BfPXOVED UNIFORM BTTEXNATIONAL Sunday Scho ol T Lesson T ! m Genesis. JUNIOR TOPIO ? Htorlos of the Pa triarchs, INl'ERMEDIATH AND 8KNIOR TOP IC? Favorite Characters In Geneale YOUNG PBOPLH AND ADULT TOP IC ? Permanent Messages of the Book of Gwneele. The method of review nfjst always be determined by the department- of ?he Sunday school and by the teacher's preferences. For the young people \ and adult*, perhaps the best method i will be to asalgn the task of Ending | the most Important teaching of each j lesion. Th<* following Is suggestive of the j ^oiaiiiod of review recommended : Lesson for April 11? -God rrcated MJ thing*. The tilings .which are come to be by the creative. act of a personal (Sod. fJod created man In His likeness ami Irnatfe, which .means that man bear* Mod's likeness morally and im telleotually. I Lesson for April 18 ? The explana tion of the Ills and sorrows -?ot. the world ran only he made on t lie basis* of i he historical full of man ma re corded lit the Bible. The prime actor in this tragedy was the personal, cun nlng. malicious being called the Devil. Because inian Is a free being, possess ing 'the power of contrary choice, sin entered through man's belief of the I ?e*M| instead of Cod, Lesson for April 25 ? Because the human race Ik an organism), Qatn and Abel Through the law of heredity Came Into , the world with sinful, na tures. Cod taught them that the way of approach unto HI in; was through a Moody sacrifice, typifying the supreme sacrifice made. by Jesus' Christ .on Cal vary. Abel believed 03 od, took his place :\* a slriner and presented lils offer accordingly. ' Cain in proud self w*ill . brought the fruit of the ground, thus Ignoring Oofl'v appointed way Of approach unto Him. Cain's offering therefore was rejected because he did not ret?ojrnixe hliuself as a sinner and come fo Clod li> the v/ay. which Cod had appointed. Lesson for May 2 ? Noah, >om:ng forth from the ?trk, faced the respon sibility' .of repopulating.jthe new Vrorhl. In recognition of thai obligation and out of gratitude for Cod's grace In sav ... llig himself .and family, he erect?*d an 'altar, and worshiped before the Lord. C<\d responded imd entered Into cov - i riant relatioiuslilp with blm. Lesson for May 9 ? Lot'* selfish . choice involved bin) In trouble. . Abra . , barn, because of his separation from Sodom .arid uiyto Cod. was able to go against a pdghty kliig and rescue his ~unforninale heplicw: Lesson for May 16? Cod manlfeafprt Himself y'tslhly .to Abraham Jn. the farm of an", angel. This angel was none other than the Son of (Sod. Abraham thus nu t lcwns f'hrlst. Christ no doubt referVed 1 to this when He said. "Abraham saw my day and was glad." Lesson for May 23- ? Isaac, h child of the covenant given in the old aire of hi* parents, was a gentle and pe^e-lovlng man. lie suffered wrong rather than strive with his enemies. Lesson- for May 30 ? .In cob was chosen of Cod. Because of this Cod was with him. Cod will keep, "pro tect and -prosper Ills Select ones even in.spke. of their Weakness and failure. Lesson for June 6? -K:;na beeau-e of living under the sway of hbr appetite sold his birthright for a, mess of pot tage. Lie afterward repented and bought to ujniflo lijs' '-deed. Though sin cerely regretting bis act, it was Im possible jo change conditions, Our 'nets -;n'.l elm Ices are Irrevocable. Lesson for June 13? .io-eph was ? peculiarly beloved by. bis father J Be cause *->f ibis 4 a Co!