THE DATE ON THE LABE1 13 TH^ DATETOIR PAPER WIT.L BE STOPPED WATCH THE LABB.) ON YOUB PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUB SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening. September 8, 1 926. No. 36. PERSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO OPEN SOON All Of The County Schools Will Be Opened This Month; H? S? to Open ir>Ui EVERYTHING IN SHAPE At a iT.eptinsr of tHe board of e3u ;cat*-n. which wa? held in the office of B I. Friday aftcr^ no-r, the ?" ate fo;- the oponiric? f the county school* of Person county vrai se.t. it Was . decided by the. board that alt tb? rchoole ?hall; beTn^e?' sT*:n not lat^r itho.r.: September 27, ^ V iha' rhyst of ron?6?;da!ted &rh4ol* Wfll rrpen c-. r a b >u t ter-.b?r 15. . . Jl $* th? urgent p-!ea of; th? ci aV .of the county s :hj>T . -v^tem that th? parents s?e to it that their children are re*istere?4 for admit tance to the school spor. the apen *fhz day. ?. '"Road*, truck*, and fch! fcaildinsv and other thinjfv in c n jonctrm w:th the school* a-"e b^i^. put in '-tip top.** shape. in o^r that iY.9 county school pupils will receive *11 the advantages* possible. The f l'owins is the list of nrinlc pa> 6f" Uie flfiirh Schools. - Altensville. Rev N.J. Todd; Be'h-j Hill. Mr. E. L. Wehrenburjr; Bushy Fork, Mr. J S. Merritt; Cunirtcham, Miss Lucy L. Green;; Helena, Mr. Carlo* Lcwrance; Storfah. ftTsia Maude Meadows; Olive HiU. Mis Helen Grave*. Olive Hill School Olive Hill . Schc 1 wilt open S?pt. 15. We Urge' the patrons, to see that every child ? present the first daV. tha- . book* may b' .ordered' and. pu pils classified. Matrons f the High School are naked td Jrna ke the i r own arran/re Went* fo- transport::- a: tfv-ir :oTit' fhren to and f rem Rcxboro. * They ^0) be allowed so much pet pipU by the County fcr this. _ # Friend? and patron* of Olive Hill ?are invited tq \#i pftesenc at the : -?n inc '.f tH'e School We ihesday m >;r. ?inj:. Sept. .1". / ."??r-HM-.-n W. G v. ^ ?! Freak in Tobacco "Mr. J. T Itorner f Route 1 via-' showing: a freak in the >*ay of a tobac.- leaf here last week. T*ie I erf was .>o formed 95 to. make a r>evfezt pocket, afvl. Mr. Horry.; -aid ^ showed w'?,-vt nature v.oiiVj do when* P^cahoni a* jftian-j wa* 'usfc'rL" Hf "said M r. .AV. T. Pas* -so!'?.s -the an.l ther the .tObAceo j. w that all you Iftid to. ?!-) v. a* ? . jtel!" it \yith the old reliable Hy; ??. ..r. the po:kethoo.k was already f u-^e. IV! ore Good Corn . so out . in any ?!lro t*c-h \',y; VwiftH! ?jrtd '.viH .-c-e i 6f;'cr ' field . ?>? tr. o'i o;sri,-. bat j yn : ?? ? ?*.?.? ? ?. *?-f Master* 1 Yi* Y '.am AV'r-m' .1 Rtiitr y?v\ \vi - ?!??'?? ??. ' or.'.V ' ' ??:? rough. ? i .1 r: We "tic Vndw \>:ho 14 vfc iii'jr r y u-r I tb " Fifty* * f> \\*r? v>'k arc ? ??*:v;r i away, b jt we ?iii; know whoever i . mere- cprii". from an acre j than hv* tioefc i& go ng l<> iro int :r.iny i fcu*b"eU tz the. acre, I Church Notice Mr. \Vv .R Wilk-frjrson., ! he to -*? all the nr. ?n;ijer> ;? r. .{ vj?it<>Ts present at t ?? ?>'rimr i' wj(h *"???? l -hvi'I ? '. ? j ?. ? bes iaulert hi fr;m th?' Tin gjejl I irtlHi mm ? AU?a?vifle- Th i - lira*#', it naid .to he just the thin? for ..this i work, and not being atte to put dwn ? K?r4 M?ri?C?, which is modi i needed, it i* hoped it will, he ; >U? 1 U ? 