?? J 1 , . .-, : ae- e/ With- seed pearls ant?, 1 ir.ir. / with hand-made lace; fieri l-avt.-ful veil w TP i'l cornet style -i fa'.lint.- 10 the enS of a court 1 vva? of hriis'eis lie: anpliqced w*ie caught with orange, bios- j ... c'arriod an exquisite e.rm h- liquet- f Biidi roses with a show-, f valley Hlier. Th' bridegroom was attended by 1 T. !, brother. Mr. Bernard Criwell. II cndrrsonville, wh'o nrted as test j The vows were spoken with Rev. W. Moore, pastor of the bride, i rf.Vtating. "(v an,| Mrs. Crcwell left mi- j n Hatelv afto- the ceremony for ?T1 extended bridal trip, the trip' l-.ing made l.n the handsome car; which was the bridnl gift f the bilde! from the bridegroom; Mrs. Crowe! I is one . of the City* mo*t attractive and popular young ( Women. She is a graduate f th-- 1 city schools and also graduate of Sfcriero C. liege, -Post graduate of N. r W*? Mr, Ofes'll is a popular arJ sue . f -?.j>le? -Ifi. At Thursday-r-?Frirt?y -aml Wtk. Armther }sale of Mill Ends and . ? , ..I - Somerset towels at . r|<* Hurm.' begins , Fry ay m- rn* ing, -15th. This, ii the biggest and ? b-i?' that we- have, had. ? New Grand Sire Ernest hu been elected the new Gnud Sire of the I. O. O. F., at their convention in Philadelphia. A monstet welcome parade of seven thousand Member* was staged for him in Waahi.^ton. The Hyco Warehouse ^The Hyco is the oldest house in Roxbor? which has been consecutive ly, run by the same management, and \vh)!e iUr. \V. T. Pass is not ap old man he l as been running this house pp. Lorjf that the Hyco and Tobe Pass have become iousehoki words. In this Issue y.:u will find their ad vertisement and als>. their force. V'cm .'know these- nitm; and you- know they "know tobacco, and your interests are just as safe in their handr> as :f t.'u^y we're their own affairs. You :an not "possibly . make a mistake when you sell your tolxaoco vith thtm. _ ? For Y our Own Sake Go To Church Sunday School at Longfcurs: Meth odist church, Sunday 0:45 a. m - Sunday School at Ehst Roxboro Mcth-diit chui'ch, Sunday 11 a. m. ^ Prayer ?* Meeting at Longhurst Methorist church Wednesday 7:15 Prayer Meeting: at East Roxboro Methodis; church Thursday 7.; 15 p.m. The different Kpworth Leagues at their us'&al hours of service. Preu'ing at Lorfchurat: Methodist church next- Sunday at 11 a. m. Preaching at East Roxbo-o Meth odist chtfrch next 'Sunday at 7? p. m M. C. BLLfcRBE. Pa#Uv World Series St. Louis won the world series., When the clubs left St. Jjcuis the ?Tames stood 'i to 2- in favor of New York, which necessitated St. Lcuis winning bt-th ; games to be played in New York; and this thev did. In Saturday's game the St.; Louis club won with a score of 10"to 2, and in Sunday's game, by a margin of 3 'o 2. thus winning the World Series. Missionary Society : The Woman's Missionary Society < f Brook sd ale church met in the pr?Uy new home of cur President, Mrs. Maxie Fcx Monday afternoon O,tohr* 4th. After a business ses *n the regular missionary program was given. At the conclusion of the rogram, a Bible* contest was given ?ind games was flayed. Each cne left declaring it to be one of the roost int?|*p sftiit'/ nidoting* of the year. We hope to met with Mrs. Fox again very soon.. ? Cor. Sect. Republican Speaking The first political gtin will * be fired here tomorrow at 3 o'clock irt the court house by Mr, .Tohnst-in J. Hayes, Republican candidate for the "^rmrtn ? mrain.M ? it?m i q (h vr man.. The^ public, is invited to heai this distinguished.. speakeV, and th? ladies are .especially^ invited. : liranrt-rj^few Musical Comedy PERSY WlNrN ERSM with li l?LAi Palace Theatre 1 Thurs thi j wo alt GUEST JOMFS BILlN III HOTEL JOiE A Jumps Hotel Bill and Is N?he In Haiti more; Deputy oi try Goes After Him CLAIMED TO BE LA WEI Oscar E. Peprce, who is bsn to- be a resident of Kentucky ao who several week$ ago mad< Ki debut in the town of R:xboroj>rc senting himself as a lawyer, ianrti being held uv. Baltimore, Md, pi recommendation of N. (V. sheriff of Person County, on cfcgt f haying left the (own of Ro?r< ; owing the Jones hotel a bill anvritJ ?ing to $156.40. This amount ial leged to have been Mr. PearceV*tel i. bill from the time of his registrion at the hQtel, to the time :f hid"itist CV.urches in Person C'? Beuui, Association are urKedt meet 1. Roxboro at the E church S?urday October 30. T Wi' c clock ? m. a splendid sratti will be ?