T1IE DATE ON THE LA BET, 13 THV DATE YOL I? PATES WILL BE STOPPED / WATCH THE OX YOLU PAPER AND IK) NOT LOT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J.W. NOj iLL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. NoTxLHI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, September I 5. 1 926. No. 37. LARGE INCREASE ' IN TOBACCO PRICES Three Southern Counties In State Show 36 Per Cent In crease; Smaller Crop TWO FACTORS HELPING . A 36 pey cent increas? in tobacco' pt ices in the three southern tolm/co j ? t j._ 'C-fl-'i /Yirnh.is. and hroijBftuteyA vg - * < I ' * I : ? ! ; Of ' ? Asgu&t, 1925, which ? exceeded, this' y*fk.r~s' .^a'vs by t.vo million pounds, . t 1 i '.I'.: ! ' V ? . "i * ? M * ment of Agriculture. . Two ? ics >rt ?helping to bring about thii large in i v ? in price. ? flj-ere an inh-ea.-e in ! . y* "action for. .? mbkmg, and d prob ubfe deeifea^ ,ir. production. The t bkcco Vtocks on hand nre i mnch Igyfer than usual, accord in/ to ; .th?' Department Partially. beir.ose f of the Lite crop, the 9, 93-3,5 19 pounds ?fttrmv rV sales this August were 19 per cent less- tV an a year ago. The! $24.78 'average price received by the. tobacco growers in this 'belt com- j pares favorably with the $18.23 August sale.v cf last year. This1 price, however, is based n the total > " tKjes, including producer's sales and, resale*, which bring the August .-ales ?this year to tl.429-j9.23 compared with , the. 13.499-301 last August. Figured ; ae.ording to the average price, j Aqgust sales this ' year netted the farmers about $400,000 m re tJoap fo^* the same period last year. j "The tobacco markets in tfc.e east ern counties (N.iw Brigftt'Belt) have T1 ; i ri Sng equally a< well since their ^p ning on September 7.* says the bulletin." .'The grades are medium, . K-" " *'ly troo.l, |> it i*? l'jTnt. The yield per acre is rna ted 80 to 00 pe rcent ? of last '? 1 eir's . cr p. 4*The three counties of this State mentioned above belong . to the S uth Carolina Belt which closes its ^ ilea *e?v?.on .this .month The Fairmont market had the most. ft,260.72*> pounds, total ?ales" at the;- highest average f $25.63 .per- hundred ;ponndV ^Vhjtcvitle came, second 'with I 2 o >3. W> p-unds<. averaging $25/40.-' TvCSi*. t'w-0 r.iarki ? ? av-erag ?> :'l |)CT J c n-highf-r prices than last year.' bourn avenged . $ 8 c)nts H-Liier 'tftan last year's 1-5.7 cent - 'per r :nd; This' means 51 pgr cent in cr a'"*. i'iarkton --almost duplicated The Drift of the Tide "Evangelism is* n:.t merely a \v< rk of lov\*. It is the jfkcffr law of . do him- g?'.d;.; hut; - we\ 1 '-? v t- ? ivrJy ;f?av,v?!ve.? and our . Iviru's, y. V- muit w>:-Jk t *"> b?i,i * ? if u m*U<* i World lytic;'. the ' \v v! ; will ; r f-l.y .make the ch'.irch . v 1 "ThiV thJ.nic ;.v:U >*?? di.cu?*rd at ' /- ihv> 'Fir?jt Uapti-t Ch?V;h next ?ri?n:" x'r.y mornm?. ?^tirfday S-h '?? vi'ov. ? ? B. Y TV U.. Jjit!' B P. M. In trrtnodiate and Sen:o\ (\:V?0 f\ M. "Go y? therefore. and make Mis copies of all the rations ? Malt. 2$: 13. * J A Cordial welt mr i;* extftnded to un ly, fiayt he has the best crop, und J#-i$ curing up bett ?- ?i un any. crop . fi r the pastfwx? \ear*. Mr. Wn*.r4?