SI -50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE THE DATE ON THE I.ABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABKLfl ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, August 25, 1 926 VOL. No. XLII1 No. 34 "THREE G" CHAIN STORES WILL OPEN Formal Opening On Friday August 27. No Goods Sold On This Day. THIRTEEN DEPARTMENTS An event of ifousual interest in j ? merchandise in this County will be i the opening of the "TVree G" Chain Stores on 'Friday August 27th, Noth ing will be sold on this day, but on Saturday, August 28th, yoi^can buy anything in the Store, and the pro prietor says you will buy it at un ? usually attractive prices. This, Roxbcro's newest one cer.t to ore dollar store, will open at nine. A. M- on Friday August ,27th. An un u- lal feature of the opening is that' no goods will be sold on the cpeninng j day. It's just to be a kind of "House j warming"-,' and a "Get Acquainted" ! day, when the public is invited to; come in and just see the more than I 1000 different articles that the "Three j G" management has assembled frcm the markets of the world to satisfy the needs of their local patrons. The management of the "Three G" Chain of stores asked us to extend for them as general an invitation as . possible covering Person and adjoin ing counties. According to them, the policy of the "T>ree GM Stores is not; to make ita appeal for patronage on the basis of price alone. The mart- . ager said, "Tell them We are not just ' selling goods, we're selling satisfac- 1 ? tion." > j The new store will have thirteen departments which will be operated chandlsing met^/ids which means that ! by the latest and most scientific mer- 1 cmtomers can be served with a min imum of inconvenience. The mer- J chandise carried is of enormous var-T iety and runs from blankets to *n?e- : ty pins and from aluminum ware to articles - For Milady's toilet. The store will be- open for re?rula> business <.n Saturday, .-'the 28th. Heavy Rain This County has been visited by the most refreshing rains, imaginable, and, crops have been wonderfully re- j viVed. On last Thursday afternoon at ; about 5:30 there was the heaviest; rainfall webetievo we have ever seen. (Fbr about thirty minutes the ram came dl'wn in torrents, the streets being almost a perfect sheet of water. Mr. Abbitt, wl*o has charge of the j government apparatus for keeping tab oh the rainfall. >iys it showed there was a rainfall of one and a half inches during that thirty mint!* tft*. But, notwithstanding there waan considerable wind and lightning, no damage was done the growing crops. Corn was blown -down but no damage | dene, and tobacco was not damaged at all. It was feared ' the hard rain; and wind would beat off the leaves, but not so. With a few scattered! showers fvt m now on, coi n and t> bae-'j cc v.ijl matin* and >ve rave never seen *uch fine prospects for both - evhps Of course, tobacco is not >'tal ly .mad? until iU' mt.- out. of the barn,, and many rures will probably be ruin- : . erl in thjfr p: c>s.> i .it fen the it looks fine. Mr. E. M. Woods On His Vacation Mr. and Mrs. ?. M. Woods and son jtefry, left last Thursday morning VgB under ? trees when litrhtniriK struck? a t!iapev.ine. fuHuU?_iLii' two. :'nd ? gfonctas off,, killing t*o line shosts . oth'.'r , - nc ;! y ,h,> ?, $ n ? hfe J ? - ' -r . ? Veterans in Pittsburg Baseball Shakeup The recent shake-up on the Plratn Ball Club hu given fandom food for many weeks' gossip. "Babe" Adama (left), Carson Blgbee (right) were released from the team, and Max Carey (centre) was Indefinitely suspended for alleged insubordination by the Pittsburg management. If these penal tin art billeted It may cost the Pirates the flag; 1 Drowned, 2 Hurt When Big W ave Sweeps Beach Wilmington, . Aag. .21.? A huge wave which swept over sonie three-score bather* at Carolina Beach today caused the death of one man' and almost claimed the lives of two otheea. L. C? Filter, 22, of near Win ston-Salem. was drowned, and Thomas Mitchell, cf Greensboro, was brought ashore in a serious condition. Mrs. E, R. Brady, of Tourist From Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Clark and *on Ralph of Waynesburpr, Greene County, Pennsylvania, arrived Sunday evening, August 22nd, at the home of the formers daughter, Mrs. S. J. Cullow?y of C'hristUi. Va. T$p of '627 miles was made by auto over the "Old National Pike," via Union town, .ConnelsviHe* Pa,. the Shenan doah Valley, Natural Bridge, and Lynchburg. The route home will af ford the motorists an opportunity for sightseeing at Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, D. C., and Gettysburg, Pa. Georgia Prices Mr. H. W. Winstead, who is man aging the New Biick Warehouse in Tifton, Ga., writes us that prices are! booming down there. One farmer j averaged for 826 pounds $55.53, while another farmer received $2,1 88.52 for | his tead. He did not say how large jivisHoad was, bat. regardless of size, it was a good fat check, and one which any one of our best farmers would appre?inte. Here's hoping these prices will held good for Pe? Son County's crop this season. Regular Services At Methodist Church There will be regular services in the Method tat Church in Rbxboro next Sunday morning and night. You are cordially invited to \v v shtp with us. >\ M. ? Sham burger, Pa?tor. o- ? i ? . Episcapal Services There will be services at Saint Marks Epi-capal Chdrch Sunday morning August 20th. at eleven o' clock and in the evening at 7:30 These .services will be conducted by the Revcrened Mr. Lellyorop, who is now rectov^at Hamlet Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services. Painful Accident I.ast Friday Mr. Joe H< Carver hap pened to a very painful accident. Hp ?a; ridintr on hi? wagron, with his l'tfRs *winjfinK down, when the waflBn ran over a stump, utrikine hi* lei? and breaking it between the knee and the ankle^ ... Death Of Mr?. Win. Hill ~ ? Mr. Eddie A. Hill \\\\v c ailed- La-hia ?c.M home in Wyoming, N. J., last j-' r i < 1 a y .1 > v *.w r -?v, <>n a c i. \ tfcM will **? ? - -* u?.-nrj stores, and will be a place much j sought by all who really want to save] money. Watch for the apening date. Interesting Personal Items Of Roxboro Mr. and Mr?. L R. Carter of Paces. 1 Va., were week end visitors. Miss Rosa Newell is visiting 1 the l ome . -f Mr. T. C. Brook... Miss Emma Elliott spent Sunday in Nelson, Vk; Miss Maxine Lewis is spenindgj the week with Miss Cleo James ! Mrs.' E. E. Thomas and children spent last week at Appalaehia, Vaf, I with relatives. Mrs , W. 0, Watkins is spending two weeks at Connelly Springs. Miss Louise Watkins of Durham 1 is visiting relatives here. | Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Xewbcld and ! sons of Raleigh spent week end here with relatives. Miss Mary Haitchett left Tuesday ; tc, r Rocky Point, where she will t^ach this year. Miss Kathriue Bradsher of Oxford . is visiting Mrs. Richard Bullock. Miss Pat tie Garrett of Carterville, 1 Va., is visiting fr-iends here. Mrs. Mamie Merritt, who has been . spending some time at Junalu^ka, returned hime yesterday morning. Mr . J. S. Harvte Jr., of Danville, : Va., spent week ond here. Mrs. Ellis Zaytoun left Monday j for New Bern where she will enter i St. Luke's Hospital for treatment Mr. Zaytoun left today to be with her. * Tobacco Barn De stroyed By Fire Mr. Jim ,Lee? a tenant on the farm of Mr. F. D. Long, lost a tobacco barn and curing of tobacco cn lait Saturday morning. This is the sea41 son when things occur pretty oten, j but this is the first to be reported to us this season. __ Notice There wilt^bea brunwick stow given at Frank RogM?r' on Friday evi-nitiR fi'On! ft t'T ft .Vlonfc, for f t iif Awttwli f'hureh. Everybody cam?. T>Je pnbllo U cnrdinlly-iiivked. ? TW i.n ?.t? H>h.: RF.TTIE. ,vnd AftH Uft- A HAIR. CnnK ,;;n3 sde. CHARLOTTE DAMAGED I BT TEflJf IC STOfi ilaff!C. Wocl??-, I years ?