THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER Witt BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABEL ON YOL'R PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, VOL. No. XLIII HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, June 9, I 926. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE No. 23. REVIVAL MEETING AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor W..F. West Doing the Preaching. Singing Led by Mr. Furman Betts. MORNING SERVICES 10 - 11 ;La?t Sunday m;rning a *fcries of meeting? which will last probably ten <lav brcran ih the First Baptist church, the Pfcistor. Rev. W. F. West, doing the preaching:. T'.o singing is> ?' irccf i hy Mr, W. Furmnn Betts of Raleigh. Services are lT3f1 twice daily. in the morning at 10 * ^ o'clock. anr in the evening "at S o*- ' cloi'k The crtrig^ibtfdns have b^en ? ? .unusually- large and much interest is bt in r manifested" by the public [ iri'ieraliy. All Anamination? are} taking part, h th in the prayer* ?erv vice.* and the s ng service, and all] -.!!?(? invited to lend, a- helping hand. Pastor West is well known to our I people, recognized, as a strong Gps? j pel preacher, ami. is dciri?r some of | the very best work of his life. while.! Mr. Setts . wlv> is here. f r 1ik? . first- j visit, is a stranger to mo> of you. ? but it has ?been our good pleasure | to know him for many years and ! we kn"rt\v' him trd be' a jonseoritt Christian gentleman, You will b* ; pleased with his singing, especially j . will hie. $ 1 * i'clight you. ' The morning service is given over ; to Bible study; and this hour, from * ten* to -eleven. 1* especially svyreet- anjJ : impressive to the Christian. o ? " ' ?' " ? ?? . . j Interesting Items From Helena Mrs. Oakley Entertained C im munity Aid Society ? ? Old | Songs Sunt; - Prof. Onvi.- n h spending vim* ; ,lifrio h^re in mtcreit of the school, Tom Clay had a~ her *ru< is f laAt.we^k MbVc> Glay ^nd Katherine ; Keade of Mt., TIrzah. ( ?t:i i': .v-j.'r- leave? :V.Vd- \ nesdky of thi? "week for Dak.- Uni- 1 . \:eT-f.ity where -?lv*' will attend ?Su^j wVfcr -schoi K ?: * "Mi1. :\mi Mt / T. P. N'oeU p\ -it I A at week ml in D'.nbanv. Elizabeth TTllett is at h. nil tYun t;,.e' Xorth f'uf :l?n?i 'College for Women where she V:tj. he?n ?? r * *?t>? ? - irig' .school; A number from, he'V attended the ?? children'*- Day exercises held, at Mt. ? ,7iion last Sunday. Mr Xelia Ashley \Vai; In Ro^choro j; ?Monday op buVinefS, Mrs.' A shley nti'tu. - tjiiitf* ick at hfr homo here. Mrs: B. 0. Merritt and yoyntf n: . ttenjunVjn. ?ire \i-rit ir.-jj, frien.fs hero. ? . ReV. II. K. Lance -is at Dilke 'Um yemlty attending.. the preacher's Summ.(r "Jn-hfiDl. An unti.suaViy lir^rc. i.rtyd attend-' i-d tVir? service it* - the . Prin'itiv e . Baptist ' c'vurch he-\ : Sua'-ay'. Born to Mr. an* M> . W. A \Vfl-L ? iian, Thuhifjy.Jtnn i son. Mrr, '-Chandler rf Mt. Tirzah \*!-:t .i:d velativ'e^ hf r> 4a t ">ve&k end On Thar* i:*y af-' ?*no.?n fqn0 .Hrfl.l ? " from three t ? ftve ^Tbcfc Mr-?. LuU>j . A vdey (letijfrhtfnily entertained the V nmunlty Aid So ietr at her love- j iy home at . Ca.tes XfFlK After the' program nf the society the guests w?"p lnyit?d intn the dining rn'otn ?where a well appointed luncheon was \ Served. The aervkea <>f t r'pworth ? ?gue Sunday evening were good and . well attefid^i. M (?