R0XbOr? S?'d 40?'000 Last Week Average THE DATS ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOL'R PAPER WILL BE STOPPED WATCH THE LAB OX YOL'R PA PCI AND DO NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November I 926 VOL. No. XL1II No. 44. 400,000 Pounds Tobacco Sold Last Week, Twd^ Million Sold This Season jThe Average For The Season Has Been $25.26. Compare This Average With Other ' M*rket?. . rrjr | MONDAY AND TUESDAY AVE. BETTER THAN S30 Sale* were go?d all of last we?k, | :.nd the prices were decidedly strong, fn /act have been str,-r?,^?r this w.tek. the average for sales Monday nnH Tuesday were a little mere than $30.00 for everything offered. Sales up to the close of the w:ek J?*t Friday amounted to nearly two r-.llion pounds, and the twice fov j the entire sales since opening day < 1 .>ve averaged $25.26. Whe y-u con ? ? 'd?r the low grades which were cf. fered dunnc the first dnjw of the opening you must admit this has I been a strong market. Phore is one thing definitely set t fd, and that is if the time has ever been when the Rnxboro market did not bring ax much as some othe markets, that day is passed, fe? the Trices here have been gacd, ahd evej-y farmei whs has sold here has admitted the fact. Of course, there :ir? tho#e who are furnishing trucks and carrying your tobacco to other markets who say tobacco is not sell ing high in Roxttoro, but remember, they are being paid fir their talk! Just try Roxboro with a load and be convinced. The Hyco Warehouse reports the following among the many i-ood sale* made during the past week: Or. Vickers and Grave's, -one I t at > 10 cents anri-ne lot at 64. Otis Tilman, one Jot at "65 cents, . jr. i r**sre 40 cents, B. I,. Evans, one lot at 67 .-i-nts. : age 40 cents. Brooks and H., one )pt at 70 cents, verage. 42 cents. Weldon G. ("lay tor . best grad.* 75 k- jit*, average 53 cents. VV. D. Gentry averaged -r>0 cent's! fir kad of priming*. The Winstead s?y they could fill ; n our column* with those who .we- j i\tged" above (40,00 but only mention! :i few: Ci-itcher A Co. sold 198 lbs. at an _ ay.7r?ga of 151.84. Walker & Th'mas sold 534 lbs. ati average of $51.07. Lfe.v A W. s: Id 688 lbs. at an avir ? . ge of $48. Kin* 4 Brad-her sold 50* lbs. at an average of $47.09. C?t?s & Lea 6old 708 lbs. at an average of $46.3fl. Wrenn I H., sold 636 lb*, at an) : ve-rage of <46 88. .1. White St J. jold 650 lbs. at an -rare of J 46.77. H.. Perkins sold 554 lbs, at an , av. rage of $46.14. Carver A P. sold rtl?4 lbs. at ?? ! tvevage of $45.23. I.. W. Bradaher sjld 820 |b?:"*t an : ?i j? of $45.8?. Gardner &.B. v:ld 916 lbs. at an : .erage of $45. Oliver Si W. solil 708 lb?. at an E\eragc of $45. 8. G. ftvans sold 512 lbs. at an :.v<-rage cf $45.61.' 0'. Gray & I?. sold 418 lbs. at an average of $44.77. M. W. Webster sold 730 lbs. at an j r.vnrage of $13.60. H. W. Gardner sold 382 lbs, at wii ?veraje of $42.30. Winstead & J, sold 524 !b?. at an' ?average enf $40.75. Tobacco Selling High At Hyco La?t week - The followInK ar? gome ifcf the v#ell >:en*ed cuMamcrs wh<v aold at The hyco la?t Week* ^t>r. VickerH and Craves, one tot al 70 cent*, one lot at 64c; Otis Tin man. one lot-at 65c. *vrapcg -1Q t ; -r . ? ?? r T- l*!v a nr. np ar-WT c, avgraifr , ?tlc; BIWks and II. one lot at 70c, ] . ; VP ra g e 42c;? ? Weldorn G. ClavtoflTI Vst grade 7Bc, aver?ge-*ac; W. D \ Gentry' averaged 50 cents for load of. primings. Si v? r Lest We Forget ? Armistice Day should be a day cf serious contemplation and of re 'newed consecration. No words could more fittingly des cribe the proper attitude of our hearts and minds than fcund in the memorable address cf President Lincoln in his Gettisburg address. "It is for us, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which