Now Is The nr* r. 1 ime To make voiir hutWinir plan> and we are prepared to * serve jou with the bent -stock of building material* fa ( this st<ciion. , " ? From foundation to' Hnlsh for mansion or hut sou ' ? in uet it here a'nrf our prices all thrpujrh lhe line have heen cut. .to rock bottom. ? > . ... GET IT AT __ Rox^oro Lumber C? - ? and - BANK THE COST OF REPAIRS 4-^ M?i t?r i?i czlj czjy *....,. -r* % ? ' - " . ?- ? .* > Along With Your Or3er ~ For Groceries Order One Or' More Gallons p ' ? Of Franklin Springs Mineral Water ? -/? A Trial Will Convince-You Of The Benefits Derived From The Use Of This \Jiater We Are Sole Agents For Roxhoro ? Phone us your order k MM ? J WLAYTON ' I J Sergeant ^ C ?hp ?palate (Ahratrr ** Advance Program From/Thursday Feb. 17, ** To Wednesday Feb. 23 * THURSDAY : Joseph, :\f. Schejrek * Pi;to<?rits- A ;.v Sidney 'Olcotf. ^.production ' "?*RAXH0>rS' FOLLY" With jUich'a rd- . BaHhelmcss^Povctby '. ^lacKajll and Belle Bennett, v ?From the ,>.tory hy Richard Hardiny" . Davi.-. A First National Attraction - i F!am.:r?sr fkty.\ 1 Infi.anvwars ! Xijrht * Vmric Jove- Drama of! the days when th?- We V^ur.r) ADDED ' oroeiy "The Radio Bu^!' Nti AdvarQe* .in Admissions." ? ' * . FRIDAY Louis B. May- ." ".Presents A Tod .'Browning ? Production f TfJE ROAf) TO MANDALAY" With lycn i.'haney -L3it* Moran? Owen Moorer-- H> nry B. v Walthall. : ?'Tlie story by T.pd Brovtfting-: : A Metro-G r.idwy-n Picture. .? .(The %'M*n with 1000 face- n<.w ^iv?>s th(s sere e-n -fi is most amazing. Character, he ?is 'here irv his ^rtateRt- i?t^rring TriurpphV " ADDED Episode NT x 5 '^ThV Fire Fijrhteis" with jack Dawrhtery:: No Advance "in Admissions:: .}*&* 'ormane^s 7;lo? 9:0d* P .. M'. ^ " SATURDAY _ TlW 1- Utfwm'le Presents Mighty Jack - IToxte- -with.-^Edna' Gvetfory in "ROtJGH A \H*-4iF>A DY " i M iff <inmi*tttc, ;. x ie "" m a i .ousirttf. red;blo tuMff oi tornado aciU:^?' teirlfk: ' ^.*oanterR and tfi'inpinfc' ADDED' A Two n i l ^tftrh' Bros'; -Cflijteiiy Your Hurry'' Nq Advance ii? Aditfi-*.- ion - :* Matinee- at 2 fHO P. M. Evening" nt 7:1.1? S:45-rl>:15 P. M. MONDAY TUESDAY > Louis- P.. M ?; y TTT"<'-;ty Rex "Ingram's .Sisnremi' Masterpiece "THE FOUR HORSdlKN OF THE A POCA LYpSE" With Rudolph VafetifJf^Alicfe Terry -Allan dlai(? Ma?> F Van Burer: it Holmes? -Wallace Beery : From the* novel 1>V Bh^o^ Jbaqez::; : A iietrtf-fJUdwyo Production. . /..Over whelrrting- '<) vatic ns- Kri.eV: the return of. :hi- epoch. m'akLnjr Film thr/UK^wt ?? the. country! >filHora* cf pedplc hre wait inpr eagerly- to ^t^e .it! Other Mil lions.^ho witnessed its tirs'fc frrea^tHVSmph, will flock to view* airain this masterpiece of love and war! If you'vo* -fen ft once ? ?r if rtu i:.