Sell Your Tobacco In Roxboro and Receive The High $ THE DATE ON TME LABEL IS THE DATE YOUR PAPER WII.L HE STOPPED J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $1-50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, December 1926. W ATCH THE UW.{ ON YOUR PAPER. AND DO NOT ? LET YOJJR SL'BSCRIPTION EXPIRE RAZOR FLASHER IS NABBEDJ? CHIEF - O'entleman Of Color Demon strates Fancy Work With Razor y ' ' - ALSO PACKS MEAN GAT Occasionally one of oar Southern negroes will leave the South and go up North and get just enough mon tr on hand to make him feel so rich that he thinks he can come back j dtra-n South and flash his pistol and j (wild his razor with perfect freedom, ? but Kenly Holeman a negro return c dfrom up North, found out different 'Tuesday aiftemon when he made his appearance on Main street carrying ct?. his person a well loaded gun and keen edge razor, however he did ri-ot proceed far until Chief Olivier had' Hnn under arrest and safely landed in j^il. Fellow*, you had just as ; well cut this rough stuff out, in j Roxboro and Person county, for you j't get by with it very long. . O ! Baptist Bazaar Ncte Change in Place? Court St.; The ladies of the Baptist Church will hold their annUal bazaar cn aturdsy, Dec. 4th, 1926, in the store room of Mr. Prest:c Satterfield on Court Street, next ckor to Farmer* Hardware Co. Remember the place. Ycur especial attention is called to the line of fancy work which the Judies will offer for your Christmas ; ^^feliicQits. Tkfc side will open at ill o'clock. The following menu will be served*. Oysters, stewed or fried, chkken salad coarse, sandwitefces, cream and ! rake, coffee. Tfctey |>ectir>g 1 nil JbujrinesN and professional men in j rl oxboro and all farmer friends who : >e in town on that day to take din- j , ner with them. j Liquor Raids Becoming Popular A few days ago Sheriff Brooks nnd deputy Gentry werit down in the* Sari sect ten and located a complete! xty gallon still srfugly hidden away ! ? an open field. The still was I /ought to Roxboro and stored awav f<.r safe keeping. A# a testimony of the real value of our . csuhty officers Deputy Gen try had inormation that a blockade ?MM was in operation down in the AHensville section, so Deputy Gentry -^?t down by himself and loeated a ?-complete thirty gall: n still and j Ivrought it to town for safety first. Moriah News Bethany Mi>??;onery Baptist < hureh calle/i their same Pastor, ! Hev.. Mr.. Shscklett of Durham, for j r ^ther year. * The members, of Bethany p unded ?heir Pastor last meeting, which*' was F?"ond Sunday in November. Mvs. Sarah Ann Clayton, widow of ??? C. Clayton. died at ^er Krn;?d f!aa$rhter's Mrs. Hubbard Williams, Tuesday. Nov. 16th, and was hu?ied at the family jjrave yard at her ^om? place. She leaves doe son, i \Teil Willlfnrd. and cj Jht f her rfau4rhter*H children. Hor children 1 were by he?* first marriage to Mr. I.ewi* Williford- ? C. Flag Raising American patriotism was very t much in fridertce last Sunday V ve ! Timft in the villiaee of Lonjchurst, i when the J. O. U. A. M. council So, 1 110 of Longhurst presented the ????hool with f beautiful' flajr which J iras raised while the band ylayed tbp * flul -stljrinjr "Star Spangled Banner."] -r Tin' flun ivn? ? inesiiiud b* (V fitaHtnr*. of Durham. Dept. District < nnd wan received for the M'boot by 1., M. Carlton. Both ad , tiresae* were fine and listened. to by ? jjoorj crowd -of American patroita J ' .A ?Mc?ic?l Comedy feiot i- Her, nan L?wi? and hi* l-AUGHTERLA N'D JlKVUE playi.-.? at Palaces Theatre, j Thursday, Friday and Saturday this ! My Little Town Anne Blackwell Payne My little town, that has not yet attained The height and breadth of cities, oh .stay small! What profit is the vastness they have gained. Their strength ct stone and steel.: when, growing tall They lose the staging company of leaves: And grow#>\g wide, they have m. room for grass; Xo rose-vines reaching for con tented eaves. No space to watch the sea sons as they paas. No lure have cities to entice a thrush. No yards for children, carpet ed and sweet; With all their pride and gaiety and rush. They bear the burden of a mil lion feet. f You haVe ypur gardens, friend liness. and trees ? >ly little town, be satisfied ! with these. Wreck On South Mam Street j A very exciting automobile wreck occurred on South Main street Wed nesday before Thanksgiving when a Packard roadster in which a of Chapel Hill students, M? ? where juat talk with Jim,, for he ia ) .. Tragical Death Roxboro Market Still Among The Leaders CLEMENCY IS CHANTED 10 SEVEN PRISONERS Governor Issues Two Pardons And Five Paroles To State and County Prisoners LONGEST TERMER 5 YRS. Raleigh, N. C.f ov. 30.