ON THE i. CVtEI; IS THE ? DATE YO.I R ' 1VVPEH, WltL BE HTOIM'EP W \TCH the label] jjQN YOUR I'APEE AND I>0 NOT LET YOOb - L'Vuinc EXPIRE . J '.-W. NOELLr EDITOR AND -PUBLISHER. - .HOME FIRST. ABROAD: NEXT. $1.50 PER YEAR IM-ADVANCE VOL. No. XI. IV ROXBORO, NOR I H CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening. February . 1-6, 1927. -No. 7 Trap Death Of Charles T. Wood: Takes His Own Life l.ifeless Body "Found In 'l'he Planters Warehouse Early Monday iMornins KOI Nl) BY .K T. WALKER Kavly 'Monday njorninp. " sometime ( tu rvn C jomJ 7 c*cl:ok. Air. .Charles T." Wood ^Ook hi- life. He ac ??nnip y,hed Ciry ra*h deed, by shoot injjr him --elf thrciisrh thq h^ad, the bail ? n jgrWfc just above the Tlprrt par ;\ndu vfmcrJknft on th- ,i&tL side. - body wk 3JW??Y?red b . T. \V alkvva A. .ji Comimny buyer this market. His body was found yijn$C flat -on his back.* .vith the re - ; Ivrr -elcvr by ii : -v side, hi* htad Wtlrvflf fn a p:oi of ^blood. Theie ia no known rcasen ,why 3fr. > Wood S hould - loa ve t h u s . o n led h i s ' !-ft\ thouh he has. been .in poor health or *ome time, hi si physical- condition/ V9fS net at aU alarming:. Me le-fi n )\is p'eket a -letter \q^ddre?sed to ?M- wife, which threw no ? Mjrht cin iv rash.ict, a* it. was 'purely, mf > 'jnil, telilnfr'jf his .|c ve fov-h^ w ife ?? t ' Mr; Wood, was a Native of -this otmty, was borh ; and raised l ? uv \ . a: J -.in ??? i ; hat iihi*- has in% the (o i'.rvr, ' ?? i! -.v -jaa ;i ioD*^ faith . \?1 ttn'l e.o>is"i>;ent ni< mboc. f Concord . ,It thodi.?.t ChirtHM. Wan very active n Church work. He was. a member1 ?t* -the County Schcol Board* and Was ? ?? y f the u scuvi ? .'..-it Vn wni cvtuir. -? TKv? lmr-n' ? , 'baric**, who i$.a student at theA ni ensity, ?nd Arch, arid x>n? ? daughter. 'Vancis,;, The "sympathy "Of" all jjo ? at to the family iri this: >:i.i hour. Millions. Hail Its Return. ,<'? -KpN;' . Ingram's Production "The 'our Hois^mec oi the Apocalypse". ith Kudol;h Valentino and. AIM Terry, ecmipp to Palace Theatre, CMnday and Tuesday February. 21, ,.:id d Hex Ln?:?unf:* ?stiipen-i'-us' -.chieveinent? a Him fjSa.s.ifrpivce thnt a??' made Mdti:,n -Picture History ? rrtums now- io t'yiumpit to the s^iA'^n. eomlntf iy the inoat important r.ws of the year to. Film' F?xns tii'e ,'ne pfi .Auction you eat>tx>! - nri Lb-: . .. ietU)>: you V.--U yt ?? a?rain and a^i-in ^'';-;t^iiie.d as' tht^ W^OT) ? * I'iiuire -.t* *; U ijei news' tf; . t^wilf tVv if ?I * . v ni>?r\ woman n.n??; i..a?r.: ? t.:...-. ? ny?'-, . ' . the' pi i* tar e that 'y.h'ook the ^v-orld. Ln^rynV- "? ? it Kp\ ? U \ ' A;!-. ? jfe nei NToveV: ? ^ . Soe.-.;.1 i. .? .Mcn-chi." Jl., i p.* \hi\ s ? i . " :V if. yeafu- admituM f ' K, n-.: , ? "V-AdmVstnn 0.- occ^t . fcy E.sc;*ped Jail . ? ... . Andy M?st. tiff yln r autoir.cbVf. ? v- h'??J , ? \yas JaU\v . vk-rn fntb custody.' fifWm; ccrtirlL trial %1\& pvfyervd to br s^rit - ? .jo- Jjjicksij-rt- ?Vrafriftta* . Sdh'oc1,? ? nuT^t live .dj&ided tlWt his lonely aray tn rive jail way a Ttt.lc t o much for him, m> 1 :w t Thar-ula y mo i > nft WJi.il r> ;hf ? . ;*in tvn* fa Mine to? .Tic a vy lor, ?nuffic, er ' p^d^Rtriari outing, A;tdy >r;ceeded t?