THE DATE ON THE I.ABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLII1 1 ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, September 29, 1926. No. 39 WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE Roxboro Tobacco Market Wi(/ Open Tuesday October 5th Four Warehouses To Be Run, AH Manned By Experienced Tobacco Men MARKET T,ED THE STATE MARKET Wlf-L OUEN Lead In this issue the Warehouses ? all make their bow ty the public and a to asking for your patronage. Real ly,- there Is no better market than t'v? :Roxb^ro t> bacr-6 mafrket, and t>iy can he proved by facts and fie ures. For the pa?t ten years this market has led the State on avera v; -< six "out of the ten years, and if the average is better here- than else where, then why .is net this the logical market for high prices. The.Hyco Warehouse "will be run by the same firm who has been at the helm fpr many years, Tobe Pass and George Walker. If there are ;.'v men who know the warehouse b :-ine:>, th&y. do, and when you >ell with them you pet the benefit cfj thVir kn" wledge. The Pioneer and . Planters will he i n :v by M?jxs. W. L. Umstead, J. G. <*' ambei v and <\ 1R. Ashley. These houses will be manned bf the same f< :ce, and the managers say their for e will be second to none: The s.i!es manager, Mr. "Bill" Umstead, is. recognized as one of the live wires, and Qarland Chambers and C!:?tlie Ashley are experienced men. : The Winstead Warehouse will be 1 irn. by. Mess,. Jt. J. Winstead, R. L. faester and W. F. Long, all well kirowri County men and experience in the tobacco business. Their long experience is! at your command andi) yo i will be Wei! cared f .r a^t the V." Altogether we do not believe there h a market anywhere with better or capable men In charge ,}}* an R 'xborc, and with the buyers of all 6t the big, companies pledged to givi' them their, solid support we' ????; I oking forward to the best sea- i ] -*en Roxboro has had for many years. | Dodson Crowell -1 v. and Mrs, James Ciavborn D ri '?kofi request the hah or cf your pres erve at the marriage cf their daugh- | -ter- ' .? ? . ' ;*"??? . Delia d * ? . ?? ' tO- ; Mr.:- Clyde, Oren ? Or '.veil rtr Saturday, the ninth of Oc-oher n*. 'clock in the evening, AVe*t F~ 1 ' Methodist Church. Wirutcn- | S.letn, North Carolina WH bf at home. Roxbor *; Kc 1 h l t ar^liPH, after the twenty-fift'i f , ?O : t-<*bei'\ ? ? ? ? i |Th.<'aW?yf' a nrr?>? n*e> r'i *? 1 1 .will He. ?*'? much itueres* ti our iva?i? ? ns* I ??'V Miss I>od?on and !*:";? Ocvrell sir? wei; known. ^b.'Vu. ponuifir j ir. :n1>'*rs *>i ' the - ;riety ^ ? ? ?f ' ftox- ? V' ah l i',iwnl->?riii?i: Mv?ir f i:-:: is ? ii> \:-n! ;n>'ted numbefs; , Itcxboro Rotary Clvib j V, l| M ftt Next Thursday NijsHi \t. ? Prosper! ! t ill The U xhoro Rotary Crub rrfet last J Tr.Jrsday niirht with the ladies of " Bajxtis: ("nur^Ji. supprr he-. ;.nar served on the lown at Mr. Rog- 1 er-'. TVi-s was a splendid 'meeting j ar! ;\ the ladies served a supper -which ) v-xuld have delighted the gno*t fas ifc!1ous epicurean. .Next meeting, tomorrow nicht. | V IV he held with the ladies of Pros- 1 pr X HilT. and another go;d time i* cvpected. The Rotarians will gather I I I the court, house square a: 5:43 \ ar: \ proceed to Prospect Hill, supper 1 1i-?ng served at the usual hour, 0:30 P. M Every. - member is urged t; f.1. tend this meeting and get acquaint ed with the good people of Prospect Hill. Ice Cream Social ? ? re will h? an ice -cream ?< Lambeth Memorial Bat>*i*t i-hi^ch. 5? :;iy night. "October 1*1, at 7 Slty. cVkick,.. ,'p/ ms. Proceeds for .