Tuberculosis Costs One- Half Less Today Sbx* JLK)7 'the tuberculosis death -.t.' ir th." ..States h:ti> tern >ut In ?luijf,. tvH- Icy* tram the' ? t rinv - the United. Stales today jus" :>ne~half what "it !<l is T 907 00,000 a year/ in - of the $ 1 , 1 00>0Qft,0b0 it vdirf. " ?At*4ty y 'tu-> il;./ 'T">*-e fibres' arel ,p(i>iri .???? -adc'-rens 'by Hamer FVlks, 1- -M/cfe\j?ry. -State Charities Aid As.-Ux >? n <>IT I'lv'ohpnrs Saviru'.- Ke-alt- ; Dovca.oi-.i Tuberculosis >. -.-?he* 'Urrtted Sta;e.s and \Vh<? has P*o-^ ted Thereby. lr, 1925 100,000 families in ihe . nite'rl St'i?' - jiJii not suffer a -d^th | : uni iuberculo.*' % . ^iecajs? -of the do < iij the. (ie:ith rate fr vm. the dls . .i?? s-M < 1907. -Each family 'ha * id . not. puft'er a utath fropv tOh-..r*j . ? wfts 5>jyt?(i S;j,a0l)f ; Th f $0 0 . * * ? h o : ' ,.*'e fa v.\ 1 11 e > i ^aVea ~b au^ e < ,f the. ? reduction " iji "he tuV-renle-vi - death';' rate bojiig-ht] ? ;iom ? jitis ? and oil, iind- ?Avcn t j nt-?> sa^n^rs banjes Jt increased ; ; ar.basvv? poorer -of the family arid '-?? i.-'irn the ' Vt ? ? ?. 1 1 * - - !v-! ird X f li-v-l *1 1 ?. : 'i th" -'aliuani < #*? ..hjr. for the .fajwly it nun-e tubercu . -"isHs-a menace ttv that family.- It" ' . nstMf*! o;tte o: the *;nHies; to buy omw, -.tind-i conk ib\ite<l to the de ianrt for roal "-slate aind for buiM ~>r-ck ri5r$ ? Th? '.'families Vhjby.hiR" t'."i< saving VrofnMhe r.'ciuK'd tuberculosis il.ath . .itc Avt rv a We to pay their.- taxes' ,h?tc readity and it heiped in .sv\ eh . vatv to' f>ay orie-foarth <f the conn.-. ?y"s "hutre \vrir <iebi. News From Cedar Grove ? f-AT: . JV ?? )>!e of b J ? \ " 'U :? ' r. * v - ?m . Tijr fht!; Arool -for- .'inothe - ~' tr% G- W . ^ Mr ? -.{ ? iiar : Milh . Mr- :m'.! ^Ir^ /liainey Daniel sp'.nt,. . . riturd<fy and; .''San "lay in Bur ;':V.rto!v "?-?iiirr Mrs. 1^nieT* iiv'ther. -M? ?'? ?* r^.' -.i '.h\ Tilly.' Liamar . Ttf>5?-.; . , 0jl| ; l"f I.. ! it s "? S - dvftjpb . :jan;if ? .Walk; MisTn > .Rutlv : h 1 ? C'jyl&p, aftif Mr, ..5iod* >rr l.V- '? Tr , ; . Kit <v.i. .:v \ > th ; of ->lr. and- Joo. ('tayron.j : i- Mills. v ?.?-?- 1 ^ \ Oefisrhful vonn? poo^k ?< jK'.rty . ?i^ '^tv'cn >n tb2 ; Mr. ,,S. A. . , t'Oayt c.n" . Wetlw day ?ii??ht. ? Blue.. ' A Family Of Farmers . Tht-Y.' ai'i' thpe ?? far-irtct^' WilVk; Mnd -Katcu ;'Dw^, and thc'ir c:us!n, .J)an J tvh??'-"Uite five miits niirt . "of i ' v. h a" ?? V ' worry] n z : ?- v**c iKf* ).?ri :e of ?j(tVi<-ui?h o v*h . ? of '.??> ? .: r. i* ?>.' .. ? i j-'* :!