*' unwisely ex pressed favoritism... This fuvorlt Incited- the Jealousy of -his brother's, who. .it the opportune rime sold him ;^s a slave to mer chantmen going down to Kgypt. Because; of the false accusation of ? wicked woman be was imprisoned. Lesson for June 20 ? Because of Jo seph's fidelity (Sod raised him to a position of honor and power In ftgypt While in thh* position he uir.d'o pro vision against an awful famine which chine upon the land and became a. means of saving from starvation not only the Kgyptians. but his brethren who came down from Canaan. Though they h'ad wronged him he graciously forgave them and provided for thorn' in th elf need. _ ? l ? Neglecting Christ Hen Who neglect Christ, and n7 to win heaven through moralities are like ? sailors at sea in 'a storm, who pull. saw* at i1il? bovrsprlt. andj&ine at the Hntlpm??t hot pever touch the helm,? ? il. VV. livelier. ' ? --- Worth Thinking A?x>ut Hava you any eoropetmig plll'PUSB Itf ? "Tlftft ? Is . t hat p\iB|?i?He purpo*<\ for yout Ace-yxuL cperutlng with ? ttotMn-.the carrying ??oV ul bia pqr: . . poaeT? J a me? "7 ? rV Owners of peach orchards in ftlch moni County will plant 200 acre* to In;n and Brabham wilt resistant cowpeas this aeason- for soil improve ment and seed production. A REAL HEROINE Edith May Adams of Harrington, N.J J;, the first American "School girl to be entered as a candidate for the American Youth Award. The Ameri can Youth and Teacher Award was established by the Board of Directors of the Sesqul^entennlal International Exposition - in Philadelphia a tribute to the youth and teachers of the na tion. Miss Adams is a candidate for the Golden Eaglette, the highest gift in the hands of the' Girl Scouts. She was cited recently for exceptional bravery for remaining inside a blaz ing building helping physicians to give first aid treatment to injured flre ~ y ?v ; "HIAWATHA" UP TO DATE By the shores, of Cuticura, i By the sparkling Pluto Water, Lived . the ' Prophylactic Chiclet, Danderine, fair Buick's daughter. She was loved by Instant Postum, 1 Son of Sunkist and Victrola, Heir apparent cf the Madza Of the tribe of Coca-Cola. Through the Tan la- Strolled the lovers. Through the Shredded Wheat they wandered; ? -vcly 'ittlc Writ*lcy Chiclet," Wero the word a of Instant Po?tura, "No Pyrene can quench the fire, Nor Aspirin still the heartache. Oh. my Prcstolitc desire. Let us marry, little Djer Kisi.*' LIFE'S MIRROW Oh. it war w chesp, so queer, so small And yet with love endowed; I could n:t make a better gift If I v.vre but allowed, g I uav - to you a selfish heart. That begged you give love in return; But now. oh, now I'd give my life That you that life would spurn. Pr lessor Marconi thinks, the plan et Mars has been trying tD talk to must have the oam? telepene service that we have. X'OUI.D'NT FEAST HIS EYES M&n entering restaurant:? "You have a .big mince pie in your win dow?the cne with the raisins on kop?n -? Waiter: ? ? "'Certainly, ? want a piece?" "No! Ye gods, no! I'll give you a dollar tJ throw the whole thfng out. It given me indigestion every time I come past.'* : * Going Wilmington or Fr:m Rail; o. id Schedule Morehead City Xv. G c ?c?isboro . - S .} ti them Railway: -12:40 A.M. $4.50 Lv. G'bsortvrr- . ;.S v.t>.Gfn Railway. . 1:08 A-M. 1:85 .. LvrE!:;n CoHege -Southern Railway,- .1:13 ATM. 4.^0 Lyt Barliiv^ton., _So-the:n Railway. . 1 :23 A.M. 4.25 . L v. i i' i .i a .11 4 ?? u liic r:i R:* ! ' -A' ,\v _ l ? l.:35 A.M. - ? L !law Rlv? ? .S lut^eni RaMway. A.M. ? 4:15. Lv. Mcban? -Srutherp. Railway-- 2:02- A M. -4.05 Lv. Hillaijoro? :Soathern Railway-- 2:17 A.M. 3.90 Ly. Umversily . .Southern Railway 2:2"> A.M. 3.85 T.y. Durrha m - 1 S- ...u them Railway 2:48 A. hi. 3.7J? Lv. Morrteviite.. -Southern Railway.- 3:14 A.M. 3.50 Lv. Cary _ -Southern- Railway- 3:25 A.M. 3.45 Lv. Rik'i'-clj . . ? . S>m ihsrh . .Ra i i -v ky _ . 4:00 .A.M. 3.30 Lv. ? Qarnor^--- -Southern Rtvilw iyl- 1:20 -A.M. 3.25 Lv. Auburn _ Southern Railway 4:20 A.M. 3.20 Lv. Clayton . Southern Railw ay 4:41 A M. 3.10 Lv Wil.Ws Mills.Southern Railway-.! 4:57 AM. 3.00 Lv. Selqva- ...Southern Railway.-..' 5:10 A.M. 2.90 Lv. Pir^ LeveU _S: ylhern "Railway . .5:^0 A.M. 2185 Lv. Pi-ihcet >n._rSoutiiern .Railway-- 5:44 A;M. .2.75 Ar. Wilmington. At-antfc Coast- Lin*?.. 0:45 A.M. _ - Ar. Ai ."rehvad* Cit;/,Xor.