J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, September 22, 1926. No. 38. watch the labh. ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE ft. THE DATE ON THE LAPEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED Known Dead In Miartii Area Stands Now At 368 Number of Injured More Than 1.000; Property Loss Of Fifty Millions 40,000 WITHOUT HOMES Tobaqeo Prices Good All Over Old Bright Belt Martial Law Throughout Storm Area; Sanitary Engineers " Mobilized To Avert Serious Epidemics; Surgeons Work . Day and Night To Prevent fvockjaw from injuries caused By Tin Hurled From Houses; "Hardly Half Dozen Houses In Area of Devastation Left Untounhed. PRESIDENT ASKS AID Miami, T'la., Sept. 20..? The known d**ad in the Miami area as a result of Saturday's hurricane and tidal -ivnve stood tonight at 368. the iium tier cf injured estimated at over 4 000, and the proj>erty lo?s v.*as placed at fifty million dollar*. Approximately forty person* were missing. Miami proper had- 1-25 dead, and approximately 2,000 injured; Miami -'.Tbiirbs, including Coral Gables, "Miami Shores, "Little River ;tnd Hialeah a total of 45 dead and in jured numbered into hundreds. Hollywood with 7?r> dead and 000 . Injured, presented the most pitiful scene in the storm area as scores i of children cried for their parents : and an ef|Ual number of nn-. or;-od by the authorities o the ma: - IHI- governments which temp'rarily govern, . " r? ? *SfWrf>r fLyxt+uts. and water ^ys^ema yrene rally were crippled, but train loud. so water arrived latt night ami ' ( Continued on Page Eigkt)^ ?? - ? ? ? ? _ *?>.. 1 ? Harry M. Daugherty TEACHERS ENTERTAINED BY THE ROTARY CLUB; Roxboro Uotary Club Host To ! Teachers of Glty SchooK; J Lunch Served Last Thursday the Roxboro Rotary club vntertained tHe teachers at their regular weekly lunchecn. Lunch was served by the ladies of the Presby terian chijrch, and it >vas a regular five or six course affair; and was. thoroughly! enjoyed by every one present. Il was ne of the most en joyable meetings of the summer. *The next Meeting will be held at the home of .Mr. Frank ye rs. rn the Durham-Roxhoro road, lunch to, b? served 'by- the ladies of Antiochj Baptist church at 5:4"*. P. Mi Every .member is urged to atend this moet- 1 in j?. ?? , ? ' : v'., _j The Blessinsrs Of Loyalty "The man who has sriven himself * to his country loves it better; th :j man whv ha* fought for his friend1 boners him more; the man who has labored, for his community values] more: highly the interests he has ? fought to conserve; the man who has wrought and planned and endured j for the accomplishment ?:f God's plan j in the "world sees the greatness cf it, the divinity and fflovy of it, and is himself more perfectly assimilat ed to it." ? R. S. Storrs. . Sunday School 9:45 A M., R. L. , Wilburn. Supt. Preaching 11 A. M., Subject: "The Tragedy of the Golden Mean." There ' w- I bo no night service. B Y. P. U., Junior. 0 p. M, In termediate and Senior, 6:30 P. M. "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, :.n?t few there be that find it." Matt. 7:14. | A C. filial wclconie for all. KlItST BAPTIST CHURCH. W F. WEST, P?uor: Tha eyes of ..... the sensational trial being held in New York City. ' Harry M. Daugherty, former Atty. General and Col. Thomas W. Miller former Alien Property Custodian are re listing the Government's attempt to oonriet them of betrayal of public trust in a case Involving *7.000,000. $150.00 Needed Wr np?19. At tl?o close of the day's auc- i tions in the nine markets of the belt'vj total sale? were estimated at slightly! more -than a million pounds at an j average price of from 25 tj 29 cents per pound. | Markets from which definite re- . porta had been received tonight and' the estimated sales and prices were ? as follows: Place Pounds Price Fauquay-Yarina 180,000 28.00; I^ouisburg 100,000 ^!6.00 Oxford 150,000 25.00 Durham 175,000 27.50 Carthage 146,000 29.60 i Aberdeen _ 50,000 26.50} Henderson __ -i.