The Boosters Club Is Hfere THE DATE OV THE LADE!. IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WILL BE STOPPED --Use Us WATCH THE LAI ON YOIH PAPEI AND DO NOT LET YOUBT ^ SI BSCRIPTHJN EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $V50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XL1II ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, October 6, 1 926. No.40. 400.000 Pounds Of T obacco Opening Day : ? I ? : ? : ? ? ^ c=: ?? START REGISTRATION F0RGWALELFC1I Eooks Will Be Open Through Saturday, October 23 Chal lenge Day 30th. ELECTION NOVEMBER 2 Registration for the (ten era I elec tion sturied Saturday and the bioks *?111 be open through Saturday, Oc tober 23. ' " Registration was not pressing' be cause. it wan the b?ginnig and peo ple delay In 4urh things. Also a rrw registration is n;t required; that i people whose nanjes are on the books dj not have to register anew Bat they must be- on the book* for a past county primary or general t!ec Mere registration for some special school election will not suf fice- for the general election. All persons who have arrived at the etgfi of 21 since the past .primary o" general election and whoes names ?n " not on th<^>o regis t-- if they expect- t- vote* Also, these who have moved into . the city or county since the last prin'.try or general election must refcistar. There is a minimum residence requirement ; f- r newcomers. It is one year in H*.e state and four months in the precinct. Unless a newcomer has lieen in the state and precinct that lr ng^ at least, he ean't cast a bai':>. Suturtfiy; "October -307 warGixSiir r lerge (lay, and the challenge-* can nrk that a person's vote be thrown oiit for cause, for not . meeting the requirements foi voting. The registrars will be at the 0:11 ing places all day for- the next three Saturdays i-i^MCvj. to pur II he \ot er-i and may be found at their home? on any other day in the week. The flection will be held on Tne*. <t y, November' 2. Hambrick, Austin and Thomas to the Rescue The first game of the wo ld series played in New York last Sat U' day and Roxboro fans are' under o' ligations t- Mess Hambrick Aus tin &? Thcmas ?:r report of the game. th<y had > radio fitted uo and ;v iaa: a? the plays were announced over the air was given to the public, and at: runs posted on ? a bulletin board in their window. New-Yo-k wn. the ti.v-t game, 2 to' U The second game v ? pbiyed Sunday and quite- a niim b' i.f people had their radio in -liafie and quietly listened in while tho.gjUne was in prVgre.s The ccond (dame went to St. Ljai*, tS tor. 2. Dinner Party * K (' Byrd, tht? popular pre- j i ' -tor rf. Hotel' grave a din ? ? pfrty h?*r M ? n my Tjijcht in j ; "?t- ? hjs fri'.-r.ds. I: wns a five j ?'-e clilinor nn;!' w.v fast a j ? i .:vr a* wcuUi exptet to /get [ ?t t h:.i papa'ar ho:n" for : : j Vivn. After dinner the party re- i ? t-.'Wd to the* pavloc where bridge was ! >yo?l for th# remain, or of *he msi. Announcement ?lr. and Mrs. Gf-rge Alexander T> ?iieAn announce t^,? marriage rf j tpeir daughter, Rebecca Frances, tj | M Edwin Warfield Tucker on Sat- 1 u day, the twenty. fifty of September. ' N netoen htirdred and twenty- six. Richmond, Va At home, after the fourth of Oc tober, South Hill, Va. Fishing Party, ! '!>'? a i nl .Mis. Otoriewall Jackson ' M -'. J. .W; .l.i.T^TTanri >1;., | J'tckson spent a.f'w days la?t week i AhoiTlil! 