THE JVVTtv ON THE I.ABEL IS THE HATE VOl K PAPER UK STOPPED WATCH THE LABCL ON YOVB PAPER AN0 Ik) NOT LET YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRE j w NOELL. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. HOME FIRST. ABROAD NEXT. $130 PER YEAR IfrJ ADVANCE V OL No. XL1V ROXBORO. NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, March 9, 1927. y No. 10. LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS LATE TUESDAY NIGHT Hole Than 3.r>00 Bills Were In I ) educed During Life Of The ^Assembly. Kills SA1. via increase JVtlejjrh. Mar$v H.? ^Jorth ? Cpi,o? *"S ^iv rr \ toriOus general assembly * ; j c urn . . i r- ? 4ie, i t s "( V(- i 0 y - ?yjti her t night at 1 1 : : 1 4 when Speaker ForintAta,; presiding for the ?<iu- .and l.ieut. Governor Etavey, > . JxjTj.g for the .rate, dropped their } ?aVels on the /nahc sanies simuitpn $rtd the members broke f:r be final ?Social?, at tfce ho-teta. When "tin legislature ad oavv.i-d tonij^nt pi ore .than 3,500 bills ' atf been." ' intro4uced in the 65-?iay .'twflad from January "? when it con vened, About 1,200 bill* 'became ? .^aatr . ?' . . y v. ? The rocrm>er> were art ually in scs ' rwi.&Er days but Sundays were clfln U-d in, bringing the sixty days e.cnr ?iituticnal period to. a dc-sc last "Sat urday but the . assembly continue;! *n this week, meeting morning, noon *md right with exhausted ftp-frit as van re embers lay down their labors ??ftcr many passages and slaughters ?if finV r eliding leg is frit Ion today od tonight. Thr 'Vi legislative act was for "rT>ctft t children^ The assembly ? V- ? ved no child unde]^^6 years- .of. ? fire ?hall be required to work n : re Vhan ei&fct hours a day- or 48 hours. week. Thi? -was the_. part? tig act , ? 'kf. the house. T-'c: ; vnat -'s farewell was to vote '"own c\^ry proposed salary increase ??reposed for state. officials. The Welt./. $3,250,000 equalization "aw- *as the' last sweeping measure nuclei on the final day's adjourn-* -j-rti. ? ? . ? ?' i <?- .. i. ? . Schedule Of County Agent ihur*da>. Mftrrh 10 to. .Saturday - March 19th March. lO-i-J, E. Saitertield, Hok ?>rc, '"RM, Terrace work.. ? . , Vliii *li VI -I. K. I'helTi^. RevoO'o.: ? :[YL\. 'iy.? ; -work. 'Vlur h .iJ-iKfiie w;rk. i r;>,iUu-. ? report". . * . , " ? ^Tnrvh T-V-.~<Jicob Th mpyon, Rnx ?? ^or'* T??rrftCH work; .>lar"h. 1 h W. -Youiiger, Tv ? .??--rr fl*;.' Tv;-.'a ????" work. ' . ' fer:h via-w'.T. T: MitchcH, ;6jive - ? Te r a - -,rk ^ M--; IT r 11. SVtns-iead. Olive HHU Te^raci- -work, ? >. R. -.J'lM . Sit ? ;?h hi, "Toirai-p work . ' - Af! . interested in. . terracing- are V . TKt"4 f ii-.. of- .the ab.'rvo ? ) '-.rrr- t-yer;, < |Sj< - tunitv will be. - ? :'ri'?:eiT ..-tUoKe;' .vKo ??!;??? h e }t urr. ? ' 1 'rravr;. -.Th^ mtk will begin :n ? he mor.ijrivr abt: wUl' gp' pn all- day ? ? wj? . toi? ?;- -5 ? >**>* ? ' no i v any wno "de* . e t;.- e nrn : rnra.-'ing. ' First Baptist Church Sunday $ch: 1 10 a:, lit,, R. 1,. WH ? itt> ^nnr ? . _____ -'*-1 a. m-, . iih'n- -t : "Th - ? '???? ? ' ' !'