THE COURIER J. W. NOEI.L, Editor. Published Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS 91 HO a year, 75 cents for 6 months M cents for 3 months ? Cash in Ad finff. The Editor ;s in no way responsible ?for .views expressed by correspon dents. ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ads. 35 Cents per Inch Beading Notices, 10 Cents per Line. T F?r*4r* R>p'r?rniatt*? ' rME A VERKAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Rox- 1 bcro, N. as secor.d-class matter, i Wednesday Sept. 15, 1926. GOOD NEWS FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS 'We have some {rood news for the t>oys and girls of this County. The p*st spring we decided to form a Boys Com Club, and offered a prist* of fifti dollars t) the bey who would ( fwliitc the most corn on an acre of land. We wanted .fifty members of this club, but failed "to reach our desires, though we are intensely proud of the forty boys who joined, ?nd will soon be gathering and "hav ing their com patch measured. We do not know who will be the lucky boy, but we dp know we are going ( to get more pleasure out oft present ing him with that rponey that e possibly get ooCof^receiving it. And then we are going to print his picture in ? these columns and hold him up as the .big "Corn Bee/' Well 'now, the trood news. As we gave the prize this year to a boy we felt it was our duty to remem ber the girls with our next prize ? offer, and we are going to give trftv dollars to some girl in a Camiihg Club contest. We. have not worked rut the particulars, but we want the | f?irls to know we still, think of then; I ? -r-tbi-.ugli ? w;-. have .passed - the. stage where short dresses and bobbsd lair I cuts much ite with us. . But the boys are riot going ,to b? l??ff. out, for tie People-, Bank ha- | authorized us to offer another pr'-z^ " ?? ? of fifty dollars to the boy wh: raise s I the jiiost an acre in H) 27. We are delighted to have the pleas ure of 'making' this .announcement, and it is oply anotlte Vvwtenco oi ? the interest t hi bank i> taking in ! tbe welfare of. the boy 5 and girls I <1 this County. We '.have repeatedly ' stated that your b?st friends were | the bankers. aml we again' make that j statement v\ it !. ut ;i,ny fjtftr . f hav- | ?ng to ret iv.rt. ^owr boys and girls. brgin'ip think ' , ? about these prizes, an.'! while it : | n lonp tinvi,* to you, but not to -h? j older ones, bef re you will actually begin work t: > win these, jt is none too soon to begin laying plan- for X'.-.e work, . -f-. We "Tiave not mentioned it to any d our merchants, or business men. but we h'ipe to interest some of thorn* lo the extent that some one will offer * second and third prize in each of ihese counteets, so that if you do pot win the first yoa strll may he a winner. SAVE- SAVE -SAVE We a'l remember bac!> in 1019 how plentiful money was, and how 'lavish ly we spent it. We spent as though there never euld be another lean year, and for (he past ?several years we have all wi ' hod We ha 1 been more thoughtful an:i ?aved soma of those dollars which, we literally threw away. Agra in. ? it lo ks as if the fa rmer was going to lave, an abundance, for never have crop pros pects been so bright in this .County.. Undoubtedly yoi have plenty of bread stuff, and if you do not have an abundance >f feedstuff for your rtock it will largely be your rwn fault. One of the, best farmers of the C:unty was in our office a few days ago and urged us to say some-^ thing nhirh would ratua tlm fnim. era fccf lo:k. well after saving^? saving ihu f?al> wit*-* nnd ttip rig v.1./ which is growing scf abundantly on ~ ?V?Vy Tarm. this year. He said whilv it was not a* goo?? pea vine, or spy* bean, r clover and timothy, still, it was too g?od to let go to waste, and was far better than paying thirty or forty dollars a ton for hay next spring, much of which was no better than I the crab grass or rag weed. And he was right. One of the big troub les with most of us is, we do not save, and are to^ wasteful?especially when we have the money to waste. \Ve feci that we cculd not bring you better advice than to SAVE! SAVE! BE NEIGHBORLY If you waht to have fricn:U* ycu must be friendly, and if you want to have good neighbors, ycu must be neighborly. Now, Roxboro want/; every man, woman and child in this County to know that Hoxboro is neighborly arr! w .nt> to