1 Valentino Cortege UlM. New York** lut tribute to the faaaoue mo vie ahtek. Rndotph Vat rnano. u the casket was taken I from tha Actor's Chapel following the funeral. Following a brother"! arrival from Europe, a funeral train will carry Rudy's mmuM back to Hollywood for interment. Primary, Beginners and Cradle Roll Entertained TV children of th? Primary. Be < ? liners and Cradle Roll departments " t-bd' ''?Kdfrar Lonsf Memorial M^th -i t Church v*?re enters in? i by* ? their Sof t . Mr-. K: L Street an i her corps ofabjs teaphers. Monday ifte nocn from 4 to o'c'cck in the ?. basement of- the church. Mtwc,.; .-ioiiirs and panus made the o?casioh celiShtfuV an! an afternoon ton? to !e". remembered for the srord time t Ice craatn ar.d candy ware * :rypd to j the T>0 chlld^n and 7 teacher? n e ~?r it. . ' ? ' l ^ v 5*RS. T. vf. shamburger. Revival Services Mr.-... .-C: L. Steicpey. who conduct - .1 r? rv -sz'.hz Roriboro last year, mi: whrvsp : -acH:r.;* urn? life \i . h u ^.rea t Si e 9 *jn ? vf> -man y i ivy.?e. will ' ho'd another meeiinsr in ' r '.?? ti*wn besinnin? on the nr^ht of . September .ICth. ? f All Chfefcttftn* ate earnestly' re ; ^ucsved to join in the services, and 4 work and pray for a mightVv move of Divine trace in o\ir midst, hit will lift all pr; iefcsed . Christ '??".< t?,.n ' ivrh plane of CUri'?tKo Hv- ? and thai: will frrSp br'sn? ? ? ?'mer* into a ? saving .kn:w}?ijgre of. 'h> truth. V \ F. M, SUA MBl'RGER. P.iffto Mr. Holman Leads Tlv.-vo have b??n man'r larjre <*rop? : wheat r?po*ted to us . this, season. ' .* rt-mains for Mr. R.' B. HoJrnan : :alre. the lead. He and hi? tenants > . .h! 1"/15 ba^hels. Mr. H . tmar. ; ? on his home place a . 1-ttle : .r.">i;e than cne. thousand bushel? A:' c; wheat is not the only thinar Mr K V man ? raises. for ; o is one of the ; f v; farmers who Ha< ;< 1 w a y nij ? : a rile to -live At home, ani hU i I*rd?r always 1 :ud>h*tiey Sprinsrs In Western X^rth Carolina. ? MrTTWiiuiteid 111 ? Vr; I.bu .1 -Wlim.gwl. V?. lu JII.|K?> m? ? l,.>rrtn with he/ ? ?nn. Mr ? M '? W '.Vprtlead. i< - critically ill. Mr*~j '.v;.ixt?-?4 lui ~p3SMxi. -Ker 80th mile and ha* hitti o.rwMen: it the County sTrwc ?-irtb.' having. made her , h^m^ in Uoxboro for many ^-car?. rirvi bfr numerous friendj \v31 rejstrttl .t". ?? [ HELENA HIGH SCHOOL WILL OPEN SEPT. 15 Most Of (Md Teachers Will Be Again With Us; AH Stu dents most be Present THREE NEW TEACHFttS He'ena High School wi!! oper W en^sy, SpptefnbVr 15. The school ii opened tfii* year ft \Vcdne3diy In ovder that the farm ers may nlj their barn- with tobac co on Mon iay ani Tjesiat. Ali ; patron? are cr*? ; t: ?end >V?ry child ; ff*r tiue day. if' possible I: i-v necessary for your children to en *0? SfcrhJoi 0.3 e.ariy as possifcfe . an# to attend .. regularly in order to get .what .is riya th .'.m, ? Vo trashing too god for yokr children. *o let -s r.ave y cur whole Hearted Inter est 'in your ?cho i for the sake of y-ur children. All indications are that this -sclvoo! year wl.l : be one of the .best-ift t'e hisfry of the school.