<=-?! tal tH : V- ;"???. - ; ? ? ?? ?'*? ? ? I . \v ni(. D'c \vl- v : -v^s on ihe Al-'}. -iV- ir> hy^hw^y;. pV:*pnri?'.j trt 1 nvm.-n .rrinMJKil* a . iiit'^er way . t Vh<- M'pnivV 1 .t' .??i l Kitci (?:*orti?:an$5V 1 > v ; y, . tti', trra^onlly T-rt j (fairy in ^ by ntkUng. . a '-ccir n?w ? ' ? rift' cth'tM! by j>j- -.??ay;-.' v.v -I by jr'row'- } ? '?:? of rffT*iS? 1 if \"A)vy<. !!.' \v"l'L -q!1 I ? - j'YC'.uniry' o: ;, ? r'esv : v in ? j 'vimi :.- ; mi!*: ? i hh pi'fl-i ;,n'd ?'nuk- !? $h : '? : .jK'U'ti- y ; ?' M r. IX;?- -*?? Vins ? l.v^Horn ,.!id RJ^vic- Isluticl' ?? __ :v .-?w ::A.- .?i;e ? . :u * i rt?\v X-'rViV.-:: '? f . : ;n provj'ii?; p;' oAtnW&v,- ; /?"> . v -Vi'.i t '.'..iul is" ^c/nuV'iv.i bte , V w'. ?ri-n-vV" ? ' - ; ' - ? ? ? ' '^v ? . m:; a Ii? *F:t !-: >s. - 1 1 ? hf? J V j n ' f>" . .:*? ? <? i? I'll throv V bri ??>?>' and'' trrimAO.ta '? fcibvst4 v . :>%v*p --foV.' a' haj crop. Air.'. l>< ?? h: >:?t. of hi>, v; 1 ' . . ti.ivi ,>r. -.'rwl witb'irt'.lhn i ? Ht * ;\\ .fjiorfthth.'*. '^r ft vv ysar-* ^ verted the j#.d.L'r;i\yl ferftii upon 'th:> f:rrm . m|ovh%iv Rliitcv of- yro-J 'j ?* ivity. *Wit" tr;i(.'tbr : - .?!?'<* used ." to ope at e thray-hrrti* machine. coHi. j * i.nft fovK. nvji!. cat ana bvan gr<?ler.J .111# pr'^<, woo f saw. a lid "last 1 wt , least a" cider - Tnill ? ' | fftj'-r p< ti ft! -i >pW*mii*lj '?arrhfcf U Ci't'ni? .into -dairy : ,'jn ruih*r htrff* >va>v &N ?<*>' ^ VvUinff' crruni to tjif ('ioinu'ry i-.nil, ? imdinfr it~a profitable thlftg't0 do,. >ft, ??y.'":* 'f'^" 1 -fu) ? 4hat> ? ,1 oth<)V. Witt V>^4 >.--- - Daft .DefM-V ')mi>by' **'* grt. afti ^ ^ViVn? I..t p.ilk. [ oil The '.irm. -.yij_l_ he , 4-oci.t ronv.v l LH? '?? '.pW-'f-tnifcjiwjC ? HV\^i-vvr. one of 'the mam .feafon*. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? Helpless Old" Dad Asks Aid . [ A,yto.c* A. O. Mixoiv, of Wilmington,. N.C.y | . -hpirie in: iplfi. A ye ar aftei" ! live war an, old friend said he had ?^n him >n Fi ance? on tho Avi*y to trertches,' he thought, in the ?Rainbow .division." The father, W. I. Mixoh, Route 4,. Luniberton, N. .. i Gf> .thi* newspaper: "1- 'am \ old uiv1- almost lielpJess and I Avant I rm;>ori. Apy information will bring J coin to u. lonely nfiari,"" the. Dc^.se l?6Vs are- successful ia i&at they an- workers? -t only w ih n nr but ufe. th'ir head* f?r Otfyer pnrpOFCH thar a p'faer to -f ang ?their hal. ? :Moiroe Enquirer. . Catawba Farmers Plant Black Walnut Trees Rnk-i^h. X. C., Feb. II. ? Farmer." q{ <";i * ir.von County have bo; .