Asheville Lady Threatened With Nervous- Breakdown Amazing Improvement in Mrs. Fisher's Health Sur (trises Friends. "Nervous Indigestion, Loss of k'nergy arid Strength Corrected 'iS&x: year* ago ttervfru^ indigestion throA.t4-iml.Bic with a complete l>reak ilowni" ?!iy? Mr*. B. C*. Visher, 720 I Tavtro'v J Road, Ashe villcvNiC., whose re ovcrvfrOrh h Itmg siege of nuffcr cori&cd.cvon her closest, friends. 1? you neVof foci w elt and just drag I !.ru;i^h the' days, fired ana fagged - , if . yciur stomach relielsat. taking ffx?.d and yon spend miserable hours *i v.u i vi up with pain canned by in l?a; if \ pu do not. sleep .soundly ji'id <};*acy sjk-IIs attack voji when' you k* ? p over; if you arc losing weight fi i ] oLl wMrhout! N Fu-hcr siys: "Suffering from kuIiS ^ion\ unable to sleep and getting up in the morning tired, sapped my iV-ngtfa. ftverythijug 1 ate caused > p >:? i i form and terrible nenrous head r.)!J,V.v. d,overy rneal. ? I ? relief, Everything I took fulfil to I ... !p.f ' Then after reacHfirf iJ.vr.jt 1 f o pritrer^ of Tanlarr I tried -ihi* to iv. The firftt bottle gave tne an a*iiH%titots, 1 > arks and herbs according to the fa mous Tanlse formula. It usually builds up the body, drives awav poi sons and suffering. ' Heed their ad vice. Keep well, keep youth anj health ? taKft TanliC. - ? *? ? ~-? Ofltyour first bottleof T anlar from your druggist, tod^y, Ovex 40 million . bottles soTtC ' ' ' \ Why. Tax Timber Asks One Farmer IUAtiK-V N-. C,, March 2.? "Why each I preservation of the farm :*hi the pr^por handling cf Vrsyp. to secure cbntimied caU.Dfrs .th rough the years and then i V mi ;t " vin^ le d I a nds to he t*x? J at . o ? thU no man can afford k a r' letter to R. W. ?i) y. tension (atv4tr at State V H6|ro- ? .?'Mr. < ir. th'rvt such quos : fijjjto* ? ;> ? thw .-aVe^tieing .? .-fired at. :\i , i f li r<. ? y ? ?ry ? co r n or ' c f thro State. J 1 ia ?.Vft * < 'r.:\),.r ? .luit dcon.OI r the j i . ' -i - ? v i ^.at: an?i t *"at no j . ...ii cur '-to iieep *hi?; !ani in | bti continued. L,!. . - ; jrj -i. '. jt. th / teir Mr. , .t'.T'at ( i?v (.yv^rnmcni,: cither \ - - V sji -n'if 'shflireV in the : ?' -jt.'xi p i* tho for*ti. i ? ?iff t h?; Ian tfcis ? j-; ?<*' 'v" ' '???I- hv/yitte ftoni -it .and ! ttiesr- tan affcrd t>- j cplik'e to Ocup. .3 cr.d Cclda ? i Yczi At- Probably [ V 'i'tarr :n - Sta rved 2 s?OTT'S EMULSION Abounds In Health Giving Cod-liver C'l 'Vitamins .% re'- - 26-K5 ktep his land in timber. Mr. Oraeber state sthat (Trowing tihibcr s not a taxable asset. No provision is made for taxing any other growing crop. In fact, no crop is taxed Until it reaches the- commer cial f >r n.'tlch as ccm in the criW r < tton in the bale. '?'Timber is a crop, th? ??r ton or corn," says Mr. Graebcr. "It takes from 40 to 50 years to grow a merchantable crop of trees and be cause the growing timber is taxed eac hyear during' this time, thousands of farmers are .forced to harvest the crop frematarely. The sentiment aaB-'Ufr fattners .is that trey w;u!d J* 1 E-. r. an e ld pTT>uch. will f?y- JJ vmUch Jibllged" if j get cim hungry enough. ~ ?Mitre's Obligo-o-grams.. If you want to change the down lines in a man's faec trrupline feed him well. A steak, a chop of a rosat from this shop is an in vitation to good nature. MOQRE'5 MARKET MKT MEATS FRUITS ? VCCCTA ULF.S '3uaht Fat Broilers In Eight Weeks! Jus* suppose foil >{;ul4-eocoura|re the* jrrtrw- 1 ing of tia&er cn th?utand? of- >?ti pntl step the present system of de *t rry.p* the trrca and tknudinf^ hnricTcds tl thousands of acres." Notice Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the auth ority conferred upon me by a judg ment of the Superior ?ourt cf Per son County, itx. that special pi ^ceed ing entitled S.-XL Peed, It. A Peed, Q. W. Peed, Louisana P?*d, Klla Bakes and husband, Hi O. fcakes, Re becca Day and husband, R. L; Day, and W. W, Peed, m'.r.or by his guar dian, R.?L. Day, Ex cn Monday, March 14, 1927, at 12 o' clock in front of the court h:us? door in Roxbcfro, North Carolina, sail to the highest bidder, for casb, the lot of land 'mentioned anc describe* in the petition, to wit: That . certain tract of land lying jyid in Mount Tiraah T-wnship, Person Cofcnty, North Carolina, hounded >n the North byul on the North, If. T Mitchell on the .East, ! l*nd ?i. A. j. Mitr 'el) on the Ji8uth ! and land of Billy Regan cn the Wwt,! fcofttaininit 28 ncrea morfc or loss. I This February 17. 1927. KL> WARD D. BAILEY, Admr. jof.Erest C. Baitey.; 4t Too Much "Acidr' ~ . Excess Uric Acid Gives Rise to Many i.'nplensant Troubles. ? A ITTHORITrES agree that an et X[7L ???* of uri& acid is primarily due to faulty kidney action. Reten tion of this toxic material often make% its presence felt by sore, pain ful joints, a tired, languid feeling and, sometimes, toxic backache and headache. That the kidneys are not functioning right is often .shown by scanty or burning passage of secre tions. iThqitfsands assist their kidneys at suchtinwa by the ltte ofltoflifl' t PilJs? a stimulant diuretic. Doan's arc recommended by many local peo ple. Ask your neighbor!' DOAN'S Stimulant Dtjtrmtic to the Kidney* . Foster -Milburu Cnvndjy H e t*4f**Ur 11*1 rl>ppr,.*1BU.,, fc ?? tr.or.ry it rrt*rmtJ. Sold and Guaranteed by J. Y. BLANKS . J i ?y.'?xnen in Cur communit jr wjil |>e f btr? cl ?r I ;_!f a ? ntux>* <-f I .u'.c. lri ? i,r*,;ti|K)d;r^tfn>r i ks | rpr iVatu Wblio I. .jrrbra Ta*_:r;? ao.v cu.iraplc* la thkk's.. J jrjt In ibe dr.nkuic t utcr f:om,t!.o luft criflfr , Y.'e fuaiais t(* them w yuvr niopcy returned. the Charles Mfrlliam Stores inc. ' NcwYorK City MONEY and TIME 1< mtmitv Chart Stores. Ask your neighbor a ho tit o*?, service and values. Use your catalog to day ? or if you haven't a catalog send the coupon be low and a copy trill be sent you at once FREE. . Send for this Catalog V Today ? It's FREE I THE new catalog for Spring nnd Summer is ready, filled tb the rovers with every* thine from l^W* '"Stork City ? the maiket placccff the yorld ? ready tty?j almnst.unbelievabily quick