b2 neighbor to every family in the .County. To show our neighborly spirit a move Is on foot to have every citizen :f the ?G^unty come in on Tuesday, Oc tober ..fifth, and be the guests 4 of the town. The tobacco market will op en on this aay and i: i* hoped, and expected that a large cr:wd will be here, for every farmer is intensely (interested in the opening . of the mai-kets in this belt. Jurt what plan? will be used to entertain .the farmers have not been worked out, is hoped to make a gala day of it, and- every farmer Is expected to ccme, and you may rest assured that you will receive the glad hand. We will tell- you m:re about it in our next issue,, when plans will he move fully ma tured. ' , !:;j L&dy Ast:r suggests \a the Dtm :roth party that if. r.iieht to a ,-?00 ! ?qrettc,y, ami ..I"'? fprtoa* k . til! * ? Prices .n the 123 ; tern'' jflsrkets Bfcl in;- " and fcrttrr rvery day. Mrit-d'a'y /the nu'.r'-cct ;:t jVil.~on' averaged be. * ?tv than ttt'en v. , .i^ht dollar*, and iHfe.Rftlts i'-i'i ihf.rth? million pounds. Indifference To Civic Duties One of (ft? cy.'iifr sins, of t'?c ?vmerieaii pf ok. for n sin it is. if .their iv| r,f fh-ir. responsibility - citizens t> vrjq. >fcr. ;? nii womtfri !ilik?. chi'k this r'=pcft>3ibility ' y'Hh .111 utUv indi:Tc*::inc2 to the fact t.hnf in d'-intr ?o they lire betraying, their country. This is seen in the failure to vpta m local and in national poli tics. In a matter .f bond issues a large proportion of the people do not v te, and thus many bond? are issued, by municipalities by a ma jority of those who vote, but which in reality are such a minority of the citizens that they scarcely rep resent the real sentiment of the rommunitr. hi loial elections, a? well as iii national e'fcctions, our people are indifferent to -their rman, must know Ms business. Apply tD Cantor's Department Store. Ve are just as careful about the r-0 cent numbers in hosiery we >uy as in the higher prices. It x ill pay you to buy your Hose fiom us. Wilburn & Satterfield. THE JEI FEHSON THE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH'* The Jefferstm Standard sells twice as much life Ihsurance in K:>rth Carolina as any other company doing business in the state. See S. P.-Satterfieid, bef re y :u buy. "HAIL 1XSVRANCE" Better see SatterSerd and pet a ha 1 poliryon that field of tobacco $0.00 an acre will protect you for $100.00. Get busy. Si^tterfieM Insurance Agency, "Old and Tried.'' Another shipment of Pointex Hosiery in the fall shades received Let u? match it in hosiery, Wiibarn & Satterfield. Why a*k a friend to sign a bond. vhen Satterfield will reHirit "to you. Be unitr no obligations to/ any one. Sc-e "Satterftel'i the Bond Mar,\ FIELDS NEED LIME. It is economy to use lime? get. the BEST, the I>:e.d. TWFVrV^PIVE YEARS IN9LR ?ante EXPERIENCE" Cr-nr-iik' your 'InniTtrtV-**' 'A sen? r:< yoa.. would y-? tir D^r or ot v ",i-h uk r:bp*jt yo.tlY Fire cr.d any oth< t* ir,V' (; ,:r belongs t? o;ir piiirtfTp: Irt?*?mnrA- ? *'Qld and Ttied*' '? " - ? .FKfv? : : ?" p?. - v!r. on Jvout' . vr. r.y Sm& '*"t r'~ accident' i r^Vcf. *?? vr>;.' e?nt* a , 'div: Get ?F-^s ? aird ?- ,f--- .y -f 'r. a??. " S Satterffeld '. Da It Today.* '?. WPfcurn & ? -StttterfieM' ' sells Gc-o>" ?'"?cs. ' . ? ' ?.Thj-i will' ?robab;y 02 ,'a 'jc#od yctv to ;j?jvap 0: *ton s?ed f >V! '.or; r? tili z? r s; ?'.?-? 0. ..v.- 't.a li?.\v* less ^asrh'oui Jay ne?;t '.spring. CO 'TO' HUGH WOODS FOR vU. KINDS OF SEEDS. PTRAV Ml'LE? -Came to my house Qwhw 'can . ics* >ame. by ;pj(ymif f. r fi'td .and ?-o?; of this* notify; Dr. B. A. Tha."ton, Jloxbcro. N\ W ANTFi> ? Krfcht. active y?uin?r ?man. full of pep, . one, who. has. fini-hed at least the high school grade in County schools. To such ft young man we can . ffev 'le'ir ; ble connection. Apply at The Courier office, Roxboro, N. C, Young Men: Sec that snappy line of Ties and Socks at Wilburn &, Sat tcrfifcld. Ii 3 ,1925 a very Jarge city in .Michigan was badly infested with mosqui toes. Fly-Tox .in carload lots was sr*nt there by eJcprfciss to supply thr demand, The?e people insisted upon the wonderful product Fly T?x, developed by the foremost rose a rah institute of its kind in thf* world. Cet Fly-Tox at your retailer, always in bottles with the! [. ' ?' blue lobel. ; " :v-s .