In All Lengths At The Lowest Prices ?- At ? Home of Quality Lumber a.. 148 fv egg's per yearM;t\ average % V PURINA HEN | ?VERGEANT VLAYTON In Which Class Are Y ours? Whether your hens lay 50 eggs or 200 eggs per year, Purina Chows will make them lay more. The perfect bal ance of ingredients in Purina Chows makes the difference. And the extra eggs not only pay the difference in the feed cost but also give you a fine extra profit. Make every day count for your poultry "profits. Get more eggs. We Sell Purina Cbows ? Phone Us. front 3 hp Palart Glltpatrr ** Advance Program From Thursday 'Aug. 5, .. *'* To Wednesday, Aug. 11. ** THURSDAY William Fox Presents A Rowland V Lee Production "SILVER TiiEASUTiK" "With <k*orge O'Bfrieh? Helen L*e; ? Lou TOlegen : : From the novel "Nop trom:?M A William Fox Production, (A Mighty drama of love, iife and honor in the struggle for wealth) ADDED Hal Roach Comedy. No Ad vance. in Admission..' .' FRIDAY Warner Bro<. present* A Herman Ravmaker Production "BEI OW THE LINE" With ]Rin Tin Tin- The wnnder Dog? Edith Yorke ? Jno. Harron:: "A Warner Bros, .Production (A Heart-founding story of thrills and love on the bloodhound Trail) ADDED Aesops Fables:: No Advance in Admissions. Performances at 7:30 ? 9:00 P. ,M. SATURDAY Wiliiiam K.\' Presents Buck Jones with Marlon Harlan in "THE GENTLE CV1CLOXE" (The Daredevil who wanted Peace and willingly fought for 1 it, Buck's 'ast picture for 1026) ADDpD A Two Reel Imperial Comedy J ''OtfV-er f- the Day" Mo Advance in Admissions. Matinee at ,2:30 ? 3*30 I P. M. Evenings at 7:30 ? :00 ? 9:20 P. M. MONDAY? TUESDAY T oui- B. .Mayer Presents A Tack TonwsVy Production "BROWN OF HAY ARD" With Jack Pickford ? Mary Brian Francis X. Bushman? Mary \lden, William Haines:: The story by Rida Johnson Young. A Metro- Gold wyn Production (The Public hails this one of the greatest romance-thrill, pic ture* ever shown, made from tile- tremendous popular stage play? The Fcot bajl Epic you havt been waiting fdr-^The College romance you4!} idj^ei Critics' acclaim it greater than Harold Lloyd's "The Freshman-' Matinee Monday 3:00 P. M. Admissions 15 ? 35 cents Evenings at 7:30?900 P. M WEDNESDAY William Fox Presents A William Neill Production "BLACK PARADISE" Wfith Madge Bellamy ? K<Imund Lowe ? Leslie Fenton:: The story, by L. G. 1 Rigby:: A William F ,x .Product ian.* (One of the most thrilling' Detective Stories this year) ADDED A Cameo ComedyT4 No Advance in Admission. Performance* 7:30?9:00 P. M. I COMING Monday Tuesday August 1<J ? 17th Jack Holt in Blind Coddneas" A Paramount Production/ . Let Us Do Your Job __ Work THE COURIER , THE COURIER Wednesday ? Aug jst 1, 102o. | , Everything to build with. Wat- . kins & 3u!lcck. 1 ? Mr. J. H. Craigr, ct PhiUdetyhin, ) .prciident of. Somerset Mill's, is FpCid insr ftw days here with his wife and children, who have been vifit y fnjr Mr*. Craig's parent*, Mr. cn i Mrs. \V. I J. Kinkead. Mr. D. R. Taylor, our most efficient and- popular ad and j. b man, l:. spending hi? vacation in his old home, RcbersJnville, N, C , We shall miss "Jake"' and hope he does not make his vacation too extended. m m ? ?? ? Rev. niid Mr?. W. F. We?t an: Master Bil?v left last Friday morn irig for Atlanta-, Ga., and other South ern p -ints, ? where they will sjvni the month of August, the First Bap tist Church having: granted him the month for hrs vacation. #<*?%*? Mes* Lee Woody , and J. P. F-rV . inss have gron.o- ,t>' Lumberton/v :it . t they are running a wart house this season. The- tobacco crop h re filled .as/ being very fi ne ih that . section. . ' :?4- - . _ * ti Mr, Henry Seargeani, who has been doing^ some extra work at Guilford College- has returned h?'me. Mr. J_ B. Terry, an old Roxboro boy, who is located at Florence; S. 0, is spending some time here with friend-- afid relatives. -*' * * * Mesdamesf F. M. ShanVburger and E. P. Dunlap and^Iiss Mary Marshal Uunlap, accompanied by Robert Long, left last week by motor for Lake Juanaluskie where they will spend some time. * *. +_:?