thfey who fought there Have thus far 3D nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task befire us ? that frcm these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full meas ure of devotion; that we hate h?gWy )%<??! ve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under G' d, shall have a new birtn of; freedom; nlnd that government of the people, for the people, shall not perish from the ear*h." It is a grave question as to whe ther Democ racy can survive cr not. It is only when the will of God . be comes the will of men that men can live at peace with men. Sunday School 10:15 A. M. R. L. Wilhurn, Supt. Preaching 11 A. M. Rev. J. C. Kanipe, our State Board Evangelist, will fill" the pulpit at the morning hour. Preaching 7:30 P. M, by the Pastor. Subject: "The Second Com ing cf Christ." B. Y. P. U. 6:00 and 6:30 P. W First Baptist Church W. F. WEST. Pastor, Presbyterian Church Sunday Schol at 9:45 A. M. We would like to see every member j there . vh? time, . . Morning service at 11 A. M. Ser- . mon by: the pastor. j Members cf the church are asked j to be present. We always welcome j visitors, .... ] Mitchell Chapel Sunday School at \ 2 P. M. Preaching at 3 P. M. Preae! *ing at Bushy Fork School 1 Ilou'te at 7:30 P. M. Every one wel- 1 come at all services. . I Let George Do It Mr. B. i*. Evan*, who i? one of Roxboro's best brokers, says if you ? want the very best price for youri tobacco carry it to the Hyco Ware-} house and tell Geoi^e Walker what j vou want for it, and he will be pret ty sure to see that you get \t ? that *s, if y: ai -arc reasonable in your wants. Ben says he banks strongly n Tobe Pass and Geo. Walker, and they never dissupojnt. ' 'T opsy-T urvey " The. play? ^fiss Topsy Turvey, which was xcheduled to be given at Hurdle Mills High School Novem ber 5th, was poatpened until Friday night November 12th. Don't forget hring a friend with yc ? you enpnt* :a. Miss Satterfield Honored ; Miss Mildred Satterfield attended he Teachers, Assembly, which met :n Raleigh last- week. At this meet ;ng she was elected to head, the Eng lish Teachers.' Council in the North Central District for the year of 19 27, Prize Winning Apples We ?"? under obligation* t. our j ;ood frienH, Re*. 4. A. Beam for 3 lo* of the finest apple* we -vtt inn. Brother Rram Raid he had I dirked aojne . finer from thi* tree, i.nd for the ftick that he i* ? Miniater. ttw -wmiM- th?nbr-the-?ti?temeiM. The-,Itlif Vhri* c f tKe Se??:n. An Mtipny Candler and' his "BRTjAD-j WAY FOJ.ttES" playtnit nt Palace Theatre ? Thiiraday, Friday and Sat crday thi* wealr. < ' ?' r.' . 1 NORTH END FILLING STATION BURNS DOWN City Fireman Does Fine Work In Getting Flames Under Control] OPERATED BY L. OLIVER In the midst cf all the business ac tivities which were rn evidence on i the street* cf Roxboro lAst Satur day morning the fire alarm was sounded and it was di?cover?d that the North End Filling Station and grcery store dperated by Mr. L. Oliver was on fire. TVe city firemen were on the j-b immediately and did some {fine work for which they ! deserve mach credit. After arriv:n& at the scene of the fire it dis covered that an insufficient amount-1 of- hose had been carried and this delay caused the fire to sret a danjr gerous headway making the Iosk a, preat ceal more than it sh:uld. 1 .v/e been. ? ' ' ' VJL$?Ml Interesting Items From Virgiliha . -i Mrs. Alfred Hayes was ho's-teit ?