-iv--tw ? mi s* .ire" cjiam-e t see the woiv/r picture of the Century) T w;> MSys Only. Arinvir. -dons' -:M' ~.u cnts Performances .1:00?7:15 ? 'P. M. WEDNESDAY Carl. l,aerrflnle Pre^>ru.-T Xn Herbept Place Product ion "THE MYSTERY CLUB" With Edith . Roberts-? Matt Moore- Mil dr<M Harris? AVame.r Oland. The story b> Arthur SomerV Roche; : A Universal-Jewel Production, (The most fascinating ? myMwy picture -pr- lueod : in ytjjirs) No Advance in Ad misEiofw:: Performances 7: 1!V ? 9:00 P. M.. COMING Friday -February 25t.b, the Novel -Screen Musical Sensat'i n with Bell's Famous -HaWauar.5 "\ TRIP TO HONOLULU" Matinee and N'isrnt Per formances. Death Toll Of Quake I\0 ay Reach Hundreds FVb. l&--^)ijxtolavia, j ?along the" Adriatic nn;i fnr in-^ tu t)i'* mtitm.n u'iiv ilmi"; ftjpre .by ~iiJ fcpcat earthquake Sunday. j wtoteh' took toU i j>-?AmWy' .^?vfral handrfcti -Hvc-t. ? -<>mjiiiu" icati<jrt?r arc" *uch i j\ The ? ;\ htr^kcTi territory jl > to t/htnirt > ?????urftw* i(ka of W \vi.i? - ' aplteari tb4? ^K>ck-s l&erki "-ex*; . 1:ensivp( ti e- >?* if; jriuf *}>-:op?r. ? < ty. ' fexr# ? :**?rtod .trsfc tmn) ? tbt? ? <-.vp. tat ,-ijui oi.hfer' \ u. w-_ of pot>uUii .< ? to tft? a ?:tfct$43fegfoii ;; ? i vrrch , parts of Ttei matin, Hwrla tiiyt fferzegqyma.. The earth shocks were felt ?*vere ij n*'f. ir ii.tand as" KaraJj^o, but tfif nvwt widespread Asmafro WWUrrt-.l bjo i 1?nr? ihi'r hil(v parallHinjr the Jjpnst ? tor ***veral M.-0 re miles. ' K r' nn each *1) Waife thus- far ? hai come a ilifferejit'stc.a'y. . Some tell ?f ? - . .r;h an! -waliovrmf i'.\ > I. !?????<; others tf homses toppl ing1. intw. the.'rivpra, carrying with them the sleeping occupaota. stjll i.-.Jiii-. -glaty" that were huped aJivB "by the and /!<wir!(f of the earth 9\irfn<,<' THE COURIER Wednesday February 16, 1937. i ? Everything xo waiu witli. Wat kins &' JU?lOrH , " The mapiy fr?Tids <rf. Jack ^-Clay ton of Hurdle Mifis^'iNv C-, .wHi. .be ^dad to It urn- that he is /recovering rapidly rom his rtcent accident with ,-un ajP, ij> whjeh'.a very deep and: painful 'was .lfljfic'd:' v1 his left I * " '? . Mr.-. J. B" Walker, of njmr Baker . ?Vi!lo,' <. ailed last Saturday and -?ub v rV -f for Th ( ' .u rie r. \1 rs . Wal k# er said ot? had been borrowing from her Pi>Tgnbcr long enough. Godd 14.. jiuticrv, would that *ther nvtfht foIl?>w suit.' l > ? > " ? i . Mr. \V. C. Lawson has return ed J from a. v/rA- pleasant u:p i Flailda, wrrre h> went to join bis friend Mr. I (, WillmmK x?f -Hartford on a banting, expidition. ? i . * ? i Mr. W.. T, Pais left y st-rdhV i | ipornintf-^j' >?? Norfolk, ; Va-i Whet will m&ku t??ntra *: 2' or his' for. the cqn\:^rig ie/i^on, and k\y in-' n 'supply of nitrate of s da. Mr. M, W. Satterfield apd^ !