- ? Governor Angus W. McLean today }>ardoned| two state prisoners and paroled five j prisoners serving time on county reads. The state prisoners were Ludlow Lee and Ronie B. Lee, -who' were con victed in a recent term of Harnett superior court on charges of secret assault, and sentenced to. serve hve t years in the state prison. The county prisoners Were:;A. NvJ Holmes, convicted in the June term of Pasquotank superior court of Pas quotank superior cottrt of violation olhthe prostitution t?tw and sentenced to serve 8 months. Holmes l*as served six months of his sentence. Charlie Lowery, convicted in th? November 1925 term of Robeson sup^ erior court of violation of the pro hibition law, and sentenced to se-ve 12 months. J. R. McLamb, ccnvicted in the August term of Sampson superior court on violation of the prohibition law and sentenced to serve six months. James H. Horner, con- ? victed i nJurre 1925 term of Alamance superior court of aiding and abetting in larceny and assault with a deadly weapon, and sentenced to serve 7 months. Herbert Powell, convicted in the v jne term of Halifax superior court cf violation zi the prohibition law, and sentenced to serve 15 months. , j Store Robbed Some time during the night Men- j day, robbers entered the mercantile! store of Mr. J. A. Whitfield of the Hurdle Mills section and applied to their own pockets, the neat sum of ! two hundred and four dollars. Up- i <*n discovery of the robbery Mr. \ Whitfield notified Sheriff Brooks and. he and Deputy Gentry went out and 1 had very little trouble in locating j and capturing the guilty men, I^ea ! Rean ancl a Bradsher negro, who ] were f : lock after his rabbit . boxes, and hopped an automobile headed to wards Durham. When he left h- me he were oferalls* a shirt and a cap which' was his usual dress f :r work) on the farm. Lacy was in a good humor when he left his home. Hi* j father could give no reason for the boy's wanting to leave his birth place, unless it was for the love of ? adventure. - ? o First Baptist Church Sunday School 10:15 A. M., R. L. 1 Wilbum, Supt. Preaching 11 A. M. Subject > "The! Kxpalsive power of A Sew Affec tion." 7:30 P. M. Subject: "L ?t." B. Y. P. V.: Junior ? P.M. In tern) ediati' ?nd ' Senior, 6:80 P. M. "Be not overcome of evil, but r owrfbme evil with Rood." Rom. 12: n: . . 'I "Tt ccrffttl wkuim.' "i? extended to air. W. F. WEST, I'vtal' ? Glcrioux Girl?, XJor*eou*ly Gowned w4th- Herman Lewi* und his ?lacghterland REV US" yfair fcie ' at Palace TfcdHrc, Thursday. Friday aful sr. vanity t--. With -Only Three Days Sales Last Week the Market sold Nearly 400.000 lbs. AVE. BETTER THAN S.IO. Sales were gcod on the market last \veek, and while there were only three sale days nearly 400,000 pound* were sold. The buyers used the holi days to clean up all stock on hand and with -the opening of the market Monday were ready and --anxious to again f\\Y their factories. Prices continue satisfactory, ' the average being above the $30,00 mark, aTtd,;?he farmers are rushing it in. jiFrc: all appearances there will be a very small per cent, possibly less j than twenty-five per cent, ieft in the hand:-- of the farmers after the' I Christmas holidays. The slogan this year by the Rox boro and Person County Boosters ! Club is "Ten lWilii;n Pounds/* and | from appearances' they are not go-j ing to miss their expectations very far. * -H Bring the remainder of your crop ; to Roxboro and ? let's get that ten i million. j Hog and Mominy At Home | There is absolutely no use in argu ing that real ^ogs cannot be railed in Ptrson cconty? when such hogs as are being killed this winter is good evidence that we can raise our meat much cheaper and a more satisfac tory grade, than we can buy from 1 the Western markets. We want tot urge, especially the young boys and girls to buy a pig and make him grow into a record breaker by next killing time. It is an easy, sure way to guarantee yourself some nice spend ing money by next Christmas. The best one we have heard of this year was killed by a resident of Jalong, X. C.t last week, weighing 598 lbs. but we failed to lean* the name of the owner* ? ? Midnight Smash-Up Quite an exciting smash up nc- J rurred on Main street in the early j leurs of last Sunday morning when u