Moriaii I t,ems j Mr. Zidf lf. .Clayton who had thfij . 'li'foftuue of Retting' hi. h me Viul ' i"K".,V?K- nett: hi< es_ mntcd 4at 41.000 "com-p?e:i'ly destify > ' *>>' t H ("Sli 1 f-.anusr.v, lost t*? _TUr?l?y. on his way to RoxBoro I r , :n town., We lire sorry for his [ . ' , I Jiops -^thij finder of the - "v>' wilt he tru" eflofugh' to rst,urn ^ame to him at.pnce. ' Of cours-a ?ome ?ie tend it. ? ?Mts. Mmon Taylor of Rqusjemont i >?d at Wr home. Wndnjtjday, atioi-j *** . I?nyr sirdqiesa nhd 'was buried in fnmlty eemptory . aea ? Mt. Har ??"ny rhunh Kririuy. ReV. Mr. Mc Kinniry,- Primative . Baptist if Dtir - - - uni. conducted the burial services.] Mrs. B. J.. Day jjave :i_ cjndy pr. | ' v rlruaiy 1st, a number of the I Mnyiab -childu-ii: -which -they great y tnjcyed, J.J , , Day is a great friend' >tfl children and they are fond of her. Miss Bertfia C'ir.i. who i., t'edchin 2 ' Mifls, sne:fj the last v.eek.l I 'f January visit i,K frlofttf* at' -? '-loriiih. Ma-y of Helena fpen. j ?' Mol'i'e Bit ' 4>*y ' spent the ..ok i-i!d with the'r cousin Mis< tqe* ? !."i'v 1 f Timb?r({i}.-c. } Mi.*' \ai; if QHTytor. js 'spending ?one : me with li"r ne:cc Mrs. Eariie . Ilif.iiJ .nfTiT^hiirJftivt'T-' church. Mi s 1 ;? I.ibsity Warch .v-e. J.Urham Kridjy .fnr .tlin .r i .... ?' H ; V.i - 1 v . 1. 1 j . . . ales. ~ . '^'r- -1 Meadow who ha- h er ' r' ' ' 1 ' J. ' '".it Vi i - 1 ? V'f* l.U'.'y have hroved 1 ii"?k *""? TcT ''liVli ; V "l-o the 14: ' i t' "MH. 'Jht;r fmivls giadly ? -weK'onxe ! 1 .-back - ht t . eoramiKiitV.- i {'. " Sale ef House and Lot 1 r vr . j . '? ' 7. l)H'. f T- -i?t 1 1. :v * jOH- ctv'lrhe -aa- dav a>fe th", ' .the Re ;i'.-t'ffV ^^tv' bounty, N'orth ("a, ?? ?tljia,.#Rd ?t r,o rorpiest ?f t,hf n>ak: ? lil t'oldt 1- of ihe be nr sfc-irt)ti; ?' ? : 'au!t havjn^;' l,Ci;n itindo in the *?' : _ rl..v.ti!( lit. t.f Irind'./J .shall . ' ? Off. . )h.nd*)?. I c-1>. 2H. ! 927, M 12 . clock. .M. -eII-U< ilic, hiiiiiesj bidder, - i titi.'l.V r-'uct i/j,.. ;for rash, n't the - tcl hou^ door ,in~Ro>chorot the UA Br .I'SW?*'' lard; f:-at lot. Oi Innd lying on th<^ . wist ' .'I.: Of Ream*. Avi hues in Roxiob. I'*" -ort < mt* Xtirh Carol- . .'^>?ing ?,:< foet dn siiid Avfnvt. ; k 21 j ?gr H9. -.ff>e tf leister of. [)< ,ds'. . Poamy, .North Carolioa, sec. ' ? ' "'V .'in>d -of s, (? Bnrjiett.(i/i6ii"tlnf?'y>c'*U' I ? ' |s Bice dwelline , v '- . . '' - . .1, -MtSt IU LM-: f 1 U K Mj t JESPMO OF HELP Tjjpa-four..l ... ;?.> ? rftrt m. tit thm My . liw ,i ur i.iyl.r ).-: < cidd ?>.; ?>n ; f,,rihf ; ?l.ins{ in jn'-i.'r- T ~.i, "?!?%? s> tl>110 lhat jut. any r iLgcod," . JOom/* #fv: ---i real; to i.