Ye Farme Gossipe Only a 'tfeyinjf hen is wQt-thv of Wr f?- ?d. Call, the county 'rigent* ul! -thai flock. Don't count your chickens ^before, hey are hatched.. hatch them varly Blessed Is . the jrardner who de ifcbjs in spring catalogues Try the ? hot, bed and cold frame ? . - ute *to an' rarW-7 garden. Why increase the risks of faim by gambling wi*h ' pcor seed? . jpg^tBed S^ftd -will T ^elp -to certify V .he yw-M and. protiTkT \ "Let the , Woman do the work with onning water and ther labor s;.v ng convenienses.".. ? j * . A . large . pai;t of every farm*nr> .?ncntal c a pi till ^Jioul-4 >the experi nCT3 of orivets.yv ; ? - 5 W4>*'' f^'pre^^ntiriir land from \ - . coming ^'rftn down" is tt way to i ..?ft .rtfort^lajry cows is- t raise fh^m, v:iat'"nct -from -.scryb .-ires. V | > to 'be. 1 :moi?t' . profitable! ^ twist bd continued fpr.two-rw three w ration-. M.ral: E'ri roll -the boy mA t(je t >n club and help him' be-_ a better farmer thaa you-. . re. may. tH> W.h lly -wasted warning ?roYcmind fanners of the danger .of W ' a", driving . work. Beware! ' Frank Farmer says: "We pa? 7?v *a rm; -"rfiach iiicry which- w need ? if A-e' -To without ; it ; " ita pays tor itM-if \ye buy ir and v-se it. -?? ? ???- ? -o ? _ Notice Sale of Land X5nder and t>y virtue , of the autb-' ? V.rity conferred upon ? me by : a cer fain I>eed of T.rtisi _eXecuted\bv An- 1 rlerson Toriari arid wife; Mary., t-n } "rr 20th day .-of M,av."1T!?2i?;' and *1uly I . ? o-brded in thje &"c-g is- J < r of Deeds of IVrnOfCCyunty. X'.vth J . .'arclfna, "in ttook U. at page;3.00. Vj :???. U_!.-i?n' M o :;<\ay. ^M.a r. " I. 1927*at 12p*| ? ^Jock J . , in front" o!' the! c urt-h^use ;"^>JcK>r in Roxboro; "Xortiv- < 'a rtil in a'. -?ell io^he -h )gh ?$1- htddefc,< for' ^itsh? ~ 'Till* -Jot >?: .-land conveyed *' in Deed vf .Trust, to-wii: " That-, certain ', lot ,vf ; land -i sV " R6x-; V.;?ro Township.' IVrsan . C'<5unty. North ? . the AVest ot old-' J. ). WOODY ticenswi Entbaltfter Roxborp, N. C. ' DR. E. J TUCKER Herttlst J OflSce in Hotel Jones. * * ROBERT P. BURNS -Attorney -a't- Law ' Office in Old PoVt Qifice Building? DR. O. G, DAVIS | Veterinarian. Offers his servrofi to Roxbor'o I and surrounding. community f Phone .87." w. T. BUCHANAN. . Survayn*" f DR. H M. BEAM Physjrifm f>tr - ? - , 4 ? ? ? n v. *? > " c.T.d .? rfmrurnt* ? :y\ Oflroe';. an>! riay.t->.n?i JtVr**. !-> Offi ?> . ? ? r 7B7 b. lU/Ai/x k. on. HetfiM^red Opfom,fitflst 1 ' South -Bonton. \ a. 05$?** tested and fifrd. Pro \ Krriptions fiU'Vf. I,en? dopHc?1od. ) alM> ? broken letfs .(iuplir^j* ^ ;and j ten.1* red. 17 venr** i*xn*rienee. .. N. tUNbKJRL) { Attorney at. Law I . Office* 6ve? .Gjn reU"s -'Str V Roxbor' , X. C.. ? Roxboro and Durham road fronting 282 feet mi said road and riinmh? .back towards the and YVes:- ' *rn RailK&d 400 feet .and known as, the Paul Ticley^ place This Febnc^iy T, 1927 N. lyUXSFORD. Trustee. Nfttice Sale of Land Upder and by vir^Qe of the auth ority cnfei'red upon me by a judg ment of thO Superior Court of ?Per son ?Count, in that special proceed ing>iitltled S. H. Peed. R. A. Peed. W. Peed, Louisana- Peed, K'.la Eakes and