}? County jail and . toa* sue ?jw?u|t . unking a compfetei jre^H Afty and ha* ? fiF&b'w:. ? i--vr. - ;vx\v. ? ' ; ' . . ^ Hill Parent. - 'Teachers Asso. .? Tii--'.' ri- ^ular. monthly mcfctmjj of l Hi* ( >r v !? ' H i ll l'n c-fttr'T< ;4^hi : _% A iatjon "will, .NOT mer-t ? Thar Jay, Keb, ?I'jth.* T!" * a?xt me* tin;; .wiij. b: . :Hrl ; li .MjUVCh.-- ' Sv-cv . j' ' . 1 ' ; i' i ? > ? 1 Pl.^h n - ? ? '' ' ? ? . * *:--iu-uii i mil i.tii iiiui i ,i i i'inr* ?? .?i $hj?&to .' Palace' Theatre " The week of ' .>'V.t)ruaj,y 28 th.- . ? Prosperity | . THere are two ways- of bfinx ? t happy. either diniiiuh ' I . nir vant> a? augment our | | means? -either will do? the re-, /, | *?ylt is the same; and it is tor 1 j each man, to- decide tor l??m- . : i se f, ard*dp that which happens ???*' to be oivs4?&.C. . ^ V you" are idle or sick or j f poor, however bard if may be .1 to dimirah your wants, it. ? will ? | be harder to augment your means. If ynu are, active and pros perous or- young or in poo.d health, 'it mat be- easier I or you to augment your weans I tbbn to diminish your wanis. | Hut if yW are wi^Vr you will i do both at the same time, i young ? r < Id. rich .or poor, sick I or well; and if aou arc ver.y ' \*i*e. you wi I do both ,in_/uch " a way as to augment the jseri I eifyl happiness of society. |s. - Franklin'. ROXBQRO MARKET WILL CLOSE OH MARCH 4TH Royboro Mat'ket In Stronger Position- Today Than For Many Yeai*s ^ OPEN TWO WEEKS MORE ^ The! to^vacc o "market w-ill cjos'e here. %n Friday, March 4 th. ID'JT. Only al>out two weeks nure; 'and if you have arty w5xweo on l and . y : u will be wise to. ifet it -in shape and bniig it ih. The other markets tributary to ft6xbor', will clcs?' on this datt!. The season, ^ust -about to close has' bwii very successful ami the fann ers who have scjdv here i+ny they have, no ?wu.s.e for Death Of Miss Main ?' - ? - > i Al'is*' 'Alary died -Sunday' n*r?:.r irirat Watts hospital, where she had. l-u n for tri'-amcnt - f^r - t ' c ua?t ten ? "ay> . 'The- i'cnvninfc Were J brought 1: in jit- . burkd. which toot place ; n ? !1ii?vi-aw> ; _ , , ? M h.hfy ? :i. .lut:*, ? f'Jnx- ral servi.-.^ feeing dttcxe 'Rev f. C.iAdai)\st /?Vo.av h'aiftt cf b :'V sisteiy .Mr/,. I. . nil# of . rt-i dea.th thought . h f-.'ve. ornducvd -heart tj-. om i I ih h < h t> jfi I i'i . ?hl> wa "."a". ria t iye Sc tlaiul, years t?f age." ' The '.j. uncemeht of her nnirrfatre. 'to Mr. W. W. ^Jaifcj son had been anncun-i d i: ? tin1;,- ago M*. .latnt son . hi i?v: i i " ent_at her burial. . * Washington On ?Religion and Morals" "Of -aU'the dispositions "an 1 h xHit ~ which . Uei -to political pic^perity, j ?U^ioiV anf nir. ratify ar of the duties vu/ men .. nd cftizcrs " . .. , ? _i ? ;' , . h J .George Washington. 'Sunday S.'ho^l lOvlf* H. nv, R./L. W i.U>u :m , Su pt. "Pr'tabhln^ 11:60 a. ni./ vubjc.t " U (~ -last V" i p. hi suhjeetr ?."Temptation.