-tady ir^t_ thp use^; Xa? iv^ich waste* ? lamln civ thoir'famis may' be put and as VesuH arc planting some of j^hepe | acres. to black Walnut 'trees-* |:'-?.;VThe. ;fi r?t ? f afthen ;t b begm this ncw Iftrjogt ir, 'Mr. i-hi W. Rrdbrji'1, I \vh has. rerc'r tlvSplanted -ix acre; of j land: lo: black \\-iUi)Utsv" say 5 R. W. j Graelier. \ext( nsibn ? fm cster at - State j ' <>!!.?!,?. ..ttr. ' "Kohii.-. ,v. .us.-a'iome'1 >n<l n- I Vi.-TuW^or j [ crap <=Jltivatim: H :? i"i'n r i (?area, .ina*kj.?vr :,*jve that- ? ..he- -nuts i i l.ijk'h. < vacVci;-.- ? ! O -veii^E v;i ?,!. V. r-v':. \<: . u. ? : i>v - 1 j. w h'a S o t i rti b ei A \v ou 1 < i Veil at a prof: I."' I iA-*-- Y'jTlr to M-. 6 ? 1 "i i ; many" acrts -f<?f'.-"':VHv :n. .various i J sections r,f North Cjy*o)fpa ^vhlch' arc | | npt - ? uitablc - i'o!- tmilivaied crops, A " number of .tnajcrcf arc turning vweh j ! lanc^ biicU* mtavtnr.b.Y h;.pipg t>- i'e- 1 i f -Mm ;the aitrr^ ' a^cl to citablisli a ?good farm wood let which may be : l;aivi;.- (ia> the' trees .matari*> Th. p- ? of; ^rowin^. tdxrc'-: wa'r.ut timber jn .th?,-?b?otcm?-Iai>dd.- of/' the pifdmont^-. ;tion anrl in the ncrth crn coyi;s and $1: pea cf ti e mouri- [ 1 tail: .section ar od.' Black walnut $ will prove one of t^e. biit possible money.: clron v cm 'rpa-ny acre? of Waste 'and, state's- .Mr, -.Oracber, ai: i- h^' vs <? nc.-urag:rg the pl.irtmff of kfcfey vuch trO / as :.^ut??! v "ir^O^-t "? the , farm. i ? ' Late; ' imports from thief ^'n = '" ? ' 5-' t i?rrr Do j n rt m c n t of A ?ftftculWre ;?< I. dieate that, black wolriut timber is I much in. demand an, d that, it'^clls fcr'-f a high price, espc cia-ily ^ hen ? thf jt'mbev; is ? { the -siz' >u*:tabfi> ior^T ver.ccrin'g. ' ? Growing Food Supply Promotes Better Health : .Rri < ijfbv -N*.' feU . Ptfe' i ' Not 4'qfy will it fray to ,e"o'v 'the tc?<J rind- f? ec f ' ro;>: he t'- -i or. .N" " rt-h * Carolina fuiiit- tbit yc-r.v (>ut 4 h* }i rjtli ;of- the-. | . i iiyf- 5 .'ifclieTi - tltWC is ni'lk ."t r . rrrurk anrj' vc?i;t:;b?p.H- hbcK; fj'jit to 'cat.. ' ???' . " '.Sr ;r tKiliff r.or.f? tp fiuy ?purijv t jni ' t 1 aiirhtyj Th ->ti ?JrV : Wt: *ltl4 of ? t '? ? ? ??? Td liyily sh ff few- j iibciv thy. 'cfciWlT f ;ri, ? ar&' ? iiirrtfef^Fef sffcc ' iifijri ? ilnd^'ftouri* h.??rl ' $$ce+t?y$- .mii'do'; by h; nu- iiVm : a spirts'' T\f j J- fcatt . -CoWcffi- .~h vr .that .niar v' ??ter. rrtifi ;t?.d aflult - 'O.o. or:; a ::aaib?';v *i': Canns a . \ftot j)r fwt. TVr's ?" lot's- 3 r.ijt "inf;\n t.';at the . ?fq : it arvt ; cfTlouj?'h " * . c ?at? . ,Th y - <U>. ch*v .i food Is. !ik.T. cf n ;? t&gfjflZ y.f:al. : JElri ] b.u-? ola.