last week were, Rev. H-i FT. Lance. Mr. and Mrs; J;e Reade, Mrs. VV. p. Timberlake, Mr* Ceo. Moore, Prof B. I. Satterfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and Misses; Lucy Tillett, Elizabeth Timberlake; and Blanche Gooch. The fa^wer garden of Mrs. G. H. j Hauser ha* attracted a great deal | of attention. She has the most mag nificent de^play of Poppies the writer has ever seen, ami her sweet, peas are beautiful. There was no Epworth League ser vice at church here Sunday evening instead the evenings . program . was eiven in the Brooksdale Methodist church before a Iar#e and apprecia tive audience. Mrs. C. B. Blalock is sick at her home neai; here. Misses .lay and E^telle Williams of Kittrell accompanied Miss Mona, Ashley home from Louis bur ? last Sunday and win spend son-tr time Yisitinfr friends here. ? ? STRAY BO Oft' STOlyKN One Black and. White Setter VofiL has, tftil half cut off Reward .for return or information* leading to re. cOv^ry ? Notify thii -office or W .J* W. Furman Hetts Who will lead the singing at the revival at the First Baptist GMjrch beg-Uinlnff n?xt Surjday, morairra? mfliSTIiY TOUCHES MORE PEOPLE One Great Trouble Is. The Humble Hen Is Not Appreciated FARMERS EYES OPENED There; i> m one industry, in the ?state of. North ?^roHna th-at touches more people of the state.whtethp ? on j farm;? or' iij. the towns and .cities tha??.* the poultry industry. . : .Oar' great "trouble good ' frum women are ndvv the supporter - of ijiff industry because they know that /hould crops .be poor they c%ri xci enough money, from poaltry. to I.l:v i v.. j ? - ? " . But the men. on. Cic Cav.u* rf North" Carolina arc- nnv^ny tVc-'r y'yrs. o. on- ] ed to poult y as a mot?/, crop and'; the mgtyhsiits. .arc Ava-kif..? y>r/ to tnc'l fact that our of . r-oultry mGVjnjjf;! their town .in. one day Ic.iW? j -quite a bit . of casli- behind. Nothing, has pened" i h"? e : e.$ of ^-ie rn en -bn j the. farm -and tho&je in tlio- niercan- | tile business mtqrc* than. . the. carlot; .shipprng project that Jias 'bseii op- j crating in- tHs state f;r .four years. ? At first many merchants spurned! the idi-a of -hipping poultry in car- j lots and paying the farmers. ca?H 6t the car- door but those who are] wide awake and can see what a cash] crop handled every week in the year , can see tlie effect that this money, j each week will.Jj;ivc' on the general -j business conditions Of the section. \ A Home Demonstration " Agent,' reports that she is getting,' installed', in hot*, county fr;.m ? . 35?50 'water | work* which she* attributes entirely' to the money secured from "Poultry i Sale Days" and the farm, women j were encourage;! to put the proceeds j away for this purpose It looks this year as though the [ ; ?ut'. might have' a bigytttton crop for* 1923 and ah increase in tobacco acreage of from 5 to 7 per cent for North Carolina as taken from the ; North Carolina Crop Reporting Ser vice. To our poultry breeders and pro- < flucers, I would have you remember, that when cotton and tobacco, falls ! low in price, our farmers look to; poultry.. to help pay taxes and other; bills. Farmers have hesitated in the 1 past tJ produce a few extra hogs, " extra ? poultry and ear^s, except as i they felt that local markets -could i handle this surplus. That they now j pealifce tfhat their t market is any place when a carload is ava}lab'e is evidenced "when farmers of Eastern i North Carolina shipped 21 cars of hogs to Richmond one week this spring receiving more than $30,000. 1 for them, also that during one weeki 347, Q00 pounds, of poultry worth $90,000.00 were shipped. We appeal to bankers and business men as well as farmers to give hearty [ support to the campaigns this sunv mer f;ffi for better housings-feed- ; ing and jn&hagfynent of poultry and rem amber c that tfie carlot. mgketing ' or p>o at t r y ""a net" eggs 5*het*jF to stay] ' and ' ?