% jap the Woman*' Club last Saturday af tornon at her home cn Seventh St, Response to rcll tail was made by giving the name of some fan>0U5 ship and telling something: a boat it. The urogram consisted of a piper on oar navy after which Knocfa ' Ar den was read by Mrs. A. P. Bohan an. A splendid course cf refreshments wan served by the hostess at conclusion of the program. ? The Parent-Teacher Association :f ; Oak Hill High School held its regu lar meeting \n the school auditorium J la. t Friday nurht which was large j attended by patrons, teachers and ! pUpiis. \ A very enjoyable program wa > i endered by the first, Second. Third and Foj-th grades. Piano solos j were rendered by Misses Willie Lee j Yancey and Bessie Phillips. At the business meeting it was de cided t take step* to improve the schcol grounds and a committee was i apponited to co the work in the near future. It was also decided to have ; a chicken and egg shower next j Thursday afternoon to raise money i to purchase suitable .sta'je curtains! for the st*ge., Each patron is re quoted to ccme and bring a chick-! en and each one or more eggs, Tbesi* 1 will be- converted into money and ap pliedas above stated. An .^nrUtice programs will be | observed by the school. The B:ys Literary Society of Oak Hill High Schcol had an interesting debsto last Friday afternoon. Ques tion, which from a physical stand point is the most conductive ; to hejilth, city or country life.' Both *!des presented good papers bat the :nes on the city life was considered the best by the judges j Will Currin of route five was in! town cn business last Saturday. 4 J. J. Battershill was at home for the woek end after an extended trip to West Va. Mrs. T. W. Chandler and children of Klon College. N. C., spent th* j week end at her home in VirgUina. Mrs. M. C. Walton of Danville,; Va., was the guest of relatives . :n \ Seventh Street the past week. Mrs. Ira Tuck who recently un derwent an operation in the Memo rial hospital in Danville, Va., ;s at I home now and is doing well. In the absence of Mrs. S. M. Tor ian last Sunday the Bible Class at th?* Baptist church ifras taught by i Miss Florence Pa nna baker. who ! made a splendid exposition cf the! lesson. Mrs. Jcsie Nichols and daughter,! Mrs. Keyater Adam of Winchester, | Va., arrived here last week to be the j guests of My*. Cary Brook# at her j home on Seventh Street ' ?Mrs. F, T. Jones :f Jeff, Ky., is i visiting Mrs. H. Li Ford on Seventh I Street. Mi** Alice Whitmore lcXL__Jgst Monday U r Rk-hmnnd, Va., where* r^o wty attend school this ? winter. - Johrt- R. M<tDobald of DbtnyiUe, Va? was- fit towtrxTr* Tuesday ? in the interest of the Danville Register, John Hays Hammond Triisj well known engineer and tanker. * who is president of the National Press Club, is financing, the erection of their new 14 story if office building, in Washington. It is to ecst $10,000,000 and will be , the .large&t privately owned building in the Nation^ Capital. OXFORD OfiPHANAGE CLASS TG BE HERE R-member The Date And Give Them A Good House Saturday, 7:30 P. M. rd Oprhanatre Singing be xin Jtoxboro on Satur day. Xov. ^Oth, at Graded School building. 7::?0 !P. M. This ia their ie?srular annual visit and it is hoped* the fK'ople will fill the building to overflowing. Not enly ii thia per formance worth the price. but you will be aiding in one of the best causes you can possibly invest in.. Painful Accident George Whitfield, little son of our esteemed friend J. ?F. Whitfield of Hurdle Mills, yt . C., met with a very painful accident a few days ago. The little fj/low in company with j another litlfc boy underto k to .use1 ? dy.namitJ cap f:r a play toy, re rlti'ng in terrific expiation Ln fjieting a very painful woun<l on i one of his legs, which required an X- I ray aftur wlvh the piece of metal was aaccea* fully removed Hnd the little boy is improving rapidly. Notice To Water Users Unless weather prevents cur work ing outside, all water in ths town j will be cat off all day Friday, Nov.; 12th, 1926. It will be best for every- j one to have enough water in veaeel* ) to prevent b?ng inconvenienced.