\>lk Stint he. . ..1 1 :10_ A.M. ? _ TICKETS-WILL !JF SOLD AT HA I.I' THE ABOVE FARE FOR CHILDREN 5 TO 11 YEARS OLD INCLUSIVE DATES OF SALE: For all trains after G:00 p. in. frr>m paints west of Greensboro everv Saturday and for (rain No. 112 or sections of No. 112 from Greensboro and intermediate points to Princeton, every Sunday morning from May 1st to September 25th. FINAL LIMIT; Afternoon and early evenjm? trains from both Wilmington and Morehead Gity of date of arrival at these points. PULLMAN: Tickets sold at above fares will not be honored in I'ullman sleeping or parlor cars. BAGGAGE: No h.t^gage will be checked on tickets sold at the above fares. j Excursion I I ? FARES TO ? ! ! WILMINGTON I : ?FOR WRIGHTjSVILLE BEACH) | | ? AND ? | MOREHEAD CITY | | (FOR ATLANTIC BEACH) 1 EVERY SUNDAY t MAY 1st, TO SEPTEMBER 25th t * 7 \T STATIONS WHERE AGENTS ARE NOT ON DUTY AT NIGHT, TICKETS SHOULD. BE ^RCHASEn ON SATURDAY FOR USE SUNDAY MORNfNG Lv. Wilmyjarton.. - Lv. M.rKeai City. Lv. Goldsboro ... _ . RETURN SCHEDULE Atlantic Coa-^fc Line- 7:00 P.M. .Norfolk Southern 4:30 P.M. Southern Railway 10:05 P.M. THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN . GREENSBORO and WILMINGTON bathing: and boating FUtfc DAY OF RECREATION ?-SOUTHERN UAtLWAY ?US. BLOODWORTH, District Pass. Ajft., Raleigh. "N-. C, | ^ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admnistritor of the estate of Miss Ethel I New ton, deceased late of Person County, Narth Carolina, this is to notify all IM-ri Q having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Roxboro, N. C. on or before the 19th day of May 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, indebted to said es tate wilt pleass make immediate payment. This the 19th day of May 1926. W. I. NEWTON, Administrator of Miss Ethel I. Newton, deceased. NOTICE OF SUMMONS vs HOWARD YARBOROUGH SALLIE O. YARBROUGH. * Action for Absolute Divorce. The defenttant Howard Yarborough above .named will take tMtice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Person Cjunty North Carolina. That the purpose of said action is to ob tain an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will take notice t:i?t ht is required to appear at the Offtce of the C!erk of the Superior Court of. Pcrscn County, N. C , at his office in Roxboro on pr before the 30th day of J'jne 1926, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said office, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court at the Aug ust term 1926, for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This May 22nd 1S26. D. W. BRADSHER. Clerk Superior Court? o JUNIOR ORDEK MEETINGS Lonyhurst Council No.. S7Q meets every Monday evening 7:20 Co me to these meetings members. Busi ness of importance comes before ui often which you should know about LEMON OLIVER. Councilor, O. J. BLUE. Rec Sec. DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham OPTOMETRIST Specialise in examining eyts and fit ting glasses will be in Roxboro at Davis' Drug Store every first Wednesday in each month. Hia glas ses Will give you real pleaaufe and satisfaction. They are accurately fitted in every detail. They feel right and look right. Charges rea sonable. My next viiit will be Wednesday July 7th. 666 ?? a prescription for MALARIA, CHILLS & KEVElt DENGUE OR BILLIOUS KEVER, It Kilts The Germs Come, visit our plant. N ote how clean it is. See the many operations from bot tle-washing to syrupirigt carbonating and crowning with airtight seals. Not touched by human hand* until the goodness is sealed in. It reaches you pure, delicious aed refreshing. million a day ROXBORO BOTTLING WORKS Roxboro, N. C. IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO -JUT WHERE IT IS 'l'liey of 1776 had it ? the courage of their convictions. We of 1926 also have It ? should duty call. So we are true to our trust ? of National Freedom. But how about your individual Indepen dence? A nation is no more prosperous than, its people. Individual In dependence is the fruit of hard work and systematic savings ? for most of us. There are more savings accounts in the United State today ? than in any other nation in the world. Have you a savings account numbered in that total? If not. you should make this the occasion to resolve for a personal independence through a savings account. The First National Sank -THE WtteWtttv' BANK" tfnder Supervision U. S. Government,