- Its .success and ?Tow*h depend ' iipj" you a- a patrcn for the. rearu'ar attendance of you rchtldren. . Mast of the oli teachers of Ust year will be back this year. We have three new ones.: Miss Annie Lee Mitchell in the grammar grades. Miss Jonsis McLean in the .primary trades and music, and. Miss Polly W-ilker as Music Instructor. These three teachers ccjne to u? ? hig'riy recommended and we fee! that they will, be an Inspiration to our. school, as well as the."o*.d ani tried .teachers who are returning-. iPatrons nnd students, remember to meet your truck a* you tHd last v'tar. We are expecting all of the old students an of i*e!co rat tj t e V. ?yr -cOmers. Hyco Busy Advertising If sTl -pf the va rehouse* f Fiox V.cro w.vr- 'as :acijye in aiver.ttsint? the .market a3 the Kyeo ha$ been f,vr the . pa*> '? month yaii would ?ee m ? wonrferfol difference in the amount f'f tobac? >oM here.' G'; out oft any . highway an 1 you will see neat and attractive cards tacked ->n tree- "in-, v itin^r t're fanners to. sell their to bttcco in Rcxbnuo. Am? these *:srn.? w-M-e printed in Roxboro at The r ' TI alTIIUHt llf HP ni l I)* ric^f-il f.p. n?;rt Thur?-l?v. an.{ Friday. Sffpf . ??th and .10th, ? o&wvinir . hqlidny. Our patr:n? *;l) .please rt-n??mber the date*. ? . itaiff'S Dept: . : C-*Bter'? pept. Store, ' ~ TKrte G Ch* Jt Stores. ??? I .i-r.ip'.t lore.. ? ? Roxboro Scools Opened Last Monday With More J Than 600 In Attendance , . ? . V Interesting News From Yirgilinaj Dr. Was at His Best When I He Delivered a Must Power ful Sermon REVIVAL AT HIGH POINT Molina.' Vs.. Sept Sunday ara s a full day here in the religious gitcUf* - Alt dVnominaticns met ? in ? : Brick .Warehouse ^cn^.'y ?vorn- . tn? and were ad dressed by l>*. Lav.-. t'\2 : a molis e.nne refist. vvl'o :> c;r. tbiviiiij a revival here. Th*>" v. a- a T'-at service and. about :-vontv J:vc >>r. * irty children ca^ ? farmnrd and *?~e?ehted tham^elve* for chaqrch htcmbis'frahfpr. Sunday afternoon a Sunday school ra'jjr ^mpnsine Florence Avenue. Amis Chapel. Grassy Creek and Olrve Branch church was held, Each church was well represented and At:y. B. W. Parham and Rev. Paste of Oxford, N. C.? iddfMMl) the congregation very effectively on the great w:rk of the Sunday School?. Rev. T. B. Hill made a splendid talk cn' the relation of the Sunday school to v' e churchl At the ccnclu*ion of this service. Mr*. Garner, Supt...of the Sunbeam Organization held a' very interest ing meeting .with the Sunbeam*. Mr?:. Garner is a very enthusiastic worker and hai? accomplished much An. this department during the asso ciatiqr.a> year. JSunday night the revival services "hat" have beert in prepress for the past weak,. reached a high point. The ciuwd was estimated to be around fifteen bandied. Dr. Law ? v ts at his 'best and preached, a moat; powerful sermon, usine a a his sub- 1 ject, "The trail of the Serpent." He' made a fitter attack on the modern Jar.ce and c*rd playing, and expri ?>-" ed his denunciations in plain lan suage. ?'He proved by statistics that one J ?irl was lost by the dance every J eight minutes! (Continued on. paga Eight) j Rotary Entertains Kiwannis Last rhe K'.wanr.ans lvom ;Mf>ar.e came oyer and de feated the R . rar'ans in a bali : A ft eh the game f e Kiwann irs ware g^Mti of the Rotary CluT> at tyr'K. Mr. Donald Van X-ppen. president of the. v**itlny organi*at i !