husband, H. O. Eakes. Re becca^ Day and husband, '"R. L, Day," nrfd'\\'. Peed, minor by . his guar dian. II. I., Day. E\ Parti-, I \vill,">Nn MairdAy, Mkrch 14, 1927. at 12 o' clock .M.,- ii? front of th?' ;c oufstfliejise door in R;xboro.. North Carolina, sfll to the highest bidden, for cash, the lot of 'land mentiofted; ana described t In the petition, :to wit: j That certain tra *t .of land lying, and Vo-rg. jn Mount Tirav.h Twp^hip, j Peryop County; North Carolina.! boar. .!; ? ?*V. . *. it .N it ? ;4^- lands i of 11, A'^Pecdi ?. n thc^j>i -and-^biith j by the : land$ 'of 'Ross . Mooney ^nd''| on tfie .Wrst b> t1'" e lamlite-trf I*. 8. TTTeiin. AT.ntaininK^ for.ty -fiver (15) ?ijcrirs,' . more, or less, and kno\vt " as tbe .Ml^. Janprna Peed pVa?e. Tli is February . 8.> \ 927. T ? ' _ X. Ll'NSFORD Commission tr. . ? ? ? ? o ? J ? : ? ? junior Order Meeting Rejrular meeting Jr. O. U. A. M., Roxboro Council .No 121. i vory Mon day even at 7:Wj--rret in the habit of' attending all meetirrss? Initiation every Monday n.ifrh't. ? \V. A. SKRGKANT. Councilor. R . WV ijjNSFpRlT. "Sec Notice1? Land Sale By virtue. if the ppwers cpntained , in that certain deed of trust,' exeeut-.i cd by *.IV t>' Perkins, J. W. Chamber s ( and J. T. Walker, Jr.. and their t wive*, ? on February . 3rd, 1923, of rre?crd- in. the UegrUter of Deei-V of [,?ice for Persdh (bounty in Book 4,. jparjfe; 58^, .the terms of same having 1 .not been complied' with, , arid at the request of the holder cf same, l| will. . ffer for, sale to the highest bid- ? der for cash at public, a act ion at the '\'0 jtf "kouso do 6r in Roxbcrro, X. .11.;, ] or> Monday, March ?th. 1927. _at 12 o'clock, y\., that cert A in r jot -?'?!' land i lyinjT and being in t?e Town f liox-' J boro, X. C., . bounded en-" t hf North by Ah-1- Maggie* ^ setnidanaui by Mrs. Maggie YVinsfcead. and T,. D. \\" instead.- on the East by Xo.rfo!k and \Ye*ter>v Railway Co. ; . ? c\ A. M. P^M. . P. M. P. ''Ml! | .' 8:15 5;1"? jfc. Durham, ;ir, 1 :?'?"> S:2o\ ! A. M. r' ?' A. M. r M. n.' Koxhuvo, nr. 12:27 7:17, 10:lf)-6:49 h'.Denriistonar. 11:68. 6:49 10:407:10 U .S. Bpetorn hp. 11*86 &i28 10:52^7:23 !v; Halifax arv 11 :2j"' "6:151 P. M. P. M. A. M.P. Mi 1:00 9:3* nr.. LT?rtijf; Ivf 9:15 4:05 Connections at Lyrrehbur# fori Washington; Baltimore. PKiladelr/ma and 2*ew York". '? Parle r ar.d sleepvnp ears,. ^Jrmnp i-.irs. The best, route- to the west- -and r.-vthmV.-t. ? " and ? jnt*:v.m frt-ion i upoii upplicaticron to 'agent, or BLANDOX. * Qpnexat gass, Agent', !. , "Roai'.okf. Va. riffht way., on the fliyiiHi* by the I lands of the estate of D. M. Andrews, And on the West' by TUeker ''Street,' contaipinjrtwoand T>neThalf "acre?, more r less, and being the lot- cjt land c nyeycd^to 'JV IX Perkin*and other.* Ijy T. ?W. Henderson. *! This February' 3rd* 1927 ,4 W. D. Merritt. tr\&w. ? Administratrix Notice Having* qualified as. Administratrix ? f the estate of If.' .!. Wrenri. de ceased. late ot l*e.rspn County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all per sons having claims, against tht* esta'A! f said to. exhibit '-then*. to ?the ." undr.rSigned on or before- the ?ti). day cyf'Februapy. 