$1.50 per year in advance :.,X- ?. **? -"../iv "T i ' ? High $ For Your Tobacco-More For Your $ In Roxboro THE DATE OX THE I.ABEL IS THE DATE VOI R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE OX YOUR PAPER. A*? DO NOT LET YOUR Sl'BSCRUnOX EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. VOL. No. XLI1I ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, October 27, 1926. No. 43. ROXBORO IS LEADING WHILE OTHERS FOLLOW Roxboro Sold 377*225 Pounds Last Week At An Average Of $26.00 1,126,396 POUNDS SOLI) Everybody, except those who are paid to -talk differently, are sing ing the praise of the Roxboro mar ket, and well they may, for it is making: an av. rape which makes most t V them gr<?eri ? with envy. Last week the market sold nearly -fmt hundred thousand pounds rit an average of $26:10. When the market .Closed last Friday .the sales amounted to 1 .126,396. for the season so far. And still, there are some" who m? sist on carrying; their tobacc: away "trr.m their home market, when the : "'figures show that it is selling better here- than where they carried it. Kunny, isn't it.? But theft, there r.re ; fanny stfeaks in most' of us. See what you rncighhor received for his tobacco sold in Roxboro, ask I ,'m . about it: The Hyco jgives us the following WHtt SA i'ikvvtr sold 170 lbs! for $191.08 ? ? >? $38,50. Jordan & Hanes * sold 644 lbs, for $248.63, i.veraged $38.00. I^ng & Brewer ?sM-'i 680 lbs. for $327.12. averaged $48.10. ' Long & Sergeant sold .644 lbs. for $267.20, averaged $41. 48. .Joe Birch topped thenr all by selling ? 456 lbs.. f :r $236.00, averaged $51:7{>. The entire .sale at the Hyco Monday averaged $28 65. The Pioneer gives the following: Crowdijr & J. soll 1150 lbs. f:r$5?i.- , 32, averaged $51.00. Crowder & F. sold "46 lbs. for $289.60, averaged 1 S5&.00. Htre Mess; .1. K. knaves &i L. made the . best average, and it was a 'good one. selling 890. lbs. for $491> 57. averaged $55 .00. At the Planters we get the , f ll*<iw ?:(<: W. H. Pun can solci 866 lbs. for $.300.88. averaged $,34.00. \V. C. Keg ors Hold $46 lb?, f-r $2.10.74, jye- ; reeled $38.00. Glrnn & Dixon sold 638 lbs. for $288.36. averaged $45.00. t>. R. Rhew so'd 984 lbs. for $318.90. : vcraged $35.00. J. \.t Chandler >eld 1 210 lbs. for $452.96.. averaged -S37. ! '<?9. ?' j Yi?u will notice that none f 'these j \ ere handbills nicked out for : : pec :al averages.. but all represented ? :od, honest loads, and the farmers v ere delighted with their sales. And j when you come you will be treated i Vjst as ;hev were, and go home bo- H ir,g the Roxboro market,. . . V Democratic County Ballot For Solicitor 10th District WILLIAM B. USISTEAD For Senato 15 District YRANK W, HAXCOCK lor Houh" of- Represents tiv.t R. L. HARRIS For Clerk Of "Superior .Court D'AROY.W. BRADSflF.R For Roister <f. Deed \ WILLIAM T. KIP.BY F. r Shrriff N'AT V. BROOKS For Treasurer S. B. DAVIS For Coroner DR. A. F. N'lCllOI.S For Surveyor W. ROY GATES For County Commissioner* I). II; ( ASH A. C.. GENTRY K, C. WA?ST\fcl Officer Gets Three Men ?3H> Xunn, John Mann, and Sim T.nie Day ton were arrested Tuesday T?irht, followinpr tthe findtnp c-'f vhis !.y near the home of Mr*. fftrtflrw Dt'poty Gentry engaged in u foot >i"e with on ? of the mien, and ntter . f illinff into h briar patch, t ho office ^tccccdod in getting -his mry\. 'Mr. Gentry's face wa* scratched' ??? 9 v Hiilt (if the full. The men \y*r* rr rre^tfed. and tfiven a preliminary >"eHr;rijf. AO " ? . ?? K :*i Mid-Fall ?ale .begin* Thi^s-: -^-^uy, Oct -ber 28th, lasting until. X ov v ? ember J 3th. , 1 Royal Party Visits United States \ I.-;. . _ ? - America is busy entertaining: "company", Queen Mari? of Kbu mania accompanied by her youngest son and daughter. Prince Nicholas and Princess Ileana* are visiting America and ar?? being "royally" received at every point of their tour. Left to right ? Queen Mane, Prince Nicholas and Princess Itauui. ? Hurrican Death Toll Among Cuban Villages Mounts Into Hundreds Mr. L. W. Copley Seriously 111 j Mr. W. I.. Copley of Durham coun ty seriously ill with pneumonia, but was slightly improved yesterday. Mr. Copley is a son-in-law cf our townsman, Mr. ;-J> T. N'ewton. and has many friends here who will be glad to. hear of his improved cori-l ditionC - .Jj y. Two More Sundays Two more Sundays before Annual. Conference. It is my", great desire to make a 100 per (rent report. Your ., full co-operation appreciated. Siin dav Scl ocl i&t Lohghiirat Methodist church next Sunday at 9:45 a., m. Monday Schorl at East Roxbovo at 11 a. m. Prcaching at Longharxt Methocist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. "Pitching at East Roxboro church next Sunday at 7 p. ra. Prayer-meetfng at Longhurst ! Method 1st , Cfiurch Wednesday 7:15 p. m. 