THE COURIER J. W. NOELL, Editor. PnbffBfae*^ Every Wednesday Evening* ~ Subscription terms $1.50 a year, 75 cents fcr 6 months 60 cents for 3 months ? Cash in Ad vance. The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspon dents. ADV ERTISIN GRATES: Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch* Reading Notices, 10 Cents per Line ? CForetfrn Arferrcttvlnj Rrpr*?en native THE AMER I CAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Rox boro, N. C.t as second-class matter. Wednesday June 16. 1926. REDUCING AT THE WRONG PLACE "The following' news was sent out typm Raleigh Monday morning: ''Re daction of state taxes-^income, fran chises. license, and ether varieties ? H likely to be a big issue* at the seasion of the North Carolina general .assembly in the winter of 1927. This is in view of the fact that the tax paying power of the s t'-e tax. and the couhty sheriff collects the tax, but the >t ate says they sjiall do ft, and ij the county-. fails to dv *. then said eoanty fails t ? participate ? in the equalize icr ? which dc * r.ot equalise,? fund which is distributed to the counties, fro-called pattper ??cjuuutitf. IVrs-.-n *? county U vies a School tax i^-ner the njanda.te . f - the state, 'ar.d that tax is . more than all . of the: : ther. taxes/1 ^eluding roads, ? and yet, they stand up a*nd say the :staU? < olU cts nn tax f rem tKe fafm *r- . ? Many people, honest people. V.^vc Teafly thpught the state dkl not col lect .'iriy * tx fr m lands/ t t \. .. n d "?ome of thf ?? 'politician* pet red "n the fate;and *>le?s you :u\ wh't'n'.you tell them better. .When t}?; aegregat?"i the t.yfes on<; took ? vor corporation f ranch i*e.: ,' ahd/'iii^ ?? toeritance, '.income, vt'c .. ? left for thfc.eouritv. . nly the lan/1. to'.. ? meet 'all 'of ;.??**"* Sur '? it of I*' Toads, hrirlci-.a', county .horr.t,?,. :?n~rf all gentrul exper.vei of. t-n -count*;. fTT"- It was jjs-t about like, the caso^vl c the fa'nflC'r * ; ; v. r; *r <| cow -?iW and the' sheriff \-zrr.e -aiorrjr t ? ol tec*.- the .-taxes out by the f:i?rr r . He va'id- ht? \v/>uhl i.v tkethe t^w and leave ts!f . to' r:rov " ":;ik and buttrT .vo'r th's.- farmers farrily. The *t.\te'tiirv',sfrati: n' -of the present govern r. and undoubted ly there wfiT be a large sufpiu^. .why riot let the fellow who ia fortunate enough t" have an income b.rjre ? ; cnoUfrh to "be taxed continue to pay -this tax, a-.d let the .state take off part -of -the harden of schrols, thus ^r.&bhnp ire counties to lower its rate for th:s purpose. But -ncf, thi* will net be done, because there' will t>e too many members of the greneral asserrfoly who pay an iacpme tax The farmer has been' the poat for many years; he1 ha* ri't been able to ibreak even on his farm for several , year*. and unless all siffns fail he will have the same result v^th this crop, but he will .pet j?st the Fame 'treatment he has m the past, and ? that is, PROMISES. Oh. if he coirid live on political proniiiiea how. .rfch he would be. but promises., l':ke . . Hie trOM. ' a-ilv 1>roktrrr. ~ WHAT 1)0 vbu AVEkAGK ?' . ? . , ? In a private Utter from llf. V. W. Lewis, .Senior -JilarkHinfi ? Sjtecifclikt, he give* ?:me figures which we think should be considered by -'the fann ers of this County. As he says, something must be done, and J ve stock is the one sure ahd quick way to change this cortditi6rL Only . with livestock can x?