\fhs j Annie. Lou Th mas left ? Monday for New 'York, .where they \yi}I- complete their spring purchased for tU*? rirsm of Wilburh & Satterficld; ? ? Mr. ijn l .Mrs. K. M. B|yis 'ii'iv*-. re turned. horn* n -i r. nati . w h re MrV. been for several weeks atffceniting the bi-d?ide. of her mother^ who dipi. t :<? first of the week. ; ' ? - ? ? . J .? ^ ? ifls.f:es . Marion New by r.n<n Kntherine Fleetwood of Kem^rsvllle, N, C,, were week end guests o : Mr. (and .Sits. Dul^e . Morgan, Mr. R. F. Rr <>k* f Washington, P. C.j spent a .few .days here lust week on account of lili father's il!-. liess. . * . Tslf. K. >1. 'Davis Was to ;"\u. -rmati last 'Thursday W '?.a."" wire anrvuncir-g the death of Mrs. D^vis' mother.' ? ??. ? y<. Y; ..Huavp/ri? < n ? IVr-.j .? gifts iri6st en?hfiLsihvstic:^ and .success- j fill poultry raiser-; i'avor.ed us with j i ciUl; last Saturday. ? j M" W- A. $e>1Srer>:nt ..and" F. O. Casver .spent . 1 a ~ t '?"'Thur-iiay -in ICal c ; n. .! ; -.u*n mg m '"oTrf the .^isou" jjQn . ' >!V- -f-: ?>ie K.yoVli.-:ioT) bit*.-. . ? \V i 1 i a iii* -T. Long of Durbar./ -pf'-Mdmgl srn.iQ.Himo yjsitinjf; f^jen-i's. ami r '-iativo^ . here n?nd 'at . Hurdle Mi)!- , ? .. . * 1 . r * y ^Iiss -Ann' Bran Woods cf I^cwis burg t'ollt-ge .-o.ent the week end vbere .w;ith"^!'?r . ' parents, .Nf 1;: a^d; Mrsv Hugh; W'ood^-. r > ' ' \ ' ? * ???."- * : [,; Mr. Kiigem; Tnonipion,:'a student p?t ' ? i* .1 diversity, .spt%it the week [end ? here with his pir<T*t>r\Mir. ' and [Mr-*. K. G. . Thbmp-*on.' - ; ? " -* * ' L Mr. George W. Blalock ot' Fuq.jav .Sr^inirs,. N. r., -pent'* tht- week t.nd with* has parents Mr. and Mr. . A. W. Blalock. / " * ' ? "'lr ' "Miss Mutate. Blalock left yester day morning fir Durham where, she \vilj. spend ? tirrxe visiting1 -rela tives' 'and friertte ' . ? _ * ' ? * ? . Mr<. . Albert Warren, h.A? returned' J 1 1 om i widirr.ond^ Va? 'where she fta's been in the hispital /or iivatmerit for *seve nil weeks. ? ?? ?? ?.+ ?. Mr>. S.. Arch Jones ami son; Mas-, nr 'Noell, ;tre vi*;ting:-Mr>. Jones-' sister, . }i. ' K..''ilx>ntr. in Greens h:rr>. ' ? ? - '???? v * . ?* i .Mrs. Mar;. King of c harlotte - as ri-ttr.Tjtfd h'opne after spending several" days here With her son, .Mr,. L. j $ ?: ?? -Mis* . MihimlJjrt-en, "who has been-; visit in p in the home of Mr. H. L. C' owell, has returned to her onye I !n Oharlctt< _ J Mr. and Mrs. ? Jones arid | daughter Little Miss Francis ^Jardy, of Farmvillej are ? visiting- Mr. and ! rMr$; S.H. J.^ies. ' I ? *, ' ' ' v ' Mrs. Ed Harvey <*f Crierwo, Va.'f spent the week end visiting her bfo- , their, Mr. I.'O. Abbitt. , ? , ? * ? ~?0Kjv. and* Mrs. Davkl Carver rA SoutK Hilt. Va^ spent' the' week end Here wiiK relatives. * ?Mf. Ktfnnetr4 Bradsber cf Dgke University - spent the week end with rrak parents ne? r ' Hester* Store*. ? * ' ? ? . Mi; Ti'iyrl and Rainey HawfcijtsJ of Durham fcpent ? .Sunday visiting fccrne'fqUte. \ ?? . " W. T . Hawk;ns spent the <.'