-eats Vcme out* and epjoy yvur*ejf.and heip in a worthy MEETING CLOSED AT METHODIST CHURCH Much Interest Was Manifested Throughout and Great Good Was Accomplished Tlie revival which has been in progress at the Edgar Loner Mem orial Methodist church came to a close last. Sunday night. Mrs. Steid ley. who conducted the services, greatly endeared herself to the Christian people of the towiiyand community, and the good accomp lished will" last. She brought the simple story of the Christ and plead ed with all for a higher Christian life. The singing: by Mr. Gibson, of Charlotte, was a very enjoyable fea ture of the meeting. Large congregations attended each service and the Church. .?s well as the entire ccmraunHy, has b?en greatly strengthened by these ser ' ? ? Successful Fishing Party Mess*.. D. W. Lead better, Fred L. M&?ten and Errol .Mortpn spent rev oral days last week down around Suffolk, Va., on a fishing party. Now, is. is well Jcnown that these three form about the most, enthusiastic a nd >U??esafiii .ishing bunch in these ciggln^ arid it is not surprising they bring back such wonderful tales of the fish they caught. However, jn this instance they brought back fish to proyi their statements. They report the landing of two black ba&sr weighing sjeveXi pounds each. and Fay there, was no end to the num ber of tw and three pound bass foafoyljfc ? ' ? ? ' ??? Troy's New Hotel The traveling man er tourist no .1 nger has an excuse for passing up Troy on account of jack of suitable accomodations, for Troy no. v boasts tne <f the most modern Votet in Xorch Carolina ? a hotel that would do credit to a town twice the six ? of cur Municipality. Up until two years ago, when the *R]and Hotel was* destroy fed by fire,, numbers- of travelling men and t urists made it a point to stop in Troy when the opportunitypresented, for they liked our town and our people.- But since that time they have been unable to .secure the acc-mr.da tion sthey desired, have passed us i'. jj for the 'more4 progressive tewns. . With the opening of the new hotel Troy cn Wednesday of this week under the management of Mr. and Mrs \V. H. Ma lone, Troy serves n ti'.o on the r'esl of the t.ivns that , *he i> out for her share of the .tran sient business. The new hotel is -robably the most modern small hct el in North Carolina, and overy citizen of the town feels a just pride hv its c mpletiori. The town f Troy now welcomes rach and every tourist visitor, se cure in the belief that she can minis ter ' to his every need, and at the '? vme time show him the mo?t pro gressive? small town in.Xorth Caro 'ina.-? Troy News. ,A. Death of Mr. Blalock Mr. D. Blaloe,k aged 80. who lived <.n Route 1. died at his home Sunday morning at 1 o'clock, following an il'ness if about five week3. Hjs death wjfs caused by a strike of paralysis, fell owed biter by com p1ications including high blood press ure and heart trouble..^ His df-ath, although a great ? shoefcj,' to f ierds > \\ Over the County,-did^afc'roflj?*Trn * ?.*ly unexpected .. * ]_ [liiu.fuiu.ial n?rri(>iB were rnnd'irt r i f r rh the. home at 2 o'clock* Mon day afternoon, with _ Blders I. J; Hail and B. F. McKinney officiating. Interment was ?TTthe Jcn*v Wa^er 1 family cemetery, near the ty>me. ^ . ? Tom Tarheel says U- is a' pleasure to work in his large .field novr iha* aU tWalump*. have been blown Lead Teams in World Series Battle ' ./ "f / \ i |A?tfTOCA?-r*gV ^ S The stage is ail set for baseball's fall classic. Millet Huggins (left) Manager of the New York Yankees is confident Babe Ruth and !?t<* playmates will defeat the St. jl?uu Cardinals for the World's Championship but Rogers Horn?by ( right V says, "Try and do itt** J Booster Glub Formed For Roxboro nnd Person Co. The People Will Return Thanks For (he Wonderful Crops and VI mighty protection. - ? - ? ' On Friday October 1st the pe pie of this County will meet in Ro\'? r? in the llycp Warehouse, fronj 11 it ; 12 o'clock, ami return thanks tj God tor His great mercy and levins: kind- j iiess shown during the past season, j When it koked as it everything . was going to hum up and that it woUli i imply impossible to make a crop..] of any kind prayer meetings' were] held in the County and prayer was j made