\^gs has the iarjfest nun>:. Fre9li Bcj sure your W. M. S. L, tKislrize, TV.xboro will not be ^w.ed i(L. m.l ? pete in - this ? '??? D W- BW, Supt,t i Mi?S Ruth HnrrCr . W | ? n City Exten&s At the last meeting ^ ? I lizard an order was pai ^ 1 j 1 ing thirty new street li\?r fl "? installed in the . new *ectL? e' town; also an order \va ne authorizing an extension V* water main ns 1*1 certain of \ streets of the town giving |ew dents the benefit of the wi domestic purp.ses, as well vr fire protection. Cruel and Inhuman? 1 GL -mmm. \ ?> When Nebraska imposed brea/t and water diet on bootlegger* many called It cruel and inhuman. Howard T. Jones, Department of Justice Official at Washington is existing on theae jlim ration* (or two weeks to And out how U facia. Attended Dodson Crowell Wedding The following from here attended the Dod&on-CrqweU .wedding in Win st. n-Salem last Saturday evening: Air. and Mr-. H. L. Cr- well, Rev. P. Cary Adams, Jim Broadhead; jflyde BfbWin, Wallace Woods and afi?. II v. - : ? W'i Groceries and S.eds One of the oldest and be?t houses ( In South Bost.-n, Yn., is the Joe Ter ?y Oro-t'-y Th< y hav ? an a i nth is issue and are ?quoting prices* j 1 ok it up - and see- what is brincl , ffcpedv- ' ? ? ? wm ^Bridge Party Dr. a,nd Mrs: J. H. Hughes eri rtalned skme- fiends last .night at : dinner party. After a most sump i is five course dinner the tables rei e cleared and foiii' tables we're ranged f r bridge. A Fast Stepping chorus f Beau- i ful Girls with '"THE. DERBY WIN' TRS" playing at Palac ?> Theatre j hurjday ? -Friday and Sat tin:! ay this j, eek. District CIuTfjoij yery Interesting! eetiiig Here Adopt Resolutions On Impo'f ? -r : ? ? tant alters, Zebulon Gets ' *' ^ 01 i>ur Next Meeting MRS. BURNS WELCOMS adopted! ?om"nt;?n' VISITORS TO ROXBOKO \ ttesolutlon, Adoptw) Beautiful weather, zood attendee*, ttTllWi C!ab wom, ,\ ot atJout one hundred and fifty visiters,,;? ? lC ' 111 convention as iin excellent program and the grac* | *V , .W ioa i . m- our sense ious hospitality of the Woman's Club ' v? ..Ju " r v> made the gathreing of the Clubs of 'aii ! / by Mrs. Clarence Chamblee of Zebulon. Not being able to attend the meet ing we get the following report of the meeting from Miss Susan Iden, secretary of the meeting: Uindaunted by any failuco* **nd discouragements of the past, the members of the Eighth District of the State -Federal* n pf Women's i'Stirvev of in the annual con-! ing present vention at Roxbor- Flriday, reaf ?Cate Burr -Johnson in it \^F From the survey when be r^rent that it was net to "Sla > en are g^ing%hat the womrr that they, ar%f survpyT^tft -firmed their ?en>? ot the. need of. ? scientlflf Trtirrey - of women in indu*- , try ?rnl endorsed the ^oKramrnHdebyftnj of legislation sponsored hy.the leg- Mrs. J. J? iatative Council of \V< . men. Mrs S. have t Kali-itth^. ! . RoxfiWo; tt Roxboro Is Right Up To The Front Chautauqua Will Be gin Saturday The 16 frbe Swarthmore Chautauqua is booked fcr three days here beginning Saturday, Oct.' lfith, and closing Tuesday tho 19th. The guarantors say they will put en the best program ever presented to Roxboro. Tickets i are being sold by the g^arftn&ars and ? you will probably, be solicited^ Mrs. Herton's Funeral <. Held In Roxboro The