#d 'ay* hi* aeroa*^ is no? no Kirife a?' c/? ;V4lifie f'?nrn r year*. Oyt t*ir (juaity more' than make up for the. rite ^ Stores Close Sat. On account ,of the Jewish H li)>? ?rfilll)., ? /; BEEN S'foN E'8"t ' K Pj^STORES ?DEATH OF POPULAR \ ; AND BELOVED 6IRL Hiss Edith Bowles .Succumbs After Illness Of Several Weeks ?ORADUATiToF CLASS '26 Mis- Edith Lea jBwvles, a are/17, charm ycuftsF tfaiSfhtor cf Mr -a'nth&^s. L. T. Bowles, {tefd rt her home . jo'n' tam.a if > Vreet. ingat 10:40 o'clock, a ? the result of ai\ R.bsces?. of t-e' hip. L A few week* ?<>o Mi ;; Bow'es was. rtperatelK bh for this rausev and f ifttx that .tviine hnd remained in a critcal j jf r;xl!t cn; . * ? :? y morning, the., popular and J gcncsratiy b?lov.e I srirl sa?C3tabed to ;???? ? .M i.-'x. a :?(! do afcH CS :;v.; over ^t to regain her health. The deceased wa< n urradute '.of the class of T26 of t: e Roxbbro high J schitoit a"nd had planned . to enter Saknv college this fall. Utfrfcie her ; hiyrh seh ol career she mad*1 for her o! f a place in the memory . of a SreaV h:st. of friands. Boc'i eld and young honored her as be;nw a:vd Rev! F. M. Shamburge'y pnilor t the /Method;*; chuK'i. :-v ;1 Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:43 A. M., H . /'roweJl. Supt. Morniivg service at U A, M. Scr by V. Pastor. Sunday School- at MiiehellV Chnp |irf IV M. "The service, at Bu?hy Fork school House n't 8 P. M. will b^srin a week ^erie* of Bib'e study. F'ach night during the we?k we will study the Hook r.f M-i, k. Th. se .^eryice" are * ?.t ;cngtlu>n Christians anrl tr> call 's-inners to repentance. Come, and l:ring some ;ne. ,P. "oaky ADAMS. Factor At Home For The Winter M '. ?*nd Mrs. .1. Bt P.anett, who ?pfnt the summer fn Petersburg with ' he. v 5-' on. Mr. Frank Barhett, 'rave returned home rind will .'spend the v, intr-r here at their h me on North ? La mar ?r Street. AH Ready for Orieninn: Yo'i can no* fail to sen unnounv.e of the big opening of Ore?-n 4 ^es Department Stores in this is?utv They will have their formal -v*n:ng on Thursday, September Ifith. anrl everybody is invited to ?'turid this ooenir.tr and secure t iiurch. and 'h^y will think more ! WvyWiEV" !v ' f. W. BRADI.KY. Tho best turwei* you ever siov for th money: Annthfr hit* It ,fi Second* ajid M ill from ^ Som - ing at Harris & Burns, The Champion? and Challenger . The nearer the day of battle rhe raoiv ?cr6nvi:v?ir%.jf the indications that the Jack I>einp4ey~Gene7*tinney -fight is tfoiiig to be rite of the best h^avy* weight struggles'- seen since the caya of Jeffris, Fitzsimraons, Ccrbett and John L. v '' When Dempsc-y and Tunney ap poared before the X: Y. Boxing Com mission Licensd Board far permits to engage in battle, experts and box ing fans had the -first opportunity to see tha two modem gladiators sidfe by side? and physically-? they were two of as fine^specimens of humanity as one wiil see in many days. At th* 'tequfeit of the vetorii MuUlvon, D ? m p.- v y an d "TYnney 1 ep pc? jTo n the scale sin ^tr??et clpfhwr-artft here is ho\v'-t' v aiacksii 'an, Dempst y '? ft 1 14 i v.: weight 202 . pounds : Tun ?iL-y. *?- f:. 2 1-2 weight.' 107 ]x?ind<.. Storms In Kansas Have Taken a Toll ot 5 Lives] REVIVAL MEETING M METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. C. L. Steidlcy Conducting Service Twice Daily at $ A. M. and 7: i0 P. M. CORD I.\L WE iXCm E TO A I X A sci it s f minting- -v be;'an. Mon-.. ,j8fty 'rifcrht at the. ?vh*ar .Lone: Mem br;a! Methodist CUurclj; Mrs C I.. . StvidU y cpnciiictinT tl"?y services. Mrs. Steidfey "h.r ! a. liic.