-u improve your lards and at the same time help with the expense f the farm. He says: 14 When you - farmers 'understand that last year the average acreage production of corn was 12 bushels; average acreage production pf wheat "was 9 bushels; average acreage pro duction of Rye was 8 bushels; ave rage acreage production of cow peas was 10 bushels; average acreage* production of soybeans was 10 bushels, they will understand that something must be done with live, stock as a money crop and for soil building. v. The Rothamstead Experiment Station, in England, started 81 years ago an experiments on land with wheat growing 17 bushels per acre. Acres that had no treatment ex cept cpe crop of wheat after the other is now down to 9 bushels per acre and w#rile the acres having proper attention ^are "growing 37 bushels per acre. We do riot need to wait 81 years to put Person County on a produc tive basis, however, I am sure the 0ld_method of. farming will not do it. Let us knok if we can be of assis tance toyou at. any time." We are little interested in either of the far mrelief bills new before tCongresfc. because we do not be lieve they will help the farmer very much. The' sensible farmer , is n-d I beggar, he wants rio special favors, j brat he- does want to be treated as other -folks; So 'one a? legislatirn ($ all Tn^fayor ;f ? ' "Sij? business"' so. Ic-rtg'- 'will, the farmed, br in 'small business." ?' ' .If the farmer has' an idea- that, the banks of Roxb-ro are not in .sym pathy with him and i. is condition he ;*!d' have attended the meeting which- was ' held in ihe court house ? n the first ^Monday,. The Commis ' ? ners. ??wisely' we. think, decided to make an appropriation for a C.unt'y Agent, and it was largely through .the work of the banks, which; .in- i duced theirn to order the appropria tion. Mr. (Farmer, you may not.; j know it, but the batiks are your j best.- friends and it "will pay y:u t j St5?0c to 'them.' .- 1 . You* may" hoi brieve irT ^fayer.;; j and ypu fnfay have- douhrs about the -j popricty of praying for rain,, but ! > cm two occasions last, week where the people :f the towns met? closed the stores, and prayed earnestly for rain, thei? prayers were answered j. before the day was gone. You may . say, it was a coincidence, that rain would have come any way, but we believe it was an All Wise God who heard the prayers of his children. We have been keeping tab on the prediction zf our Rood friend, Tom Frazier, wl\o prophesied that Jurte would be a ^v?t month. So far June has been anything but a wet month, there having- been slight showers on the 1st. 4th, 5th, 8th, 12th and 13lh, but none of them were "wetting" rains, only light showers. SALE OF LANI> Under and by virtue of the powers j contained in that certain deed of trust executed / n April 4, 1925. by j R. L. Perkins, of record iTT Book 5", page 374, offic.e of Register a f Deeds of Person County, defhult having been made in the payment of the bond secured thereby and the owner of said bond having requested that said p^wer be exjerci^d, the un dersigned will on July 10, 1926. at 12 o'clock nefcn, at the court house door in Roxboro, N. C., sell at public sale to the highest bidder? for cash the, laifti conveyed by said I deed , f trust and described as fol lows; t\>-wit: A certain tract of land lying in Roxboro Township, Person County. N. C., Wing lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, 15. 16, 17 and 18 of the Mrs. J. A Snipes property, part of the Blank? estate, and formerly and better kn: wn as J;e Younger property, lo cated on the Roxboro - Loch Lilly Road, as per plat of T. M. Thaxton. C-. E., dated October 10, 1923',*. arid , recorded in Plat Book 34, pages 216 and 217. and containing 25.51 ac v 1 more r less, as follows; Lot N-g. la , contain < ,3:31. acres; lot !?o.. 12 ten. i t&irif 4.48 arres; lot No. 13 cijittainj 3*25 acres j lot- \6. . lo.T contains .3.8G 1 acres; lot No. 1<> contains 4.02. acres : ' N:. 17 contaiiVs 3.34 acres sr?< ' Tot No. 18 contains. 