THE COURIER PfcMisfced Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS 91.50 a year, 75 cents for 6 months 10 cents for 3 months ? Cash in Ad Tbe Editor is in no way responsible | for views expressed by correspon- j dents. ADVERTISING RATES: Display Ads, 35 Cents per Inch Beading Notices, 10 Cents per Line Entered at the Post Office at kox N. C-, as second-class matter. ! ror?*?n Arivcrtinni Rrpue?em ativ* ? HF. AMERICAN PR ?53 ASSOCIATION Wednesday November 10, 1926. A GOOD SUGGESTION Ever since it became known that the State of North Carolina would June a surplus the State institutions, end especially the educational in *trrurion?, nave been working their bcaans to see. just how much it weald be possible for them to secure. LasT week the Budget Committee was in session and when all applications -from the various state institutions were footed up it was found that they otrty wanted, four million dol lars increase in appropriations. ?Gaveraoor McLean is chairman of tfcia commission, and during the Twarfafp "he asked if it niight not be better to give the rural schools more ?caw aide ration, and the suggestion was smm&e that it might be well to dis 'ro?tim>e the practice of furnishing ?fcrmttorie? at the State institutions. And why not? Why should the State furnish rooms f>r those at the State institutions, when it does riot famish rooms for those who attend the high schools. It is a well known fact that before one can enter one of the State institutions they must go through the high school, h it is very important that some con aeration be igiven the high school u dent, but no dormitories are fur nished them. One would gather from the Gover nor's remarks that the public schools were have more consideration' than ever before, and we trust we have sot read his remarks wrong. All wiD admit that the rural student isj| entitled' to the same eduicat/:nal ad vantages as the city student, but they are not getting it, and an eight ?months school term is; as we. see it, 1 I -?cne of the impossibilities until the I wealthy cities and counties bear their ' pHTt of the burden, and help the rural ! ^districts. We know it is unpopular, save in I the rural secti:n, but we. ar? strog Jy wedded to the idea that tho State should take over the educational 5JTKtem entirely, and instead of th.- | "counties levying a school tax, let j the State levy the tax, and make it | | aaiform. This is honest and just, and if the r*ptpsentatives of the *?&aller counties desired they could ^put it across, b\it the politicians and | 1he wealthy tJwns oppose . it, and there you are. i About the most the country chil dren can hope for is an increased | appropriation for the equalization fund, which is a sham and a delusion. Wo are glad to see that the Old "Veterans are to receive an increase j irx their pension, the Amount for ?, 1h< m this year will be absut two ! htmd red ind-'.ftfty dollars each. This thin line is jrettinjr thinner and thin-' j Tier, and ere many years pass there ? will be precious few- of them living I Not -so however, with the widows, ! a* there is nearly six thousand cf | "them. Our fcood friend Thomas Frazier | "lias some pood advice far the read- j ers of this paper in this issue. We wifih every reader would follow his ; attjrtfestipn and five us the neighbor hood news. The town f:>lks see to it . -that /heir society events reach us,, j butjfer y few ;f our country f ric tgdl i iviii t their;. Vow, we wish >ou. would 60 ty#, for- we ^re just aft anxious to publish your society, rows atvi heighbjr hod items as we are the V>wn items. Send us the now*; ? *xr~ society editor will shape it up if you happen to have 'It a 1IRIA out W ant Ads Read Them SEE HUGH WOODS FOR SE?DS Talk with us about your Life, Fire 1 and any other insurance Our I time belongs to our patroni. Satterfield Insurance Agency "Old and Tried" WEDDING