> macea bnef talk tas?urir.e the ?luT> of their g,cat pleasure in be T?f present. F?:;!awi^^ the me at ing which was j v rid a* , the /ones Hotel, the club j rejourned th rfie auditorium.} ar.d heat J .str. Don Powell. "t Vir- ' gir.iay deliver a splendid address or. ? ? I- Jbu'v-t r.l _ ? f Racial Jntfr^rVl' " In Dempgey's Cabinet ' IWM^'TWI . .. . . I M? , ?f the interior," Pauline Jack Utmpsey'i new "secretary ] LaBujirfe, ; kitchen at the champion's training . camp.-" She was formerly cook for President Wflaoft. Superintendent Stavley Verv Much 1*1 eased With His Teaching Force SOME GRADES TOO FULL The IV xboro IschooU j?ot off to ii ?o:d =? Art "'Monday morning, when m rj? than i six' hundred school chil dren enroled for tht> ik some wise words concerning life, : school life in particular. At the Grammar Schcol Rev. P, Cary Adams led the devotional ex- 1 ercVjes, and Rev. F. M. S>amburger j led in prayer. Mr. F. O. Carver, chairman of . the Board of Trustees, delivered the c.pening address. Mss Collins, the Principal, was very hap py in her remark* in closing the ex ercises.- i Altogether. -it was' the mo? promis ing opening the schools have had and all are i'>.ktns forward to a; continuance of the -splendid, -success . which the schd.h tave achieved . in the past. . ; _ Goodman's Signs Defaced Last Wednesday night ?ome" jpef son. or persons, destroyed sixteen of Mot' G;odinan's sierns-jbn the Dur ham road. ' Mr. God man's r ame .wo ? painted pat and the letters K. K. .K. painted oyer the board ' ip very large liters. >lr..Goodma>. feats' no idea whp did him this injury and paused Vim. the I ss.of the sign-*, b it he. \vouhs like very much "ku kr*. w He tock pictures of the signs oh i measured the foo; . prints a'rtvihd. them. However, he is thoroughly convinced that the. Ko* Klux had ro thing to do with it. - -P t ? Dr. Rogers Visits His Mother Dr. a no Mrs W. W. Rogers and daughter, little Miss Bertha May, are spending a few days with L>r. Rogers' mother. Mrs. Eaton \V. Rog ers, -a' tew south . of Ro'xboro. Dr Rollers leaves Sept. 10:h f r New Y:rk City where joins -the'! faculty r> f New York 1 University. M rs. Ro>f t rs^vi itt sp?cc!""s few week ?rith relatives. .before .leaving for ?New York. Pay Your Plumbing Bill Pay yd'Jr rv arnHn^ bftl if tou want f sejrviCe. It is just as ' important. ?"> [ pay your Plumber as i-t is your ; .nrctor. Grocvryman. c> your y as. I bfU. Service i.? what counts. Well. you shouldn't ask for any more than ' yo*i are willing to Cfive. So, if ;*oti j pay promptly it places me in n po- j Mtion t give you Service. I ami ?a'.wfty* Willing to -serve y?:u. Yoiirs f>V WHP 1 J. T. BRADSHER To Boost. School Athletics Piwf, H. B. Dawes. Principal of J the lWxbo"o Hi^h ' School, has *iv -launceil l^> will ? r.-- athletics ?t-?sion. Hi* first ne?d is mcnev, ?,h^.n ilftil sin.-ereiv : nn t the citiiem ' or tha tovrn. ami any orpamzati n tncllrc-d. will mlW i.o his rescue and nee -that th? -?a?aU AmMnt M&M i?. f'trl henm S ;i if .. \VJien you siv solicited i3on't turn the bay.