?' ' ' ' ' ? ubj< Tn A'ri- ? cf ? or_ ?>ith ' T).'.yr)l\ U'p. r>:30' p. m. ??it* Y i'. I . 7 '..Hi. [ ,i n., Dj H . .M-. Tirana, <"i rygforv JHHHH ? Mfie' ? tr "i;- MI ? i ? ' P'-'-' f th.? Kaitfv th<* ? liprd; ajid work: for 1 xm "with ypu. : aUa -.(hfe L.vr<i 'y?' i f.sts,4' ? Hawaii ? - ? ? - - ? fc T* v\'v p . w.?SX*J Pi i aij Mr. "and Mrs. Harris Hostr to Friends 1., t l-n'.av ivej.:.".' Mr. aH Mr. K Vfarrh< w^r'e horts ot ;i , ? yi i tb a u)mb i bi ft . <? 'njannff ?iy- tobawo m<n - f tloxfc ?<>. Thsn- ?uv a n "uaiiuil tiuin fcl irfth~ ' Arm to 'a ' it f ?-??.itivrti is r: ? *-Xi<r ? >t. '.Thl- fcditc r jV rtrtr, {i.:U ;? ?. for h;..r.-i u(T - ;v3ntOK?r- of -fbc kluif |nvi\atJom ?:x-r ton-" ?? i f T^v - . ? ?? .' . f'. - '?? ?? ? 1.~ ? , r .*. St .trar ;?lftck : v -i'i wirit iHilk''- ill % JVfrncb r.r)ih. - JtAnlfiw t j tA\t> frozen to death ' at vberdkkn j ' Afardcrn. .March 8. ? Trag- I ! edy of the heavy sn^wfa.l of i I . Vast week was disclosed today ? | when the fccdies of. J Antes - . ) liushw ay, traveling ? salesman. ' ? and MLvs Flelen Higgens* a I | waitress at the ' Berkley hcite), I - I'inehurst, -were found in a | * cotton field .about 130, yards | ' front highway 50. near here, j I shortly after noon today. They : | ? had f wsoa-r-to: -deaths "evidently. ? | Tuesday night when their ear * j stuck in the snow and they { i became lost in an effort til I * make their way afoot back to i " Aberdeen,- from which pln?e ? I they had started? to drive t*> , | Pinehurst. ! Agricultural Course At Bethel Hill It- is an unusual occurrence f-:r girls to take the vocational agricul ture "in the hijfh schools where is given, yet the girls are not debarred from' taking this work. Eleven rirLs are taking, the work, at Bethel HilK six being in the aninjal husbandry j class aiid five in the horticulture. Three , girls,- Catherine Pulley, Mary Woody, and Sarah GU1U, are plar.n- < :ing? -to take* about seven hundred find fifty pure bred ehieks for their pro jects; two. hundred and fifty each, j The ether .girls are taking cabbage and p>tato projects. Th? b-rticulUiral students have . recently matte field 'trips -to Yoqr di-f- j fcrefit farms of the community, ; nd j h' gotten e:usiderablt> practice " in ; prunng grapes , peaches, apples, and-; roses for these farmers'! Another nte'resthg phase of this 1 work tins been '^Lands^ap:- Oarik-n itig" ;tnd some of the girh are ap plying these .principles to their own j heme grounds.. They Ave showing: the effect of their good on mother, and <'.ad ba.-k. home. Terror. County ' -needs- more- \ of ; 'U* vocuticumi. ar-grieultural depart - gipnts in her rural higH -schools. The* future financial welfare of the - county depends up6n how well the y.-uth of today ' Wnll < onduct- - the ?farms of the future. W.fth agricul ture unde.r?c-ng the. rapid ? cl &nge -to ) eepc pace with "other changes that ?iro going 'op. in "the worfa-rtoday, it ] beet me s mtxo ngbessary that our youth,- -roeeiiye this- : riiiniitg, as . many, ?hr.u'-ands of <?