^y Saturday n Durham vjiatiiig tela- , tfves. |?aC"at< fr'ri.'lay af ?;r:. <?/. -Tpo lov/- | er; .'-floor wa$ t own cnsuitv aiifi afT ,'S tractive! v de-irriUfd with lovely, flow- ! = R;-ani?:-(i Tn .art r,??r . 5 , Si>: wer? aniui^:for ^amp if Boston ftf>k. TV. h ?.><?: j -assisted by M*rs-<?s Lou ise , .TH o m pa mi | p.nrl Mafic Hffci'lmt. ?*rv;?d ? -i = i V.:tou^.-Hla i c&jjlx >f, _c. fj\ ;? una ? ?v ? i Review Cinl> riiet .vith" M ; | Slrtmbi'rc^v last Thur-iiay A ? ' 1 jittere a t 'n jap pr i riaih 'on 'Sout^'A-.neni ca- >v.a.-< ?xiv?hr.>V^vazH" \vas the , ' %? f : ? U ? iy y Mi*s.v T. W.~ P.i-s.. .Mrs- H. I.: Ci6\Vyll . 6 ,, i' . u' > . ?hilp -i .\j ?Peru. . Vhu iriv.y ???1'"' -i -n*-. i .-7 ? it vh^e cTr.inV ] ? ;TKo ihw!" _cq>ur * e..-Upi'*hp3 ji, . deli* fri - 1 f^ulvi ii ?Vfiry detail, .was served in "Vbe. j ' .n*? -This r.:om- \\as aibower i of 1. vi*:ir c?? > av:: h it tr.'i^tiv.e ^jov a&ttd:is. of red - a :H -.whit v. canning" . ut ? t he valentine r(;otif. Iic.i \ heart's in -prolusion. la t Ho vv '? ter of the loiy*- tablj, "hi;ch was covered with b' ul laov.mat* . was n i .it^i so*me silver eandelabra wit. rtye r^jd canrlfe. At tJjv > uis cf ih?; ?? table-, w.ece four tali .candid of the# -ame color. Valentlire place ?' cards and fav:'rs of ro<iv ilasJit-ts tilled with red ani-whitc candy hearts a4ded io <He attractiveness of . the table. Over, nil th"e soft plow Of candle ? crbt This* wan fcne ,f the most charm i^j? meeting's of the Club. ' Mrs. Sham bur yrer -had as additional jests Miss* Mildred Satteiheld, Ck?v Harris. FTthel. Ervin. Ifi>z CoUir. aUd Mrs. j.vD. Morri>>? ?G. X.- H. - - Mr. t\y . W .. ,1 it m c kcm ! of IVoviitone R. J:, has returned to his horn.'. \Ve are iridebi?d .t/> . Sirs". Roberta | arid'/MifS Kthvi Scott of f^nr.rrr fu_ ; i\ very pleasant cavil . last 'Saturday, ? M .\Y: 1 y'. t 1 ? .f I spent the;' \yeek end with hi parents, : Mr; and Mr-, .1. T. \Va i . Oiliss, CatHi .n Bral> ? v <>? 0? : TrS spent' /the w.e^k eml -a iih /Mrs. U. A. Bullock. -- ' ? ; .... ? . '?? ?' ? ? *' J Jfc-vl A "Mr,, arid . Mrs. K..ivnv:; : .Baiiey rf ? Lo4ii?burp. spent. the \veek\he' <? with. Mr: and Mr . .1. A. B?-ap^ ? . Mi*s. "Elizabeth "Morri.-- of H llahcN Coll* jr* ' ' i> jtent .? the ? r \y ? .! hWe' ?w.!tfe htl' .motKfi', Mr-. J, p. ^fony. . . ' ? * 4 : ? M r. X S. deVlaminfj. who ;n? "been on t^e market. -ir\ T,umbert5r. the ? ^ ?season, .has arrived ..homie;' . <* ~<0 ' _ MrS-Mamrrck Merritt ?pent - vera! diys last ?<M?k in IJoliisS ro nci dn*nsvillt. 9 ? / ? ? \\>. l?