?JST1 COTTON GROWTH WITH NITROGEN FERTILIZER .Raltigh. U. C., June 14. ? Side dress the cotton with a gcod appli cation of quick acting; nitrogen fer tilizer as so:n es possible after chcp puig and win back some :t the growth lost, by the continued [ drought. Cotton, in most sections of | North Carolina, has lost ab ut three weeks of growtjh, to retrain this, the vide application should be made Wfore the first powir.g after chop and then the regular fertili sers added at planting will carry the -crop through to maturity. "In some sections there has not teen enough moisture to germinate or even soften the seeds," says Prof. ?C. B Williams, head of the depart ??i nt of agronomy at State College. ''Cotton has lost ab^ut' three week* of growth and the logical thing to da, especially where only a medium application of fertilizer was made when the cotton was planted, is to wake an application of nitrate of *o4a or sulphate of ammonia after chopping. This will start the yoyqjr plaarts to growing rapidly. The ap-~ location should be made alongside -the rows, three or four inches frsm the plants and applied before the firvt cultivation after chopping the cotton.'' **rof. Williams ftates that this is o?e year when side applications of qwckly soluble ammmia should be very profitable and sue1-, applications Wis needed more this year than in most seasons. Unless the cotton is poshed r-.tcj early :'i iwj h Jlf^uch applications. it i? prqbable that sere yields will be cat severely, thinks j Ttfiof. Williams. MOSAIC DSEASE CAUSES HfcAVY TpBACCT) LO SSES. Ralciph. X; C.. June 14.? There is n dksensc of tobaci in Korth Caro lina afcb^ut wh; no one ki\Opr* \cry lmich, yet Which c;vj /*?< heavy Jos** es" itl t h ? ' crop ? each? y ?> : if. T - - tobacco mosaic ard many probers fail, to' f 'tae ;?<*- . -dtsct ion. .in v .- ? hnt *hj? ? ? 1e ? ' ! ?"W e . i! oz '! .' knevy qrac h. ab^ut woMic," Dp< S.- G. . Lahmsa, A plant path f<:r the- N-3Fth Car- .1 otina Bxperj n . r.t Sta t ori. * It i au a marke i .'emitting; of affected i Arid \*V. c.: r>'*' re?lac%ibh ^m:v|] the tizo of . the loaves. -.Stunt int' i * more pron.or.r.r*-d vyht - -the .pia'nrr? ar? Professional Cards DR. E.J. TUCKER ? r IleniiKt ? Office in H 'el Jones. "11 . RGBERT-f^-^UftNS . Aftorney-at-!.aw Office .in OW .P&Kt 0;f,ce DR. C. G. DAVIS Veterinarian. Offers his - en ce to Rox'b'ro and 3pivoiit> !:-r.^ * .rnn..;n-;ty Fhonf ST W. T. BUCHANAN' Survavor Roxbcrc, N* C.. Heats 6 DR. G. C. VICKERS | !| Dentist | | ;i Office in. Wt'burn antf Satterfield 1 Store Bulling ?> Mail* Street, up | ; stairs, comer rooms,. [&# DR. J. H. HUGHES j' Deiittet Office in H' iel Jor.e?. next door . to Dr. TockeT's Office I Ml N. LUNSFORD Atu>m?)-at-(,aw Office ow* Garrett's Store Roxboro. N: C. DR. H. M BEAM Offers hi> Fervioe to Roxboro *nd snrronndinp country ' Oflfre over Horyeant and " or N' : - - - Ph r. ?. 81 attacked as seedlings and from i och plants there are few leaves j worth gathering. When the plants j are half grown, the stunting is lets perceptible and the grower is fre- ; 1 quently unaware of any loss from i it. However, the money value . of his tobacco may be reduced from. 10] to 20 r?r cent even then. The in fected leave? are of poor quality, fail to cure properly and ure sub ject to a low?r grade than the heal thy leaves. Generally, the grower wHl ..attribute this to the weather, to fertiliser or to improper .c tiring and wor.der why his neighbor did so much better." Dr. Lehman states that mosaic is caused by a virus. This is trans ferable' to certain ether cultivated plants like th* tomato, peper or egg plant where it produces the same symptoms as in tobacco. Ther. too it is known that the disease passes the winter in such plants as the horse nettle or ground cherry; which are perennials. The cause -f &e I trouble is not definitely known btxt j it may be a good idea to clean up in fectedJ:fc,flelds- very carefully this ypar and to cut uuwn and ? IrrH ? stt weeds adjacent to such field. HENS PAY WELL FOR SIMMER CARE Raleigh, N. C., June 14.? -With profits increasing from poultry in North Carolina, it will pay; to take good " care of the producing hens this summer; "It is poor economy: to neglect the hens during the rush of summer work,'!i^avs A. G. Oliver, poultry extension specialist fer' "State Col lege. ,4Wlxen the hens are neglected, profits