for rain. The rain came hnd i such abundant crops have never been kn twn. as has been produced in the Couty this year. Now, in consideration of the.e great blessing* time has been ^et apart as above hientiom'd ah(| thanksgiyii * to Almaghty God Will be returned for these many bless ings. and every one in the County is cordially invited to come and join in these exercises. The following program has been arranged, and will lan just one hour, when every business house in town will b^ closed: SongfDixie. Invocation. Rev. W. F: West. | Scripture reading, Rev. P, .Gary Adams. . . "Word* : f Welcome, Mayor R. P. Bui:m " Selection by Quartette. MesdamM [ T. L). Mi-irls and Carrie Pettigrew? Bradsh-.r, Dr. E. J. Tucker and Mr.! If. H. Masten Prayer, Rev. F. M. Shamburger. j Address, Mr. F. O. Carver. Adf're s, Mr. 5?. G. Winstead. Special Music. Addjfss, Mr. J. W .Noel!. Address. Rev. H. E. Lance. Song \ Benediction, Rev. J. W. Bradley. Lay aside business for this hour I and* come to Roxbovo where this j great service is to be held. Cream Routes Discontinued | Individuals Will Continue Shipping; See Miss Bessie Heath Daniel Owing to the fact that Mr. War ren could not spare the time to con strue the wcrk' the* crcam routes have been discontinued. However, >ve ar$ glad to knrw that individuals interested, an continue shipping. If s?ny one desires Information rt< to how and when to ship thev can write Mr. Mendenhall, or Miss Be??ie Heath Daniel. This project, shipping cr 2am, lias brought to the County Jur'?n*? the year in which it has betn iji opera tion mere than twenty five hurdud d. liars Aid has helped mightily in tiding oyer the dull months for a number of familiei. Just as - >on as * < ounty .-Agent in tStw up.; the matter and try '?? nut on its feet Jn a m/>re systematic than ever. Wheat smut or bunt can be con trolled by -using the copper carborTT ate dust at the rate of two itmces to each bushel otf^ seed wheat; One Hundred Members Secured and Organization Starts Off Well TO promote" BUSINESS The Roxboro and Person County l Boosters Club was organized Mon day riigh{ in the court house. A large attendance was noted/ and all i.eemed to be enthusiastic over the b.U?ht orttl ok f.r the town and County. Mr. H. L. Croweil> who, with Mr. 4?g; -ad canvassed the town eflfc secured the large membership. called the meeting to -order. explain ng the object of the meeting and talleil Mr. L. M. Carlton to the chaii to act as temporary chairman, | with Mr. J. W. N 00 II a? temp ?.ry secretary. Mr. C arlton took charge j of the meeting and proceeded with I the business. The proposed by-laws were read, iand after Some ffcw amendments, j were acopted. Article 4 gives the aims and desires of the Roxbor> and Person Ciuijly Boosters Club, which r?.ad>- as Follows: "That tire aim:* and purpose# of this club are hereby declared to be to promote the busi ress Interest oi the town of Rox boro and upbuild its industries, end bocst the Town and County and' especially iN tobacco market." The following officers were ?lect ?d, President, VV. N.cll; Board of Directors, K. E. Bradshe-, If. L. Crowe W. T, Pass and T. R. Wciody. . TVi > directors arj authorized to sej c nt on all-time paid ?ecretarv-tr?as urer. Club meetings will be held J monthly, the third Friday night in t ach m-nth , at 8- o'clock in tVe din insr loom of the H tel Jone*. Th* meeting was enthusiastic and we believe it will mean much to the upbuilding of Roxboro an i Person County. . Boy Painfully Injured I-ast .Saturday James Pente?ost 8 ysajrs old, .son of Mr, and Mr*. C'aude Pentrco-t, who live about three miles North Ea;t of li xboro, wa i gainfully ? injured. In' ' em ; lie was walking across the sweet po tato patrh with a butcher knife, in his hand and in some way f?ll down, the knofe penetrating his breast. s:riking near the heart. At first it was thought the accident w u!d be filial, but he