Grand- jury Report North "Otvrofinn,* PetfSon County." .S^uper tf Tourt, .January firffl, 1^27, Hot* Arable' H enry A. ; Grady. ? Judge ' PpMWinjf. '? 1 " * ' The Grand J jroVs for .the tv^m 1 respe ctfulTy" "submit th fallowing. re port: " 1. We have investigated- "a??f" p:rss- ?: Oil upen all' bilV submitted to us and! returned same to the Court. . ! 2. We visited t he County Flo me and and Bubfcrtit the following report: v*j We found everything 'tfn co d con- ? ilition. Plenty Aof jfood 4oir i n mates' ?nrt vfnrSnTTyrV>,tintj1 jiniithiri* croyfrjis I made. /, . 20 barrels ?20 bavrtib^nf1" ?orn< - 121^0 pounds of meat. "iQ irall'-vis . q*' . Mola-si^. 7 ? aboatK. ' ...-We tin d the eighteen inmates welfj reared .fix!'. 1' e premi-'e ami ? ri. ^ '. . .3: We Kund the ja?T -v ell _ke'p:. hat ther?^t4^-madrqiiat*.' room to . the eoloVed . iind white. Then* sh .'.ul J be nlore 'Tf: 'i/n . a rv i- v-jj \VNH1 3d | *h5t a"h.othen->i-P. bJ- put < n 'ton of the 4. \NV Visited t :i;' '< 't'l'To - of the: Sheriff, Citrk of" ' Superi :u?\ < Regi ster." f . De^'ds. and . County Sup erintendent and find 1 theiii well ke|t: j [? find the ? system of ; books" as. ijrted b> (hi Sheriff and* Courty pcriritehdent quie an - improvement j 'pvefr . -previous records". We wish to thank -.iu- Juchr.*. So-" j Jiejtor. Sheriff, anil other Odurt* of-'; ficers in < o-operating with as in the* discharge vf bur duties. ^ Oi I). 'Bailey. .Foreman * Solicitors Report North Carolina. Pernor. < ' >unty. j Superior Touri. .January TcYm, 11)2?-*' ? To the Hon. .Henry A. 'Grady, Judge ' Presiding: : The .undefrsigrted Sbiieitor- of * the ! Tenth Judicial District respeinvMly ?reports -to th?- ('o.urt ?b:rt .h- ha- v\ 1 amined aty tr.i* term S .s4*d; Coijrt j into the '*? r.riit.i-n* ?'er. the 'l.erk of the: Superior Court . f Uiid\ fr-ounty", that he flnd< aid office weVf administered.; in all inspects, th^Vjlyd |HerK' keeps in his**mfiev .all - the '.'xrph-. ? ??-lUii " ?? ?, by lawv rqp-i Iy ' .in. if v f ;>v - p; -dy-1 . and convenient referenev: I li e tui ? I:-;.! ?: ep t- . " ,Ul( " '4hftt. Hd far as h?' i-.m a -'certain, .the j " uccQUnt ? .i 4 . ?.? ?. - a'id . *5**!V rk*. . hoth>.f- i < *?!?.' rk f .seeurine: the 1 I payment of A" cert a fir borfcT^theieip I recitckl. and described, default hav- 1 ir,fc- bceji-- made. lint- the "payment, ot , ^maturity alhd the houl- j or* thereof having-' requested a sale of said land in- - uccordance with the ' *?rms of said deed f trusty the un- f derjsSgned will on February 21, 1927. at 12 o vlcck ^nocv), at thy xtrart Hftuse ? ' in ^to.xboro, N. C.. sell at pub lic Mite to the highest bidder , or bid dei\s . for cash the folLowinir desev\ hod laft i -conveyed by; said deed ~f tr^st, tO; v.- if: *4 _ T . \ fc Caet lyirii^- in liusny Fork Town-' -Ktju said county and state, a*{.i inf : ? K* lot of R. A. l]i.sU'i'.vl;,t Mo.' :>,? ;\:ni hyid of \V. \I. YVinsteai!' ou th^ N'orth, the^ybli^ rond hading from. Hester's Store" to J/easbur;" :n the East, the lot of Howard Hester, * lot N .5, on AH?- South, and thej dower iot of Mrs. (r. Q. Hester 0. 2 on tin* West, containing. 58 Acres more Je*s. It being .the shai'e of the said H. \\\ Hester in the land in hi? father G. C.. Hester, deceased, \vriich< has recently be?n platted and divided mom: tne ' heirs, said -Jhure being* U>t N'l. 4 on- said, plat." Also undivided in terest of fl. W. Hester (subject to (the I ite ' estate of Mrs.. *G. C. Ho.