HiisTfeek ?\N FRANCISCO'S PLAN. ROW MANY CHILDREN? A. ROCKEFELLER Rl'LK. 5 BILLION ELECTRIC HOURS. Dr. Abbott, of the ShHhsonian Irstitution. in 30 years' study, dia c ever 3 that the heat given off by the son varies greatly from day to day and year to year. The remark able thing is that, sending its rays through more than 90,000,000 miles of ether at absolute aero, the sun fcas kept us warm enough to live for at least 500,000 year*. ? One tos njic freeze would wipe u? out. The^e is no big and no little in science. Dr. Abbott spent 30 years studying the sun, which ijg.a million times, as big na_our earth. Darwin spent thirty years studying the earthworm, half the size of your Jhile finger, hut lenger, getting in formation as "to the creation of our | fertile soil. San Francisco citizens develop scientific philanthropy; A meeting called by Heasrs. Merrill, Fleisch hacker, Shoup, Crocker and MlUer cT^cussed plan* for making money voeful to the community. These men a e included in a group of fourteen worth more than $100,000-000, and determined to use their money, wise ly foi* public purposes, charity, faience and education. They are ttodyihg the Rockefeller and other, foundations, each will give what "V1 can give to a central fund and tVey intend that the money be u?ed f ' c fficientiy. . _ . . ? . '? ^ . -B That is an improvement on the a nient method, when; each of the i'jrteer would have led a selfish, sdf-indulfrent life, and- then, sepa rately, at the last nnncrtc, would 7:rVYt\siven moiiey a bribe to P.rov ; :v?nce in the" hpe , of ; eeeapihgr hell *. gaining pjiracise. The best way 1o achieve! that result is to give t/' 'ct^'er- mm. " The Lord does not need money. * J6hn Jv H-ahlon; of- Oh-icapro, tells ?tVo .national Government he" intend?. to {rct mirriod and wants -"any .litera tiifre on the Oovt^nments idwUs ab ;u :r.cn iajje. par i.k ulai-I y the. s>/.e uf ?tTv ?'.?family'; t.hr Uo'vernmefit Ayapti* oV*.. tn. ta.vV\"/-'. v.. _ ; v ?'?Tib* v'ea* fnmiiy ^ .as mUny chUd ?i;on. $?* the' MOTHEU wants,, ami can car? of,, and evv?ry motse'r.^vnu'd. be, allowed toxiccme for herself how r,r. i r>>\ . V. ' Some iittaR families., have ?': n.e y. mdets. .\)exand?r the Great i ad j o br iher or> M5*t*iy Caruso, ort the ROXBORO BOTTLING WORKS; Roxhorn, North Carolina. People say they like it ^ because ~ t s tiie most refreshing of r in k s" .... 4* ?- 1 ? i , . CSltCJOUS . , Jvligtiiful vith L-ially sandwiches" . ? , Buy it Ly the case it on ioe home. million a day other hand, was the nineteenth child; Napoleon was one of many. The size* of the family is tha mother's business, not the Govern ment's business. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., wise miii, will not allow his children to htvo their pictures in newspapers. He doesn't want them to "feel impor tant before they have done anything worth while." He doesn*t even want his children to knew that they are very rich ? which also is very wise. One of Mr. Rockefeller's child ren, asked to contribute $50 to some wcrthy purpose, said, quite sincere ly: *'They must think we are Van derbilts." That innocent child doesn*t know that her father and grand-father cculd buy the whole Vanderbilt fam ily every little while, and not know the difference. Sometimes Uncle Sam makes money. The big sugar men of the United States formed a "sugar equa lization board" to control prices in the war. The Government put in $.1,000,000, and yesterday received from that board, which ceases to exist, a check for $11,000,000, leak ing a total of $41,000,000 profit for the Government On its investment. Let there be light and p^wer, is the motto of New York City. That one American community uses five billion killowatt hours of electricity every year, more than the total amount developed by all the gene rating plants in Gre&ce. Denmark, Lata via, Jugoslavia, Poland. Hung ary Norway, Romania, Turkey, Switzerland, Sweden and The Neth erlands. Those twelve countries have 109,000,000: population, nearly twenty times the population of New ,York OJty ? almost the population of the United States. The people's use of electric power! and telephone is the measure of its prosperity and enterprise, if ? not actually a measure of civilization, * : SALE OF LAND In that certain action or proceed ing pending in the Superior