-am that Mr. J.. V\\ B- As, who has be^n f-3 .seripU'iiy ill at. \V;.tts ?hospital, is slowly : recovej-inp. <0 p t > ? . Mr. X'hamp \\~nstead, :Jr.v- of the- University spent the week ' ad ' here. . ' . . Dr. J. H. Hugjies i* pending a few. days ir Richmond. Va._ attend ?inp: dental meeting. ? . ?? ? ?* Mi&se^ Ruth Burpee . and Kramers Firrest of GrensborV College s pent the end with "Miss Francis, Lonfc, " Mi> Tucker of S uth IJjli. I'Vu.. 'is visiting "her* parents Mr. "and vlrs.,' G. A Dunbar:. ? . ' . ? "V.*- ? * *" ? ? '? ??< Mr. ,T. E. Tucker of :JVJ5ft??r \v is a Roxboro visitor l*?st week. : .'J ? 0. T ??*..'? BornJt Mr. artd'Mrs. JMl. WhUt. a son, Feb. 14th. .1927. . * .. * Miss ClAra^. Mills spent Sain r< lay Ih Durhaml rn' ? y * - ? ? . ' Misa l/orena- \VadeJ i>f Durham spent <e^era! day? last we-ek a* f>o?iie. Mr, Bill Stewart is spending some time in Mebane. .Mi?s Mildred Ixmg of Or^ten^boro Colletr^ -pent the weejc end at home. - * ? -w ?? ? Mr. and Mrs.-F. O. Abbit ;.Kj f^iri^ ly ' ? pent last Saturday in Dj riiam. * ' Our good- friend, Ad r. 7 .j. 1., ,H?iris of Durham w-As R jcboro visitor] M^yiday. ? HALL TREKS ? Made fro.m natural rt'0?xh beau tiful, nobby and sjjhstanl??d. nie show vou. Write boy I3t. lloxboro. N. C- and I will-1 call with samples. ' T OT WHITE. Jr. .Watcli Our Windows'. ? , " ?r ? ? ? 1 Our buyers are in the Northern Markets 1 this week in search of the Seasons Latest ? Creations. Nothing is left undone to get j our customers the Latest to be had. 1 J Watch our"windows for the new arrivals. I We are going to lay for one of the best sea- I sons we have had in years. It Will Pay You To Trade With Us-Try It I WlLBl UN & SaTTERFIELD 1 DO YOU BELONG TO THE SAVERS CLUB TOO We H-ave Seed Irish Potatoes This Week Maine Crown' Seed Potatoes, per bu. ? $3.00 Wheat JBrann'; per bap, ? _ $1.60 flood Shipstut't", per baft, . ... . ? $2.20 Self Rising Flour, per obi. S'T 2-5 Mtsed Vegetables lor Sojip, per can r J. - - . 18c Fancy .Ked. Alaskan Salm6n. jK*r can "2c . Fancy Pink Salmon, per can ' ? .* ?- ;X8c Compound Lard in CO lb. tubs, per lb." LX' 111 r2c Corn Meal, pfff lOtt lb. bag . . . ; ? '-i._i.r-.- S2.40 Your Cash Will Help YjO& 'Work. P?> Cash. Cash Pay--1 Store No. 1 Main St., Phone TT3 : Store No. 2 ? Commerce St., Phone 1,95 Aubrey Long & Co. NOW IS THE TIME TQ. BUILD Take advantage of the between season Kill 'in buildini;. It is your rare opportunity to^ave substantial sums on that new home ? Karage or barn or business building. ' ? SEE ITS TODAY ? ? We have a Complete Stock of BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES Watkins & Bullock 'FA'ERYTJLLtlG TO BUILD WITH Wire AND Fencing ' ' ' . ?*- w "" " f, ' HOG WIRE ? ? BARBED WIRE ? ? "^POULTRY WIRE We Have Them All At The RIGHT PRICES ^ Farmers Hdw. Co, ? "Hard w^re F or -The Home And Farm^

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