--. 195,000 25.00 i No News From Roxboro and Person Co. Men in Florida __ - . ' .J Jfocre are quite a n umfear Rooc- ? b ro and Person County men in and , rear ^Iiaml, but no word has been heard from any sf them, though it is presumed, they are ' safe, ;i? the reports thus far published do not contain , the name of any of t'.em. Several telegrams have been sent, but owing to the condition of the \ wires in the storm stricken section It is hardly hoped to have arv.v .re ply in many hours, maybe days. Massacre From Mess. Mess, T. B. Davis and L. P. Woody, well known Person Conty men. have j a mesagp in this issue whieh t'.ey j want you to read* They are with j the Farmers Warehouse, South Bos- ; , ton, Va., and are very anxious to I sell your tobacco for you. Read ! what they have to say and give them 1 a trial load. Presbyterian Church j Sunday School at 9:45, A. M, H. L- Crow. 11. Supt Ceme on time and bring some one with you. Let's he-, gin to tret ready for Rally Day. We need i-ve.i y menibar present ever>l Sunday. .1 M irrting service at 11 A. M.", aer- " mon by the Pastor. Mitchell Chapell Sunday Schocl Ht ?: P. M Services every night this week ex cept Saturday at Bushy Fork school ' house. Services Sunday afternoon at P. M. Night services will give place i to the services at Methodist Church. P. CARY ADAMS, Pastor. Mr. Cash Died Suddenly Mr. J, R. Cash, one of the best j known and loved citizens cf the Helena section, died at his home 1 near Helena .last Friday . afternoon,^ j a^e 77 year?. The cause of death! j was heart trouble, and death cams j without warning. He leav% a wife, ; one daughter. Mrs. J. M. Burton and one son, Mr. J. F. Cash. Funeral R Lance. Tbo paH bearers were his grandsons, and the floral bearers were granddaughter* and niee^s. . ? 1 ? " O 1 : ? S ? "" ' ? ? ? Moved in, f^ew Hpnat Mr. anil Mrs. W. M; Fox have moved into their n.u home, " Brre7 J highway. This i? rtms of the nr.st ? attractive homes on this popular | roadway. ' ? ? ? ? ? -? ? ? ~ ? ? 1. Jack Dempsey J Champ Says He Is Ready For Bout With Tunney Dempsey Went Through FinaJ Workout In Privacy; Dectaies He Is In Fine Shape And Believes He will Heat Tunney Atlantic City, N. J., Sept 21?? - With guards tationed at the gates barring admittance to all outsid ers, Jack Demp&ey tcday drew the. .veil ff a bridge and dropped 20 feet to t're grouni be low, pinning the driver and W >J. P&ndexter. Jr., cf Walkertown. near . Winston-Salem,' beneath it. has been -*et for Sept. 23. Mr. Polndexfer died two days -attar the accident. ! Mr. Powe is still in Waits hospital, but is expected to be able to attend (he hearing. fie is . vjider tvnds ' totaling $2,800. - Revival Meeting Revival meeting at Brooksdale Methodi.it Church Sunday, Sept. 26, at 11 a. m. and 7: 30 p. m. DWKTpT the week the service* will be at 3:30 and 7:30 p. m. All neighboring churches Invited to take part in these 1 services. Preaching by Rev. A. J. | Hobbs; Notice I The Mills School will pen i Monday. Sept. 27th, Mr. t.ow i^nce. the Principal U^verjr anxioui lh; present. B. I SATTERF'jEJ.n. J * 11 it ? i ? ?At* last in Motion t'ieturca "THE i MERRY WIDOW" with Mac Murray and.Jchn Ollhurt, at Palace Theatre, j Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 27 ? 28th. P. T. ASSOCIATION I NAMES COMMITTEES First Meeting Next Tuesday, September 28, - 3:45 P. M. Graded School Building At a called meeting of Ihe Parent Teacher Association ? f Roxboro Schoolsfat the residence of Mrs. . Geo. j W. Thomas. witK Mrs. Duncan, the president, presiding, the following committees were appointed to carry V n the work for the c:ming year: Membership Committee: 'Mrs. Robert Smith, chairman, Mrs. Prank Hester and Mrs. Omham Thompson. Ways and Means Committee: Mrs. George Thomas, chairman, Mm. Geo.