2^25 acres; : fny' furtter- reference see plat above "re ferred to. 1 See deed Eliza B Snipes and husband to. "R. L. Perk infej registered in Book 23, page 208 This June 8. 192$. F. O. CARVER, Trustee. ? ? -o ' ' ? '? . ? Renew Y our Health by Purification Any physician will toil you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature fc FoTTrS&ation. v i Perfect Health." r-cl rid yf.urse.i chronic ailments tnat are undermin ing your vitality? Purify your en i tire system hy taking a thorough course of Calotafcs, ? onc^ or twice a ? week .'for several v.v.-k- ? 'aj:d ?cee'-hiri Naturt rewards 'voil "w3th * biaitki j .Calotabs are the- greatest of a:; (.system p~ar;fk rs.- G?.t a- family- pack age, ..containing full ,fRc< for re wirti. ? FIELDS NEED LIME. It Is ernnomy to use lime ? get the BEST, the Dnlimatif, the same that is used bd the Experiment Station Send your orders to E. R. Moo?e, Tim berlake, N. C. Wilhurn * Sqtterfield sells Good Sh-es. ? L'MBRELLAS repaired. Rrinc me yotlr old umbrclln and 1 ' n;* re coJr =? ,-ird make -'t ?>' r,J . c Iv-n't fhrow it away before seeing Ab Barnett. on the hill tf ?Wilburn & SatterfieW sells C.i -ee our line before buy- 5= in*. jgj HARRIS & BURNS I ROXBORO'S BEST STORE ? " ? ? SALE OF LAND In thfit certain action or proceed-! ing in the Superior Cjurt -f Person] I County -entitle.: K. O; Cftver, Afimr. j M H: F. I ink; declined, and. o^fr*, j vs Sam. PayT< r and others, the un. I dfcrT.ipned -havjnj* been' appointed fcn'd'j effsipnatrd to < x<'r ci*c :hc <-f ! sale contained, iri a certain aW4: .of i tr.ust txecuted on/ .3.,/ 1 9i"?, tv\ Sam Pay? r and t hers to; 'W IV "Httf.j (row d^c^Veiv cjpnveyinp the Ir.nd. her* m'aftt-r :}eweribed, tai.d . deed . ? < f trust :.n> of record' in'" Book JO,. ;>>.?!?? .-ffirv f Kc.i T of Person County: 'he j:r\ . Ju!y 10. \?T6 ? v ' ,;at '12 -ck 'nfrbil' at 'trte' court hfriif. : foor Hr.-Ro^oro. 'N*. 0... bc "'ir ?; , fo the trims at -said tieed f trust* j ? and decree cf said. ~ourt. -i. at* :-.ub-.j lif sate to- the .highest i>idd?r or ?id-.J tra: t;: vf 'and 'y- ' ? Inc., ;;?i H.llbxray Township Pes on | 'Caur.ty, N. _C., .'and described ::s 'fo;. l")\vs. 'to-wit: '? *?'?? ? | Bc^'-r'rire a^'rr ^* :? '.he center-l cf May:- < .'reek, corner ,. 3-4 t:e-*r:ee? tigrat aj straiEr^.t ^line 3$50 :feet tV Bowman's ? . line, thence, with JcJowman's line, smu'th j 1,5 1-4 , yegr^'a yestr1450: feetto- a, j white opjt* thence north 86 decrees cast 699 feet to- a dead red "ak. thence south 5. 1-4 .dejrrees east 80 feet to a rock, thence south 25 3-4 clegTci-s t'ast 1925 feet to a beech in branch, thence' with tie branch as if meanders' to f?Uh' Water Creek. r. ? ?v ; b Difcb Waaler Creek a? it. ..rr.eander*- to.' a' "pointer, in the creek, i then.-r. ;;ff r.orth- 85 dejirr^es east ? 388. ?* fee: -o a.; black pam. In Merri;t\? .*;? thence f.ort'v. 43-.- -5-4"; decrees ?' J ta?; loiVfeetto-a pcjr.t ;r. the .-center ? t'f D;f-h- .W.iter; <, reek:' 'hence >v'.th f!;T" cl rreek. as' *jt meanders to W^fre. : - *\ . ? ' ? l(*wh 1 ^aiO.'rreek 3> i; rr.ean^ierv to the it- .. ginning, containing .. *201 U"> r.crcs - ]'. ?>' -.No.' 'i;' !V< 4,. V f t.>e Hv !?'. f-ir k' ]and.? r.c jj* * V. mtp f -.jnad-j ' by'-. T*. ''I- r, .. C.' ' E:' T:.:V I .:r; t- .-?'"t>20. ; ' . O CARVER, - Trustee. -w?. ? '? ? IT-; hop outlook continues good. Many North turoilna' farmers are ' c^hinpr in. on this farm crop this, yeat. The herd sire need* to be confined ?>o t'.-at nis period Of suefalness may . be 'extt Tided" and breed i.r.fir 'dates e: h-_ trolled.-: ? J A Small Down Payment Here is the Perfection Stove that the Six Famous Cooks like so well. A down pay ment puts it in your kitchen. The balance can be arranged to suit your income. Come in today while our stock is complete. T. W. PASS & SON