- \ ROXBORO WATER WOfcKS Gr*nville Farmer Likes Roxbbro Market Mr. W. G. Averett, a prosperous tobacco farmer of Granville county, was in town Morv'sy sold .*ev ?*m! Hv~irs?nd oound* cf tobacco. IT<* i v;as ve--y enthusiastic ove- his price? *>nd loud in his nraise of Roxboro I n n tobacco riinrket. "Cyclone Sally" The play. ''Cyclone .Sally," will bel riven at the Bushy Fork High, School Thursday night at 8:00 j o'clock. An uproarious comedy, the I best lijay of the season-? dont mi** it. Admission 20 and 35 cents. Notice Your guano aecount is due . U* cember 1st. We all have good crop#' this year and tobacco is selling well. The Gruano c.mpanv la expecting ma to collect cot of this crop and I am loolftnir to you to pay me, so I can -pav them. Please j*ay as sooti as von can and "get best prices. No discount unless paid-in -?.?full . by Dec, -t*t: Yours truly, W". T. PASS. ? November 13th, 1935. MILLIOH DOllARS FOR HOSPITALS < The Fund la To Help Build and Support Hospitals In Every County in N. </. CHAIRMAN <T G. ALLEN Durham, Nov. 8. ? -More than a million dollar? a year will be -avail able for hospital work in North Car olina as a result cf the provisions j mao'e by the late James H, Duke, George G. Allen, of New Ycrk, chairman of the board of trustees of the Duke Endowment, said while in Durham last week. The princi pal method of distribution is on the basis of $1 per day per charity pa tient in hospitals cf the States, if I this does net use up the income, then the Endowment 'fund wilt assist communities, counties or other groups j in building hospitals, but will not j build them entirely, Mr. Allen said. ! Not even }Lr. Duke, witfc all his study and thought, realized the ex tent of fjis benefactions to the char ity sick, Mr. Allen said. The fund is expected to help build and help ! upprrt hoapftvds in every county I in the Carolines. I ?- ?? QT? ? Tom Want* More Local News Our good friend, Thomas Frazier, wants more local news in The l!ou- I :ier4 and ffca offers the following wise suggestions. First class news, ?ix( eight and ten Jines v^ill certain much good news, and- if ihe tvw<W* ut -Xk? [ C- urter would give a short news items from their neighborhood then ! you would see The 'Gpuriex in full! bloom with news. If a farmer re ceive? a big price for some firte to bacco that would be a good cue; if] a mail captures a wild turkey, that's j a good cne; if you capture, a wild1 deer, that's a dandy. Let some of the good farmer? who make big rpps cf corn repcrt the number cf bar--' rols made; let some of. the farmers tell aboui their big potatoes and turnips; let some of the firme-s r give the number of gallons of mo- j lasses made, and if their is a mar riage be sure and report it. Now f:r the town people: When: your friends from other tewns visit you always give that to the local editor, for she will take pleasure in printing it. And just before Christ mas we hope to see a good many , little beys and fills telling Santa Ctaus what they want him to bring | tHem. Let the town people and the ; country people send in "sfiort news ; item* and you will hear the read- ! ers say The Courier is full of tVews i this week ? Thos. Frazier ' Let's Learn It By Heart When every farmer in the SH'th ^hall eat bread from his own field.* I snd meat from hi* own pastures, j and <)i^turbed by- no creditor and en slaved by no debt, *hall sit among hi* to em ins: garden* and orchard* and vineyards and dairies and barn yard*, pitching his crop* in hi* own wisdom and growing them in inde pendence, making cotton hi* dean ; surplus and selling it . in hi? cwn ; liroe and in his chosen market and : not at a master's bidding? getting ! his pay in cash and not in a receipted mortgage that discharces his debt l but jloe* not restore his freedom?; {Ken shall be breaking the fullness; of our day? Henry W. Grady. Good Sale For Evans & Woods Me*?. Kvona and Wood* made the following safe ut th? Planter* Wkre h6o*e en Wednesday, Snv. 3rd: 106 lb*, at SS. *37.10; 182 lb?. at 47, *S5 54; 214 lb*, at M. *130 54; 1H6 lb*, at 34. *63.24; 66 thk. at *14. 