*.." i 'i . r. r> frM p.'- tn? (. ? -rai V. i*. U.. 7:1 > pr. m>..r>r. H. M. 7" ? ? ?A ? coniii,! -,v,i.t'.i))ii , 1 J>;u.nd**,i , ? ' . ' t- ? B tpt . < 'hurcV!1 j * flaa^tOT; INDEBTEDNESS OF ' PERSON COUNTY I Owes For County Home $25,000 County Schools STi.000 and District Schools S89,0J^>.50 TOTAL DElbj S 769.073.50 ? ?* - . _ J " ?'? ". .. * Thr fd1iiV\yirjr rep -t o-f the ..li'nan, rial ccndity v of 'ho County has in on prepared ; "by ..tHe Auditor and aporov eti by the Beard Of County .1 1; lumi-s - , :t the General Cotfnty' f units frcm IV-. 1. 192.1 t. Nov. [10. 1?2G: County Home. ' $58( '? (tt Snn'plies for court hou^e an-,1 erst of court? ~ $31f>-??$l Outside puunrrr -" 7" $ WV> '* ? ' '.Jail ; _ : Miscellaneous, . including: tax Hstinsr. m ether's aid. insur~ 'unco, cost of people, in State institutions \ $iil,4j)t. ^8 ?? Grand iota! $22,220.ft3 A mount of tux lovjT?or general County fund . .S2M.20S.52 Financial Statement lverscn , County, February. 1927. Notes for County Home $2.5,00o:60 bur!plu.-~f(? Hurdle Mills $21,250.00 4*a?4H?v* ? ?? - ?.f>0 Sumimipjr up ilu.> statement it shows the Count\vis indebted , for; CVurity s! hool.- 371.UO0.mV County Home $25,000.00 Special v -r?^-r ~ Tdfal "' ? $.l-8r>,07."?:f?0 R ad/w)d> , ?584,000.00 l vjl\ $18^^)73.50 Opttratirij* Schools for 1 ^."i-2'i Salaried $85,3?;l?0S Expend -fund, bilsea. etc. > $76,230.36 Total $161,623,35 . Thrs- amount includes $25,000 loafted thv. town schools for the new rfhool building. and also . iwt'ludes $4,298.00 put in new school buQdiiiffs in the County. Total indebtedness of* the County is >44,77 f-r every' man, womap *i ncli ehOd, jncluthns: white, black and In- . cliaJi, in -the- County. V&w; take the. indebtedness of the town of Roxbbre. which' is $5o'2, 000. , :;H iii bonds, and you will see .that; j f.t t s^n Coi/aty. ahcT "Roxh: ro ewes* $1,321,075.50. The per 'capita in- ' de^tVdpe.ss of Roxbi>r- is ?$ 1159.80 fer e.ve;-y -..man, woman a-nff child. white i^ar.cj 'black-. " ^ ?t" requires ,jt went y .per cent of all ' (- Uec tV?*rijjjj&he '' ' Coapty-; * .tp .r , v it "inhere' -? t.v -t hmg of; ^?U^' . \f and'' required. ~ ?:r?'..V'.' '. There. JH apt ?:iim;aely, ono hundred , i - ?yu:. 3q?n3r Off :? r.r^: ! <. n l taxes i due* the. Cr iirlt v, a'u# ff .-he Sheriff i> fSUwCQS; fill u\ ccfll??tmg thfe?e t^txes til-. Ctmpty v. iJJ W .a We. to rtMhiee t:? i i ?- i o b t mrc> s~Tf - .>oriic* - extent, '.tbouLrh' ??out -)1 l Hi* niJiti musl cohie the u-.r-n ,' ey neces^itO' ? ? H*n tht .