1-lir'it inrr Mr -- JSifiUk. afterfield. While there they "went on. a. fishiiig trip to Washington, ' V C.and gir-Thw, ' H i tmA Mrs. ---XiUartirld ? ui u rzuaJ w'TTr ih^m rrr Hnsboi -. whw??ey-w.u wintorTitvaclquartcrs. rr** ? IIOXBOEO AND PERSON CttUNTY RETURN THANKS Fifteen Hundred People Return Thanks Unto 6od' Fot His Bountiful Blessings A DAY OF REAL REJOICING The good people of Person Coun ty aiui RoxboVo let ii .be known last Friday that they believed in the power of Almighty God to render assistance in thr t?me : f need. A praise and thanksgiving service was called f r this date, and notwith standing: the- rain about fifteen hun dred gathered in the Hyco warehouse to return thanks unto God for the bountiful mercies and for the abund ant crops this section has garnered this seasou. An interesting program had been prepared and Rev. W. F. West, Pa-strr | of Roxbcro First Baptist Chur?h, was j in charge of the meeting. Every one on the program, save -Rev. {I. E. Lance, who was unavoidably de- ! taine*i, responded ; and it wa* indeed I and truth a thanksgiving and praise service. .*"? The Rcxboro public schools attend- 1 ed in a body, every business house I in town closed for the occasion, and | thing* on ttie streets from 11 to 12 I o'.ked like a deseited town? -for they were at the meeting. The meeting , very - appropriately closed by singing -*Pfatee Odd ' From ? W All Blessings Fliw." To Interested Cemetery Lot Owners If yqi.ur lot has no grass on it and you wish seed sown this fall notify the Cemetery Superintendent not later than October 15th rTa make the necessary preparation of the soil, otdp- the required amount cf seed, jet"?, it is essential that yeu give this matter your attention at once. Three dollars per lot will, cover the ex penses tu each lot owner for this improvement. Pay the same to Mr. ft. B. Mnngum, Town Manager. HATTIE E. BURCH ~0-.. f ? - Masonic Notice Lecturer from Grand Lodge of North Carolina will be with us dur ing the w<*ek of 'October 13-23. All Master Mas ns residing within jur lict: n of Person Lodge No. 113 re urged to tako advantage cf this i.pportunity, Musonic Hall will be open from l.) aj. m. to 10 p. m. on ach of ab ve#iate<, except Monday. Cbas. A. Harris, W. M. A. C, Gentry, Sec. | WHitt-Pettigrew Announcement is mode of the mar ? ;ige. ' f Mr. John Schaub Petti? re w "1 ?,Ii-s Gladys Whitt. Miss Whitt the acC'mrliliVed daughter of Mr. md Mrs. W. T. Whitt of Creedmore, X. C. Mr; Pettigrew is a young' business man of Roxboro Interested :ri * the plumbing business. Members Attention \ Sunday school at Leas Chapel next Sjriday at ten '< 'clock sharp. Mr. W. I Walker aon, ' Sunt. liets h*. or\ ; i.m?. Prea^hintr at eleven. Sunday sCHoc! at Warren's Grove ?\i two and preaching at three. Would like for as many of *he members to pay up ali their church ues next Sunday as can possibly do 3. Wcnor the Lord with the first# fruits of your increase, and you wili have rtrre left. J. W. BRADLEY. Pastor, ? ? o- ? You Can' Save Money' Pay your tjjx in October and ^ave money?- It -4s Hu'&ota: . in Oct^btr cost more later Ns V. BRfX ^ : rr.ff P?m , rr-Cu V'.'I '.vl'V wanl' IT- s.-f "Til E? SKA ? 4IAW.K" with - Milton Sills, at Pal mare Ttioatre, KrMajr Otc. Will. Wins Honor Mn. Edith Mason Christy of Obertin, Ohio, has been elected * National President of the Womwi'i Relief Corp*, at the 0. A^4t Death Of Mrs. I^ou Winstead Mrs, Lou S. Winstead, aged 30, af ter having iwn cor fined to her betf f:r a. 1-onp while, ci<?d *t the home ofvheT ?on, Mr. H. W. Winstead, on Main Street, Fr.iday night afc. 10 o'clock, as a . result of :ld age. ? Al though Roxboit: . is much grieved at having lost the aged. but bejoved citizen, the death did net come as a great sh rk Mrs. Winstead had been in a serious condition for seme Ljme, , j *r.<J several k4mes during her illness it **a-? re-ported that she was not to- iiw/V*hc<H*<4^fc? niirj/f. ? 