Roxboj-o Is The Place To Do Your Christmas Shopping THE DATE ON THE LABEL IS THE DATE YOl'R A . J'APER WIU. BE STOPPED She It ox bo ro Courier WATCH THE U? . ON YOUR PAPKK AND DO NOT I.KT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE J. W. NOELL. EDITOR AND'PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. No. XLIII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, December I 5, 1 926. No. 50. MB. JOSEPH H. ALIEN PUSSES AWM SUDDENLY Ki*hty-Two Years of Age; Identified With Diifham From Earliest Period CIVIL WAR VETERAN ?4 Joseph If. Allen, an honored snd -stemmed, us well as one of the old* ejfc .< itizens of this city, yesterday orotes: at 10 c 'clock, at his l.oroe^ ? W Lynch street, "fell on sleep" ieddenly. Te had eaten.' JJs break- j ?>ti and was sittihjr up readinp a ] and had made >i' Durham, lie. jrrewup v th .the city, t; nd was intimately jennet -y* ? f.d with it-s. affairs \\y its earlier :v:ays. He was an interested specta tor at the ?ale of the first pound . f 'olmccb sold'on this' market. He was Durham*,^ postmaster lender Cl'jve ?y d?s" fifst:- n; and as-.. ?'stan* postmaster under Cleveland^ Vecond term. The laite C?en. Julian S. Carr never had a more devoted rfcoJ d; Mr. Allen was . a man of character; faith and hopes, .fie wW loyal, to every duty, in all ihe relatiotis -f life, ffe believed in iis God; his country; is town; und ^i*. l'ulioW m;vn. ? lie was a civi! v ar ? r-fcvan; -was member of- company K. ; "5th. N. C. regimftflt. Jte wash* the *attfe ? Gettysburg; ;vmi also the ne at Harper's Ferry ; and i e cajfe I kd/wounds of th<\ war to his ^mve. ^ jfe ^a?. devoted t: the veterans and i i treaded all of 'their': reunions whens 'riir he was able. jVIr. Alien was for a number of cars the city treasurer. In all 'of 'lis -official duties. he was a straight forward, honest busihess niaji, and j eft all Vffiees with a clean record ?f \?ork' well done. He was n" of , .-y.i .oldest, meinbi rs of the Kirst Bap-' 'i.s church, una a strong. believe.' in ; Ihi s* worker for Jtr^M^stey. He .leaves & vyiduw, formerly. Moi V . Reams; t church; ' .. s : -?ted by Ra?v. .? (?eo. T. Walking of. r?iace Baptist church, anil Rev. C. ... Do well of "Wake pore sr.. Special arrangements. "a.i the /sejvices will j ae. ma^e fcr U. R Webb tamp < 'on | f cder :?t e veteffinfrr- ^1) urha m Ut?ra1d..l Joe Terry's Announcement hi an x'hrv cXlumn will be. found ^ dop }9 J u suios 1 1 j,ja p b 05451 ; '.Grocery Co., of South Boston, Va. lo ijMTiv pfitv-s ' and- asks, you to; .'ornpfure them, and then .-to- t-ome to( y,t re and load ?]> your wiigon. ; Afcoafi what fio hn.s to :s>5\, Notice "We can nofc Jury' from . 1 fee. ; .?2. to. January t927i \Soi ileasr ."briivj; v hat Cotton y : vi . want ' to 5*6)1 _? bjKoi-e ?'Oj>istma?r-'crt or , be* 1 fori?. Dec. ts&iw; * noxnofia r.rr roN ,\in .. s. ? ?? . " " ? ? ??-. 1 More GoocLHogs R. * siauflrbtcr f Ho*jty 1 V Ulr-d ? two hogs 1-i()0i founds, ?jVoutnh each. , . .? .',v L A. n . m k >.?? K* ? i u ! ; .rJ-pOJM.V thif -fQU He- kjlVoi! tl, ' wr'iu'.iiiii.L' 3 'Nil. iO": ?' ? "? '! >ia ' Y'orrring. Thw%sda>*-;7^jr.jUay--^-^atui<;;ty*' ' Xiixxmiwv.' Mtvr : ArU-'n's' j - AVIATION" GTF! ' " .1? ivopli-, Prominent Person County Man Says Good Cultural Methods Makes Farming Very Profitable I ? - ? ? ? ? - ' - r : DOLLAR DAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS The Town Was Full Of People And The Merchants Were ? Busy BRINGS MUCH TRADE , . ' * " " ? ? V It was again demonstrated J&ftt the people, of this section ate alive to opportunities when bargains i*f? j offered. The warehouses Were full J of tobacco, the streets were lined jwlth autom. biles and the hw.