-k c" ' , stv- are not hdaltivy : >>u<is but many child re 1 1 ha ve ? *o e xil-- c . r ' t he . ? a their { rinv-ipaT <LVta- fteeaarsv ;:r*r focid# are. not vaitatf at riom** ^nrf the* cash income m not to jxrmft ? Wtlef focdW ftesnar ?u,?itt. Tr:* "person <vh a> wonW :bt' ?nr "p, 4w|tny unci activ*? mu*t ftaire plenty of fruit :it\d lit cbe diet arid should" (Irinli *rtitk -nvjpirfitrty, ray home dc (non< n . tror^ors. If (he chilcTfcn are to develop atu*. grew in ' to heaftWy mnh^oil snd womanhood with vlRor.ifsv t'Appy* 'uvwHiReat , hot lies- i*rd jnixids/ they wiflf need an afomciaftre' of fresh vep^to hi :??. fruits, milk, butter; e^u*. poultry. '^ndcfhqr foods rQntainint tbr efemf nt rsscn to brs; r-?wth - Atl . <rr~T| miiy.Ne produced fin thf<f^K: ^u<th 1 1 it-U*-, vx. trit. t- f jo^t . yet frrr~? .win*' ???etioiri- f X'oi'f.h '-toh,. c-rr ajriri cottqiytodO 'su tnuofa time at><S California Town .y Struck By Storm I -f3? ; ? Bakersvilliv . *Calif'.r Feb 1^-A ^ toniad;. strifcuij- Tift this afternoon j f V</wir r ? dt.ufrc of ratre, :ocf? . ft' buil'ding* and numerous I bcjjrttt on ths wch aide- [i?in? li.ivc' t yf. been ctimaUJ lut the tifr-'j if" ?>f v.ind r; |\]k(| th? mots! .from ihe- Hipp-Mrome Si* | cutity Trust building flntimi--ii>rWi)? tlweHlncs. and crii?hed 'tiif ith? radio aerial.* in th'p tnH>i as w 0 i 1 ; : < "billboards. ?' . Bu^iy Forkl>Jews .. Thi rn^i ntc aioUnd Bu-shy Fv >k; The- fplen^s inf Miss Lottie !iqng?3? e *!ad to learn si c .is imp i:;.? -rapidly from- re.pnt atUck of 't;'nsi!iitK ami f]u. . ? ' Mrs. Mdrtf&rwt Childress, is apor?i i-ncr s ? irjc t.nie it* Durham vivitm*^ relatives arnj. friends. Mr;. I. .T.iKortW i vi-ft:u'_r her. / * . ? M r. .1. f. 'llort pa- a n d f a n; 51 y, M:. amj Mr?. F^jM; Aik'nannouji-e the hjlth of daughter, Fir>'. 11. einir their 13th child; Mr. and Mi\s. 6. liv . Horner n.rid : oriF, " Ilort r.n<! . Thavton. spent i he weei; -end-itf Durham. * Mrs. J-. W. \Vhvtti(?l. has rersvered from an attack of. flu. _ The many frientf.sVf Mr! and Mrs. Boyd Hort n (njeyed their simper, yn4 especially t' oir bi?< turkey, la Mt, Kridav niprkt. Mr. anrl . Mv>. ? Albert Whiifield -pert -the last week efW in Durlu?m. Mr. and Mr,-, John Howard " and family "\vm?o visit|nff in "Bushy Fork i eet Saturday night.1 V 'The friends ;<f Miss Mabel Horton ae tflad tn h;a -n -h ? - able 'to xo .