*.* Maj. and Mrs.. Paul Paschal and small daughter of Fort Leavenworth, yCan.. after ^pendir.g a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Burns left Monday. to visit relatives in other parts, of the State. . 5* ? # ? Mr.* Claude Hackr.ey of Oklahoma City, OkTa., hff? been visiting in the homes of his klnspeople, Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Cheek and $|r. and Mr . W. J. Pettigrew. Rev. J. A. Beam left this morn ing for Laurinburg, wc.ere hfe goes to see after the crops on his, farms in that section. . Mrs. A. L. E:yi has returned home after spending several w*>ek? visiting in Rocky Mount, N. C-, and Princess Anne, Md. * .? W- ?' * * . Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Pass, Mr Car land Pass and "N^ellie Winstead were in High Point last week taking: | *n. the Furniture sh<w. Miss Carolyn Davis of New Bern, after a visit to;' relatives' in Durham, has returned and is the guest of Mr. and Mr?. E. .M. Daitfis;-' 'v*'" ? : .V* . -PHI M. and Mr?, M. R. Satterfield ot I Rocky Mount, N. C.v sptfnt the week | tnd with Mrs. Salter field's inother: Mrs.. . J, Jackson. . ?; * ? ' Rev. ar.d.Mrs. Guerney of Charlotte | Kave teen guests in the home all Mr. awl Mrs. H. L. Crowell for the | past ten days. . ? * , i>'. Mr R. W. Lunsfnrd left one day 'ast week for Hahira, Ga? wheiv.hej will i?e engaged in the tobacco busi- 3 rie>s for the next two months. ' * ?* .* * * ? ? ? < . Hon L. M. Carlton and Mr. T. B Woody were Richmond, Va., visiters la>t Friday/ " ? * *' ? ??*.? -V\ {**?*?' ? *. .OHH Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Buchanan of Oxford, were Roxboro guests . Friday I aftetn:on. ? * * * ?'???" '^5 Mrs, I. O. Abbitt is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W instead, in Mebane | this' week. . , ? , . # ? ? " ? * ? Mr. A. S. deVlaming left Friday . morning i*or Douglass, Ga.f where I he will ,T>uy\tol}a?po- this season. Mr. G. W. Walker Igft .yesterday m&ming for Lambert n, N. C., where I he will spend awhile buying tobacco. * * * * * Miss Mary McCausland i^ spending her vacation with relatives in Phila delphia. * * * * * Miss Annie Boyd BuJlock of Bul lock is visiting in the borne of her brother, Mr. W. C. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. R. JI. Pace of T>an ville, Va., spent tha-jareck end with Mr. ;md Mrs. J. H. Whitt Mr. Connor Merritt left Saturday for points ia Georgia, after* a visit" to his !notker,.Mr^. J. S. Merritt. -Mr. E .G. Clayton left Saturday for Waycros, Cja, where he will buy ? t?oba<?co. . -jirri *^rr [ a.tK-es in New Jersey. - - ' V." -.j n.wh : rt. n ?vieitir.^ relatives in Vi ginia, hs* r^t'jrnri hor. c. Sh? v.iaaccompanied by her two fixr.df. MLs*t>e/Xfll; Wood 's.-. *n ci Lyncnb-.V^* &ni An n \Vood ?^n of Rustbnrr; ; - T -TT* < ravv ier will leave the "? of nvx wvcV. for Fairmont, N*. C, whe e h? will buy for his Company t'Js esroru '?? ?* -<* '? ? : - ? Me -s . Tt. H. Oakley and Ivie Fea tHerstor, left is ;i Sunday for Con way, S..C. ' V * * Mr. an T Mr*. Cteditfc Oakley of Dur'hir.i . >.pent . Stmtfey here with Ut . H. H. Orckit v. * ? .a- * ?.* Mr:-. Chas Hin?v. and children of Grt enpboro'. ar e- visit: rig relatives here. "J V Mr. Shields Harvei*. Jr.* of Dan*. vilk, sp.snt the week end here with his parent-*. U * ' '* i * " Mr> Bo:-throf' Par>y:lle i? the priest of fc"r . parent Mr. and Mrs. J. I Shields Harvey. ?*Ii$J5es Sue Satterfield and Edna ? no.v*-r?. pp^nt l.\st week end with : Mi?? liena; Meb ane. ; .v.