-.y -lien fters kept the clerks on the jump all" j 'ny. ? T! i- w; i i ho" ?< apd: we ! believe such days wjfl bee j me j a fixture here. ' ! Notice To Our Customers Ouf plant, will be ttosery G'eanrng Dept. will bo closed Dtf?era t>er 27-2Sr29th. Re : pen for buBirvsss ' Thursday December fiOth. Laundry Department reopen for business Mon day January 3*d. Customers will please take lydtice. ROXBORO STEAM LAUNDRY CO. ' ? JylRBY BROS. Christmas Program Helena Hiffh School is to ffiw a ("iristnVas program Tuesday, Dec. 21 at 7:45, P. M. The ? program- will bo given' by '.all jrrades. The primary children, will; give a Christmas op eretta, "Visit to Toyland" while the ] gramma r grades will give a cantata, find a pantomime. The high sch pl j Kills will give a Star drill and some , eh rases. While last, hut not least, the high school boy* will present . " Santa C.laus At the Bar oi' Justus- \ "?% bising tried* fo? a serious crime. The , program will also include some r^r.d- ' togs. that will entertain you. Kvery one is urged to be ..present . and set* whit is d*;ne with Santa'; r!:i us. Admission will lv?? 15 -erts '.or children and 35 cents' far' adVHs. ? A Little Too Careless 'Chief Oliver had- ocea-iiqn to make ? his way o^r in Reams-town Satar- ? day night ami when he c ame bach to j ?own he brought with him Jan es Bolt-n and a quart of Iiq\i.r that ; James had slightly hidden tinder |:ift j overcoat, the bulk of which &tuck out Jnf.t :? little top. Tar imd Chief Oliver-, raised his overcoat and there it was', 1 jtiui thus the happy a nliiri patio n of ? i' ha pity Sunday for James way alH shattered and lie will get wn ihti r| j"uet:on t. ihe court next term. No Oil, Says Phillips Durham, f De e. 10. -North Caro'inn . . ?f the \ . C\ Department of Conseryai Ton ; 1 i Development . told the "?i!h M mr ron tractors at their eon.vetion . he-p last ? week. This state bag v.r.- : ruiKSaUy' cr-k 'aatl ?? t?]? . [ M^rj.'L PhiJHps ,4:0 Id -the ' Contractors, 1 r ivihs Vhe State T7T]Jit appv veil a tf^rknir,'r_!x ? e-i' f >i|l, 1 >'i ri. ?: : n< ? Vjt i law . sra>! 1 . . . fo *v?rmit:*d ? t o thb JenetffiV A srmbli *t its Jaij- ; | uary meeting. Tobacco MainfCrop But Grows Live Stock, yfogs. Poultry, And Necessary Food L q V E S FA R M I N G Running: a farm of "a thousand aert-s U no -mail job, but Mi'.^obn D. Wlnst?ad, whose place is cut c-n Route o, Roxbcro, pets a lo* ot pleasure out of it. In fact, he says he chose farming: as his life work because he h>ves it. ? Winsiead' tobacco his main ,cr_p because he is not in a wheat or cotton secticn: Yet. "it is. m ruli' of. his. to grow 'as- m?ch as possible of the necessary "feed Tor liis j livi sljj.'k, poultry* etc., as nclli as .fa-id fcr. the home. j . jSom'^rf^tures 01 successful t\um- ] Tng on^Which ".-Mr. Winstead s accommodate our cu2- j tomers \yv will . remain open evw'y j night until !? o'clock until afr^r j Christmas. If you can n.'.t visit ? store during the day, come in aftor( supper and we will show you juttt j what yon are looking for ? we haVe { just the . thinff for that ChristnittS! present for father, mother, broth01" or sister. I. ok . them- over. A HARRIS & BURNS "A Poor Married Man" Thinre will be a play given ' perry's (ii-ovo Sunday School ' j ("aldwi 1 llitrh -j>1 Frida\ Tight, Dec. 17th. 19*26, at 7::*0 o'cUek. The j name* or :hc pia\ - "A !'???.? Mm! Man.1* 'i Time of playing '1 '.hours. ' omr ; everybody" ana see what hard tinu*' 4,A* Ptkiy Married Man" has. Ad*> mission.:. 15 an4 * $3 cents.-' Pi\ir.e|,rte \ go f*: ir foiilding Sunday Sch.ol roe/ns- j Representing Anti Saloon Leag?e "Roe C, A'. Upi'hurch. supOi'riU^r,-,| c*ent of the A rJ i -Si,' on l.eiiiru'e .si'''nr l^st Snnday hen. In the m^ri^u?