1928. or this n ? ee will bi* pleaded' J jv bat th?r n r; v Vry. ? All persona indebted t : . ( aid Estate will please :make ? iimxieVihi.U' -payment. V ; ?. This Feb- n 1 9?7,. - . * MKS. l.EKSIK -V WRENN. Administrate;':;. ? RHEUMATISM While in Fi'a-n'c* with the Amerkan Army I obtained a Kfrench prescrip tion fir the treatment of Rheuma tnm and NcarUi* * I have, .given, this to thousands with wonderful reaultf. The prescription cost me "nothsfvp,1 I ysk nothing for it. 1 "will mail it ? if you will send me your arcidress. j A postal will brinj? it. Write today. j PAUL CASE, Dept. r-648, Brcck-t ton. Ma - . * ' m We SeH And Repair '-Eyeglasses THE NEWfXLS Jewelers \ Davidson County " -new ' ha* tw+ comnlejcial hatcherle* with a total capacity .of 15,000 egy>. How Doctors Treat Colds and the Fhi To break up a cold overnight or '~tn cut shorten attack of grippe, in fluenza, soi m thrbat.or tonsillitis. pby .^cians and druggists are now r??oro : mending -Calotabs,' the purified uiwi i refined calomel compound tablet tha.: i 'gives you the effects of calomel and [felts combined, without the unpiea* : ant effects of either. One or two Culotqbs at -feo^tirae ; with A. awallpw of water, ? that's sIL \"o salt*. no tjaunen nor the slightest*: interference ' with your eating, work :>r pleastire, Next morning your coW has vlt/iished, " your ? system is tbtr-' burg Street - - ? - - Uoxbcro, N. TO OUR FRIENDS + We have always triwJ to count every man our friend. Fo> ? we" believe, an^ always have., that no business can have loo many 4 triemls. Making friends and then holding them is the biggest part of our business. We realize that permanent growth can't ? coriie on just selling. Seting is the chance we get to prove to :you,. who ur? our customers, that we are your friends and desir ous of serving in a way that the friendship will continue indefinite I >>?- v ? BROOKS & WHITE X ? funeral Directors | Hurdle Mills - - - - - North Carolina. Comfort are due to sharp bltdei; Ma Ice ?having a plea sure. With a Valet' AutoStrop Raxor every shave Is speedy sad luxurious. ltd Aito^trop Razor ? CL f. ?SI up to $)$ Shaves ?Sharpen* /tnitf *~mi 'm . ' The Greatest Tire Values Ever Offered Tfre#tofte Gum-Dipped Tires Kirestones .are the uri'aU'.st jiro ^alufs t<:day ? "the? tires that Jtfanp". mn-t n>il"agc :?tid bent xervior ? the tires that sUrpa** othrr- ,i? quality oT :n.*n< r.jat and' v,?rk manship - - \hv tire?c thai ome *to-'vt?i* ^NlTtHVl T Ui(. <1 'I "ire**. ?? t . " * " We also cam a Vr triplet e' *tncK*iuf J'Trestort Ste.ani - NVeWed- Tubrs. thf tu^ that make all good tires better. CENTRAL SERVICE STATION SUBURBAN SERVICE STATION X^ Roxboro, N. C. QUICK START % ? in coldest - weather QUICK foxfire ill- the cold^ , est motor. 'Sustained power for the uphill pull. 1 "i -."Standard" gas is made and " blended to most rigid specifica ? tions. Advanced refining methods, many of which were invented by "Standard" en gineers, are used. "No yearly models"? But al> - ways improved. Con'densed 'power. Stands the rough test of Winter. That's "Standard" I Gasoline. ' . . . ? ' >