-St'nff here about a >L*ar anoi male a deep im r-rj -:<.n- n ;ih? people of- the town ?.St! prwmuntty. Services are bo -rig held twfre daily, at 8 oV'ock in the ;; o"n'ng an ?? nc 7:-') in t*he * vetting i A'l the c r.s- -Qgat-?*n* of Y e town | Joining in the gri^a* work. aM . ? it la deveiilly h^ped. many souls may j be brought t'a the Master! An Interesting Visit Recently it vras 6ur pleasure to i visit the hoino of Mr. I*ewis H. Da n - i*?1 antl his uaiiirhter. Miss TSe-sie ; Heath Daniel. The oh! home- has: been stand'r-e .for rn re th'an . one hundred years and has .been in. the Dajriel family fo.v more than r,cert> tuiy. The >;v are beaut i t'e' hpust? ij^a \vcnde.rfu| s:ati-: j of p. e^m^tion, . and althoirether it [ is most .??attractive! They toiiv" *Sme i antique frrnitur^ which woj'il vi-!;. ) the mouth, of a conn i^eui' water. [ . .But what Was of the qxeatest- in terest- to us .wa?" M" si -Bessie's flock ef Barred Rocks. She said there were about tw . Irundied of them, hut it looked to us 'ike there must be ;t thousand, and finer birds we have never seen. TJu,y are pure i I rid, and cf the very l?es: strain possible, to find. Miss Daniel has just completed a modern hen house, and it is up to the minute in every particular. We enjoyed every minute cf our visit and regretted we could not pro long it. -O ' ? Opening Bushy Fork H. S. Bushy* Fork High School will open Monday , Sept. 20th, at i>:00 a. m. It is important that ah the *?udent.s *je present that day, if possible. We would also like t?> have as many parents as p-*siblff prevnt. J. S. MERRITT, Principal. .. ? *r-r 0 ? Notice Ojr stores wilt he elosert- from - lj-iiLtf. Lii'iilim^gi? ft? n'l'liM'k mull Saturday *6- P. M. Oar, friends '.and cu.?Wncrs will please remember this notiee.- . Wrought Damage Estimated^ At *4. 000.000 and Mad* ~ Scores Homeless STREAMS ON THE RAMPAGE .Emporia, Ka?;. Sept. 'IS.^Flcbtis and storms in Southeastern Kansas 'rad taken- a toll, of a least five lives late today, inundated several towns, wrouglffc damage estimated as high as four million c -liars, and made scores homeless. Wiri communica tion was hampered and traffic :n some maiii jn l- branch line railroads im- , pended. Torrential rains Sunday in the w(k- J ter she V of the Neosho, Cottonw'od and Verdigris rivers, pat thos^e ?stream? on the rampage and there was heavy. loss of livestock and ?-?n crmous crop loss as tlw flocd swept southeastward. Reports received h^i ? indicated the property damage was heaviest in t:*e rural sections. Late today the flood crest had passed and nearly all points report ed the "Water receding. ? Two . lives are kn wn to- have been lost at Ma iivon on the Erdigris vycr s ;:th of h?r?. The dead are Btlliin J^yknc*. ;jnA^ ur, ftkd Ci^qrlje* Wood) 2 1, pf RiV-srll. Kas. at Btr.lii!- tort Charier r\v r.;.-, 6Q, dk-:l from fj heart attack or he watched- the wa ters .rise ab iti his home. Lightning killed a farmer near Osborne and Don Wilson, living near Qjincy, was drowned. Outstanding Event A Disarmament Geneva. Switzerland, Sept. 11 ? The outstanding event in Geneva to ?a.y was France's recommendation, vioced by M. Paul B'ncour, that a general conference on disarmamf nt should be convoked at the earliest possible date. Quickly folicViijT Francels deci sion, pronounced at Paris tVe very, day Germany became a member of the League of \ations. whereby the French army would re reduced by 2.700 officers and steps would be