'Prayer-meeting at East Roxboro on Thursday p. m., 7:13. Bpworth Leagues meet at the usual [hour?. J We trust "you find it 'convenient to attend the last services of this Con ference year. Help us make it a (successful close. Worship with us. ? M. C. ELLERBE. Hallowe'en Party There will be a Hallowe'en party ; at Lafabeth Memorial Baptist church next Friday . night, Oct. .ber 29th at ! 7:30 o'clock. There will be a small | admission of 10 cents for the bene fit of class ro:ms? Refresh merts will be served, ^nd the public is ?ordially invited. | Woman's Missionary Society! i The Vary Ham brick Missionary I Society met Mcnday afternoon and ,hejd its regular meeting in the ;>ttn day School rooms of the church. Mrs. Rathborne conducted the de votional exercises, having as her ub iect ' The Book of Mark." A leaflet, "An UntoucVed Area Of Life," was j ?.riven by Mrs. G. A. Duncan. Mrs. Teague discussed the time for j week cf prayer and it was decided] | to have the days that are set apari \ which will b? th?> 8th, 9th I :.nd 10th of November. The meet- j ing* will be held In the_ Suhday J School auditorium and a "large num ber is desired. ? Supt. Publicity. j. - Raiff'sTMW Fall sale begins Thuva-1 i day. Oct bef 28th, lasting until Nov- < ' rubor l.BJh; r 1 I j Charfcs joy an'J )r\X\uJ0?fUl. WM Vl'K" with ir?- -People ? 16. Playing- j ,'i^t Palace 'Tlientt H -.Thursday ? Fri- j : day iind ^iihirtity ? Ihia wt'fk.' Three Hundred Persons Report ed Dead At Batabano; Thousands Homeless SMALL TOWNS WRECKED Havana, Oct. 21.? It is reported, that three hundred persons were; killed at Batabano, a town of some. 2.1590 inhabitants on the southern; ?coast of Havana province, by ih$ Carribean tornado.' . At Rejucal, midway between Ha vana and Batabano, thirty pe^ns were injured. This tiwn has a popu- 1 'at; iv of 5.000. The vfjfclage of Gabriel repoits elo- 1 Veh:. dead and eight injured and the town of Guanabacoa three dead, 50 j injured and 1:5,000 families liomekss. j Elffht persons were killed am* many injured at Central Kajaro. Ihe ! slpar factory was destroyed. At'! Guira Del Malena nine are dead, 22 injured and most of the town! wrecked. Eight were killed at Cahp Columbia. .1 At Punta Brava and auta 175 hous es were razed. At Regla 13 houses! were wrecked. At Sanjose de Las j JLej-js forty were inured and 204 houses e'estroyed. The village of Tapaste is reported to have been completely razed a? aUo was -the village of Jamaica. Much damage was done in the vil lage* of Jaruco, Santa Maria Del R-/Sario, where rric-st of the hou?e? were blown down. All t^e buildings on Santa Fe and Baraeoa Beaches were wrecked. At Cahp Columbia, which was almost completely wr.?<lk .ed, 18 grrny airplanes were -destroy-. pedy Havana, Oct. 21.? Every hour adds 1 to the list of dead, injured and home- | less caused by the great hurricane j which yesterday devasted many I towns and villages throughout the i js'and f Cuba. The dead by of- | ficial Jigurcs up to this evening nunv ' bered about. (>0, but newspaper esti- ! mates run as high as 200 with 2,000 ! or more injured. Some autorities put the damage i at .535,000.000, although there is no | way qf making a definite estimate of j the damage wrought outside cf Ha vana. on account rf lack of communi ! cations. . . ! One hundred ships of various class es were sunk or badly damaged. , Girl Hit By Car Mary Strum, 7 year old daughter of Mr. O. T. Strum, was hit by a ear last w^ek as she was goinO home for lunch from school. The driver of the car did everything pos sible, skidding his car some -distance, but little Mary was struck. We are glad to knew the accident was. not serious and Mary is going about as usual. t A Seroam from Curtain, to Curtain is * Charlc "JOY LAND REVUE" Playing 'at Palace Theatre Thursday I Friday ? Saturday this week. SUPERIOR COURT HAS LIGHT DOCKET Only Twenty-One Cases On State Docket, Which Was Finished in One Day STAN FIELD vs GOBBEL 'Person County Superior Court finished the State docket, in