was rOfheo. to the hospital in Durham, where an ex amination showed the wound was not fatal At this writing, Tuesday, it . is thought he will recover. The Half Has Not Been Told ;? ?? ? -i Mr. J. H. Loy, Jr., who was in Miami when the storm struck the city, and "Mr. Frank Whitt; who was in Lantana. about nine miles away, have returned home, amK-their des cription of t Hia? terrible event .j* th inTng. Thfcr savr the half ^ ?never ben t >ldf and both place the ntmber cf dear! far beyond the num ber ifivep P ir? hrr press. That .fj't! " came out without injnry iV ~uf ~T? i*'ii I Cairse for their thankfulness, and their people are gratified at their escapev . ROXBORO UNO BETHEL, HILl PUt TO A TIE Roxboro High Under Leadership Of Coach Hef flier Shows Well in First (iame TIES BETHEL HILL Roxboro1* football squad had their first eamo of the season on last Fri [ day the 24th. On Thursday the team ! sftrrdd up their Spirit and derided . that they wanted a game, Coach Hef finer console* them with a premise. So this same was arranged and played with Bethel Hill aggregation on Friday. The contest was in the form v^f a practice grame. It was a if reed that the first half should be played in the rogrular way ,?vhile during the second half coaches should j be allowed to foll-w the teams. The game was called at 4:25 with Heffner and Hill officiating. Jack I.ohgr prets the ball for Roxboro on the kick-off and carries it well up in , the middle of the field: Early in the first quarter Fit* Davis ran for a twenty yard grain and was forced out :f bounds only '3 yards from the ; f?oal line. In the next play, a cen ter riigh. Jack L nsr pushed the pig skin over the eoal line for Roxborp'a first and only tally. No additional point was scored- for the lack cf ? ??a Imposts, Whleti have npt -beea *:on-. ! strutted. On the kick-oit KetheJ Hill frets ? the ball on Rox$>oro's 30 yard line. I ,:i ter. they punt and. Roxboro gets the ball cn the 50 yard line. The eight minutes quarter ended with Roxboro tri possession of the ball on eBthe) HillY 30 yard line. Bin Mocre went in for Perkin.A. Near the . beginning of the second; quarter the baH went to Bethel Hfll rear Roxbor^'s goal line. The quart er ended with Bethel Hill n tlie ball, at Roxboro'a 20 yard line. The second half beer an and Ciar idtt Stanfield took over left end far Masten. On kick-off Roxboro f t the ball on 13 yard line. Along: here, a pass was tried, and failed. Davis I untfd and Bethel Hfll' faad the pig skin in Roxboro's ? #0 yard ine. Again the time keeper broke things *?P\' The la t quarter. opened with Rox boM?'s ball cn. Bethel HiH's '20 y>r?l line. . Roxboro was pushed for a 2^ va*d loss and then 12 yard loss. All good (rot the pigskin under his- arm and gained back 10 yards n the next plav. Puntlnt? failed and th? ball went ovor to Bethel Hill. Their star of the backfieJd tire awav and made a brilliant dash and was stopp ed Only 2 yards from the eoail line. The-ir only touchdown came' on the next play when they tore over our line with a center rush. On - kick eff Roxborc had ti*e ball on Bethel Hill's 35 yard line. .They lost 10 yards". Then Davis punted for Rox boro and BethelTIill got the ball and had it as the grame ended. The Roxboro line showed* up well in the first two period*, hundliner -the f-ther hoys with easa. though thie' see nd haif saw the Bethel Hill boys getting tipht. The visitine Hillians must be jrjven credit for their nice vrain1* in . the last half. Roxboro had a had day in their aerial at'ack. Punts failed and .Tack Longr had bail luck with his passes. Juct the same, RoxKot may develop some beautiful overhead warfare. 