* r ? ;.? Tfmber? lake was the leader for the- evening, and pre^nted a prognam on the Reatitudes that wa's splendid. The t*cngrcgational inginu: of old songs* tind .special musical number added j jmicfc to the program. The I. eagre lias put on an i?iten-?ve' campaign' f"r '.he ni'xt iwq ?weeks . to raise the j remainder due- on the piano. ; ? ? ? . o ? . TO OUR FRIEND8 We want to express jvith all our '/'? , tronrrt,'? rtTP i e. fpreeTalin^u f CHe loyalt?r pur friends, hoth men r . Vmd women.- in SatuiMav's primary. ' ~~ Tm vou we' I'Mi'M'1, Wlfrl iHT* ; -^iha Thanks; for t-> 'you, our t'r:,'n^i-. ; ? - -? , : r .^iwor friend^. ; r- -J> M RO-A^cn. -1 FA\W.V. . Battling In Iowa _____ National political Interest has switched from Pennsylvania to Iowa where another hot fight in June primaries is nearing a knockout for the G. O. P senatorial nomination. Former Senator Smfth W. Brook hart. insurgent recently ousted through tKe contest of Sen. D.F. Steck, <D.|. it- becking to take the nomination away from the veteran. Sea* ator Albert B Cummin* who hat been in the Senate for 18 yeara. n . ?w 7 ~\ Saturday's Primaries Were Loaded With Surprises SCHOOL ELECTIONS Yesterday there were five schoo project 4 voted on in the i Cpiinty, as follows: Roxboro, Atlcn<;vfUe. Bethel Hill and two , at Helena. ' All were Carried s*ye In the Roxboro district, which was defeated by a decis ive majority. VV'e were unable (o ?et the vote this morninp, but v*ill give full 4 ot? in. bcr next . A Progressive St sa for Agriculture in County Hoard of County Commissioners Appropriate Money for A Codnty Agent At d ?regular meet-in &. of. t' ? Bourd f County Commissioners he! V Mon i'jv they- mad? an order ippropr.ut ijrijp twelve hundred dollars to help sfec??ti? i . a County As:ent?.the State :?ird Government agreeing t ?? niake a like appropriation. Mr. F. O. SeVrvjb. Bireetbn states that he is ;.iot in po sition just at . this time to meet the County with this a pprcpraitloh, but feel? ?sure that he wi'l be r?ady by t tr f?& . ? - ' We v. ant t?.) congratulate f. he aiis>ione*:> up n takingr this wise v'tep, f-ot we believe it is .the vejry* test appropraition they have ever ma-e. and will mean more to t'*? ' - ? :f the County 'just at thfe t i lie t) n anv^hinff thi' - e.rj'd . have d jpe. We do not believe ther? are thrst men who have looked- cl.fcer] li fter the interests of the Comity I Than have Mess. B. F. Hester. D. M. < -h ^ ; J. "H. I anil ; V.?y iv.': . ^sthe to ?penJ any rnonfcy with out.. 'the ("oiihty ffettinj? fiili value eived.- 'out all three of them agreed th^-t this forward step lojkei like r. would be ? great benefit, hence the appropraition. We hope Mr. Sehaub will . .<>?