^h miih's * un'l all the- cas h* that wa ? Ivft in the rash, drawer after the clays a ork. which amooftted to be tween tweJve and tiftevfi dol^jr;:. ?The?e .felltws wet ir pretty bravv as they, entered. the st6re from the iront s i i ' e J ac i n p- the \nmi n r ; ad-. Epworth League - Th'-Tx^will.'he. a Wa&hiwfctorv Birth day Kntrrtain mi-Tit in the bast . e.hurch ..vcnin j ? ftf. Keh. ? li'Jitd nt ?:ijO < 'cj c;H - A/ 4i,i^veT offering wiH* be fiken jt the door." Bi- -aure und -ltoi torjrot. u hat 'happens the overnifff of fah. U2iwi. v- 1 Come , a?V(l br in p ^ y'ourj f r i eftid s . -? . i,\n'v tor; . . MINISTER TO HI Nfi.TKV v. I ' _ ;r: w - 1 owy by ? TPresitU?nt Co6JiHj>t>, ^6' be* * ? > I i u : - i ? . ? T** Her Home Now Temporary WJiite House irr? - I ? *T * ? , ? ? . ? ? = ? ; ? ? Mrs. Elmer Schlesingrer, nefc Patterson, of Chica;r<\ offerwl her palatial home in Washing-ton. to President .and Mrs. Coolince ? wnile extensive" repairs ?are being" made on the "White House. Though u?ri blocks from hfs office, the President and MYs. Coolidge made thSs-^o* lection from a scor? o(^6tTer> ? . . . Negro Desperado Tries 5 To Kill Sheriff Brooks ?Negro Wrests Pistol From Sheriff In Scuffle Ai>d Only Timely Arrival Of 'Deputy Gentry Prevents Him From Committinc A Capitol Crime; Now Confined In Local Jail. , ? ? One of the most clafmy: and savage assaults wii,). attempted ?in. - the- life < t Sheriff' V. j l?ro? ks >lorid;vy y*V^n?n?r . by a r ?Vsavape nctiro man svho has Sep tra \ nam bnt i~ better* krioWn. as- Henry Krojreye. The j assault was -iiiade in the homo oi" Si Wins lead,- a "colored man. ? wliiWhorne is in the (:hub Lake section. Sheriff Brooks and I>eputv W.' R. Gentry had udrie intf' tSe home of Wiiistead to , make a search ? for some stolen lyoperi; and while try ? was busy. upstairs making ? -4 the search Krogeye demanded of Sheriff .Brooks an explana tion and. before a'lxythiiif? could j - be done he had Sheriff Hrooks looking straight' vn the bar Death Of Jasper Ruffin Woody Student At S. C\ State CoW*ei : Making A Hi^h Mark In His' ' Studies The sudden death Mr. J-isper Ruff-iii W odj1 at. the 'Raleigh ho^v.'.al * ?ig?t: Thursday in: rnigigr vras-a grv-^t s.hr *k* .to his friends ?* K ' He had fcetn troubled. with hi* ? yes for s'ome'time. when ch Wedn r-fay" tvonins: ho -ec.nsult.eii a,', specialist, .vh<>. advised, hi.sj to see r. physician. Three , jsfjysidiiins .Examined - hlfiu /Find in*; It at .he had a 'tuitK^* o.f the -'bnu:t. which' a fow ? Hours later .caused,. 1: is (U'ath. . Jasper wn> '/only, 18' year* * o| j VfCtff- a ..student at A. and K. < oRetfe, -iin'd * was making' a ?. mos ?; >vi:ible ? repuia lion Hift- udden ?; a *.vay 1 . Ia ? V.W.I ? -rrrr ? ? ? ! . ? ' . . ? vr i.elatiye.v .. . H; ' . yj-'V-'- "hi o-^isi : ?'? 1c m;- ? Thurxiay,. .fir ha i.!. .'a-, fuinial - S!;uk |-!;i :'h*r chuiyh at Bethel Hill, Fr.rt^y after- ' Opii. f r:llo\tvd - i?) i ." ?? c HuiVh- - cemetery: Rmv ,N?.. J. To d* ccnducted tho ? EeiArietis nod wa*i n?- 'j ." istVd by ttc . A. . -De i iv. , "Stony ' people frona .-rttended ' th:; services. . _ ' ? ; Surviving the*'" defct/itoed are his rrrJ.t.her. Mrs \V. A. W:ody; a hroth. er. Brue?* Wo.aly ; and" siiter""1 M r ? . Ch ari i e \Va iters, . < -f . I ? ! : inc hj . N C.t Mi'km Marie Woody. Miss Hli/.a fceth Woody, aild Miss Lucrh : Wei, .y. : Sale Cantiimed ~ It has .been reported in come ?ec- ; ?tiQJIS . that our annual Farmers Sflje J ended- the first o? this , month. This j is fin error, iis the ^le wiU be con- j tinued thtoufrh the month of .Febfu -ary. We are do:ng (his because. of { the. poputy?rit$* of the sale and the fact .0tl hftvi? not. ^a^TtSc-ilPliPVtunity:. So.