About I/our Health Things You Should Know LITTLE EMERGENCIES It is not unusual for -small boys ?who j?o fishing, to set a fish-hook imbedded m some part of the boy instead of the fish; due to. cafoieu handling of the fishing-tackle. | Crochet tooks are unpleasant jrce*,tv when deeply seated. I re cently attended a lady who sat down a porch swing that held a bundle o f tatting, the crochet hook was driven more than an inch into her ' hip. A man. whr was rummaffine | on n c)o*?t shelf above the level of | hi seye*. encountered an old crochet ! hook Which penetrated the palmar ( rnrface Of Ms. thumb. He feinted j promptly and a rush ca'l came in arr*icipati. n cfa deetf incision to re move th* offender. . l?verv family should have a medi-, cV? kit. which includes a safe, e antiseptic. In the event of wounds- like the above, anyone can. Vv manipulation, push the point of the offender out through the >kin: ir f.nsp of m hr>-?k or ; barSed irw.ttt**' merit, the barb can then be cut cri broken off, and the extraction easily j m;de in two minutes; the wound J ?hould- then be thoroughly soaked J with the antiseptic, and a light] dressing applied. | - Forcing a fish-hook ?ut through I the skin does n*t add to the pain I already there - he crochet hook is j b'st removed in the same manner I ?~t!)e Hook cut off with -wire' etit-.] t . . Never ? try to pull a barbed 1 instrument - cut the way it went in- i TV; R. D. Cothran, D. EL Conner T. B. Davis, L. P. Woody South Boston, Va. 7 f<*/; Never before have yre cSf&rCtt again at the saving yo*T iftak , Firegto^e C.ord.C^W?cr!- Where t^e at^ thi* Jqw An^ reductions hstye-been made iiv JypeFirestonp jp our stpre. N> Mi?t on<*l Dtfve In! ir.oiijfiijiA sain gid . iVT bns A REAL CM fa v3 UaS aHT? YBv/faiM I -ft? Jrtrf IttL l_ r that subst