an reduced. Less grain is j needed under range conditions but 1 plenty of mash should be supplied in! the hoppers'. Under average farm I conditions' where th^ hens have free ! range arid production is decreasing, 1 less ol the scratch grain and more j of the mash should be fed. This -will f:rce the birds to eat more mash and thereby riimulate egg production. Mash consumption must be en couraged to get high egg prcducdon. The mash is composed of whole ' grains finely ground and- ia more easily digested." Mr. Oliver suggests that the hens' be given equal parts of cracked cirn, wheat and oats by weight a* a scratch grain. If wheat is not avail able, one-third com and two-thirds oat* should be fed. For the average farm flock a mash made of equal parts of wheat bran, wheat mid dlings, corn meal, ground cats and fish meai is good and this should be kept before the hens, in a dry place, at all times. Feeding is one of the most impor -fcrmt factors in securing eggs from the farm flock during summer. The hens may be kept laying and molting <klayed fey either increasing the amount of mash feed or by increas ing tire ? pruteiri ? without iuueaaing the amount of mash. If a floek of birds oan be ^elected which does not stop laying until October or Novem ber, the chick? from, these eggs w^l have a marked effect on the"4^gjlr production of next seasoi/s flock, states Mr. Oliver. Early molters, on^.the vtber. hand, will produce early* molting cHTfcks wjueh, work u* k ? ? ? ae-?. ? ? r=-"- ? ? - - ? : ? . ? ? ? ' shttt h^iis and *at as much as the reavy producers. ' ? (V?* * ? ? SALE OF LAND Under and fcy virtue of the powers contained in that certain deed if trust executed n April 4, 1925, by ! R. L. Perkins, of record in Book 5, ' page 374, office of Register of Detds of Person County, default having been made in the payment of the bond secured thereby and the owner of fcaid bond having requested that said p^wer be e^rcised, the on r^er^ijrr.ed will on r ' ? "* July 10. 1926. at 12 o.'clock ncr:n, at the cuurtr house doOr in Roxboro, N. C., &eH at public sale to the highest bidder for cash the land conveyed by t-aid deed cf trust and described a* fol lows, tc-wit-: j ' A , certain tract of land I jrlrvn in Roxboro Township, Person County, N. Cm being lota No*. 11,. 12. 13, 15, 16. 17 and 18 of the Mra. J, A. Fnipe.i property, part g1 the Blanks estate,/ and formerly and b?ttcr kf wn as J;e Younprer ? property, lo cated on the Roxboro - Loch Lilly Road, aa per plat cf T. N. Thixton, G. E.. dated October 10, 1923, and recorded in Plat Book 34, pages 216 and 217, and containing 25.51 acies more ?cr less, as fallows: Lot /No. 11 contains 3.31 acres; lot No. 12 con stains 4.58 acr(s; lot No. 13 contains 3.25 acrcs; lot Na 15 contains 3.86 acres; lot No: 16 contains 4.02 acres; kt N<^. 17 contains 3.34 acres Kftd lot No. 18 contains 2.23 acres; for further reference see plat above r?^ f erred to. See dted of Eliza 13 stts;uuiuuiu^4;t;nnrtnmmmini i u 1 1 n n 1 1 1 ; ; 1 1 Easier and Better The home in which an assortment of oar canned poods is always on hand can count on a tasty, wholenome meal under any conditions at a mo ? ment's notice ? Why ipend thtw hot days -ever a stove ? ORDER YOURS TODAY J.Y. BLANKS z'hone 25 - - . Rcxboro. Nf, -C. - > THE COURIER WANT ADS ARE READ BY OYER TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE FA ERY WEEK? They Bring Results j | PATRONIZE YOU It ER( HANTS THE ROXBGRO COURIER BUSINESS DIRECTORY NOTHING. I?'. ABLE Firms HERE nEPE^D LIStED Buyer's Guide hi Business Directory YOU CAN BUY.IT IN ROXBORO ? GIVE THE HOME MERCHANTS FIRST CHANCE The Roxboro Courier, Believing that Most of the Needs of the Community can be Satisfied here, his inaugurated >his . Business Directory Department. Wherein WiU.be Found Practically Everything vl Interest to the Average Family. No Fraudulent Advertising Appears here. THE PEOPLES BANK "The Bank of the People" SAFE AND CONSERVATIVE JACKSON MOTOR CO. ?STIDEBAKER" . K.-ry Yt-ar is ;t Stuattiaker Year . u'hen in Trouble ? Ph'one for Jack WALKER & LONG insurance v Office Hcte4 Jones cernei" ? Home of Roxbora B;..&' L. FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE FRIENDLY BANK Undev Government Supervision CEtlCICBS imma FEFPESKiHG Roxboro Bottling Works ?CALL. IT BY NAME? NU-GRAPE A Flavor Yon Can't Forget' ?