*-::-*'" \ * SlisE- Tibbie Satterfield is speed ing: a few weeks in Richmond, Va., with her sister,- Mr?. B. H. Wood lief. Misses Zethia and Bessie Duncan left last week for St. L?:uis, Mo., on a visit to relatives. * * * .? ?* ? ? M?f>s Mabel Hardy of Reidayille, N. C., \y the gaest of Misp Nona Frederick., Mr. Malcolm Moore of R'cky Mount, N", CM spent the week end here 'with his parents. . Mrs. W. T. Street of Marysville, C&l., is the guest of relatives here. ..?>?? * ? ? Miss Bertha Clayton is visiting friends, in* H^lly Springs. * /?'? * ? Mess Z. T. and D. E. Feather ston are spending the week in Lynchburg. ? * .? *. * A rish has been discovered that blusb&s. During the bathing: serison j it probably goes to mid-ocean Svnd stay? there. ' - HURDLE MILLS ROLLER MILL This Mill ha* been reconditioned and is prepared to give the best of service. Will be opened to the Public on Monday ?July 12th. Bring us your wheat .and corn. Guaranteed Satisfactory - Results H. M RBMFR MIIIS it team,; Despite her recent appendicitis operation which forced her out of .European play, Helen Wills, Amer ican Tennis Champion announces she will defend her crown next month in National play at Forest Hills, N. V.? and is here shown a* she went out for first practice in ouontha. Your neighbor gets them from us. Oar customers are our best boost ers. Ask your neighbor about the kind of Shoes we carry. It will pay you to get your Shoes from us. Try it. WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD IT IS EASY TO MAKE STATEMENTS BUT FIGURES PROVE FACTS Maxwell House Coffee, per. lb. -...^ _ 50c Parkway (Orange Pekoe) Tea, large Pkge. i lSc Regular Size Com Flakes, 2 Pkges. for - -.-I 15c '25 lb. Size Fat Back, per lb. 18c XX Daisy Red Dog, per bag $2.50 Large Water-melon, country grown - - BOc Nice Breakfast size Cantaloupe 10c Fancy Lemons, per doz. ? 30c Fresh Vegetables, almost your o\vn price. Flour Cheaper. A few more Fruit jars at the old price. I r r Store No. 1 ? Main St., Phone 113 Store No. 2 ? Commerce St., Phone 195 . PAY CASH ? CASH PAYS Aubrey Long & Co. ><=>o*^o I Fix Up I I ? your ? i Wheat Garners I Tobacco Barns Pack Barns 1 ? ? Get Your ? '? ? WOOD AND GALVANIZED SHINGLES ? ? GALVANIZED AND ROLL ROOFING ? ? BRICK. LIME. CEMENT ? ? NAILS, HINGES, ETC.? ? AT IX) WEST* PRICES ? ? From ? Watkins & Bullock ?EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH " IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM M. LOKTIS , i Another Confederate veteran has j passed to his reward. William M. Loftis \va? barn and reared in Person County, and lived ( here alt his life, except while in the Civil W?r. He entered- fii* ffIiT*yisri March 1st, di?d gJuly 9th, 1926. He was married to Mmss Mary W. JJradiher also of this county. Oc tohM r?7fi ? To this anion' were born six chil dren, four boys and two girl?. One -ion had proceeded him to the'jrreat beyond. /. , * Billy LafHx 'was. n, .. itiinil man. jgjrrtc ha . nw>r ? [initial ? with , any , church, tie ITvcVUltS religion ?very day, kind and obliging, ready al ways to "help', those in need of help, loyal to his friends which were many. The funeral services were con ducted at his home by Ml*. Hearst, of Christie, Va., and his body tai<f to rest in the family cemetery on his place; by the side ?t his son to >le^p until the great Keaurrection morn. He was a sufferer for several years, but last s<prinff his appetite failed and' he declined rapidly, though not confined to his bed but a. short ... While. * ' ? We tender our heartfelt sympathy 1 3 the family,, ancfr pray tHflt1- the Great Cum former may ? l inthp ? their .sorroY,7 Ueal-t-hctr wounjto,- and Erant tW that nn^Mh r+'A nfi. derstanding. ? A Friend. > .

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