Ford car driven by Thomas Ter rill became unruly and ran head on into another car parked in front of the Post ofPbe< knocking the car across the side walk 4nto the big front window of the Post office. Luck ily Deputy Gentry wsft on the scene and took charge cf affairs and Ter :ill was given a preliminary hear ts in Mayor Burn*' court Monday morning and boud over to court on charge of wreckleas driving: while uder influence of. liquor. Personals from Route 1 Mess. Jack Hester and Ivey King have g:ne to New York, to enter yeHool. Misses Mae Cheek and A litre Ttadd of Burlington, N. C., spent Thanks- j giving with Miss .Jennie Lee Van- 1 Hook. ' Miss Nell Cobb of . Danville. Va., | spent the week c-nd the gue?t f Miss Nita Crumpton. Miss -Jiennie Lee Van Hook spent the week end in Burlington visiting friends. Miss Ks telle Kiff' spent Thanks giving as the, guest of Miss Fannie Bell W ody. Mo -s. Willie \'?| Hook a*id Phil Baynes of Elon College s^ent the week end at home. Misses Mabel Bradsher and .Mario Hester have returned to Louisbnrg College after spending Thanksgiv \.Z at home. ? Cor. Bazaar The Udif* of Kdirar Lodr Memo rial ( hurch will hold their ariftual tmzaar in the basement of the church ?rm? SRttnxUy,. Ore 11th, 1926, open-, inc at 11 o'clock; A. M. Come and }>Uy your' Christmas presents and take dinner with the ladies who will serve the following menu: Brunswick stAw, chicked salad course, ice ere cm, cake and -coffee. - Senator? Small Frank 1,. Smith, altho fleeted to the senate from Illinois, may not b* seated. It is claimed he literally bought hi* election. Should the senate refuse to admit him ? l. DICKINSON SAYS FARH ~ BILL WILLBE PASSED Declares Revised McNary Haughen Measure T? Be Known as Farm Equality OBJECTION OVERCOME . rhicago, Nov. 30.- ? The revised MeNary-Haugen bill, henceforth- .to be known as the farm equality trill, will be enacted into law before Uhe? t itia of these vent ieth congress, Cong rossman L. J. Dickson, Republican, Iowa, leader of the. House Farm bloc, told the National association of secretaries of agriculture today. Detailing the modifications in the measure since it w*s defeated in siyjty nihth congress, he asserted I. that objection of cotton growers to i the measure had been overcome and [that the bill had support enough eo insure its passage. Even at the short session of con crres beginning Monday it would be introduced, said Dickinson, a Ithough ! action npon it in the remaining days of the present congress is in doubt Widely divergent view* upon the proper course of farm relief legisla tion Were aired today before the agricultural executive of Represen tatives Elbert Bingham. Republican Vermont, and F. W. Fort, Republi can. NVw Jersey, . picked ftaw? in the measure Dickinson favors. The National association of mark eting officials, two of whose sessions today were held jointly with the se cretaries of agriculture elected L N, Rhcdes o f Jacksonville, Fla., presi dent; H. D. Phillips. Albany, >\ Y-, i>ice president and Paul L. Miller, Ames, La., secretary and. treasurer. Successful Liquor Raid In Olive Hill Section Some time during the day last Saturday word readhjed Sheriff Brcoks that a blockde still ws? in operation over in Olive Hill town ship. >o without loss of time Depu ties Gentry and Bradsher went out to investigate matters. Pretty soon the plant was discovered but not until after one successful run had' been made. Suspicious tracks, paths, cte., led the officers around the cor ner to the home of Plunk Bamett, where quite a bit of liquor was stored a Way. The liquor was seized* and Barnett arrested and brought to town and given a preliminary trial and boud vvei* to court. Notice ? Basketball ?The Bushy Fork Tigers vs Crced moore, Friday night, Dec. 3rd, 8 oelock, at the Winstead Warehouse: Firtt pame of the season, and one that promises to be a pood one. Ad mission 15 and 35 cents. Woman*' Club The Womans' Club will meet Hc?i~ day Dec. 6th, 1926, at 3 o'clock' P. M. After the business meeting the Civic Club will put on a short pro srrauv Every member is urged t> be present. ? ? ? ? ?? o? ? Notice There will be a -pie party at Mor iah school Friday night, Dec. 3rd. The proceeds will (fo the benefit of th,e school. Everybody come ud enjoy the evening. Herman Lewi.* with his LAUGHTER I.AND REVUE 16? 'People ?16, Playing at Palace Theatre, Thur* dny. ? Kriday-^turdajy-^THi* week Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and avoid the rush L L