<? his v.ay clear to send u? a man ?va' soon. : and when he does w are <ro I r?ltr to do ur utmist to impress upon eve-ry farmer the* necessity f:r hi* own good and the good of the Cou nty, t.? cooperate with the County Ayent. and let's eret all that is com ing to us. WILL ATTEND ROTARY INTERNATIONAL j Mr. anrt )Vfrs. N. Luhaford left yesterday for Denver, . where Mr. lumsford will attend the meeting: of Rotary International. Mrs. Luns frtrd will visit relatives in New Mexico. ( OMMERCIAI. PKINTE8Y MQVFJ) I wish t? .noti/y the public that | i have ' moved 'and am nnw located! in the basement ~of tilt Thea tre huilfHwy^wilarw I am prepared: to >Prvi" you with aflyHiintf ytro ' mwy ? ?i ? ii, tw, ? { - ? . ? . i'rop. Commercial fi-.nt'-rr. - D. VV. Bradsher Runs Away With His Opponent, Brooks Almost Unanimous WHITTEN SNOWED UNDER N'<;t w it hsta n di Saturday was not ? -f^voraible day for voting there was a very full vote p' lied. -The w ? ly contest of not.- was t rat f Clerk of the .Superior Court, betv/een D. W. Bradsher. the present incumbent, l and J. M. O'Brien t.; While the oi$? were aVvavs in favor of Judee Bad sher, it \v&< generally cohsoijed that the !\\c? would bo c' -e. But' Tie result - >wed that it. is never safe ,'t- -bet on ,'ckcti _:r,. 7* . The -County stood squarely behmd Mr. C A. Hall, candidate fir Soiir t.:r, hut p\irham command* too ?much vow'? -ifor. any man in the ?is Xy'ct to 1. ope to win. that is. when Dur'am has a candidal . While r>T ?? Hat! ied the C* unty by a g-nocl majority,. the -district -went against him fot about 5000. Below the vatfe for the C un.ty: Cleric of 'the Superior Court: D. W. }\ra ,?her l.'tl" ; J. M. OP. rant 43f?. Sheviff ::'N. V. Brooks 1464; S. K. Whitten 203. U. S. Senate: Overman. 1127; Reyn olds 3GI. Solicit r: C.. A Hall 1090; W. B. Umstead 505. County Commissioner*: N. H. M'-mtgromory -4X5; A. Ol G.'nray 1174; K. C H>>6; R. D. Bailey 1014; T> M. Cash 1127/ REDFRARN ? HA!. I. Mr. and Mi s. ileriry Austin Kedfeam request the r : hour of your presence at the marriage ->f their daughter ' Anne Ruth ? i - . * . to . % ..." I Mr. Cooper Andrew Hall on Saturday* the nineteenth of June j at five, o'clock in the afternoon j at their rc^idenjc WingRite, North Carolina ( BEAM BAILEY Rev. and Mrs. John Alexander Beam j invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter 1 Gladys Mae to Mr. Raymond Graves BaiLey on Thursday, the seventeenth of Junre at six o'clock in the evening Bethel. Hill Baptist Church Wood'sdale. North Carolina At Home, after the tenth of July 406 Sunset Avenue, Louisburj?, N. C.'j : ? o. HOMR COMING The qjemberS^" and"" PftHar ? hr Charsre of Mt. Zion Mr*E. Church ha v.* arranged 'a '*Home CBtoi in it* day Sunday -Tune 20t~~T328T ATT former membern- of this chorch and 1 therv "who wish U\ coma. are in- ' Vjtgrt tnr roup' l?:trk -*nd cftjoy th<;1 day <ritHi us. ' - ? | ? ' i'arent VV v par > - n f or . ???i" ? 1 -j- . ? ? ? :? ?? i"* . .'Young. Man.-/-"! hovo r ratio*- .^-V-am xn lov^.'T * MISS EDNA BRADSHER IS A ROKBCRO BRIDE She Is Wedded With Richard A. Bullock In Pretty But Sim ple Church Ceremony COUPLE PROMINENT HERE MISS EDNA BRADSHER IS A ROXBORO BRIDE Shf. Iff" Wedded With Richard A. Byllock In Pretty But Simple Church Ceremony A wedding' of much intefeat wa* spkmnized in the First- -Baptist .hurch on Thursday afternoon ni 5 -g-clnrk, when Miss &uaa ? Eerie j Btadsher became the bride of Rich ard Austin .Bullock. The "cerunony w$? performed by Rev. W. F. West I assisted/ by. Rev. ' P. Cary Adams. The c'rurch was artistically cte?