one day, cnly 21 ca?e3 being on the docket. Judge Daniels disposed of them as follows: ? Let' Day, liquor. No J proid with ie:ive. I>oy Thaxtcn, larceny. S o?th<> to work in c urt hcuse and jail. Eugene Knott, immorality. Son fenced to. 1*2 months on roads. sen tenced to 12 months on roads, sentence, ruspsnded upon payment of $40.00 t? Bettie Warren, and his remaining f jrood behavior. O&pias to issue at request of Solicitor. O. L. Bell, liquor. Fined $1>.0O amd costs. Effie Moon, -driving. - automobile while uhdej* Influence of liquor. Fined $30.00 and cost. Tom Webb, carrying concealed weapon. Judgment" suspended up?' n payment of post. . Henry Hayes, beating wife.; Judg ment suspended upon payment of ? ^ost. defendant allowed to appea?* in April term of Court, 192 ?, and pay cost. Tom WHliams and Tom Sejiahuns, gambling. Net guilty. Jonh Cates and Charlie Cate?,. dis turbing religious worship. Fined $10.00 and costs, each to pay half of ros t Carl WmMfend /nd Roy Dixon, larceny. Six months in jail, to be hired out and to pay J. H. Foushee $33.00; XVaddell O-bhle and Weldon At kins. gambling. Fined $10.00 and Cost, ' John Brooks, beat irig wife. She ' months rfn Durham county -roads. , W. C. Bamett, fishing in Town pond. Bond was fixed at $30.00 for his appearance at next term of Court Bud Wright, carryipij c nc^lod ' weapon. Six months on Durham county roads. - i W. P. Eastwood, driving an auto mobiie while under the influence of; liqu;r. Bond fixed at $100.00 for his appearance at next term of Court. ! Oscar Ei Pearce, skipp:f>g hotel bill. Compromised by paying hotel bjll and cost. Effie >^oon, liquor. Fined $20 00 I and xiost. Having fin:#hed the State docket Court attfrurned Tuesday morning until Wednesday morning, when the Civil docket was taken up. The case of Stanfield vs Gobbel was the first j *hing on the docket and it occupied: the t:me cf the Court until Saturday morning. The jury , failing to agree, j t mistrial was ordered. Little ZelKe ! Clayton Improving _ ? The many friends c'f little Zellie Clayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Clayton of Hurdle Mills. N. C., are glad t:> learn that *he \A rapid ly recovering frc'm the s?verc shake up she had in a recent auto accident. Masten ? Booth. Mr. and Mrs. H. If. Masten an-' nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Francis Elizabeth, to Mr. Thomas L. Booth on October lBth, in Raefcrd*' at home in Oxford after Mov. 1st. Mrs. Booth js ? graduate of South e: n C onservatory of Music and is one cf Roxboro's most acc:mplished and 'popular young ladies. Mr. Booth is a portninent .young business man of Oxf . rd, being connected with the Liggett & Meyers Tcbaeco Com pany. RailTs Mid-Fall sale begins Thurs day, Oct-ber 28th, lasting until Nov ember .15th. jo? 1 ? . ? - A Chorus of Beautiful girls with' "THE .IOYLAXD HEVJJE" playing at Fstoce "Tin ??re, .Thursday ? Fri day and Saturday ? thiw week. " Converts Forty One Rev. and Mrs. West Have Birthday. A coincidence which seldom con\es to roan and wife was celebrated here last Friday when Rev. and Mrs. W. F. West celebrated their -birthday; i While not the same age, their birth day eomes on the same day and the members of his church learning cf th;? event helped them celebrate by presehtir^ thcni with a beautiful electric lafop. for their reading room, while the members of the B. Y. P. tl. presented a birthday cake, hut they did not i Hit the usuai candle to each yeaiY#sub?titutiug the question mark. Mr. and Mrs. West haye been here a. littl less than cne year but they are universally popular, both with his cwn congregation and the people generally. They arc b:th. of pleas ing personality and make friends whertver they are known, arid Mr. West is decidedly one of the strong est men in the pulpit the Church Ma* ever had. The Roxboro people consider, themselves extremely for tunate in bringing those good f - Iks to cur town. j Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 9:45 A. M., II. L. Crowell, Supt. Let <?yerybcdy be on time. Morning service at 11 A ..