'Cine -up for -Roxb ro at start was; I R .... . Ederar Masten R R Edwin !.? n<r I i T __ J. D. Perkins R T Willard Abhitt L (! ; Doian' Long R G , Stokes Brooks C ___ ? Hubert O'Briant Q B .... Fita Davis L II B ? __ Franklin Long R H B Jim AUarood xx Dan Richmond. Unable to receive official line up for Bethel Hill.?1 -B. Worn an'ar Club .i. Plans For KlU?rtainin(? District Meetinfc-to Be UiarussMt The Woman's Club will have the Hub room* on Monday, Oct. 4th. at 3 p. m. A full attendance is carnost ly rte.-ired as final plana, have th hf_ made f^r entertaining the ui.urict meeting on Oct. 8th. AO who h?V? not yet jofned the club are' request ed to idin at Hria meeting. <ftaHG IS IN SHAPE FOR OPENING Farmers of Person and Adjoin ing Counties Invited As Guests of Roxboro BRUNSWICK STEW TUBS The Roxboro and Person County Bo&sters Club, the business men and the Warehouses all have joined in an invitation to the farmers of Per son, Caswell, Orange, Alamance, Durham, Granville and Halifax, Va., counties to meet in Rfixbor: and be their guests at a Brunswick stew, on Tuesday, October 5th, 1920. "Mr. C, H. Hunter, who^is famed for hi* stew-making qualities, will have charge of this part of the program Tobacco sates will adjourn, at 12: . 30, and .the follcwing program, ha? been arranged: Supt. B. I. Satterfield, Master of Ceremonies. Opening Praver, Rev. W. F. West. Address of Welcomes, 5 minutes, Mr, S. (i. Winstead. Thanksgiving Prayer, Re.v. F. M, Shamburger. Speaker for Warehouses,* 2 min utes. Mr. W. L. Omstead. Speaker for Buyers, 2 minutes, Ed car W. Smith. Grace. Rev. P. Cary ?dams. Dinner, 4.5 minutes. This, is going to be a rqd-letter day ' for Roxboro arid it is earnealy de sired that all farmers come in arid enjoy the day With us. Remember the clay, Tuesday, Oct. ' ~ ? ' *1 Presbyterian Church Service Thursday and Friday nights at 7:30. The^e Ure prepara tion services for . . the Communion .-ervlces which will be held. Sunday Sunday Sehn ?,} at 1>:1> a, mM L. Crowell, Supt. Every member '.be present. Morning sermon at XI a. m. Sermon and cbitimunion. Mitchell's Chapel - Sunday School at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3 p. nr. Warren's Grave school hcuse, preaching at 7 p n* Kvery one Welcome ait all services. J\ CART ADAMS, Paatjr. ? ^ ? " - O ? ? ? . Browne-Crump ton 'fhe following announcement will be. of interest to our readers, as iVTr. Crumpton is and Old Person C-unty boy: Hendersonvtlle,. Sept. 25. ? The fol lowing announcements have been re ceived in the city: ' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Walter P.rowne announce the marriage of. their daughter, Beatrice Pretto, to Mr. John Laymond Crumpton on Sat urday, September the twenty-fifth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six. Render ^/nyiHe, North Carolina.'' The marriage took^place at the Firs* Methodist church, Rev. J. S. Hiatt. of Ashe/iHe, officiating. On ly the- immediate members of the ?family we're present.' The br de is a graduate of Elon college, where _ she has lived since childhocd, but . during the summer has been living in this city. For several years she has been a pooular teacher in some of N rtbr Carolina's best high .-.chools. Mrs. Crumpton is an exceptionally attractive girl arfd is well known throughout the rtftte. She has taken an active part in the' social life since ccming to this city and has made many friends here. 1 The bridegroom is a' son of. R. W. Crumpton, of Roxboro. He is also a graduate of Elon college. Mr. Crumpton was formerly a.meniber of the Winst n-Salem high school fac ulty, but for the last several yeara l as been engaged in the insurance busines sin that city. Church Notice Joint prayer meeting will he lield at I.onRhurnt Methodist chorch oh Wednesday p. m., 7:15. Plana are made to check up' the Sunday SeHbdls at 8 p. in. The people of Lonchurst U...L ...? I.i hnv? i. Mr vice at 11 o. m., Oct. 3rd. Come." Tha Junior Kpworth I.cacae will have a. special service at East Rox ?l T:30 p. nr.. Oct. OH. W* plve voti a welcome any and ?U sen-ices. Worship with ufc. . $1. C. ELLERBE.

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