- 1 pirated 'Cw-ijth gr een ferns and D:rotby Perkins ro*cs., White burning tapers aded a mellow glow to the lovely altar. ? Prr^r to t-he ceremony rt ioVely mu sical program was rendered. Mrs. Earl E. Bratiaher presided over the piano and Mrs. Williamr Watkins. of i Durham, gave two v:cal selection*.! Mvji Bradsher in her usual talented ; way played Schubert'* "Traumeri',".) ?IoccyiinV 'iBeiyease*" Hoffman's i "Barcarolle," "To a Wild Rose," "Ve netian Lye Song." Mrs. Watkins very sweetly sang ''At Dawning" and 'Because." ' The usher- were Land on iBradfiier and Guthrie Bradsher. brother of the bride; Robert Burns, and George Bullock," brother f the- groom. The bride's only attendant was h.?r niece, Miss' Mary Hotter, as nx^id of. honor. The bride was friven ' v marriage' by her brother. Earl E. Bradsiyer.. He.- han ss in:? gown, , made csxe ?Vyle, was of French .blue georgeiu. trhnrped in self color Ir:sh - !.???? and ??;t-th :os?v, 'fnd..- was v.*:ra overJSe&h georgette.. -She wore a Pc>h anij blue hat that added charnr to- -the ^o-tume. She carried a ? <='-? \v6t bo-j *'of butterfly r -ivs. The ; ixroom was accon-ip^ni i by hi- brother. Dr. H A BiiflocK* ? ? Richmond. Va.' ! Immediately after tHa ceremcny" th: couple left by piotor for an ex tended bridal * V !n the part of the. state, The bride's going away c :stume was of dark blue, crepe Rxma. Her hat wa.^a- close fitting hand crocheted m:del in navy blue. The bride is the daughter, of Mr D'Arcy William* Bradsher anil the late Mrs. j3tie Merritt Bradsher. S%c ii a., member of. one of the old ?t- and most prominent families of i this section. She was graduated m j art from .Meredith college, and for i the past several years has been en gaged in the activities of the town. Mr. Bull :>clc ,is the *on of Mr. /?nd Mrs. John Bullock of. Bullock, N\ {'. He is u graduate of Davidson co! 'ege. Since he has been connected , with ? Farmers Hardware C.mpany of this city, and has, become on? of -i the most popular y:ung men of tfii section^ CARD OF THAT'S To My Friends of Person ( unty: 1 I take this method to thank evewy one who 'went to the poll& Saturday and cast1* their vote for nie. My earnest desire is to give you "better and . better service. Again thank- j Ing you, I am, N. V. BROOKS, Sheriff. Achievement j/MfTOC* CTtQ I Wtjcrr Miss Louis Lerch ct Allen-. town. Pa., was 9 years old she started singing in the church choir. Last week she receive*} a contract from the Metropolitan Opera CooM pany for a 1926 premier.. Farmers' Council Meeting Saturday Council Extends Invitation To All Who Are Interested In. This .Work. "/Then- wtfl: be- a short l:usine I meeting of The Person County F irm | er's Council Sat urdn y afterniHjn, A i v ne#who U interested in the w rk | of this rOuncil i* cordially 'invited ; I to be present. We urge that every- ! [ one interested Itl : seliinjf tarm prod ! uce jpf any kind will make a special effort to- attend J. C; WA<J$TA* K, . ' " ' Chairman. | There will be a meetins of the Fariiers Council Saturday, June 10. i nt thtee .o'.cJock in the graded scfccol j .t ? disc j ? horn" and mar- ' ke't gardening We :u;,ve invited several speakers to. be present, .and bes: reft the vi^'itmar. speaker* ????.- want ..lo have a round - table' dU.