Court of Person County entitled F. O. C uv-t. Admfr' Of H. F. Link, de ceased and other's, vs. Sam Pajlor and Mrcrfc, the undersigned having been appointed and designated to exercise the power of sale contained in a c&rtain deed of trust, executed on Oeto bey 3, 1913, by Sam Pay lor mi others to W. D. Hill (now de ceased) conveying the land here inafter described, said deed cf trust being of reecrd in Bood 29* page 366. efflee of Register of Deeds of Per l son County, he did on July 10, 1926. mt the courthouse door in R^jcboro, N. C., sell' the said land at public ; sale, at which sale C. A. Hall be came the purchaser there>f at $1,225.00, and, an upset bid of 5 percent having been offered there fore, and ths Clerk of the Superior Court of Person County having or dered a iesa!e of said land, the un dersigned will on August 14, 1926 at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in R6?cboro. N. C., according to the terms of said deed cf trust and decree of said court, sell at public *al* to the highest bidder or bidders for cash that tract of land lying in Holloway Township, Person County North Carolina, and described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a point in the center I cf 'Mayo Creek, corner of Merritt, | thence north 85 3-4 degrees west a -straight line 3850 feet to Bowman's line, thence with Bowman's line south 15 1-4 degree* west 1450 feet to a white oak, thence north 88. decrees cast 699 feet to a dead red oak. thence south 84 degrees east 80 feet to a rock, thence south 25 3-4 degrees east 1925 feet to a beech in branch, thence with the branch as it. mean ders to Dish Water. Creek, thence with Dish Water Creek as it mean ders to n pointer in the creek, thence off north 85 degrees east 183 feet to a black gum in Merritt's line, thenceforth 43 3-4 east 150 feet to a point in the center of Dish Water [ Creek, thence with said creek as it I meanders to where it enter's Mayo Creek, thence down said creek as it meanders to the beginning, con taining 201.15 acres more or less, being tracts No. 2, Sji 4, 5, and <> of the H. F. Link land, according to map of same made by E. R. Farm er, C. E. This July 26, 1926. F. O. CARVER. Trustee. " ? cv administrators notice Having qualified as Administrators cf. the estate of S. P. Gentry; de ceased, late of Person. County, North Carolina, this is to rio*"'fy all per sons, having claims against the es tate cf the decease^ txboro, N. C. . ' IF you need a tire OR will be wanting -One I\ a short time AM) are looking ! Oh sometbinsf LOW in price HI T are also LOOKING for quality WK have GOOD NEWS for you YOU can get a N ATIONALLY knn*n HIGH quality tire At a price that * WILL please yon KIGHT here at our store ITS a Pathfinder A 30x31-2 ( ord for $9.00 A 29xL40 Balloon for $11.20 AND other size* FQLAI.LY 1o\v in price NOW a^ to quality PATHFINDER Tire-i ARK made and guarantee# BY the world's iaYgest TIRE manufacturer THT3Y are built TO ?ive yon HIDING comfort LONG wear SATISFACTION AND every Pathfinder WE sell, is backed BY our service YESS1R THERE'S sound economy AND real satisfaction AWAITING you IN PATHFINDERS WE thank yo>a t n 9t\ :: N ?1 : f ti 30th day of June, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. AU persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the SOtb day of Jane, 1928. A. C. GENTRY. B. W. GENTRY, Administrators. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as Administrators of the setate of J. W. Jackson, de ceased, late cf Person County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hating claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All perscns indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thia the 28th day of June, 1928. Mrs. J. W. JACKSON, A. E. JACKSON, Admr. NOTICE Having qualified a* Admin !str*rrix of the estate of C. T. Thaxton, de ceased, late of Roxbcro, N. C.. this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate cf said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of July, 1927. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- i ment. This July 28. 1926. MRS. G. T. THAXTOtf, Administratrix. NOTICE By virtue of an order of the Sup erior Court in the special proceeding entitled Nop Warren et al ayanist Epiraim W\arrou and Bob Warren, I will on the 16th day of A aft. 19J6, sell for ca~