-rei therefn) jn the land allotted to Mr.% Cr. C. Hester, deceased, said do wet interest composed of .iljree tracts lying in said township, county ;:nd. state, to-wit: fiiSat.- T root containing S&.3 acres ir>ore* i'r. less, lyin^r on the can Mde ,'o.f the p'siblh- ;:ad leading l'rom ll.- s ' t'er.V Stoj i- -.o Li asburir : n _ '. .nd: "* ?: f.. A. Bra '>hi : i rid othei s..att.d described as D > on said 1 ? . '.Scc<.?dV TracV<: ?.7. ayrlc.r hind otv iWe | ?-a:i. land- of F, J..- IJester-. n. t ie south - and lot . No.. .7 .of th*1 ? Hea'tet ! ?h.rid^ om^the 'west, and bcanjjf drscvibefrJ ?si ft 2 on said plat. !" i r. .ta;. ? TTiT ".rat !. kiiown a- -Jie ! i Bob . Hester placev .CpYitainrn^ 7)0 ? i\ci mt>re * or ; K'-s, lyin.u,\ on ' i - :h _ - Hu-r riff ihi- I .eiivbar^si le-t^r's S'ton For; delicious quality service and low price you thank us ? and no matter howv l^rge or small your. 'order? ^\Ve "thank you ! ? . J. Y. BLANKS l*hone 23 Koxboro. N. C. C I . .( Friday & Saturday : ? .( ,36 inch unbleached sheeting Best Quality, per yd. IOC 'Children's' Silk Socks. Sizes 4 - - to 7 only, per pair 25c- { Just received, a Mew Shipment of ' i Ladies Spring Co3t Specials ? t S7-95 to S14.S5 f Greenstone's ? THE NEW, STORE ? '* Neil. Door "to Peoples iiank ? " Roxboro? 'S+0&*'* r "We Sell For Less Always' , : .Back Again to Health Built Up on Tanlac Asheville man conquers ievere illness. Gained in weight and strength. Thanks Taniac Several months of pain and misery J A dogged tight to win back health. Hugged, robust at last. That is the truly wonderful ret-ord of J. H. C louse, 63-, of 167 Ash^land Ave.,' Asheviltv, N. C., conductor on the Asfceville street car lines for many y eaTfc. "For Several months, he said, "I suffered acutely from chronic indiges tion. GaSj stomach _pains, dizxy spells and genej^il lhs&itude atod weakness made life" a dreary drudge. I lost Weight gradually and the distressing symptoms grew worse With time. My siom&ch was so sore to toikh t hat I hated to see children nm towards me; nSoon after starting on Ta^laoJ-fclt a different man. Mv apffrti yefcame back and I actually enjoyed' iiiy food. "It agreed with m.e too, so that t could eat anything I parted for, without fear of distress af terwards. I gained weight and continued to improve in every way. Tanlac proved a.l'lessing. to me, changed niv whokv outlook. on life."' Over a. h mdreank u? for ? the aid TaiiJac gave them. Tanlaii ie nature's own remedy, made from roots, barks and Lcrlwi, Your druggist v.iet a trial- bottle Uxlay. Over 52 million bottles sold. Vtia.d, adjoining: t tact I> . 1, . iieit%deseribed tract, iy^hown by plat filed with the import of the commissioners of partition in the office of Clerk ol-the Superior Court: ?of l*PVs:n < "aynty in ut no*v* the ndipKVors are. building feeders pUb. BETTER MVDE J FERTILIZERS aivvoys ..jwoducV barter . rop? * '.Quality*' has made South'! iuul the ! Champion brighr . tobacco grower. >. ! 128 prize? .have, been wmv on tobacco grewn iv'er Southland at Fu rs- held I in this section in last tgif^Tjrea^S. , ?Why not use the best? It pays! \ Write us for pride* The Southland TJuana Co. Greensboro, N. C. Advertise in the cgvrier REDILLARD WfaoUuIacadKeull HORSES A AND MULES j W PUBHAM, H. C. JE.N1? iiP