-. ;? r ? thr:?agh::ut- the : :iite and: country are tiding. C?e .. ! W./ Smith. , ? ?? " ? : j Mixed Affrav On Main Street I -.v._ #ikL .fburtVhip does- not al-l ' ways. .'mooth, lha.t is, it didju ''irm to move alone exactly .yit is y.c.r'v .'in t Hi* ca.^ of. Tern Mit.'holl ? <-}o'r.rd, who -.tanked up on. some ??. wf? '.-.f ?intcxican.t }?sr ! Sfafitda-y unci pre I'.-ir.f.-. to tnitke jovo". Trf. ?' ? *fir' 'I jSf 'i'!;..: . l.nmt ??f ? .a>inr.-.> r:?d. jicit-: i-x.'icllv his. jj.H'J "so" ->Itp ' . ? c??ded ; to gjjt. out of liis. v-jit'h 1 r Toni h?fi iHi kl<.a of atipwing^jnY-. ? ? f- Ki b:- tr -ucci ? so hadljr- &?? .'.hi*' ?iS?.ffcrt";.jb4s- 'i-: run her duwn and ?jc ? eveded Vii overtaking her on South v?-tin - tV'i \i - The i.hirm was lta-iv r?jm arretted '"and 't* - i ^ 1 t ?>!:: >S- v.riich li\ va riv|n a ;r." Vf 5^16.T?0 * '?) oSiRtr irunk and, ' tlv other ko"^e, that' of "assault n fotnjilp . -dtadly .weapefty -.'he was plac ed iMor a $200. bond for bis appear n-e iit- the Htxt trtrm ojf e.'urk f>tnd was tri-ven and Mitchell was \ ? Wreck Near Leasburg A '-eripits auto mob lie 'wrock T.t-. ? urred en t fee . ' hiffhwav )?> tv e&n {.ii^bortr and jlrjfhtowert* last Stsn ;iy. -AV ; ' .ivc !wn unable to Ret ?- -oinp'.p'te .details;-. -of.- the \v?" k.' but it' >'e-?mv' that two -men - we iv b a Ford t; urine yi r ?ashen ib.*1- raditts rod earn c . Jccse ^^ the c^fr.V> turn ;OVer a'n'o in ' iha; ??xfrepiL mi c man ?>-?.?- ? t ?^*a'ib?? ' yiriit,... N t-a-1; broke his -ne<>k, :'<illfw:nyr The.-.'o*.iu-r mjU'im* . f the car K.ut" fi.M t-d' oinF j iii mor s ut.<":ain.;l' i>i*uise*". ? V.V.? V, ? ' .1 Hai^ai >fuyo :? Fare*- ?'*?:- -4-.i "BABY MINK" t.y TStifwvfti Company,. 'JPalace 'HiooUe. Th,uir: -r.'LV r TT'PV TT ? % ? ' ' S - - . * ? * . ? ? i. - ? RflXBORG COURTHOUSE SQUARE CHOSEN Ifllffl Uoxboro One Of States . Host Progressive and Influen tial Towns COI RTHOI SE m il.T 1701 By MRS- H. i- cnOWELL In the north central septioi'. of pit itnorft . Carolina. ? about twelve. NnTTeS ir m TKP YlTjrlnia ir ne, rur ttfwn- is located. Therefore it is ? cksely a Hied. with . the ' southern j.a'rt ( of Virginia in business, custom sTand ; manners oj? ifcs people. Start out 'from the town in almost any d ire u I t;on and . you crvcountw hills""tbat a ! Ford or a certain amount cf breath and walking energy make surccun tabr^ We have neither the monoto ny of the level ciastal plain nor die extreme heights the mountain.-*. ^Rather cur topo?*aphy is that han ? py medhiuT?tVat variety oi* lane scape that is pteasin)?" to tthe $ye. i the '"rolling hills," the miniature 1 ' valleys. .The earliest known name 1 of the village itself may liave some i ' bearing on its location ? Moccasin j Gap. It is two hundred i"eet. higher I above' sea level than our neighbor, : Dur:iam. thirty-one. miles to the i .outh of us, ; ur depot ha# the tlevgtion abttve ?ea level asTvrcWth Street Station .in Lynchburg which wp think ci as being in r.fal mmm. tains. hi latitude about thirty- six (Continued on Page Eight) Fourth Annual M >"> Building and Secretary J. S. Walker. .Made 'Most Pleasant Statement. 