} Kane and Miss Emily Southall. | ' f^Qy-Crj-oand Committee: Mrs.' ' Matt Long, chairman* Miss Liuise' Stalvcy and Miss Coe. Beautffyinp Committee: Mrs. S. 1 G. W instead, chairman, Mrs. Wil'iam Rulleck and Mrs. Eugene Thomas. Program . Committee: Mrs. B. G. Clayton, chairman. Mrs. W. F. West, and Miss Mildred Satterfield. . Publicity Committee: Mrs. R. L. ^Wilbura, chairman, Miss Ethel Er ! vin and Miss Inda Collins Come to the first meeting next' ^Tueaday, Sept. 28, at 3:45 p. ra? Grammar school building. Every j true parent should take a vital- in terest in the schcol and the com- ; > inanity in which Kin and \i\% f*mtHw 1 I lot is cast and do everything in his j ( power to make it a hetter school and community. Let u ? all pull to MRS. R. L. WILBURK, Chamn. Pub. Com. ?^1 n. ->?0 ? "Tniv MERRY WIDOW" Hailed by Critic* as being the best? picture of lf>20 Iftt Palaces-Theatre. Monday . & I Tccsday "Sept,. 27~28th. IR. R. A. SPENCER DIED TUESOftY NIGHT Suffered a Paralytic Stroke fFroni Which He Never Recovered FUNERAL THURSDAY Mr. R.-A. Spencer, for many yearo a leading citizen of Roxboro, died at hjg )famo'on Reams Avenue yester 3a y- Evening at 10:^0* He had Seen ctjiHta fui U'lCttg time, having suffered a paralytic stroke from which he never recovered. He waa '57 years of age.. Mr. Spenrer waa a native of Virginia, but has been i living m Person County and Rox .boro for_ something Hko thiry five years. He leaves a wife and four children, . three ? daughters. Mrs. A. R. Warren cf R-xboro: Mrs. F. A. Woody of Lynch burg, Va, and Mra. T. E Jeter of Southerlia. Va., and .one son, Mr. R. M. Spencer. who waa associated with him in business here. Mr. Spender was prominent in the life of the town and community; waa i deacon in the First Baptist Church, p. ma- n'tf prominence, having been Worshipful Master of the Jsxige Here, and a member of other frater nal organizations^ The funeral service? will be con ducted at the First. Baptist Church tomorrow, Thursday afternoon, at 5? o'clrck, led bv his pastor. Rev. W. F. West. t ? o- . Revival Services Services Will Coat in ye Through Next Sunday Night The revival services ??rffw beings held in the Methodist Church will continue through next Sunday niqrht. The :g mi Lord i? greatly blessing: th*? messages from Hfs word brought to us bv Mrs. SteidWy. Interest in the me dim? is constantly growing. Mr. Gibson of Charlotte- is leading' the singing. He is a c - ? ? .tad ? Christian, gentleman and his song' services are greatly enjoyed. Let all who can possibly do s-> onue to the services at 8 o'clock in the. mornjnsr and 8:30 . in the even ing.? ,F. . M. Sham burger, Pastor; Successful Opening Open L'nder Favorable Condi tion* Last Thursday thro doors of the Greenstone's Department St>re? we e thrown' open t ) the public, ?.rn! it looked as if every man, woman" and. ~h;ld took advantage of the oc cu^i r. j.:A made them a visit, plr. Green -vtont4 ays they were more than please i with the reception the goo<& people of this County gave them, and they are going to try to live up to tlieir ?promises in every respect. They have an ad in this '*3Ue anrf rire quoting .some money-saving price ' for Saturday. Look them up and take advantage cf the oppor tunity. 'i'heir motto is. "We Sell For Less, Always." Opening Warren's Grove School AH parents and children of War ren's ?C?rove school are requested to meet, at the school house Friday, Sept. 24th, 1926, at 2, p. m., to clean building and grounds, and classify children, in order to begin ^ worlc Monday morning, Sept. 27th. LULA MOORE, Principil. Notice There will be a meeting for the colored teachers Saturday morring, September 25th, at eleven o'clock in the Colored Graded School Building. B. I. SATTERFIELD. Masonic Notice Regular rommnnira tiom Person I,od*e No. 113, A. F. & A. Mascnic hall. Rpxboro. Tuesday \ iSeptPmbor 128th at V: . 7:30 P. M. Import i-a'nt ho*ine.?s. All menibcra urged f Ue prenpnt. Viaitipg Matter Mascma .cordially - invited. Chas. A. Harris, W. M. A. C. Gentry, See.