-.ausinjt taemX lust Jaa ago. The . day was very mueh enjoyed,' '??Mr. Oakley came oilt. and jyade pic tures. Every family brought a bsx' ' of gocld/.thlnic^ t- eat and about J twelve "o'dlOck thi.v was spread on a 1 ,lo>'np table 'out *ih the yard, with the fallowing enjoying it: Mr. and Mrs. I \V\ A. Berry, and Rot tie, Lambert; Fannie, Gertrude and Lucille Ber |ry; Mr. Mrs. Clyde Berry: Mr, Dan Berry, and James E., Alma, I?u-i ! elHe and Haz& Berry; Mr$r. A?aie BcH Regan arid four children; .Mr. ! itnd. Mrs. Daniel Chandler;' Mrs. ' Rc^an an.1 Sidne? Retfan; Mrs. Cora. I Breeze; Mr. and Mts. Clydt* lit ry J r Mr. '.and.' n(., i. ? * ? .Mr. and Mrs,; Mad. Clayton and Ruth ' X A 1 and Iferbtrt- Clayton: Mr. i?n'd| Mrs. C lay! iinB brother; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ropers and baby; Mr. and 'Mj Wesj} 'Whitfield and son Carr: Mr. and Mrs. Kemp. Bin lock and 'baby, Mr, and Mrs. R 'y ?'R-pers; Mrs. Edr.a. Roper- and' Ban'nie, WAP tuo ..Dan Rogers?. James, -\Vrehrt ; I Mr. an.r \) i>Yt" riaytgn* and"t>aby-;J Mr., and Mrs, W,- <*.. Alien find 'Sophia Cntes. Maude Fo'ushce, Od$Tf Ham lin,- Virginia Williams, .Omega Fou 'hee, Yeda Oakes. Kmilyr 'Morjre. r nv vry Fou.-.he.e, Riche Harris, Aigie m\ qJc, Mrs. 'j:jCi Gates fircl Jji-nifs; Annie "Thompson, Louise,. Hugh Eli-" 'zabeth,* Hester and Su.k CAtts; Mr. and . Mr s. .T 6 r ?\ v\llen: Ilev. H . E .. Lahqe; Mrs. AV. C. Cfttcfr and S;a!!tt?, Knuri i. Clyde, Sam. " Walter, Coo Carle.'. Delia, ? Let-tie. ijohri and ?M.ifcffff. Cates. .??There wen* mar] y 'tfwre- Vall ?i4.< during the; day. ? ''At What tfnie are we happier than when. ?? we meet at .'^'.^artiily reunion, ere '-'when. -w.e shall ail be reunite J with th . s ? whom-. 'some - day \vc shall meet.'* . Sue. ^ ? * . Land Sale ?By. virtu* .de*'.i ill trifct 'v\- j ? .011, ted u me by. J.ohn T... Satt viMuld. and wife," Martha A.,' duly registered . in. Person County i.n B.ook 1, jra'pe 288,. c!e fault having. beon> made, th payment of interest- and ?tape's. . I will, on the JGth+day of Feb, 1P^7. >d!_ui^lhiLe'oar.t hruUg dooi- 'in.. We Guarantee This Stops i WHITE QIARRHEA T. 'omcn i v r r- community w"-H t-r d ? - - ^ >.,:htcd -to h',*ar "'fcliii. . Far nojr lt?r r cLiicj?j? can a',1 f, ;.T vi ve l be d'\i< My prtrirxj of bo?cl ijoulile. llaSf a c :?twry c-\ practical . ki.wks MOORE'S f MARKET %? MEATS FRUITS i. I ttSi TA3t.CS UO SFjDRO ?.Swu^.-n i?i v,r mat- | t:'i of causing. f r>! k - to tike- .to | ?i}t> tmsinew^yith yoj; - " j We follow a very simple the -conduct nf oar meat market. We sell the freshest, choicest meftts a't a priee .that causes mir uatrons to feel that-' tlfcey are well treated. I b-ro, by public auction for cashr 1 that certain tract ..of land, lying In ? Rjoxboru bounded c't* tlie Fast ? byjAubfey 'Blalock, on the "South by John Lfcniford. on the-; W^t by- Lbwjs Cljtytcni, and pn the^ Moorth by.. Lcmmy pay.