1 She had maTe her home in Per- j son county al: her lif?, having been born in tV* Olive Hill section, in the year ISlfi. Fcr many years, R:x boro had been the home of the de cased wfctre she had made a ;teat host of friends* as shown by the la fge number of peopie who during her illness, _were constantly innuiv irg. of h*r condition. Durham C:un ty also holds many of her life-'. he: friends. ] Mrs. Win-stead is- survived by three I sons, C. Winstead, J. C. Winstead .and H. W. Winstead, ani .one daugh j ter, Mr* T p. Winstead. Th ? funeral services' w*re Ad , I fi ?^n tho. home Saturday af ternoon, i irtd were conductcMi- by Rev. F. SI. ShamBurger and Rev J. W. Bradley. Interment followed in the Burchwcod . -emetery. The palibearers- werd as (follows: M. R. Satterfield, Preston . ' Satterfield. 3. G. Winstead, J. A. ! j, I. G. .Stephens and J. J. Win I stead. Rotar'ans Met At Prospect Hill I Th weeUly' meeting of thi> Rox ; brro Rotary Club was held last IThursds y evening at FVos pect 11 ill, " the Parent-Teacher Association be | ing hostess to the club. An elabor | ate supper was prepared and the i Club felt it was fortunate t'n accept - j ing tlie invitation front t're good 'adies of that section. Prospect Hill has l:ng been noted for being ne' ; of the most intellectual centers any ' where and these pood people know! how to entertain. A number of ' <?hort talks were made* by members 1 I of the club and by invited gue.vt.*, ' which were responded to by citizens | of tho crmrnuHlty. Tobacco Market Strengthened We . are gTad to kn^w that Mr. j | J. D. K. Richmond will represent i the R. J?. Reyno'ds Tobacco Company j j cn this market this year. Mr. Ri?h mcvnd is n live*, wide-awake buyer and ? will mean much to this market. Death of Mr. Harris Mr. Ab A. Harris died at his heme j "Tin Jalcng .Sunday night and was Itnriftd M'.nday in the family burv 4 ing ground near Concord, Elder J. J-. [ Hail,, coducting the service*^ He . leaves a wife, 0 children, f?* brothers I auii I' sister.* Frank- Uofd'* ''THE- HAVVK^-j wjth Miiton at i'aiace l.'^lUV" Friday Q*l> 8 th. ? . ? . ? __ > ** ' M H1LLS80R0 DEFEATS RGXBflRO TEAM 18-0 Game Ends With Hillsboro Holding Long End of Score Roxboro Shows Good - ? j JOCK LONG KNOCKED OUT Roxb ro embarked on its second 1 football venture last Friday, October 1st, meeting the Hillsboro eleven at Hillsboro. The first half was played in a light downpour cf rain, handi capping both teams. The second half was played in sunshine, bilt "still on a muddy, slippery field Rox- j boro showed up well against the big boys. They put up the gamestj 3 tiff est, fight that We have ever seen When you consider the score, con sider the weights of the teams. Hillsbcro averaged 20 pounds more than Roxbcro, but Roxboro stuck with them. And the opinion rests that if Roxboro had received the first kick-off they may have pulled Hills boro for a sc ere in the first quarter. Al\ who saw the game i?ive Roxboro great credit fir playing an excellent game. Dolan Long, Gdgar Masten, Jim Allgood and Jack Long all sturx- < ed. Jack Long made a hard tackle in the last quarter that couldn't be beat and gel knocked out for the remaining 3 minutes cf the game. Roxboro High plays the Methodist Orphans from Raleigh at Roxboro, o*n Friday, the , ?th. ^This game^ promises to be one of the hardest contested f the season. Ccme out and give the team your support. A game is pending with Oxford. Rox [boro's eleven is gathering more spirit and peg every day. And, the light [little terrors will give you a thrill. | if you come out ani see their games. ;l Church Notice Sunday School at each c'"urch on , the*. East R xhoro and Long-hirst. Charge. Prayer Meeting at L:nsrhu*vt! 1 Method mt Church every Wednesdays P. M. 7:13. Prayer Meeting