* ' ? school. W onder "vhat ha^ become., of. Thcs -V H ? must' -hn vp r- iv - hail ^ytr and hat not com* aKa^- :--B!ue 'Birds' | Harmpny Music Club I r. riannosy [Mbi^ CUib is v >m-. ! K " > e* : i .\1 i , -? ^nut v. 1 1 ' / ri ? u s : c clu > fiam the. \h.iph- schr rK ? wit)v about ! Nfu- *i m . The r'lub. -v.. :- ut ' [ t H v. h ome- of M vs s i Vi?v' n. it 'ci k: -A ;.v It *. program . . ;'.r J>y .Uis> Southali. ij\f . *n.|>e? - vjscr : music of lidtsbmo > .h . Befo: ? * V .? |?'rojf iti 'iy . "\va/ "p i v c n ' it .\va-. <ic titled to/el^ct ofri-/cr; >and the fol iowiri f v:er ? e lect. d r..i^r!na C !e, p; e-'l deni; -./?/ .> it' Duncan* st'creUirv and fjva>;ar:*r. ,'Fhe -club Vjctf'd f - im{>;. r fine* upo:i any member who ?h<aulr.' be- absent at an.v mMtin^r.* After business meeting the loik w;ntr i ; program \v?y Yc.ndj&red: . ' Lite cf Kt-vrp, Rachel Hr:< i-i-ffT Piario' iote, "The Rosary," K^vu). Catherine W'.n.-.ea.i. Vorail->^io!o, "Mitrhty l.ak* :. U'/ v," 1 Xev?iiV: Zephia Duncan. Vj P!ano solo. 'Love Son?r." N'rvm. j ?Tank- Catve r. *| Liic of M a - Dowel 1, V'irprinia Ma- | thir ; . ?? ' ? v '? Piano" s lo. - To a Wljd R.-?? j ^1 ac DoweJJ . ,.M i > > Emily Southu 11. | ? Fo'lmviiKf th is pVosri-ain n. dehorn j ksa1ad com was Served! - -W. ' . tlilrt. ? these, her- ?: im?v>?*tar.t-1 n yr a I e 'WMidoJr :. '1' ?. !' 1 h< 1 l'e- ; ?tin :'.- lr.>~v * t ? I ?h.te>*<| ai;e to litt'o to iU; w -Teh thei'^i -to J be bought. j II : nirjorta'.'.t thai these better ) -^ood crop- b :? available rej^ilarly- ; vjii chcrbout year and th.; >nly way to-in.-uw taiv c "t-j pr'ociuee cJ e'mO en thx far.oi. With : tile o-utl- <>k ior i or: p *pvjt>,;:ut5id -j. as it- U V.^,.-c:Ve ?! %yi' ?' f.4t na 4 ! -Mb ?: fon.i -j owrr on {fee hMitie farm; .this* f yea: . ! A^d gpjt ;t l.ood I?azar. # si BscKr&E rto niji l Oirftrf.R MICKIE SAYS? 1 BlU.; WWO USCCS TO LH/E- UgfZC 1. " PRtv-TV GOOP: c*usi vycRO^r vo^vjuttl mc movftt * t rsTgrtn 'g>v?<{g OCe OTU- EVtFL -TttttlKS Of SOJ AJ&.TW MOMG IDtM* <SvjR.PRflSt U?a -0V OROE??u<i -ruis HPie U5W50APCW. SEUT.TO MfM. ?U aeT vooulo * 8iQ Hfr vurm TM' OLE- fciiv . f *T \V.\ Will Study* Hays . ?*? Sold In State: Rati igb, X.. ( .. Feb. IJ. The [BotttV has bodr jv ted a* a (ump-.ttt* ! 1 yirqund lor. inferior ; grades Vf hay; quality hay and North ? | 1 so'd ;V r the .^anie ..pi ye ft? -..high.' k riif lVr< py ft- mi:1 *h.e ? other stale's in " I this respect. However, ;>y- holdir-flri | a n?mb?i:_ f ( fray -i'jrrayins: Vhort I ccurHes, the State. C:jlejre of Aeri- ! .cultui*.' i a* . b"ec.n <vbie to rerriedy this I c6n< lien to some extent. . ? .. As a further effort a*.oHfc -this t-- ne, [ih> College aniKi;!,' icfea an.'th'.r l\vo Niay - short course en MareK 1 * anu :2 r for t he. pwrpo 1 e . c f perm i It rn tr h ay I broker ?, merchant.'