* G.ntairlnj} 86 acre? more rr ies.?. * [ This 24jh day of Jan. 1927. T.KC. BROOKS, Trustc. ? No.tice, Sale Of Land Bv virtue oof the power c;ntained i ' in that certain Deed of Trust ctf- ' ecu ted to me by W.- A. Mo ere, on the !, 24th day of February 192G, cf. record in .the Register of Deeds office fori Person County, ii) Book 5 page 499, j the .terms of same net-, having betxij c frt plied with, I Will offer for .sale , at public auction for cash . at- the Court- House door at Koxbcro,. N. G., on . Saturday February. ?G, 1.927 at j 12 o'rfork M!t a' certain- .tract of land ' ir. . M.t. Tirzah Township ? adjoining . the lan is of -W W. O'linam, #R. F- j | Moore, 3. II. Garrelt ai)d ClevOhmd , | Oakley, containinc. 1 7TI acre- ijio:\ ? less? T?ii .plare- ijr know.n a - the S. J j S. Moore H' me Plac'e. ! F. C.. I.ONC;7"t! u Administrator's Noiice Having 71-i a lifted-. .as AcTmirrrtrator : of the estate of \Y. D? Blalo?k, ndc.bted to. ?aid estate* wiU'pT^a^e mal4J immediate payment J ,Thi> the * 21st day of Jtfn. I K. D. BLALOCK, . . ?y " Admin i-a?u?oi* Notice, -6 esale of Land Under and by v:r;tie of the auth- . ?rity conferred ;ip on 'm? l>y :t ccr- j tain Deed of J rust exccuHrf Sy A. j fZ. Dflv . and \v;f : on t v ^ll02r>, and duly ri*.?orcKkl in Bcok 3. at paz:- o^2,, iMht officc : o.f th? R?z\Af f ????: . l)i ??.' . f !\ v.- n ? Ceiarty. yojrtfe CiMHm. gfi increase I b:-! having b?en. pla red < a tbe !Vi m- j ti-r sale, I w!lV on Satjar.Say, February] 19, . 1 32.7, at : i2 o'clock.. M., in front 1 of the. court-hous/> doer in lto,\bjro. | N rth..- Carolina, ?<41 to tfie hisrhe.-t j bidder", fo ? c ash, the kind ment:a ied i ard . described in jsaid Deed of TfUK.t, | to wit: , ? ' f That certain tract- < f land in K \- ; boro Town^. ip, Ppason Connty. I North Carol in a. bounded- an. the-j ^woirth ly the lances W*. G, Lea; an; Vhb T;ast.'by tbe lands .' ' and A1 Lea, con^i tairjnft One Hundred ^even ( 10T) j a?res, mere or le^s. ? The bidding^ xviU jbegi.n . Thirty- 1 three Hundred . five. <$3005.001 ciol-.*] lar>. ' .-This January 2?j. -1 . -\'. LUXSFORD, Trustee. friend/ ffiioiiqhts by (Sheek. and (jDoody'. Kind art* are drop* of- Toiiipays innate rain* Tailing up*?n . ?virehcd human flowers." Courtesy in balm for wounded hearts. Understanding is a rock of reluge ftr weary. Sym pathy is a toueh of God in tJx?