*a'ssion. SW came with anything or y >ui- i mind .in which you are interested.. V\\- Want a good e'r ;\;d. an i >*igfht i to .have it, as oy-ery .home .-}? uid; be.! interested jri a :hopie/; garden, if- he [? : .? vc :? llfc ?nds to jrraw any! 'aimr , foiv i j marcket. I . know there- art- -ome.! who will say/ "I alwa.Vx. have a sood I 'irar.di n. -That mi ctincf :.ot r.elp me any." I just wartt tS . say, I know most K.ooi farmers-' haye plen ? ty of IbfeanSj cabbage, toniatoes ? j\n;; ; potatoes in,' season, -ft r about four [ mopt"* in the year-r- That':- all right j for ne-third of -the y"eark but we] c.ulci have ?omt- vegetable on our table every day in the year -if we would only try. an. i that is the ob- ; pect of thii* meeting. ?You have always heard it -aid. the garden. is ti e m'st profitable puv.-<- i Of ground that is cultivated on the [ fvrni. We can double- this profit: very ea?y, so come to the meeting t Saturday, and let's pyt Per- n Couh- j ty on .as a vegetable ''year' next year. ! I know there are some few irnAv- ' ing trpek for market this. y?ar. \ l>ut we were late wjsaiifaJng and j got a late start, but we Want to ) -tart this falt-T -whicr. is the proper j time to start, and see what we can i tfr.w. W. C. WARREN, Chairman Vegetable CbmL ;fc.S, Teacher.---'4 Wh^rc was the T wer of Babel." Tommie ? ."Wasn't that the place Solomon ^ept hig SQO #iy^?" ' Increased Fire Insurance Rates Are Found Justified By Commissioner Stacey W. Wade Rate iff h. June 5. ? Increased fire insurance rates, as promulgated by the Southeastern Underwriters As \ ?<*:iatiort for North ;CarotinaT are | justified by conditio* Existing, in | the state and will he allowed with L-mifc? pmt<*.afcT so far as the state is concerned, Stafcey W, Wade, Statr ? Insurance C^mmi&sio&er, declares in | iic Saturday. The announcement is (jonourrett in by WFJ4MH1 Lant -Attorney Ge rural. The. findings' rontairted In the an-. -t^nrpniipfif'"rp^ttTl" Tr^m the' fact*? famished thg Insurance. Dfi>nrtmcnt '"T 1 ? .. 1 'I'll . I- "!? '"f la^V'-Wtinesday ,oft the rup^**v, tna inc kts i ?i whi -S r? ? - - ? ^ I retary Raine of . the Underwriters 1 Association, alonpr with varioti<r nth^j er insurance asrents anl officers of! . local o mpantes, presented the case j for the im?r<?a*K and officers members tht* Raleigh Merchants i intii?nT ? with ? their attorney. General Albert L. Coxr appeared as r prote-l ant ^ Prdof was furnished by the Uri ? U'i v. i 'm?4s. ? the unMiiinictMUfnt ~ -ny.< that .fire losses and expenses of do ing? business in N&rth Carolina cost ftnL~ xmderwrrtrn-v $ 101.00 ? frrr ? nrrh4 8104> received and that tttP mcrewn ? ?? i ? ? in^ga 3 h-\r 4>een ^ppltod. represent- \ ' i i ' -s ac tual lor - of TOT pel" * j SERIOUS ACCIDENT ON OXFORD ROAD Five Persons Are Injured Whom Car Turns Turtle. Were Enroute to Va. Beach .CAR TOTALLY DEMOLISHED ' Mr and Mr.. T. B. Wail and their daughter, Miss Minnie Wall all of l>anv.lle. and Mr. and Mr* ?? I.. Wall of St. Loui8, Mo.. n? coiv.-d several bruises about the ?v; a"H wer* shaken up c:risld 1 *1* \ when the car i" which th *jr ? < re - riding skidded ;ind turned over labout two miles from ftoxVom on tne Oxford r ad. Friday afti-noon." According ? t? inf rmation that U'?uld be ,?th,.:c.t ere. the unfor tunate part, are very .prominent '?