Professional Cards DR. E. J. TUCKER Dentist Office in Hotel Jones. ROBERT P. BURNS AttLaw Office in Old Post Oifice Building DR. O. G. DAVIS Veterinarian. Offers his service to Roxbcro and surrounding community Phone 67 W.T.BUCHANAN il Survayor Roxuorc, N. C.* Routs 6. DR. G. C. VICKERS Dentist Office in Wilburn and Satterfiefd Store Building on Main Street, op stairs, corner rooms. DR. J. H. HUGHES Dentist 1 1 Office in Hotel Jbnes, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office N. LUNSFORD Attorney at- Law Office over Garrett's Store R(wboro, N. C. DR. H. M. BEAM Physician Offer* hi* service to Rpxboro and surraurding country Office over Serpeant and Charter's Store., Day or^fJight - - - Phone 31 Farm women 'f Alarn&TB^e r-nd Rockingham counties will hold a joint camp at the R:ckin$rham Coun ty playjrrour.d August 24 to 27. Seventy-five woneri from Alamance win visit with their friends of Rock iopham during the four days. -The mosiac diseaseof tobacco is -causing tremendous damagf in -some . section s of eastern Car-b'sa this tfummer. F or Sale THE HOME PLACE OF J. L. WILKERSON, DECEASED ? 300 ACRES ? About one half of it open. Plenty of wood for a life time. 5 Tobacco Barns, 2 Grading Rooms 2 Tenant Houses, v 1 Two Story 6 Room House, 1 Cottage Home of 4 Rooms, Good well of water, and good spring* ne?r tenant house and tobacco barn. GOOD FARM FOR CORN, WHEAT AND ALL KIND OF GRAIN A Splendid Farm to Raise Stock of All Kinds, right on Flat River with Public Road Running through the Farm. 1 and 1-2 Miles From Hard Surface Road Some good tobacco land with privilege of buying about 30 acres of good tobacco land in about 1-2 mile or farm. . ' For further information see or write ? ~ R. W. WILKLKSON, Roxboro, N. C. or S, G. WILKERSON, Greenville, N. C., - ? Executors. SENATOR CUMMINS OF IOWA DIES SUDDENLY DF HEART ATTACK! Sought Ucnominatiort in the Primary and was Defeated By Senator Boekhart; Term Would Have Ex pired March 4; Was Conservative And Supporter of the Coolidge Policies But Supported The Mc Nary-Haugen Bill For Farm Re lief " ? ?'? 'j- ?' .?"?O' " \ ?" ? V: '? RECENTLY WAS DEFEATED ma' distance*. - Time to secure judges fro the coun ty and community fairs. State Col lege will furnish specialists a< far as possible without interfearing with their regular wark. Farmers of Alamance County are | going to discover their home county by spendin gtwo days and one night visiting about 20 good farms in various parts of the county, o--? ? ; ? f Tom. Tarheel stfys he washes bis mules shoulders at twelve }'olcck and they like it about as well a* be likes to wash his face and hands after a hard' clay of plowing. ? ? ? ? ' ? o- . ' The cotton -leaf hopper ha? d:ne cor^iderabU damage' to certain e TiRe ) For Sale By ? L. & W. AUTO CO., and ROCK IN SERVICE STATION Roxboro, N. C. THE COURIER WANT ADS ARE READ BY OVER TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE EVERY WEEK? They Bring Results PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCHANTS THE ROXBORO COURIER BUSINESS DIRECTORY NOTHING BUT DEPEND ABLE FIRMS LISTED HERE Buyer's Guide !I Business Directory YOU CAN BUY IT LN ROXBORO ? GIVE THE HOME MERCHANTS FIRST CHANCE The Roxboro Courier, Believing that Most of the Needs of the Community can be Satisfied here, has inaugurated this Business Directory Department, Wherein