_hearts of man. . JJpspo?t wiru j^speot. Faithful ' pcrfcritianc*' ;? receives vAnnC^TRiatiorr Kvefy mar should strive to. add -pers.nal consideration to his - other talents. ? Cheek and UJoody /mp. m? Phone 21 ~)ay or 72ig FREE! Introductory Sample 2jia--TuXEDO ?tartingFeed in evcfy bag of Tuxedo Eggraash ?old and ' MarcR 1st Time For Tuxedo, Chop - *' rii^lrnoon-and the hunger t iil. What ? v. II > lur nffimnls get to car r t rn th;t,t> ' /urni^H-s heat but lit tie reserve strength for extra hour; of .labor? -ffcits that pass through jrhyj* and leave them in the lurch jyhctf efiCfify f:i "tli!inani!c.45!S " Or will they prpnee up to a reai'meaj of Tu've'dn ffiop and strain" acainsr-wve traces until sundow n. i_No voices are raided louder itv praise of TtjxedoC'hop thai) tho*. |rr;i. '* j li Bck k i C C. Ktclt?)** estate; on. the; t^ut h by t -e lan?&.-? uf Tom Clayten . and on th? \Vf.itlby the land? of; N. T. Ciaytop, Mr< Pink W rton' ;rn-!*j .1. II. ^TJarrett; ?.?i-rntnininj?' ?ne Uun- ' rir'ed "forty three 1 1 13 ).. acres, morej o. less. ? f This "Fc^ru^' v 'fk. irfiT. ? O. B.' CROWtLL.TruWe. * Administrators Notice j'fuvin*r qualified as Adminjtrators rf the e*taie"of W. F." Timberjake, dfcoasedr thrs is- to notify all pei1 holding i^ajnt^ against. saW es tate * 1 * them to the under ?^neJ on or' Fiffo're tin f*J\- day .of January. 1928, or thlft notice will, fa pleaded in b^r of their recovery. Ail persons . indebte/T to sau?? estate wiU 'IT please make ^immed&te payment. this Jan. 4. 1927. ? - ' \V. F. TBIBERIvAKR. Jr," ? J. ? A>T!MBKRLAKK. ? ? Administrators. . is ? Prescription f iff GOLDS. GUIIM^. FLU. DENGtJB, BILIOUS' FEVER AND MALARIA it kills the germs J?if Entirely Jfew Conception ~ of Qiialittf at Low Cpjl ' Beautiful Chevrolet - m ( ItitrvUt Utihnt / Because it carriev thr lowest , price* c\dr ? .plac.-dona truly fine automobile* _the Beautiful. Chevrolet brings intodexistenpv-an entirely new conception -of "Quality *'t Low? . Co.t." *?' Nevor before sif Chevrolet's amatringly rc JdCcd prices has any'aufa'turcr provided so many fine car feature**' acd so many roe . chahical lmpro\omt?-*t h. i^uion erf ? America's greatest industry! You need only # to compare them with the. fine ?t the market ' 1 alf<*fdi"tiv*eeTtni r they tcpieieht the bygKc*xr? dollar- tor-dollar value e ver ofterjd! Coaif in today aad get a dcmoastrationi The COACH s595 The TSortct 1j- r or HoiJilrr J ^ J Tnrc Coupe ' s625 The h eJ* n *695 ?Sport C ihriolti *715 ? s74'5 The 1 i> AU Moiifli All price* f.'o.b. Kltai.MicJk. Stewart-Bradsher MotorCo. QUALITY AT LOW COST rvl Do You Know? V- 1 That Ford first cost is still the lowest | the industry. In spite of improved carbuv:a- | tii > i : ? ;t !'??.. <>n '? -? standard equipmei-t, | pyroxylin finish and numerous other irn- | prbyements. and although lhe.ce_aze .many | cars V.ncl trucks today offering ltnv cost Transportation THERE IS ONLY" Q?k ?"] LOWEST} and that QNL is Ford TRANS j ? PORlVCTlC>N_AND OPERATING COST, j Be sure. t? see us. and let us demonstrate the new Fords to you. They *ire better than | ever, .still thfrv aj=e selling for less. ____ _J Home Of- Rtftl Ford Service'" LJ/i