* if Vm fire in ?need of f arnji n/.r jmp^enu.rit--' and supplies tome^ Mn er v, (Ite ? t' v ? Xipy.' circulars an 'avrtil \ ??'!? ' ? -trUlv 44 in -4U tfr i n ? ? ? -r ,, m Uu* niLWUN'-?? iIAliJ)VV ARK j ?Souti*. j : ' > of a danper.ouN looking ^hot i?un. advancing tin him' with a s;ivajrc threat; fortunately de-pru- ' 1 > (ientry cariu* dtivvrir;: wrench - -inir tffe rj.iri -irom ^-tlie- fu-ur.i befo.re a - hoi w as. made, t hvii ^ ? ? ean'fe what. jm>iied ? like "death and life sfrujoHe between Urqok.-v a the ;n In fhe -cult'1** the nijfFp ^ot ' htotti of . the sheriffs pi?tol md but for -the . li^?\tnin<4: actjm of Gentry 'the negro would have shot. hiiw down wijh hi> oym gun. Deputy, (fentr> conUd Ihc nexro *ith a heavy hlnw riy ?. the, head, after. . which he released his clinch on the. tfun as well Us . Sheriff iJroo&'s, He was ? braUffht t Bethel Hill Farmers Organize Spray -Ring Farmers at Vocational IVpart ment.ot Agriculture and have it> ! terestinx: fruit meeting Oji las; Friday-' nipht Several of; Itha farmers" of \fiv Bethel Hill ? - j tion' .met 'with the-.^eaeher V m 1 1 :otkftl .\Kricultmv at th> Uiph Schcol j and l;fcU-nd. to a talk on "How t.n jgiXv \ > < . ? t i-r? elected ' (Manager .of ?thj? rintr. ;,A" sprav o.tttfi* wis! hi pur.* has,-.!, .fq't ?'use, by tl)e i in.ir members and they "will* work cr-opeV. a?:vvly in thv ^pray?t>g; It .vas aj*n?(t that a ?iay would be. sat for the spray ' ir.ir a nJ M \? ('. 1 AT; ? , y>* ? - H ? .. i -i.ii T .. ?'. i ? ? ilv ? -r ?> i ^ ut iit. ftrtd "the to -.h;i'v?- the' mat ? - ' t ? i j- t?? ? i ?[>.-.'?! iur msf\ei -\'y th? other- members. All r<'.l\ar to. >eW ?1. ? i.!?a'y ? u tiir. -ik-mi rr .for -pravin^*. i mix the >p.ray ;'iid to be!p .with: tfr^ >prayhi<-r. Sprvy* in*? by the -rnv *? u meT!"T>d is .economical .siuce buying the tnat^'inl f " . prayimr- ?? *J:-ru -quantiue ? ?wC'U^d ? .make it ehsaj -tr and *-ince liibjar cbndittpn* arc -nth thjit it i.^ rijpc v - a i y. to ?.? ? ope a t ;? in < > rde r i mv~ Hi the work and finally a greater pride in the production of qtuility- products. ? ? u? ? ? ? ? *? ' Mri.KS' mii.ks; J To My Krienos . and; i^atroft^ : . Y u wilf Tihd me at Union Ware-. "hoirs-?. Punviiit.-^Xtt. ,1 keep from 20..t-o oO nice trim mules at all timf>s Come -*tvlp:in^1 Pi;*wil;?ir ." T . (li'rl. Who C.imf- "Ka ?'?!-?" "My ivrM '?V.;riih ilvv" .. .a: -:-;t. '.il.i"iii. " . jv . 'Paiac'e.* 'H'hctttiv weeje.. of, February 'J - l:.s * ,' ' ' V . " otto wood mm IN'TERRE HAUTE, IIIL' Attempted .To Hold l*p OrPj? ? Clerk, When- He Isr5Kot Thrdujjh ? Ilody KECOVKKFNt; RAPIDLY . Raleigh, Feb. 14.- North Carolina li.'tla.V moved:., officially ifl -bring: Otto \V ofi, five limes jail, breaker, bark to '??slow : death in 'i'Olrt^r^:" T!.t> one-armed. outlaw who escaped fr'cm state prison a third time ia*t ,N after hi' had escaped from Oh.io and T 'uru ?