. da cj n -*?d r thcr large" c:nsumer.s of' bav to Ib tliliv market grading of-.hay. * ^ ! ?fhe ' eourvtT i? : to b'.- ^yen ^ under | tlif di;x-vt;6n <>f Prof,. W. |Ii -Dars-tr j .. f the (Tivisiovi of agronomy.- HewiU ! b:- ii5ii^yd by an ejeport hay ? grader ?j from-.- ti e United StaU*'*" 'Drp irlm tr,: ' nf j\ ;* r i j^u 1 1 ii r ? Tin- U-".a': p :a'. jlst wi!J bring to . Pva!eivrh with him a j larfre numk'; of types, of hay- lefr j reserftmg the <!iffir\!t grade'; far-; ' tgjfe l\\ timothy, . cl ver,. alt'oifrc un t ??mixture--.-' Pr f. Darst i> alvo col ; ]? <pi - ..iur about 1,00 bale.-, .of hay from j, the diferont. markets ir> North f'ftf !C ! T- a to -)>?? u-i.'d '.for- practice,, -gr;l'd | ing and fo?-<fi?cus sicrri of the ?rai.:e.>. j There are JIO' eharui-s for thia | " GUVS *. M?a!- WillL-hc^servo'l. a ! lo\v price iv. tfie C liege cafeteria l and those ysyo ' -wish- to spend tb< j flight will b' !od-'d f>y the e. liege. 1 -i \viH ? have '. to bHng l their 'own bsd clothing, lib weve:-. , A full program tf work ha* ':?? ?-n |Jhn"U^'v''l if rtP "? ? ty^i .Uairy i rr.e'n t -pocially shcuVi J-r. /i the u'-'uttte ! >S- statfea Pr t. jDa^t To aid kthc m "in uuder^'andin^r the ' tfalue of j'hav. Prof. K. H. Ruffner. . heai of ? tl e; .aoimal husbandry . department I v.: PI give, a icctjir^ t'K ^ rvlat-lve I fe-.'(fin^ ? \ of. ; t ni'-ous . mavket . hays. Ka -h afo-'TroTw^f the ? A wo' ; day;; will bo s peb t':.. : \\ ^ractico ?_,ra<i< -P1d\v Bargains \Y 0 .have a w' ' ?('h%ttv.nqii^a . : pj -y. ?* t- \v:H '? to- y:-ur iu-w i*v a-rtris which \\e ! I*: -- ?off.-i-hiij' -for; $2i&r>;-o'r'ab.- ul ! fourth ?b. i tiny cvit price. Al^o a.'i:w '?^o, 11 Dixie { low.; which we of-, fcrlng" as 1. as :hev l^st fir . We. have a rc ri nv^ny ? p:?ivs Of old 'style 'ro'^t^iiame.s whiyh. make v.y>ho<]. p'oiv hllme that w > s tV:" for -0; - a The I'e'jratar ;c . 1 il i'.pr . e ia 06c. ' We have about 10 Kive^5?hov.el ad _4ajj4ib!<* e;t!ttvat'on<" that wo. will >cll for $2. Ai - a nqniHvr f -<:ra ?{ airs of ySjr ui<i ; (' .r.tan- oiw; pi w handle. ?* that wo will seD cheapi WII,BORN'S HARDWARE - - ? ^ou(h ? Bost^n, Va. .- ? DISTURBED SI.EEP Vllli?v*d F*r Vfisoont4fT Lady. W?nt| t# Tail Others, llatfdir Irritation Th? Cause. RfljMl IhH^tKip'. Wis. art ?