*? ? Fly-Tox tonight and sleep in comfort. Fly-Tcil* the kitchen and pantry against ant:-* and other insects. Tak#? a look at Wilburn & Satterfields Picce Goods Department. ROOMEKS WANTED? Water, lights and all conveniences. Aflply to Mrs. H. O. Clayton, Roxboro, N. C. SOMERSET TOWELS ? SECOND AND MILT. ENDS. A big lot to go on sale Friday morning p.t Harris & Burns. WANTED ? Bright, active young man. full of pep,_ one. who has finished at least the high school grade in County schools. To *uch a young man we can offer desir r.bie connection Apply at The Courier office, Roxboro, N. C. PECAN TREFS ? Now i* the time to get information as to prices, -grow ing, etc. AH free for the asking. J.' B,, Wight, Cairo, Ga. 9-14 4tp MOVED ? I have mo'ved my office from thr Onirt Htm** to nn ^ifrrr in the Pass__jfc Carver building over ,Chns. H .leman &> CoV rtore. For }i> y<*ars I 'have o^upi -<1 ai. office' in the* Court House and I want to- thank the-' County Com Mtssioners for the courtesies of htls room. W. J. Winstead. Itp "HOME FIRST* The South is coming into its own. ? North Carolina stands at the top. Why go North to get a life policy, when the Jefferson Standard, a (Home Company is the best all i ound policy on earth. See S. P. Satterricld, District Aeent. CABBAGE PLANTS? Jersey and Flat Dutch for Fall and Winter heading. 100 for 30 cents. 300 for 75 ccnts, 500 for $1.00. 1000 for $1.75, prepaid. Barre l Hocks, Laying strain, Hens $2.00, 5 months pullets |1.25, Roosters $2. Mrs Geo. H. Hauser, Timberlake. N. C. 9-15 3t* FOR SALE- ? Good Corn Hind ers, D. ll-% Mowers, Engines, Trac tors. Plows, Harrows, and Wood i aws, Al?o New Dueling, Mc C-rrmiek, Wood, Ontario, Avery and other makes of Implements, and repairs for any thing. Write for price*. J. R. GOOCH. P- lo 101? T:mb?rlake, N. C . The Mil! has j un delivered (u us an ether l)Ig lot cf'.'Sc onds and Mill _ Br'd Somerset Towels. These will he put on faie Friday morn ing Karri? & Burns. LADIES? who can do r'ain at home ani want prtht .bie spare time work. No canvass;"tlg. Write (enclose stamp) to AMSTERDAM DRHSS CO., Am?ter -in?, N. Y. Dept. P. ? ???.. j . Small Town Newspaper Has Airplane Delivery Temple, Texas, Sept", 13. ? Thir small c.\v oi Temple* Texas boasts 1' .he 0 !;? small town newspaper ;n the country that has a r?gu'p.r ai'plane delivery route. . E, K Wiiliauiy, publisher 'f the Temple j^legra r?.. was reading an lirtfccle -n a srientifi? magazine seme ?iir.e- ago in which the author pre dic-ti-d that eventually all V mail cewn ?_ ially ? r.ev.-c papers. would be eomnel! ej to cea-e publication b?*\ause large Tc-v.Tt- {fellies' would; have their - hv.w* fcaneir -:cl:vt:*cd hy ah plane. - Mr: Williams ha< b in inters c fed >. a?Pcnautks sin$e the early days r^f- r.v;.ai':n an !' 6\v.n?d plane. s for ten . yen Whrn iva 1 t rie * ??" . *|. ? >\A . . i ? v ^ h I two ? a>rrur.n - -a'h-.i err Ijyv.S '?li.y'-.of .rii ore. fifty ; rnltcfc ? - V * serve i: by airplane " iltrli ;? ? } ;.?w^paiH^ -within an r-y^:i" /ifttr'ths papers, ' AAAAAAAi Allensville ScFoo! Clasification Day Great Success On Sept. 10th Allensville School was called together for classification. Students came in great crowds, trucks were loaded, more than two hundred enrolled, class room in some grades were filled. It seems quite likely that we will hare to have more teachers. By twa o'clp~k work was well organist d, students and teach ers were all. well pldased at our i bright prospects for this year. At three o'clock between four and ."five hundred patrons and student s .were called together in the au Jiior ium for a general ? j?ct- together meei- 1 ? AfUr ? sotuc ? ir- 'narks hy th^ ; Principal Mr- B. I> Suite rfieVl, Coun-.| ty Superintendent, delivered a splert Lii?t,7>ut 'iic> l?H-\At, after the iueak ing the crcwd wac divectsd .to the irrsve where ? the faithful, -f^v had prepared five pots of the finest stew we have ever tasted. Tbe community spirit is fine. Everything looks fair for a good school year. Send stu dents at opening, it is important* Let us work together. N; J. TODD, Principal. Brunswick Stew The ladies cf Biookidale . Churc'i will serve biunswick stew on the church lawn Saturday afternocn, t?tpt. 18, 192(V b^ftinninc at 5 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Luther Smart, and Mia* E?telle Bass, of Nathalie, Vs., were married la%t Friday. After, a short honey m son 'they will, b- at home in Rox Wro. .... _ ..."