\f. Sermon by the Pastor. Let eyery membof be present, there :s a very important announcement that needs every members consideration. Mitchell Chapel Sunday School at 2 P. M. We will start a week's serie >- of Bible studies Sunday night at 7 p. m. at Warren Grove schc-ol- house. The?e services will be held every night ex cept Saturday; Start reading the book of Mark and bring your Bibles <ach night. These meetings arc to strengthen Christians, and to call ! sinners t- repentance. . Let every Christian prflv daily for the success of these services. P. CARY ADAMS, Pastor. Republican County Ballot For Senate 13tfy District HUGH M. GII.LIS For House cf Representative.. W. H. LONfl, JR. For Sheriff j_ J. W CHAMBERS F t Register of Deeds J. T. WOODY j ? For Troa*urer J. R. WTOTT For Coroner M. T. CARVER For Surveyor W. T. BUCHAN'ON For County Commissioners e. .r. Clayton* C. H. HUNTER ! J. T. W.odv, Chairman. O. G. Davis, Secretary. RaitTs MifKFaU sale bpjtins Thurs-. .Qotcbaf ?8>hy lasting: until Nroy t'lubiH lfrth. Nine year old Richard Head rick preached * sermon on "The Glory of God." Forty-one persons were converted in one night and the crowds so great that police re serves were called out to handle it. Kvansville, Ind., is the scene of this youthful Evangelist's activi ties. ENTHUSIASM SHOWN BY ROM) BOOSTER Sells 700 Pounds And Carries Home Check For $225.00: Roxboro Best Market SOLD AT THE HYCO Mr. B. L. .Evans, orw of the best farmers -in this County, was in t?wn last Wednesday with a load of to bacco which he sold At the Hyco, and went away thoroughly convinced that Rciicboro is the best market and the Hyco is the 'best hcase m which to sell your tobacco. He sold 700 pounds and carried home with hiYn n .hoirk for $225.00. Ben says you \ ill make no -mistake to sell your t bacc: In Roxboro, beginning with your first load and ? el line the laat crtie. ? Baptist Women*' Missionary Societies Baptist Womens' Missionary So cieties of Person County and Beulah Association will meet at Roxbom First Baptist Church on Saturday; Oct. 30, 2 p. m. A good attendance from each Socitey is earnestly re quested. The W. M. S. of Mill Creek Church will render the program. Much: care, thought and effort have been put into this program and yoa will feel amply repaid for comrair a long distance to hern* it. ' ? For the highest percentage of at tendance of a Society a handsome hand painted pester will be present ed. This poster was painted ? by * : tpdent in the Art Department of the Daily ' Vacation Bible School held ? in Roxboro .First Baptist Chur.'h !a*t June. ; A social half-hour will follow the Iprcfjjram". ' Come, and let's know ?*aeb other '? ?. ' w.vr ' ? " With The Courier It is with pleasure we announce that Mr. Archie P. Daniel, of Hurdle Mill*, is now with The Courier. Hp. w:|l look after securing: subscribers, and we hope every friend of. -his, and. that is legion, will give him their hubsfcripfckn. He , will also look af ter local items and will thank eviry one to give him any news which they may have. In addition to the jab:ve duties Mr. Daniel will call on the merchants and .talk advertising with them. He will bo ^rlad to submit dummies for your ads and will see that you fret just what you want. Our advertising department is supplied with the beat ad service money will buy, and you will find cuts arid illustration* fsr any line in this service. Mr. Dan iel is at your service, use him. Practical Christianity William Jennings Bryan while Sec retary of State said in n speech at Kansas City, "I anV glad that it dots not require advanced courses in any college to bring a man to the pornt of knowing there is a God, and that his highest duty .which ought to ,his greatest pleasure, ;s to brim? ; 1 imself into harmony with the will of God, and learri that will, and try to do it. ? And if 1 understand Chris tianity, this is what it means ? that we should try to bring ourselves in to sympathy with every body e.veiy where, /and then to employ every oppcrtunity to Hft up the level on which we all start d, and to find our hapmne*s in doing good/ "Thou shalt love tho I?rd thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy s?oul, and thy heart, and with all "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self." Matt. 22:37-39. .... Sunday Schorl 10:15 A. M , R. L*. Wifburn, Supt. ? Preaching at 11 A. M. Subject: "Meeting the Challenge. M 7:30 P. Mi .Subject: "A Profane Person." B. V. P. U.? Junior fl:30 P. M. In ! termcdiftto and Senior 6:30 P. M. | The ordination of Bajfctism will be ! observed at the close of the night service; FIRST BAPTIST (THUfcCBL j . . . W. F: WES"P, Pntor.

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