+I*- Will toll or write ,*0.r onf'ihow ih? . *??< l?y implt* iiUvia'r?t biifhti. (Keller J-iirniula.) -She "I l?a?1 to ' *et up iifthtf *>> mtu-h. The irrtTatiua - ?av -?? ItaiJ I I11A in ^ t?> I'if Jnr. ?0*vrn ; wrek-?.. 1 im?>niTe;t. <>at. wa-i.-T^ ; ^ ? i 1 b--..,-, ? ? -akrt ?*' * ' JIluv?Mi t .taken, ninlicint* for !**?> u)oiiMi?. ?Cill.wrJK ?(iailtati 30 IlOIIBit** vKelier l..*tv,?riiforv M?;}taniutftiur|^ Oki*. #Ui tr all druftcicta. i n:\wRii7i k. '.a l ? (ix. .v 1 hovvs LIVER MEBlCiHfc bad spells relieved "?\TOTHING can take the place of Thedford'arBlack-Draught with us because we have never foun:1. anything at. once so mil.! ij and effective," says Mra. Hugh Jl Nichols, JL F. D. 4 Princeton. Ky. "When the children havp. spoils H uf indigestion and upset stom JJ achs, I always straighten them} P'? with a dosa or t?o o( Black- 1 iught. Several time* I have suffered} h bad spell* ef indigestion*! B myself and- foond 1 would soon j T] get relief if ?'Sook a_courne of! jl Black-Draught. 1 was troubled j jj with a bad accumulation of gai I j) and severe pains across my ' jj stomach and lower bowels. Now t ? when' I feel a spell of-this kind jl jj coming on, 1 head it "ff liv tj II] lviu: TlWi-l Drnught? a dose every jj H night for a few nifehts will pre- j II vent the trouble and save rao jl H much pain and suffering. " jl I "My whole family uses Black- jj I Draught for biliousness and con- jj JJ *Tt ta s spTencKI m<*iicine, _ 1] S Sold everywhere. 25 oenti.' . }| A Surprise Jt ^ ? -J Birthday Party Xatiinliiy KPbrusry 12tli, thp I i'y of Mr-;, Xurute. h^nu- UL^^tiiatr he* -sc-Vv^ly- } I il.i'al bTuTnrtys Mrs -Wa^tuCf did""; nt. know of the atT^i) gem tent; >6 war : [ j>fiigh ^urp/i&td on h.. r i -,m. frcirj | t. it t<> ht ?? in I J'U-t ? \\ ? - SUi\dl U/ find -other var arriving: [ S yf .the family wci" , ic:ithcro^ . [atcund the big. J.0p8^':fi*e y witii? ifrht I Happy Warts which loyc has jjO c'ox - 1 ;'1y wbvrn touclh* r. At 5 ;30 d:\n. r . 1 w^g. aiin;Jn?' ?- cJ. th JilWf \va*- .atslow [with >cvl-nty thr*?- tiny -aiu!l. - 01% ja lovt-1 y white cakv. Rut the- ? r ; interest was a bylo baby i- a . . cratilc- .. ^u'ipt'n;kH?': fro*n; thty. ce*!mjr * _ j'. -'t abnvf the tattle '.?? :tjn<'se-nt i)>? ? i ho noted in 1854. ? I I"\ r dirner tV.fet f was ^>aketi eftisy?v Hiflr bt-^M*-, salad.: pirk!.'. nr-. ' ;' t a tov?i ,tu>t ai t] -and other-' iit?od . j things. ?' * ?:? j . '* Vftor* 'lirtirtr .her }\yr-nty L IT h dSGT) . came in draw foife'v'Vm ? i v-_ ?>-'s wri^o/i f pr?vu*n.t- ;iim han/'.