INVITATIONS and birth (Cwrds? Just received * a splendid line of wedding invitations and birth cards. < G:od work and reas onable prices at The Courier, Rox boro, N. C. ? ? . s ' 1 There is something outxtandine in a Knox Hat. Get them from Wil born & Satterfield. BUY YOUR PECAN TREES from me. The most profitable tree gr:wn. I grow pecan trees to bear in five years. Price accord ing -to size, $1.50 to $3.50 each. Guaranteed live _trees. J. F. WHITFIELD, | Oct. 12-5U ~ ?" Hurdle Mills. N. C. WE HAVE several good Radio sets that we have traded for which can be bough cheap. They are in good shape and are fully guaran teed. We are also agents for the famous Atwater-Kent Radios. Call and see us. MORRIS TELEPHONE CO. WAGONS ? the Best, N issen. . Spec ial prices, 10 per cent off. Come to see me. J. L. Gan-ett. Wilburn & Satterfield Sella Good she."-. . 'V'x; '? WANTED, 100 Leghorn pellet*. hatched in April or May. See J. B. Bame-tt, Roxboro, N. C. 2ts IX1ST ? bar pin. Komewhere between home and Burchwood cemeUry. % Finder will please notify Mrs. Joe. \G. Moore. QUIT COTTON? No bat diversify. and pecans is the best o**op it with. Inquire of J. B. Wight, Cairo, qa. 10-11 4tp CABBAGE PLANTS fa- 20 cents per hundred. . Joe Burch, Roxboro. N. C . . Route 5. near Paine's Tavefn. 11-10 2t '.MAN WANTED for thi* Countv? ')ur remarkable plan metfn* Me ? irt>fi*s for you-? $40 t:? $100 .weel Iv ? big l;n^ "of household nec:>9< sities sold >ouse to hou** ? })r?ces extremely low? your profits big. Every home a prospect. Oil* -r team /needed. Experience ' pn?? necessary. Saklumbus, Ind. HEARSE FOR SALE. One hearse. in good condition, will be sold cheap. Apply to Mrs. Margaret _ CriUher, ^r coats received this week #at YV(K | burn & Satterfield; TRAVELERS ? On leavirig home on your vacation, cret an accident^ ticke t, $5000 00- lor 25 cents a day. ~73ef Fffe and Theft policy f ,r your ba^pge. Sec /Satterfield Do" It "Today. I OQMS' for light housfketDinrl waUr and Data* Kcom and board 1 -h-vin. W. H. Lome. Jr.. I.amarT I Street. . ' ? 1 10-27itp FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, IS (o j 25 acres fine tobacco land, near JLonghurst Cotton Mills. Immed iate possession. For particular? sec Sam T. Dunn, Roxboro, >f. C. 1 0-27-4 tp FOR SAF cl? I'ini Frjstprocf Cab bage PI; n.* now r< ady for ship ment. hAkV\y Jersey and Charles ton. Novt .nbcr i* .tha time to set cabbage p'ants for early Spring ! heading. Plants were grown from T. \V. W&odi High Grade seeda. 250 for 50 cents, 500 for 75 cents, 1000 for $1.50 postpaid. Causey Parks, Pisgah, N. C. j It will pay you to buy your Shoe* I from Wiibum & Satter field. "TWENTY-FIVE YEARS IN91R We have a dandy assortment of Ladies Coats. If you are interested in Coats it would be advisable to get thwn, no duplicates are ccm ing frcoi the North. Wilbur a & Satterfield. ?? FOR SALE!.] .000,000 cabbage plants. Give me your orders. 25 cents per 100; 500 for $1.00. 1000 for $1,60 postpaid. J. F. Whitfield, Hurdle Mills, N. C. sT. MEAT MARKET and GROCERIES, See me for best meats, fresh fish in season, etc. Staple groceries, wil} save you money on your pur chasesv J. H. LOY, at Win stead Warehouse, in front of Post Office. It takes All Leather To .Stand W*at*ie*\ ? H. P^u .H. P. Ward and M. Co-ey. Receiver? for Tobacco Growers Cooperative Asportation ?' ' ; " . . ' : V?. Cent'T.l Carolina Wl/rehoanilg Cor : rins: ? j Corporation will offer fcr *a?e at | public autci-m on the 10th day of f ! December, .1926. .at 10:30 A. M? the! | foil wing -described parcels of real c state : Planters Warehouse. Koxboro. N. C. j A certain tract or parcel cf land \at* in : he- town of Roxboro. Coun ? *-v . Person, State f North ? C aro- ' ! line. ai;o:nin? the .ltir.r!s cf R. A. Spencer- anri S-T.. J. C. Pass, Person ^ Union Tobacco Company and other? itJid bounded more particularly c.r follows, to-vit: Bejrmninp at an iv.n ' rtake in. the we?i side of a larjzje j oak tree T. D, WHstead's comer; thence with T. D. Winst cad's line North 19 dps. andi .19 m. West . 