>';?t it deservii.jrour* hearty paqlpctiE;. 4 | Closing Exercises Of Roxboro High School - ? 1 * * THE WORLD NEEDS JESUS An editorial appearing in the Osa ka Mainichi of Osaka, Japan. last M ndav is very significant. Th.? writer says "If Japan expects to ab sorb the benefit? of western civilisa tion, it will be necessary for her to welcgme (. ristianity with open arrrili and harmonize the religin of the west with the national characteris tic? of the- ( astern empire?." Even the pagan nations \re com ing to realize that what the world n'WHi" Jcsu.j. The First Baptist Church is earn estly ee&nfc to make Josus Idown to all the world. .Sunday School 9:45 A. M., R: L. W 11 burn, Supt. J^achine at 11 A. M. Subject: "Audions of Truth." Evening ser vice 8 P. M. Subject: .".Finding Jesus." i-*" B. Y. P. tr. 7 P. M. Sunday will be the beginning cf a scries of meeting's conducted by t're pastor assists! in the music by Mr. W. Furman' Betts of .Raleigh. A rdial invitation is extended ? . all, "And if I be lifted , up from the earth, will draw all n\pn unto my self." Jno. 12:32. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Sunday School at 9:45, H: L; Cro ? WoK'. Supt. Mosrrinar .^yice rr II A. M., sermon by the Pastor. [; ? Mitchell's Chapel Sunday -School ' at 2 P. M. Preaching at 8 P. M. War ! rpn'i -Grove schoot house., preaching at 7 : *>i) P. M.' Every on P. ( A RY ADAMS, ;?? -Pa?ttr. . I)I UH\M district MISSIONARY MEETING J To h.?t i" i '? ' " v.-ITT' f.e- <\ ' ;t ?f- Chinn- with 1". f.et every nre?5deht see that her society I is \ve3l represented at thl-; ..me'ir.g. j MRS. M AM^F. MERRITT. ? Se;. Durham District. | !CE CREAM VN IV CAKE Th^ B. V; P. U. of RoxWhv First Baptist e?"irch will- serve ice cream I and cake < :i the coiiit house l.i.vn ? on Saturday afternoon from o to 7:00 ' Eve v uhe. is invited to give. *thes*? S y:ur>.g people.^ theij patronage and . help them in their worthy efforts", to "raise some" much needed fund-. One of the Most Successful j Years In The HJtsory of The School 20 RECEIVED DIPLOMAS ' Tfee boys and gjtris of Roxborr and | sur* oupdlftg section have held sway j here this week, it being the Com- i mencement Exercised of the Roxboro j High School. Sunday m.ormnjr Rev. Hu^h A. Ellis of Henderson preached the ??{?raior. "n the '/Pipgt-- Bapt'is't J .phnr ;h. ? Ee wn* hv an., over - flow audience a hcj t Eojfo wh o n-*re I .fortunate enough to get in the house] wore doubly repaid. for~l2^ir trovble, ! for Mr. 68U*. delivered pne \vf the I most forcible and instructive ser mon* heard .hero in *oi^p t inae. Monday night- in the high school auditorium the graduating e> er- 1 . cises took fitace. Prizes rwere award ed' to Llie fulluwing : ? . r! Music Appreciation.: Rachael Brad- ' sber and Edwin Loner. I Religious Essay: Julian Under wood Corin ally and Texfe Elizabeth' Barnette. Edjca.r. Long Scholarship Medal: '? Ohamp Wilis tead, Jr." Research Club English Prize: May Jane Barker. ; VComanVClub Lovin? Clip: Texie Elizab'-rh Barnetti*. : Medal for hest all-round studen* In Hisplv School: JamCs ..Benjamin ' Stalvey. After 'the.Y.t.; . Airy.: .deli vevp-1 : t'Ve address which contained much of .greaft value ; t.v the .young ~rn.fuatiks.' J Th<> foil- Win ar.4 received diploiria*: ' M :.S - M ary^ J r Ba - k- ; Vrynce Rarnette, i^ ?? Texie FJif.aVth : B*Tnette, Mis* J^nij Ruth Bla^ck.; >Ii*9 Edith Lea liov.W M !>ct- j worth .role,. Julian Underwood Con - nally, .Mifs *\Thry' Marshall- Duntap, J ?} :hn Hopkins -JSberma'n. . Mis* Eliza- |" l'i?th Alma ftarris, Miss Ka thrive I \Hatchett. Baxter F.rVi- . |M'.?s"Kate Parcel! Lipford, Mi -s \'or ["?t!i* X "?'<* fjcct Moort "; Aft.