funeral . services "fV>r :Mrs. M. D. Horton. aged inmate of the old Ladies Home, who died Saturday night, were held Monday morning: at 9 UIO o'clock- from the Old Ladles home on Buchanan b:ulevard-. Iter son. W. N; Hprton, and hi* wife arrived yesterday mcming to assist with, the funeral arrange ments. Pall-bearers were announced as J. J. Lawaon, Dolran Harris, O T. Carver, Wesley Bright. R. L. Montgomery, and P. P. O'Briant. ? The body v/as interred: In Burch ! wood cemetery yesterday. Mrs. Hcrton is weli remembered ^ | here as she is a native of this Coun- . ' ty and for. many years lived in Rox ' boro: . . ' . . ' ' ) 1 ? . 7 Old Fiddlers Convention '? - n I An Old Fiddlers CcVlvention will t eld at Lorv.rhur.st school hdu?e October 23rd. Everybody that play* i string music is invited: to ? attend rBigge- and better prices will be of- () forcd than. -ever' before. Prizes will i be warded as fellows: at* Best banjo picking $5,00. in gold. jn Second best $2 ">0. Best fiddler '$.>?? & |.:n" gold. Secrnd best $2.50. Best t:] "laxya'inn njusip , $51*00 in gold. Sf-c :'.d b" ' . $52.50. Best Ciurtar pick- .,r :.ng $5 00 in gold. Second best $2. r?0 Best Mandolin $5.00 in gold j.J Second Lr - 1- $2.50. Harp $3.00. jjJ kinging $2 00. Four hours of good entertainment. Road Completed \ . The r ".ad which has been und construction all of the summer fee Roxboro. by. way rf Jalon? ai Bakersville, connecting with o number thirteen near Clayton Store, has been completed awl ju as soon as funds are available ft ly set wjfl be open to the publi< This is part of the hard surf aci load leading to the Virginia iim The remaining link will be c^rph-te Murine: the next twelve month.-, jus us soon funds are available fo his County, W instead Warehouse 1 he Win~ tend .War a house is easi ? ly one of the he-t and most conve nient Warehouses in this section. Lights could not be better arranged, nnd you know what it means to have the light fall just right on your to bacco to. make it sh.w up ? and it floes just this in the Winstead. If tobacco .-ells good anywhere the Win stead says it will sell just a little! 1)prer at th(*? Wrnstrvvl. Winst 'ad. Robert Hester and Will i l.ong are too- well known to ned any praise from us, but it is such men } we take pleasure in recommending, j They advise you in their ad to sell j what -yen have ready now, for it is | sal line well, and .they assure you it j will sell even a litfcle ~\nt better at I the W instead. Head The Woman's Club i_ -^Phtr W^manp CTub ?W?ll Rive a reception f r the teasers 6f the Roxboro sehiooKs on fVirtay evening.. October th? club rooms. All ihe . -teachers and the members of the" Woman's Club are cordially.. invited rn bg^prcwnt'T~v- ; ? Good Sales This" Week. With Average Around Thirty Dollars KEEP VOI R EYE ON ROX. ftoxb:ro*s opening was the beat over an4 s^les are unusually t^ood thl sv^ek, Monday's average t'!o ?. to thirty cents. When ypu hear a .man say it is selling better. ?la?^ v.Jiere, just bc member he is .liiteresjted* in that market for whjrt he s;ivs. Bring your toIx>c fcp to Roxboro arid your friends will ::r?et you and will see that you get just a,s mucV. as you would get on any market. Many Criminals Abroad 1 Whosoever committeth sin 'trans presseth also the law: for sin is the tran \rre*3ion of the law," 1- Jno. 3:4 Therefore the man who commit* ;in is a criminal, fir the Standard Dictionary says that a criminal is t person wh has committed an of - 'ensje punishable byvlaw. Sin is lawlessness? therefore a inner might truly be called an out awr?and if not yet apprehended he 5 truly a fugitive froni justice. God's word has no soft words for in. . " . " ;>??> ? /? The First Baptist Church is try vg show the guilt, the punhih len and tire available pardon t: all. Sunday School 10:15 A. M,, R. L. r:!birn, S;-vt. Note the chan*r