Will be Found Practically Everything of Interest to the Average Family. No Fraudulent Advertising Appears here. THE PEOPLES BANK "The Bank of the People" SAFE AND CONSERVATIVE JACKSON MOTOR CO. "STUDEBAKER" _ Every Year Is a Stuaet>aker Year When in Trouble? Phone for Jack WALKER & LONG INSURANCE Office Hotel Jones corner Home of Roxboro B. & L. FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE FRIENDLY BANK Under Government Supervision DELICIOUS Roxboro Bottling Works ?CALL IT BY NAME? NU-GRAPE "A Flavor ?<$u Can't Forget" /mmmCola BOTTLING CO. REFRESHIN6 CITY ELECTRIC CO. Roxboro, N. C. - Electrical Contractors Where Quality Counts We Win Let Us Estimate Your Next Job JOHN W. REAMS CONTRACTOR and Rl'II.DER Estimates Gladly furnished and prices Guaranteed , Office in Newell Building Phone J17S Roxboro Cotton Mills LAURA COTTON MILLS LONGHI RST COTTON MILLS COTTON YARNS | CANTOR'S DEPT. STORE ?M Our Motto "Better* Goods for Less Monev" ^ CALL ON US FOR BARGAINS HARRIS & BURNS ? Everything from Head to Foot for 5 ' MEN ? WOMEN ? nnrt? CHILDREN 1 I ROXBOROS BEST STORE Whatever you need, look it up first in* The Roxboro Courier Business Direc tory.. If it is not here, we will tell you where you can get if. CROWELL AUTO CO. HOME OF Ford Fordsons Lineolns S. & J. GOODFRIEND (&urciD'&i<>rs to A. Upshitz & Co.) VOI R MONEY WILL GO FURTHER HERE Clothing, Shoe*. Hits, Dry-Goods ; and 'Notions Wilburn Satterfield It Will Pav You To Trade With Us ? TRY IT ? Roxboro's Dependable Store THE COURIER Roxboro N. C. Fcr Satisfactory Printing send us your next order PALACE PHARMACY" In Palace Theatre Building THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR COLD DRINKS E. D. CHEEK & CO. Home Furnishers ? Funeral Directors Dependable Service At All Times T. W. PASS & SON FURNITURE We can furnish your homo*, from the Parlor to the Kitchen Central Service Station REAL SERVICE WITH A SMILE Gas ? Oils ? Tires ? AND? A full line of Accessories MORRIS TELEPHONE CO LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Don't wait to write, TELEPHONE . W ATKINS & BULLOCK EVERYTHING TO BUILD WITH If you neert /lumber ? 91 in your number SERGEANT A n AVTn]S? ?.'rl t nm ? <>?> . .T "THE STA? KLEAN STORE' Tli one us your orders ? . .We deliver Promptly : MOORE'S MARKET Offering The Choicest Cuts in Meats Mechanical Refrigeration for your Protection .Phone 175^1^-1 Satterfield Insurance Agency You Cannot Foretell the Future But You Can Provide For it "Old and Tried". HUGH WOODS "THE OLD RELIABLE GROCER"' Fresh Groceries ? Quick Delivery Phone 79 AUBREY LONG & CO. ?EVElfiTHING FOR THE TABLE" Pay Cash Cash Pays Store No. V ? Main Street. Thone 113 Store No. 2 ? Commerce Street. Phone 193 ROXBORO LUMBER CO. BUY IT FROM I S AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE "Home, of Quality Lumber" DAVIS DRUG^COMPANY Prescriptions a Specialty" MTOHE Agency Whitman's Candies and Eastman Kodaks GEORGE W. KANE BUILDER and CONTRACTOR "No Job too Big ? None too Small" I Carolina Power & Light Co. H0ME-UFE MADE EASIER Ask the Lady who has an Electric Range ROXBORO OIL OCX WHOLESALE GAS AND OIL Ask \our Dealer for Galtex, Phone 248 ROXBORO LAUNDRY Let Us Do Vour Dirty Work We Are Well Equipped Dry Cleaning 'Pressing Phone 157 J. Y. BLANKS GRorr.R Successor to BLANKS & MORRIS -Don't worry about what you shall eat