-J. - M Wrf-rsi-iff Jv ' -tri ?rxTT?Trtr,|0^ "I jcharact.o ?. ' Sht; pjfwsese*'. th&l rjft whhrh <l('is Jdve -and .^t om iHf.-wro Vr.o\p Ik-' efajly ? kr.cwn . rljroup froti t . fhifc - . ? ? ? tion in - which >fte hay. lived .-'nee ch'.ld-hrod as "Miss 'Nicy or; mammy*' I ho a -.mai'hT. ; f s^v^nty. thr<?- v i;1:- " j- tors' "she is an active yrorfcei in j.cluireh, community and home. R-V j happiest; moments 'are- 'whv.h she Allensviile Church EVi i y membei: is expected: to be* frysmt Sunday at 11 o'clock service. l:\vite your neighbors anil'' friend? to atrr. . our cnim-h. ' I'ro ;w, V ? is looking1 forward to thtfir ifKruiar church w.r^hip on the ? tkin!*'SUm!a-^' evt pin# at q'cIi.-Ic. tome, and worship^ With us. ? . ; W. *L. l.OY. r.i-t M hi ipirii ivOn>e xp'f am! jri - ihe mean . IHiftg* t hv w ? Me:?om? ; ka^n s of7*fc Ji:r] " ha ; NVf hope that SO me tl.nv we will t Vk- 6 .ppo- tuiiity < i' putting che Kundiuiv! or more ?-andlf< on vher c'ako.?- M., Lpaabftty,' N.-. Grt- Feb. 14. Society^Loatl . . The Tonic That Helps Build Strength Rapidly SCOTT'S EMULSiOl .. . . :? \ Rich In Cod-live\ Oil Vitamins fcort A HAwnr..BL.??|nhf J<l. y:y. DOES NOT* AFFECT THE HEART SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN " mJ_ INSIST! Proved-fat'e K . millions and prescribed!^ j^ysiciansior Colds- Headache Neuritis l.umbagO ; Pain Neuralgia ^Toothiiche: Rheumatism packaga directions. "Biver ' Ixyte* of 12 tablet* * y f '2.4 -trrrrt 100?l)ril*jriflt?. Mtuuftctu* of iianj?c?tic* aX 3?U&jllc?<d4 Spend to N A; good plow casts (ess in the long run than a rhoarp-'one. (rt(Odvseed. pays fw itself in netter crops. ,t^iK>J labor . ? cQgte more and is _vvort|j. It; \ " " It's the mstn-w hfTTFT s tr> skimpwho pays dearly for. hi.-j farming. ' , l't's a fact that the man who spend* most for fertilizer jtfjefs most when Hie crop is sold. He produces his tft baeco./oi loss per pound, his corn for less per bushel And gets finer quality. With the same land he ffets a !>ii:tjer. earlier,- sturdier tiop. Buy the test I'ertiliTfcr. rr.s cheapest in the end. Pocahontas BrandV are of recognized highest- quality, They are rich and powerful. There's over 10 years ex perience hack, of them afiff 'buyinjr power that assures highest j?rade materials. Pulverized fine. Easy to drill," The choice of growers Bf.line tobacco. POCAHONTAS Ferbh'zer ? SOLD BY W. TV PASS ? 10 vo-uo. N. r. - . . - North Carolina : " - * - - . ' ? ? , ? _ >????????????>??><

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