38. I 3 fset to a r.vk T. D. Winstead cor j ner in the lino of the county lot; iihtnce with the line of- the c:unty lot n^rth 87 dps. and 51 m. West 1 49.5 feet to an iron *take, County j lot and J. C. Pass* corner; thence with J. C. Pass' line North 52 dgs. and 30 m. West 42.52 feet to an iron stake, corner of the old Hatchett jlot, and J. C. F?*ss| line; thence ; South 38 dffs, and 26 m. West 309.5 feet t> an iron stake on the East I side of Court street; thence with Court St. South 54 dps. and 02 m. ; Rast 112,9 feet to an iron stake R. A. .Spencer and Son's corner; thence ,wv*h the East side of the wall of the j Brick warehouse and R. A. Spencer .and Son's line North 38 dps. and 51 ? in. Et?t 314 3 feet tp the -beginning, [ corvaininsr 81-100 of an acre more or | less. And beine all f lot No. 1 as | chown in deed fj*om J. J. Winstead ; et als to the Person Union Tobacco i Company same beinp of record in : Bonk 20 pari? 468. - The place of said sale will be the j j premises described. The said prem | ices will be offered as a whole and \ .also in smaller parcels if the Re ceiver so decide. The terms of the sale will be one-third cash, balancp in one and tw:> years, secured by not* of purchaser and first mortgage on the property conveyed, the notes for deferred payments to bear in te^st at the rat e of 6 per cent per r.nnum. All bids and all proceedings at such sale will be subject to con firmation or rejection by the' Court. Hijrhest bidder for each parcel of fered will be ' required to deposit a orrtmed check for 10 per cent of the^msunt of Ma bid. Y A. H. POWELL. S, EL COLTRA.NE, Receivers Central Carolina Ware housipsr Corporation. - ADVERTISE IN TltE COURIER Notice Of Action North Carolina, Person County. In the Superior Court. Notice of Action f<*r Divorce. Mabel Harris Bridge/ vs. j Charlie Bridges The defendant, Charlie Bridges, will take notice that an action* as above entitled has "oeen b" "ught in the Superior Court of Person Coun ty by Mabel Harris Bridges against | him, and is now pending therein, for the purpose of obtaining a decree of {absolute divorce against the defend ant. And he will take notice further that he is required t>. appear at the offire of the Cle: k of said court at the court hou?e in Roxbofo, N. G. on December 18, 1926, and answer or demur to the confplaint filed by the plaintiff in said action, or judg ment as demanded therein will be endered against him. This N:v*mber 9, 1926. D. W. BRADSHER. . Clerk Superior Court. - Sale Of Land Under and by virtue :f the powers inferred upon me by a decree of the Superior Court of P?r*on County rendered in that certain special pro ceeding therein oendinq: entitled Obediah Tlngen and other*. Exparte, I. a? Commissioner therein appoint ed, will on Monday. December 6. 1926. at twelve o'clock noon at vthe c:urt house door in Roxboro, Xo/th Caro lina, sell at public sale . to t>e high est bidder or bidders the following land formerly owned by the late J. P. Tiagen, to- wit: f 1. A tract situated in Pint River Tornship, Person County, Korth Car olina, adjoining lands of John R. James, estate of J. A. Long, the old ,T*>hn H. Garrett home place and :ther?, containing 50 1-2 acres more or less, being commonly known as the Ike Rhew Place. 2. A tran situated in Allensville township, Ptrsofi County, N* rth Car ina. adjoining lands of Tom and rst : n Clayton. Grover Pjlliam and I brbrher, Willie J. Lun^f rrd. Victor j Kap'. n. an ! remaps jt?thf contain ing 101 1.