*! hi part? ?'The present market ' cdnditivns j furnished abundant, proof of the nec essity for the .*ound development of ; c:- operative marketing in- the south. i A strong well managed association i would be s ucr a potent factor in this j market as to insure greatly increas-.j ed prices for the association stocks i of tobacco and enhance returns off millions of dollar sto the grewers I upon this year's crdfjs. * ."A combination of eccncmic r.nd j m arket conditions and unwise n?,m- ? ifcment brought about the disastrous failuiv of this association. Receiver ship was inevitable. Had it beea longer poFtpcne the 1--S8e* would, have been, materially increased. Great the financial losses upon j grower ; members will prove to be. ; ever, thin is. not so serious as their shaken confidence in the value of to- j T.perative marketing and in the busi- i r.6s> capacity cf the men upon whom they must rely to manage these -6r ga nidations. It is to be hoped that ee^mte thi;f discouragement, the to bacco growers vvijl not permanently ihandon c ^-operative marketing, for, )? is their nly safeguard against the f ruiriou-t .prices of disorganized mir- ' keting." j That the receivers have had their , woes in the marketing of the nsso- ? ciation's tobacco is plainly . indicated ! in the report which alleges '"serious, overgrading" cf the association's to bacco ait the time it was -placed * in i the hands qf the receivers. *? " This ov?rgrad??iir a.nd ~ price do- , dines are expected, to result in an i inventory los> of about four nvllion ? collars. ' ' .1 Thus .the apparent assets as vf v November 'AO were ab.ut nineteen] million dollars hut thf*se assets were ! reached by the inclusion of the dub ious. inventory. v The receivers depl re thiw but ! nevertheless txpect to pay off .all J debts of the association ' in full nrid'' maybe luye. something left ;vei to' dole out en the ill- fa tod participation j certificates of the members. A Good Report Mt\ P. T. Whht. the worthy ;.nd4 'successful keeper of the Burchwood j eime-tery, sVntcd that part cif the cometei-y which has not bet'n platted iirtd- planted :t I" tobacco. the crop . brite^intjr his Of course, the ! town, received t>tu?- fourth. .f this for'; lent. *, s. . . ' ? j; Arfefaged $51.39 Me.'". H. I.. F.vans and L. F. .Wjilk- i 1 1.1 17.36 PEOPLES BANK Person Co. Highway Com Load Mr. Mii R- Long, Chairman of : Pers J r. bounty Highway Commissi r.n, furnishes us with the following state ment as ivsked for in our last issue: 'i Bond Issue tor Koaid Improvement ; In Person County Roxb:.i> Township '/ per cent K..a. ?10 ycai' bonds $75,000 00 Retire! ' *6. 000.00 Outstanding, doe July 1. - Person County Road Im proved Bonds (serial) issued May 1. .1919 $225,000/00' f ?15.000 due May 1.. 1.924. Relived i f 15.000 due May 1. 1929. $20,000 due May 1.' 1934. *25.000 due May t, 1939. ?3S.OOO due May 1, 1944 $40,000 due May J, 1949 ^30.000 due. .May 1. 1954.. $25-000 due May 1. 1959. Person County 5 3-4 per vent Road Improvement R.nds i-ucd jttn.l. ; 1922 J300.0frJ.00 i $3,000 due Jan. 1, 1924., Retired) $3,000 due Jan. 1. 4925. Retired I $4,000 due i??.' '-.V*: (Continued on Pajre Ten) Roxboro Maroons Meets South Boston In Seasons First Garne in the first game I uf the season at the W instead Ware--; house. Come. oUV ami witness this j as we promise you s .nie inr '? teres ting sport . and \& p:ood c-iv wd ' will lend an air :f encouragement to sjUi ge sc m e i* vqn . m ore; I n te rest i n g ] mantes daring the season. Admission .!"> und 25 cent Ghristmas Holidays Not Without Its Temptations :As the < : 'istmas holiday- draw \ near -onie ttf oar citizens ?^ire . in- j elinr i 10 think the holiday period I Will not bo complete unless a . I'.ttlo ! 