>-.' t ' . ? rT-^traditirjr. papm, ?.:gnc'd' bv G ov-. c? ncr .McLean will be dispatched to (?Vnorvaw tc?. Indiana .-where Wo;d ht-ld, iqIU %vi:v^ . hi'r .roliiing" lip "a tJil ? voa*d brak'rman and -attempt to- ,J$5b- ' ?h, drug" dbbrer in, the c*ue, which '?broke'* ? Saturday ,> He p. state . prucm S ij p er'j n t end* -t ' Peu a'rth:.unced in I'vnriV at ion of Wood; /"'referred -to* , -f; . v 'r.ti . nw -uapi!- heaxttiliep fur 'X< ? ' ' *11 H y . Cl'tott*-*.' ' .1 ???' ? T;he-*c!-A;:s5ve- -Wood escaped- tWvlast ? ' 'time i n' S i v e mber " la's t K our. ' ,:%I rj. a lettvi; to a r mvspjt^T purport- ? e l .tf conn from hi ?H he said love cVF bis child lien, lured him X: make bis U'.ikI % cape .from- pii'-oir walls here. . Wood was placed in ^death row a*r ? i'ei: >efcbn ' dt.-capv hc-j'e hut wa?. i movtuiKT! ?rrw.' ? ? tk*- - boa?;d took . full renpori>ibnity ' for his . ? last.. escape. O * y-^l y-/j; ' | . ? 0-~rr- ? "A Little Clodhopper"' "/ Thursday ??vehinjr, .Feb. 24th. 1^27, in ? the graded school ? auditorium ii play ?r? titled, "A Little .Clodhopper/' ?will .be .presented- under auspice;^' of th r B. Y. P. Uj" Fr; ill all reports th-i*. play is erm jiderod one ?>f tb* btVt ^omedy-clranuis'to be presented - her.e'jr) jspme tifjie. "Characters . Sefltinius Groan, ? Dick Woody, a y.-anir bVovC u^n W~4&|U ' .< . f '?'pep.: ? Ov oy (iumj-. Coy Day; a fresh rountry .yrb&xiu by tteek. iii-S." <:"h'sffftry. i . Johnnie Clyde llidl,...:n in: ii'ttW lamb- Vgom the city. ' ^ '? ? ? Sir*:; - '' Cr\i!%tts (J.i-'Bojrjr.-i, Bivin.v \y i^U-adr Iti? dothi-tr* ? Mama, , \vith ?'*. : .r.r.'-.fk ? ? ? . : ? .. Miss - Jitfjvtte 'IJeanv. - .Mabel* M.on insr-ue. '-:i .SpHntVirxHllo-. -boitr'dih^hou^ ' .'iV ? ; ? , , ?. ' ' ?Ch i n Carter, Mary iRJtey/ who ? ? ' -*??: " a lyum.ii .. _ t. ' ?Srv.?tT^v"^cn<>i"u ? i beautiful S. ; v-.': ? ,ii: "- duiSnir the j:ei-for;i'.'n.no? . ? ?KYonj the -iAv I'havai-'ttM's above ?:t 'is.v t'tv be seen" t-^nt for ;>n eve-lint: .fid I fit miitb'r .ba?pii;e>H and, plea^ur^ byie 1 1 -de N^ell to' ;A tattle w.Tiv'?:et < . ?. iv .y.Me" Feb?1, at / D av i s I) i u a "Store . . lie s.e r v?d ' s eats ."0 crtjrs, j?ene*ul s'dm* -iion U5 CO r*ts. Bible Class Orri?nized At Hurdle Mill* We ine'^vcn' uli d tV -learn thixt \}\ v. f arv A -.tains, b.as torjrapjzcd. :? ?. K'ble- c'las:> for the Ilijjh school stu dents' at Kurd IS gSOfegBS ti^lbje , evidence, quite- , a li ill- , h* boQTt oi'trajmel and has becomy very erithusia.Uie over the wcrk. We . r ? of the e pinion (lvat the parents cf all studemts shduld encourage* ?furfi -in tn:- work this Up-;, poftunit.V t ?" learn somethmj? about the j*reat Rook that will serve them . Xi H: in thc^r Mature yeai^S. " .. T atum- Whitfield >abel Tatum :^td Mr. WhitfWld were mar ?ihy c.fti^r of the .retnftt^r 'j^iteerfa Tho . cen'trtuoy vva> |H-rf griped ^ by*. of tH? I'ea ?e, ii. Tuoct, ;r> nht presence ^^^ow frjend*^. ?