^o when she moved to C f iflora. I In 1918 Mrs. Wnstead Ion her ??n, W illie Stephen. Two children -,-vive: Miss M,r:le Wi,?tead and |ir w :rMd-b:th ?f ** *** The funeral aervic? Wo ? J bv th at Lebanon Christian church by the .pa.t?r. Rev. C. E. .Vewman' j f VInrilina, assisted by Rev. N R '** - exemnl WinV,"d * woman of I exemplary cN, ratter, and was hlrii ly esteemed by who I;new J*r The death cf this srood woman is a ! . t e community, and the Wttfe neighborhood expressed un for t"ho 3?TkV "n'1 ?.: Better Fellowship Meeting Held The Uoxbor: Rotary Club held its meeting last Th'ursday evening -with the ladles of the Bronksdale Methodist = Church as hostesses. This meeting \ was tho fir^t of the "Better Fellow- { ship Meetings" which it is proo .ved to hold during the reminder f this and next month. The meeting was greatly enjoyed j by the Rotarians, and remarks were ! made by Byrd Satter field. Joe NoeH j and Cary Adams, and responded to! by Rev. W. L. Loy and Mr. D. I,. Brooks in behalf of the Brcoksdale community. Owine to the rain and wind storm j the attendance was not as lange as ' usual, but every member present was enthusiastic in singing the praise* of ! the ladies of the Church for the most j | excellent sunper and other attentions J sfvewed. The nextmeeting is schedul i to-be at Helena on tomorrow night. . Opening Of The Hat Box Thur?day ? - - Vh<>- -Hut W ? . new miUiacrr) . .itorf _jar tlegbars, will h?yr ii? oprn. i injr on tomorrow, Thur ? i ay, Artjrn'-t i ? 2fith. The lailits-will find a com-] : pleiely now stuck fiuui ? wlyi li to make? thaii- - selection a. ? tintf- every' 4adv inTftg. fmyn. and "T niinty i rcrdUj iUvftyj^tn nlfend;.tlu< opcjjini: School Election To Create A New School District 7C Interesting Social, News Of Roxboro 4 On Saturday, evening, I (to; B. G. ; Clayton was hostess to several friends at a dinner party, honoring Messes Bess Cameron Finley, Grace Finley, Bess Gordon Finley, of North Wilkeaboro. N. C., and Norma Stev enson, of Hictaory; N. C. Summer flowers in pretty vases an bowls made attractive^ center pieces for the tables, at which an elegant four course dinner was served.^ The hos tess, assisted by Misses Elizabeth Farley, and Vertie Moore served the collation. "The guests* of Mrs. Clay ton, were Mesdams. Jack Hughes,. Richard Bulioek, f>. H. Rathb:ne, E. G. Clayton, W. C. Watkins. I. O. Wilkerson, Misses. Sue Merritt, and Bertha Clayton. Mrs. A. S. deVlaming and Miss Isabel deVlaming were hostess to a Bridge party on Thursday evening. French blue asters and pink roses were predominating in the decora tion. When accres were tallied Mrs. W. S. Clary, Jr., held the highest score and was awarded a vmnity, which she presented to Miss Mattie Roger Smith - pf Martinsville, JVa. Misses Williams and Bryan guests of Miss Mary Hester were presented with dainty gifts. Punch was served by Mesdamrs, J. H. Hughes, E. M. Davis and \V. S. Clary, Jr. The hostess served a- delicious ice course and salted nuts. One of .many socials of the p??t week was the IVely dinner paefv Miss fe??-Vt'?rru^*0SL.^~r ?1 he: Williams and Rosalind Bryan of Wil son "on Saturday evening at Miss Hesters beautiful honie on South Main Street. The dinner room was very attractive with flowers arrang ed in artisic manner in baskets and vases. A delicious foui* course din ner was served. After which Bridge was enjoyed. Those present ' were Misses Williams and Bryan and Mess. Ed. Lewis and Jake Taylor-. With Mrs June Shell and daugh ters. Misses Francis, Marjorie, Lois and Bettie Jane, of Lenoir, X. C.. as her guests of honor, Mrs. G, E. Moore was hostess at a dinner par ty Tuesday evening, entertaining at the Lake. A lovely three course dinner was served in cafeteria style to fifteen: gqests. . Mesdames B. E. Love and W. D. Merritt entertained oh Friday eve"n injjat the home of Mrs. Love: A prof us in of fall flowers were,JfSed in decorating. Nine tables were :ar ianged for Rook and at the conclu sion of a riiimbei' of games the hess tess served an ice course and stuffed dates. DeUcibu? punch was served the guest s . Misses Bryan ami \Villi?ms of .Wils,n wore honored Tuesday evert - inf. when Mis? Mary Hester was at home to a number of friend- at her home on South Main Street. Sum mer flowers were artistically arrang ed throughout the home, and mtfhy guests called during the evening to meet the attractive visitors. Punch and ,