/M?CaLA BOTTLING CO. CITY ELECTRIC CO. Ro-;boro, N. C. - Electrical Contractors Where Quality Counts We Win Let Us Estimate Your Next Job ~ JOH NW . R FAMS CONTRACTOR nnd BUILDER Estimates Gladly furnished and prices Guaranteed Office in Newell .Building Phone ll7S Roxboro Cotton Mills LAURA COTTON MILLS LONGHURST COTTON MILLS COTTON YARNS ! CANTOR'S DEPT. STORE t - Our Motto 'Better (Joods for I-esa Hnif" ? BARGAINS HARRIS <& BURNS" Kverythjriflr from. to ?oot - Whatever you need, look it up first in* The Roxboro Courier Business Hirec fory,_ If it is not here, we will tell you where you can get it. CROVVELL AUTO CO. ? HOME OF -j Lincolna-^ Ford Fordsans J S. & J. GOODFRIEND~ r (Successors to A. Lipshitz i Co.) ' YOUR MONEY WILL GO FVRTHER HERE t Clothing, .Shoes. Hats, Dry-Goo'ls and Notions Wilburn & Satter field >t Will Pay You To Trade With Us ? TRY IT ? ' Roxboro's Dependable Store THE COURIER" Roxboro N. G. For Satisfactory Printing s<end us your next order PALACE PHARMACY In Palace Theatre Building THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR | COLD DRINKS -E. D. CHEEK &"ca Home Furnishers ? Funeral Directors Dependable Service At All Times T. W. PASS & SON I I RNITIRE We can furnish .your home from the j Parlor to the Kitchen 1 - i Central Service Station REAL SERVICE WITH A SMILE Gas ? >' Oils ? Tires ? ?AND? A full line of Accessories MORRIS TELEPHONE CO. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Don't wait to write, TELEPHONE "WATKINS & BULLOCK EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH Tf you need lumber? 91 In your number i SERGEANT & CLAYTON "THE StA? JiLEAN STORE" % Phono us vour orders ? "We deliver ' Promptly ~ MOORE'S MARKET Offering The < bbiont Cut* in Meat" Mechanical Refrigeration for your Protectioo v> Phone 175 Satterfield Insurance Agency You Cannot Foretell the Future But You Can Provide For it "Oiil and HUGH WOODS '?"IKE OI.D RFI.l U'VF frROtT.R" Fnsh . vji-f' -W ' Qji<^k Delivery AUBREY LONG & CO. "EVERYTHING FOR THE TABLE" Pay Cash Cash Pava Store No. 1 ? Main Street, Phone VI.' \ 5tore No. 2-^Oommerce Street, Phone 195 ROXBORO LUMBER CO. BUY IT FROM l\S AND BANK 1HE DIFFERENCE "Home of Quality Lumber''' DAVIS DRU GCOMP ANY Prescriptions a Specialty the ,^e-xqj2jL WTORE Agency Whitman's Candies and Eastman kodaks ROXBORO OIL CO. WHOLESALE GAS AND OIL, Ask \ our Dealer for Galtex Phone 248 ROXBORO LAUNDRY Let 1% Do Vow-Dirly Work We Atc Well Equipped Dry Cleaning Pressing Phone 157 . GEORGE W. KANE BUILDER and CONTRACTOR "No Job too Big ? None too Small" Carolina Power & Light Co. HOME- LIFE MADE EASIER Ask the L&dy who ban an Electric Range Snipes r.r.d hatband to R L. Perk in?, registered in Book 33, page -08 thl* Jane 8, 1920. Si O. CARVER, Trustee. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haxtfem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liv er and Madder disorders, rheuii.&tism, lumbego and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM olu. * WLIJMMjCT ^yr,-. An dniMw?. '"?* Meeting the "Bull" Durham Smoker Face to Face l am just making, as the Politician says, " Aswing around the Circle," tosee what was going on in "Real America." I had been in NewYork so ion?, I was petting a kind of a Sub way "Slant" on 'thing?. I was be j coming as narrow as a Metropolitan ' NevrspaperEditoriaiVV titer. My eye sight Was getting so poor 1 couldn't ' see beyond the Hudson Rivet, and my mind Wouldn't function farther away than Albany, N. Y. I knew thatNcwY" ork wi>s"amus ing the world," but I wanted to meet the feliow who was "feeding it." I am kinder oddly Constituted. You can cut oif my amusement, but if my food itops you ire going to have an argument on your hands. .. I, a; Editor and Proprietor eBhe Bull's Eye, wanted to meet riot only the reader? butthei-jwi/w/rsof THiS Wonderful Product of OURS. (The American Tobacco Company and me.) We!!, 1 wish you could see the type of Men they were, liiyr En'3 ? healthy upstanding He-Men. They were not the little Anemics that has to tap hisCigarette on the box before he can smoke it. They were our Pro ducer! of our Necessities of Life. When I saw the type of He-Men smoking "Bull*" Durham, it almost made me cry, that I wasn' t a smoker myself. /?< P. 5. Th t re wi H be anr : her piece here a few weeks from npw, Look (at iL

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