at East Ro^boro : Church evoiy Thar sd ay P. M. 7.15. Epworth Leigues at usual hour, j Worker*? Council at Longhurst ne*ct Tuesday P. M. 7:13. Preaching at Longhurst Methodist j Cburck every Sunday a. m. 11 oclock. j Pleaching at East Roxb ro church I every Sunday p. ra. 7 o'clock. M. C. ELLERBE. Presybterian Church Sunday School at 9:13 A. M.. II. j L, Croweli, Sapt. - Morning service | T?t 11 A. M. \Sermon bv the Pastor: ' Mitchell Chapt-f Suiviay S: ho ! at j _ p. nv Preaching at 3 p. m. Every one welcome at ail services, i P. CART ADAMS. Pastor. Epworth Lenpue Of Brocksdale __ ! The Epworth League of Bro ks dale Church entertained Friday even ing with a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Jnnie M.ore, a rece/.t bride i and the belovod* president of the League. Mrs. Moore was presentee* h large basket which, contained num erous u*eful gifts; . i ? ? ? ??? i ? '? .. ?*-. ? I Close Call for Teachers; That was a close call the five teach ers of the Roxboro Schools had last Friday. Prof R. B. Dawes, Misses Orphia Allgcod, Ethel Erwtn, MH *dred Satterfield and Mis* Coe were considerably shaken up when the car ?*n whksh they weTe riding while crircute to Hillsboro skidded and} turned over on the BuMiy f'uik1 mart:' Miss A II good was' driving TRe car ; ami while all were considerably -shak-j harm result edr ? ? j R#lp]i PMp'* and hi- DERBY Wltf JCEKS Jl> -People? lfi Xhursdnv ? V 1 I 1 , 1 I II I ?. ? itttS-: Over Four Thousand People Was Served Brunswick Stew The Farmers of Person County And The Citizen? Of Roxboro Demonstrated Thoroughly Their Regard For Each Other N. C. Federation Of Women's Club The Roxboro Woman'* Club WU1' Be Hostess to District Xo. 8 October 8 The Roxboro Woman's Club will be hostess to. District No. 8 of the X. C. Federation of Women's Clubs ctv Friday, October S. The meeting will be held, in theSundav Scho:l room of the Methodist Church and luncheon will be served in the base ment. Mrs. E. L. McKee of kylva, Mrs. E. H. Williamson of Fayetteville, Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll, Mrs. F. R. (Perdue, Mrs. palmer Jerman and Mrs. W. T. Bost of RMeigh will he present and make addresses. The meeting begin* at 11 o'clock and closes at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Davis .? Dia? Suddenly . Mrs^ Mary Ella Davis. ajre ".3, vas suddenly called by. death Thurs day afternoon about 3 o'clock, when she fell from where she was stand ing in the door of . her home in the cuntry, and a few minutes later died. The funeral services were conducted from the. home-Friday af? term on, Rev. W. F. West, Pastor of the First Baptist Church ot" Rox boro, officiating. The burial foA 'owed in the family cemetery. Ready For Service BrutUs visit. ng'IJajurius found him ill, and said,. v'\Vhat, sick Li^arius?'' "No, Brutus," said he, "if tftotr. hast any noble enterprise in hand, I am well." So should the believer say to Christ. WTiat might excuse us from other labors should lever \ re vent us from engaging in His ser vice. Sunday School 0j4"? A. M. R. L. Wjlburn, Supt. Preaching 11 A. M. Subject: "A Living. Sacrifice." 7:30 P. M. Sub ject: "The Heart of the G-spel." B. V, P U- Junior, 6 P. M. Senior and Intermediate G:30. "Whatsoever thy hand findetn to do, do it wfth thy might." Eccl. 9; 10. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. W. F> WEST. P:.nor. -<> ? - Olive Hill Parent Teachers Association 'Phe fir^t meeting, of the Olive ilill Parent-Teacher Associati n will . be held Thursday afterncon, October 14, at 3:30 o'clock. j iPlans for the year will bo made, j ?lrwl the patrons of the school are ; urged to be present.? Sec. Mrs. Wood Dies In Cleveland _ News, of the death of Mrs. Nina Wood, formerly of Person county, ? was received here. During Mrs. j Wood's stay in .this section she was j kn.wn by mahy pec-pie. Her mother' Mrs. S. E. Royster, is a resideni of Roxboro. while other survivors are located in .Clevptand, Ohio, where the deceased d lied . The body arrived Saturday evening for burial. The Juneral services were conducted Sun- _ aftiiMvnon fr:m the "c ncord >thurch and interment Followed vrT " the Cono rd cemetery. Rev. .It. W. Bradley conducted the services. ! ~tm . . ? The Owning ppOW ^ the Season JiU1, umiiiy = i nvriUT, ' i- y fc1 ' > ? Uy?SnW- : .itgy Oci."l?? The Average Price is Conaer vately Estimated at Better Than 28 cents MOVIES WERE ENJOYED Yesterday was ' Roxboro \s biggest day* there being more tobacco hew fcc. th?. opening than was ever brought to Roxboro on any one day. The farmers began bringing in to bacco on Monday afternoon and by night there ware a number of wag es, ckse to one hundred, already unloaded for the opening sale. By early dawn yesterday morrfinfc the wag;n* began rolling m, and fong> before ? sale time the houses were all crowded. Sales started earfjr Mid while the utmost was done to rush the sale* only two houses could bo sold. The first Hale was at the \\ instead and the second at th^Hreo, Both the Planters and the. Pioneer were full/ but had to be carried over Until today. 100.000 founds On The i-ioors While exact figures could not be had it is generally believed that rr ore than four hundred thousand pounds yftte on the market. And beet of all, prices were aim entire!;: satis f actor. as there were lose than a. half dozen piles taken in. When you con?;der the. number of farmers and the thousands of pounds, this ia leally remarkeable. for there are al ways - me who simplje will not be satisfied, regardleis* of prices. The average price is conservately esti mated at better than 28 rent*. We must comjiliment cur splen did corps of buyers, for they stock to the job until the very last pile was sold. Prices were good through out the <?av, but one farmer said fc? us lata in the afternoon that the farther they w?nt Mfe better the price and this was even so. Mo set oi buyers could, have stood more faithfully to their posts and looked closer after the farmers interest* than they did. We are proud of them fnnd take off our hats to them f>r their splendid ? work. At the lunch hour an intermission of one hour was had so that the farm their wives and their 'children both white and col' red, might en joy the splendid brunswick stew which Mr. ?. H. Hunter, secretary of the Boosters Club had prepared. Af ter looking at the crowd,. a perfect f.ea of faces which had gathered west of the court house, estimated at five thousand, one wondered if it would be possible to feed this trreat host, but Mr. Hunter was ecjual to the job, and the appetite of every one Was satisfield. Thanks are due Mess. Kirby Bros., proprietors of the Palace Theatre for their generosity in throwing open the doors of their theatre to the farmers and their families. They ran their place all day and it was crowded with earger throngs at al! hours. The people of Person County and Roxboro are close friends and never in the history of the town has thia be*n more thoroughly made known than ' yesterday. The Boosters dab ahd the business and profes sional men had a glad hand for every* one, and the farmers' all wore smile*, lejmcing in the gopd fellowship ex isting between County and town. Notice There wiil be ? stew at Moriah school Saturday October !>th at fire . wilt, go to _ ?tlic benefit of Ihe achdoT^-EyWflHHtt* t - rr. r ami ovoniiigi ? ; ? ? -

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