taken to establish- a 12 month in stead of 18 months military service for French y-:uth; !Vt. Paul Bon-, our's action today ?umi*hed ^ ;l*fcc* T'A iitArtV 6f !N6 e . general conference n:^^matera-. ; li?ft in thing the period of one year mftnnfitrViirf f arm* shoiilf 1m- treated by* social conferences. CHURCH RECEIVES \ GIFT FROM KU KLUX Bethany Church Visited By Four White- Robed Figures Last Sunday Night MONEY IS FOR ADDITION Sile.ptly and Unheralded, four men. Clad. In robes of spectral white, with fhs' ted cross insignia of the .organ isation upon them, feur .men, mem bers of the Knights of the Ku Klux fvlaiu eflteretl fSethr.nv. Methodist ehurCh Sunday flight for purticipa ? ion in the service under way. When rb'.y ..left the past r. lie v. \V. F Craven; hi Id in hi - V.ana $25 to be Applied to the payment of the in debfedness now hanging over the ?little rural' church because of the leetnt erection. f an addition to the church plants The service had started but a hort while, when the quartet of men entered the chuich. They walk ed silently and slow, down the ?i*le of the church tj the pulpit. Their appeararire took the large congre gation, by cohupiete surprise, and many of them could not c:neeal their looks of startled surprise. The visitors conducted a little program of rheir own, " beginning it with the singing bf a song, followed by, a. sh:rr talk by one of the number in which the hope expressed that the gift would be accepted by the church in the spirit in which it wan ?ji\vyn. Another vocal number by \{he' quai tet, and they- left the church in: -that jams silent manner in which they had appeared, and were swal lowed up m the inky blackness of night, going nobody in the Congrega tion knew where. Bethany church is one of" several country churches which make up the Du: ham circuit, over which Rev. Mr. Craven pvpsides. It is an active church uiid has experienced pleasing gr: wth, So steady was the growth that' the addition to the church pli.nfc "wit's '"ound ? riece>*ary." Further visits fr in the klatt would be Welcomed, Rev. Mr, Craven jok ingly stated last night when ex pressing his appreciation on" behalf of VUs- congregation for the gift? Durham Herald. ATTENTION Parents and Teachers* of Ruxboro ^ Schools Th?rc will be a meeting of the Parent rTeachcr Association of Rox boro schools Tuesday, September 3:45 P. M.. at the Grammar school building. , * " Purt?f:fcs, you we this tUity to your " ?c!:ii,l an ! ?heir teachers, tr . your scJtoo' and . .'.own to be there. Teach ers.. . ou ovve Jjiis duty to your pupils ::rwl t Jr. \jr parents to be there. W 'itch ne.xt week's Courier for an riourje-ment f chairmen of the var i ms i mmittptv, and don't say "I won't. or can't" serve,, but. ,;1 will ?. and do my very he?t.M MRS. K. 1.. WII.HT^RN', Publicity Chairman. Pioneer Warehouse Has Been Rented We are very yrlad to learn that the Pioneer Warehouse, which has been operated for tVfc past four years by the Co-Ops, has been leased by Me$S.' .W. L. limstead, J. Garland Chambers and ('. R. Ashley, and will .be run in connection with the Plant ers Warehouse. The same force will be. at both houses, and these gentle men, all well known warehousemen, are strong bidders for you to brim? your tobacco tn Uoxboro- -and, of course, sell with the Tioreer and Planters. Will Build On South Main Street Mr H. VY. NeweH has purchased a lot on South Main $tre