- - Ifcetacea ; j Elizabeth Morris, James Benjamin 1 ?tulvev, Mifi-r Cornelia. Ruth T:. oi}>p- i r ?V?hv' ? James .WalKe- - r. : [ Chamr \Viq?letul. Jr. ? ^ MI'SIC RECITAL . The" pupjU of Mrs H. W. Nvwtd'. . uwil! appear ?nv 3 recital fcriday, .Ivine j 4t h. at *8 I'-. M .at tn e Rrtxb r r H i jrh School auditorium. Everybody ? is j cordially .invited. Mr. Mendenhal Gives Instruction As To The Handling Of Cream Head Carefully and Follow Instructions For Best KeSults OF INTEREST TO PERSON ? The pricii paid for cream is 'govern ed t > a j^reat- extent by the quality of cream that is delivered to the Creamery. Butter made from fjool price and butter made from bad cream is always a d raj? on the market. It is therefore important that much care b^ priven to the cream prior to de livery. Because cream is sour is no in dication that it is not fit for use. Cream is unfit for use only when off flavors be&m to develop, which m&y be caused by keepina: the cream in unsanitary places-, suob as damp mouldy basements or cellars, ill ventilated milk boxes, or the use of vessels that have not Ween properly scalded and sunned, or unsanitary milking stalls, cows that have dirty udders and flanks. Nothing shows up unsahitary conditions more readi ly than milk and Cream. Producers should h?ve no trouble, in shipping good cream if they will bring the cows in at least three hours before mllkinj? tWm?, if they are eating onions, rye, clover*' buds or anything tbatigives the milk an .. off flavor. Then 1 ihe 1 Milk separate iL cqol thfr cream at_ once, and keep Dont try to keep your milk from sourinp, but keep it cOol enouph so that it will sour slowly, pivinp all j the cream tifhe rise to the top I So you can pet it att. Remember that bad flavors in but ter are not caused hy, the cream pet tinp too sour so often as it is -caused1 by poor handlinp methe'di as shoWn above. . (The f??rep:inp article was con AribuUd by Mr. Mend,en ha ll, pf The N'mlli litate Cr eatery, at ? w -*?*? , quest. It should be.pf irivioh interest pwajie fanners of Person Coun^T^rrW I wo suppest that yw clip it.nnd keep j k for^refcrcnoe.?Kditor.) PERSON GOUKTY I . GRFAM SCHEDULE . Mr. Warren Gives. Schedule For Delivery *t>f Cream, Chickens and Eggs MEET HIM. AND SAVE TIME I have been asked to publish a -?hedale of my route in The rCunrier. Will -ay I can not follow any set schedule as it depends on how (VyNtl produce I get. W'-e.n I :*ct a lot of cream to weigh .and- sample. e?jc & t count Aril chickens . to wei it take* much time, and when I Atop it a place and find but little, it takes -but :\ few minute^r? So-here^ schedule I will f/llow as near as I can, and if I am not on' tiine and , ?u -ati't wait, just Turn your pro duce over to some one who will wait . and y u will get jU4t the same ?n if yo.u was there *.? - ? My. Sam WrfrVs if 7 oVI.-vk Jim Moore's at 7.:3G. Helena at 8. Roxhoro at 9. .A. G.. Riley's at 10. S. T. Slaughter's at 10:30 Allensville at ? 11. T. G. Davis' at 11:30. J. E. Montague's at 12< Will Gentry's at 15^30. Zadock SlaaCrhte-'c at 1:00 Mr jfotfifer WV'fs nt 1:30. G.i lytran-s Store iat '2. Woo-Jscia! ?: r. Ch'jh i;%ice af 1:00. r - ffo, : at-. 'V:r.U). ,r -???.?. _ . ('? :-> ^rd - [. G. Stephens' li i':30., Wig^ta-fT* aX'fi. Jlo. r^'*- FiUihtf '-Station- at- 5:30. m. i: *i -it 0.. ? E. A, Snipes' at I ariv t-< r.'ijik ^ ; . . - ^ 'dule ^ the places just. lone: r.no^h to -t,?ke up-, j *.y hi ? is . t h i' >*e '.a d t will. ru> t watt ' ycu- are. in .sigsht. .-before I start off.- X want ;t6 iirg^ 'y.r-ii to, be "on t jiw. : t I - ;u>---'.'!..ste!y no ?-* r.r.u*: tv. ? ?hours ahead, of tiivif rrpcl have to wajt for . me." : r .: : W. & NEW FIRM TO. OVEN SOON ?? W o ha.'i t \ i plea-.ur :? .'nie'etitig ?Mtfv., Grovns|H>ne ar.\i Golburpr, who v.- ill f.pe*i a ViepjJtrtmartt.. store in the b.lilviin? formerly ogeupii'j by Me^s.. VVilbum