> k. Mr a*d Mrs. bK. Wall ire newly. w.eds, and, a few days afro they cane from St.. Louis, stopping at DanviUe. where then- parent-! joined them on then- honoym on to.' Vlrsrlnla Be.cH ? > Party w? ^retiTui.i ; u Danvillw, r V"i.T'' :<s>cc??!' "l. Mrs. D. Wa-> Irivjng t'l.H -ar ? (Continued on Pag? Five} BRA CTIFII, MARRIAGE cerf;mony ?Mfrs Mabel I.oy and Mr. 6* David t urlis are Married at the ? MftJitxiist Church The marriage of Mt< Mabel Loy and Mr. G. David Curtis was sot "...nized at the Edgar Urag Memo ' ' ?>"??:> this inoi ning -<t eleven o clock." The church was pretty with Its dee: rations of palms, ,fo:ns and .'"terspersed with cathedral, ^ audits. .Preceding iho . ceremony Mr*! ' Wheeler Xev.ei, san* "The World Is atting for the SimtHse," and "Oh Perfect L?ye." wfthlMrs Kendall Street as ace mpanift. The Kioomsmen were. Mi,a. Cbas. Iroilinffer. fleny Atwat?r, Jaok Harris .if .TBurlihgton an : Wajland Wnbarrte of 11, k, M.^n. Mrg. ? aylanii Winborns, - 1 e r f the 1)'' .1. tr ?? nfd in fw? ?? !,|ue Jlor- " tf-ette, dame of Him r, and Billie Mr.i-t. little 'daughter of Mr. and Jlrj. Kendall' Street, wa? Ving bearer. To Ilk- Strains of' Lohengrin Wedding .larch, the bride, accompanied by ,'r ? J..H, i.oy, who guve her m marriage, was m,t at the alta- 1).v tlje groom atj.1- hi* best ?MR* Mr. .1. Marvin H'ft. of H eider- " -um-flle. Rev. F. M. Shamberger. U*n* the '"'pressive ring ceremony. ,.q. 'te^ Puiin?r the ceremony ?' ' ' n. " Venetian '* ->ftly render-rf by Mrs. Street: Mendelsohn's Wedding March was played as a recessional. IS, brid? waj attriej ia ? gown shell pink crepo Rama wit:, cape cream silk lace, and wearing a large ' picture* hat; carried ? shawer bouqu-.-t of butterfly r?a< IminediatelyTatte'r tKtt , .vmonjr Mr. and Mrs. Curtv l..f: :>r a ten iays motor trip c<> Wejtern North ' a ohna, after which' ijioy ..v;il he at home in Burlington. For '.ravel ing the bride wore a' navy blue crepe Khr.abeth dress, with silver trim ming- and small navy Mae The bride is the attractive daugh ter f .Mr. an-| Mrs. ,1 fr. r,oy. and lias been a resident f this city un til about five years ago vrteft she went to Ourham to live, while the groom is a resident of. Burlington and a vor.v prominent young Imsi ness man. Amonpr the out of town guests present, at the wedding: were Misses Mary Halt, Alice Ray, Ajf ntt? Curtis, I:Joyd Cates, Mr. and Mrs. J. I White, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holt^.Mesdames W. L. Anderson, W. S. Sharpe, Prank 1 Holt; C. X?. Garrison. D. Pate, and 1 K. L. Bowling of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mines of Harlem, Ga.; Mr. anii Mrs, Sam Bason of Yancey \tllp; MEfase* fctrta Osfces, Margaret Dawson," Kthel EwelU Dot Souther land. Jennie parson, Eva and- Mildred Burns. I.illian Brand, n, Mrs. Marion Coin Brandon. Robert Montgomery; MervSHe.. Ivnijrht, Hat-tie (NioholBon .mil Dr.rdff Mr. and Mw.B. C. -Woodall, Mr, aivrf Mr*. rE> A. Jlutfhes, Mr.- and Mrs. -I.- W. Chiis-* !! Air, unci Hii. Bavtor Prwtnr, _ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bass, Mr. and i. 11 ?, lr;? ^7r ? uui ? 2 Mrs. Fred Darlington and. Mess ? J., u. ung. and i?. T. Johns,

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