'Mikker'\1s mixed in with the season, but fortunately \yc have a .bunch : f ?? differs ii^ tfal* r unty who a*e i n- i deavoi mir to make thirps ius; a .lit . tie uneoitrfoHable for all sych Tel- i Vow,-* so a few .nights. upo Sheriff Brooks had ; -cation "to send Demit y Tlradsfh'rr and' upon VnVestiga t i n Mr. j (5 entry' '."found cjevural" trillion.*, hidden < in hits home,- alrd now thi? man will have an opprt, v to-tel! the judge ? why he had so much medicine in his home all ;it the same time., an he was \;iven i* hearing, and l*rund ; *'* Flag Raising and Bible' Presentation On next Sunday < v<:nin*i. jit '2:30* } t he- L nffhur-t .f. 0. .U. A. M. Goim-'j cif WW present The Hurdle. Mill* 1 Flijrb School with a I'^ble and ? ftajj. j An interesting. program has. heeni airangeil by the program committee ! aprf lhc pcncra! public in cordially | invited. . Among the speakers that ! have /been sec.ared fth- tfce oecafJwi&j are* R. jC. .(rut^^r. f Durham, 'N.. < ' who wUT- pre-wnt the flag on behalf! of council,. and C. W. StaUjifgs, j .Jif "1 HirJu'imy N*. (?-. who will present the- -bible <^"ith.; 4flt'6 r.eslin g and a. up'-.1 propria ti. sp^echies ^ 'U.- M . i '::r! v m ju^ed to make ;in ad^reaj?r! Murtit wid be f gir n i 5 h ?i b y. the fco ng-j i.ui- bund. . ? Will Open Again After Christ mas on ToestUy. January Fcmrt h BEST SEASON IN HISTORY With the closing- on Friday.. Dtf 17 th, for the J^olid ays the Rok}>o> <* market will Iftive had it* best sea, generally and the farmers have been well pleased. The market opened on Oct. 5th and in the two and- en* ~ half mcnths has Hold more than ftxt million pounds, and with the c that is yet in the hands cf the fa*m Cri sales should ruk? well :iroon? seven million pounds. The market \y51I open on Tuesday, ?Ian. ftft, and there is no reasonable excuse, for a !pound of* this toKiccr / other thaai on thi* mar ket . I.. ? Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 0:45,. H. t*. C'ro well> Supt^ Please come on time While we are arranging the Christ mtcrtainment w* ask all par*-ntH to see that their children are *vp time to all practices. !Moromg service at 11 a. m-* Ser mon by the Paster,- "The Spirit of Christmas." Evening service at 7:3ft p. m. ? Sunday School at. Mitchell Chapel at 2 p. m. Preaching service 'aft Warren Grove school at 3:30 p. m. -\ MS. pastor. Bushy Fork Defeats Bahama Getting" down. to mul-beason term the Bushy F.rk Giants defeated Ba hama liigh Schcol last Wednesday cveing by the score of 2J to Bushy Fork completely outflanked her opponents after the first ouatter, allowing them cxily one shct^""^ \<*'e basket after the first eight W Oliver again played a tin e getting a majority of the points, for Bushy Fork.--? S- , First Baptist Church Sunday School 10:15 A. *M'., R. V>. Wilbum, Supt. Preach ing 11 A. ? M. "The Gift of L^ve." 7:30 P. Mn >nk^ jeet: "M** unto Ocd 'for Hi' up ; >peakab!e gift.v 2 Cor. 9:15. W. K. 'WEST,- Pastor. Planters Warehouse Sold Last -Friday Mesa. Powell v.?d 1 Coltraine, receivers for the Co-?p*f sold at auction the Planters ware house on Court Street. Mr. R. A Burch was the purchaser, the last ami U*?t Vui $14,000, pjir h nsor to pay all hack taxe.*, whicb w* ?.4i - 1 i? * tan i amounted to $1,000. Box Party Success The Hurttle .\fil)H tftjjlfl^hool gave ? their annual box party Saturday night in the audilit fjcjn of the seln>ot . VuiMing. The ?. a tendance was wry* ?ni- u raging. ajJ?l . the whole wvmng ? was tilled, up with a general .mixture . of hiich class etertainmeht which W?? enjoyed by every one present- . " > ' im' ^ ' L X omln^ Thursday ? FridHy . -Sii tor?iay IJurember .2$? ! -544? .25th:' 2ttaj? A Ilea's "AVIATION UIKLSn II yPsipte ? ? : ; ? ?