-2 acrcs more or le*v. ; On this tract is n lot of saw and - ? - tie timber, oak and' p^ne, a -?6xtd:. hewn log dwelling, weather boarded. ~ zv ;i .; ack house, two gpjoti: curing; barri? and ther but houses. "EXCEPTION; Gns-half interest in the mineral rights in thi* tract is owned by Jessie W. Tingen. and is rot included !n .'this sale, The tra?t last described is rented fcr the year 1927. and the purchaser will comply with the contract of rental and re- I cei,vc the rents for that year. TERMS OF SALE: Ohe-third ra?h (?rie third D'cember. 1, 1927, and the ?olahre December 1. i92S. deferred fayment^ ! .-ar'n-; :n:er.-t at , : ate*! ot' 5ix perv cent, ; ?. This N'/ vembcr r?h Carolina, Person County. In the Superior Court. Notice service' f summons by pub I'eatfcn. ? Annie C. Yarbrough and husband, J. P. Yarbrqp/orh, Nannie C. Howard and husband. Jl- H. Howard, Arena C. Walker, and husband, W. B. Walk er, Daisy C, Whitt and husband, WiTl Whitt, Jennie C. Beaver and husband, Charlie Beaver, " vs. ? Brud Carver, Roberta Carver, Mary Ann Long, Ella Long and John F. Ix>ng. ' (the last three being minors) Mary Ann Long, Ella Long arid Jshn F. Jx>ng, the defendants above named, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menoeW in the Superior Court of. Person County to sell the lands of the late John R. Carver for division; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Person County on or before Monday, December 6, 1926, and answer zr demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief de- ? manded in said petition. This 9th day of November, 1926. D. MV. BRA'MHBR, Clerk Sup erior Court. Blalock-Cl&yton Miss Ruth Blalock of Gib&onville | and Mr. Leland Clayton of Roxborc \ were married in South Boston. Va., > on Saturday, October 30th. They j will make make their home in Rox boro, Mr. Clayton being a salesman i4 the sforie f Mr. Z. T- Feather - ston, \ Good yields? of molaaaes are re- i ported from s>me counties. A farm cr rf -Montgomery* County $rodu?d ?03 I 2 y a Horn* of fine"?yrup un -ouft^ ind ona-haiy' acre*. ? ' . It's Time to Pay j Have You Paid Your Account? I ? ; ^ l Have You Even Paid Part Of It? Quite a number of our farmer customers have paid their accounts in full, many have paid part but a great many more have not paid a cent this fall. The tobacco crop is good this year, the average price is high, you are selU Jng right along. Many have sold the greater part of their crop. We need what you owe us: and want to urge you to come in and pay promptly. Pay all if you can, | but if you can't pay all at once pay as much as you can . spare and the balance when you sell more of your crop. i The sooner you pay the more good it will do us. It is a great pleasure to extend crcdit to one who meets I his payments promptly, but the fellow who takes more ? time than necessary is a very undesirable 'friend ( ?) This may be poor advertising, but it carries a message | and we had rather collect now than to sell. However. j we have a splendid stock of Everything To Wear and | are mighty anxious to sell it to those who pay cash or j pay their accounts promptly. | f i i HARRIS & BURNS ! "Roxboro's Best Store" { SALE THE HAT BOX Newell Building' Next to Western Union | 4 ? GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - ? I ?"* l j All Our Fine Hats Including Felts, Velvets | And Satins at Unheard of Prices y ? DON'T WAIT? | Cone in and Get Your Choice Before They i Are GONE! I CLOSING-OUT PRICES ! 98c? $1 .98? $2.98? $3.98 Don' Wait ? Come Early ? Get Your Choice ( At LESS THAN COST THE HAT BOX I i Stack, your TOBACCO MONEY m Our Bank; There are many months from one crop of tobacco to the next erne and you mast be prepared for this off sea son. Then, too, you must also provide against possible price depression. This requires money. Now when you get the money for your crop the best thing for you to do is to put it in our Bank ? so you will have it when most needed. Come in. 'We will welcome you. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : : : ? ? ? The Peoples Bank "The Bank of The People""