-" d wn. cjpen your ?*rt and you' rpockctbo- k and let* start the j ? wit ft A I'tum naiL TOBACCO SELLS HIGH IN EASTERN CAROLINA Prices Reported Best Since 1919 and >ales Largest of Any Recent .Opening Day LOWER GRADES OFFERED RslejgK Sept. 7,? 'V -.h. priors rfe psrted the best <;nce 1919/* the td Vi~o market opened in. eastern North Carolina today. of pounds yrere sold at 2$ widely scat ? m irket ? . the average crtce * unging ','trpm, 22 to 2S cents' a pound. The .lower grades constituted the :?hief :ffering3. Growers were re ported weU > at. vied with prices which were fr.m 50 to 99 p^r cent greater than paid on' ^the". -'opening day laat jl? ir Sale* also were reported great - -e r than at the ; Initial auction laat "f^Mbn.. - ' '? y' ' ^ -i. . : At Home After Vacation Rev. an-d Mrs. W. F. West. snd Xtaaster RlHy, who spent the month of August the, folks back heme in Georgia. have returned, matrc to the deligh: of the congrega t:'-?n * *h? First Baptist Charrh. Hey.'- Mr. West ? conduct edr his usual wrvirt* at the First Baptist Chsrch Sunday morning and evening and gave his cngrqgation two of the finest -ernrrn? he ha * delivered. At the morning service his subject was, '"Solving the World's Prcbtems,'' and at the evening -ervire, "Modern Idolatry/* He severely arraigned our courts for failure U* properly function, showing by statistics how the w:r'.d had c :me to disregard tffee taw* cf the land. Really. *%^o moire powerful sermons have not been heard lu the- Baptist Church in .oaite a Vh i!e^ v" ???. . Action .'Christian |;f? :is action: not a [>-?cu'atipg. 'not '-a pass; opini .ns change. What you have, done lists? lasts in v u. Through ages, through et'er- ' t.tey. u ha:* you hived ;ne for Christ, that, and' only that, you are." fr". W Robertson. S -. lay School ^:4"? A 31,.' R- L. Wl'tum. Supt. ' Prva -h nz 11 jJl.M., -ubj^ct: ''Us ing t Losing.'' 7:30 P. M.. subject: " A Man of Courage.* . B. Y. P l\. Junior. H P. M In t - mediate and Senior '6:30 P. M. "This- one -th}n? d:, forgetting those things which are behind, and ,? earhjng fosth un:o those things which are before. 1 press. : r> ward the .mark for the prise of t:i> high call lrv? f. Opd in Christ .Testis. Phil. 8: 13-1 4. First fcapti-t Church. " Plenty of Money Mr. Hugh F. Houston, represent ing 'the Carolina .Mortgage Company* f K ?.! . i N. y.'XL. L- K:>xb >? o visit r last week, and contrary to nr. -t - of our visitor?. ?atd they had plenty of mot^y .and was anxious for the good people of Pef3oti Coimty /o have s nte of it. No red ta?e or crstly '-string.*' tied to th*? proposi tion. but =inip5y straight mortgage loans. Read their advertisement in another column, and caM on Mr. J. S. Walker ftr further information. ? ? -o ? Notice Effective' from this date, visiting "Hay.-* at t'i4 t:ur.:y Hnme Mr tt.ig .tged and infirm l ave been designat ed a* Tuesdays and Friday.*, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. VV. T. KIRBY ?lerk to Board Co. Com. Bethel Hill P. - T. A*so. Bethel Hill Parent-Teacher Aaao c iati. n next T ue-.rtav afternoon. S?.pt. 1-JlK. ?t 2 o'c!:ck. Plea.** ?n patron*. ? pmw;.- uml ii>ni4i.n> >h? ?