75, *>,74. Total 754 lb*. fc'r *326.16. Ave rage for load *43.26. - ' " r ? - -The .South'* Favorite Comedian. You .know him,. Skinny Candler with bis 'BiOHdwajr Foil lee" at Palace Thea tre, Thnrsdajr, Fridsy and Saturday this woek. I c. TERRELL IN SERIOUS ACCIDENT Car Plows Along Bank For Some Dratan-ce Failing To Overturn CAR SLIGHTLY DAMAGED The third accident in three weeks occurred Tuesday night about nine o'clock when the Ford car occoped by Thomas Terrell and his brother, W. Terrell, was smashed a gain at the hank in front of the hone at Mrs. Juliiis Jchnston. The Terrell brothers live near R?x horo and were on their way Horn*, When, in making the turn at Mr/ Slnde's corner the accident happened. So (Treat was the impact of the car against the bank that the car, after plowing along against the bank fcr some distance, completely re versed itself, but for seme unaccount able reason failed to overturn.? Cas well Messenger. ? ? ? o ? Extension of P. & N. Electric Railway I>urham, N'ov. 8. ? Extension oflbn I icdmont and Northern electric rail way from Charlotte to Durham, aa well as building a connecting link (ra&tcnia and Spartawberg, s. C? is practically assured, the de ' cislon of the directors depending on the approval of tie stockholders at ja meeting at Greenville, S. C., last Monday, The extension would make a complete electric line from Grrjen wood, S. C., tt> Durham, many pen 1 T?te spring In It the possibility of electrify-In* 'the Durham and Soath ern, front Durham to Dunn, and pos sible extension of this line from Dutra to Wilmington, giving a through east mi west electric line from th? sea board to the Piedmoitt section cf the Carolina*. Location of the Char I -tte- Durham connection has not be~n announced, but it ie thought the line will pass through WinstTn Salem. following the movement to build such a line, started before the death of James B. Duke. ? ? ? ? > ? ? --o ? Opening Ethel Newton Memorial Library The bronze tablet for the Ethel Newton Memorial Library has been received and hat been rrected in tie library r*r,m at the central eleai *ntiry school building. At 7i30 Friday night, Nov. 12th, there will be brief exercise* in the auditoriom. mainly by the smaller ? children. At this time the library will he oprn to the public. Altai* ?ion to the e^rcism and t? the library will be free, of coarse, and ?*ry friend of the school and ?r the late Miss Ethel Newtcn is ear-, dially invited to be present. ? A. B. Stalvey, Sapt. Georgia-Car. School Of Commerce Frcm information which X have received I consider the Georgia -Cmr olina School of Commerce a renpon/>i |ble organization and worthy the natronage of the people of thin aeo t?cn. Respectfully, X. LUNSFORD. Still Captured Early last Tuesday morning while rnoost of un were snugly wrapped up in sleep, Sheriff Nat Brook* and iwo of his deputies were busy tryinr t* make Person County strictly a Pre ' ibition County with tftte result that r.ot so far from the Oraaga Cooaty line, a full frown blockade stilt was raptured and 'five hundred r*flc?? ?f beer was poured out on tka ground. The outfit waa brooch! to town and stored away forsafe keep ? !ng. Our hats are off to these i?oed fellcws who are always on the jA in the enforcement of law. Pretty Girls, .wait and. take a look at Kal lies' playing at Palace Theatrts Thursday, Friday and Saturday thi? week.

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