8 per cent Earned series' open "April ist. The Fo'iftVi annual meeting of .the Kgxh ro and Loan. Asso ciation met in, ? the' Secrotavy'e 'of fice laat' Saturday, v.'i!h morerir.n j a tnajenty cf tho _srtjckh^4^rs pres.. I nt in person ; or' by proxy. Tile Secretary's fepcrt showed the A?s6- j ( eUitic-n to be in an exceedingly heal- < .thy Condition,' with the loans m the ; fcest of jhape. As is ii4ual~, the -if p. ' ipKcatiinS tor tians ex'ci seds . thr..; cash cn hand, hut with '.?wise man- 1 ?pemeilt the Secretary has Iv-'n ;.He ! to kei-p pretty welt, within h e.i i in(f distance: '. ; At a meeting - of the directors .Til1 -of the'i Id officer's Were reelected. ;> nd :i i* ? u ilecided to put on. an exi fi le drive fop the- -ale of stock for -i,i. which' -.v ?? il . pi ^ Apr;! 1st. Thursday; .March L'-Ulw \vas namVd as Ruiidirc: and- ' Loan i Day when th? diie-tors, the offiei r.i and all ?* t."C}:holders hove plulited ' ->;? m^elvcs- ^r.'e the brter i .:rr of the day. and see j-5; t i e i' -ut cjiii- not. he made tbe kirjjest the .' s Gccd -Street Work The peoble , under ??? bliyaticms. to MV. r 0. Abl>tm. and, his cfew for the ?p^t>rfiii-'Av:rJ? done on the ; M in xjmovvwg; ..the. -u;a. \ymt-:: : iM pi hid ' \ip . '.<cV<?raJ 1'eet?in- sonic , .- ct'tiops. Oh. SaturdaV Mr. Sam j (JliVor ind Mr Man gum had the 1 force turivUie water oh the struts ?.nd -?QOn there -was. ifotle of the snow to ^member. Allenaville High School Iyt6fpt)ts Hubert's Mystery Show 1<m; tvree days starting Monday, Maiei .14; 1927. School -rep'eiyps Wfie hnlfv?ef receipts -derived-' Iro.nT f^e * advance.! sale of tickets and -a small- j er percentage- "frcm -the do:v re ; lift':. A-4tmn??u>e: .Seho-l - tHkv adults rents. ? ' >,J Carried Tom Frazier ( To. Morganton - v?-hV. VJf s' Brook.-! '?< ;irrie?|. iFom :>'??;?* fit v to' .\for'9fftnto^ ne ' ?;v -t> , . gr ^ ? " c .? A t . VW < ? 1 1 -i,.- . , Kfs- 1 ' t'embJe -iv cfity ' t?mj\>r vVy-. a n<l i -*?"? 4i o * LI 1 a reefer &&? -to- 1 pr^fairrT J Mrs. Coolidge Hikes -r? NATIONAL * eeting of The Loan Association JOHNNY MOStlt IN CRITICAL SHAPE Shrcveport. ..La., .March 8 Johnny Mo$til, centerfi elder ol the Chicago White S{xi i? near death in a local hospital here as the result ?1 nclf- inflicted knife wounds. MostiL cut his throat, arms. . wrists, and stabbed himself in the left side vrhile alone in h room in the Hotel Vour*H* where the Chicago American League basclwl^ team is quar tered. At th6 . sanatorium where Mosti) is being- cared for little hope was. he d but for his re . covity, '? . --- : : J GS? St t The Pre*ident started it ? these - . spririlt +iike^ . "Now M r (Joohitjcr iv showing the way in Washing ton's :-prinic >un?hin* anil she may be seep 'ofien . ori - iitde shoppinp jaunts ? for Blister ton^ery- just u few week;- away, April 17> I > ? Students Suspended On Gambling Charge "ChripHel Uilf, .IrtceR University <?f North Carolina stu dents w^ic t'day .suspcr.dc J by the ?V 1 bdfc-rtf- ?;xci}. ?* ffcct iy* 0 v. t he quarUr. pn ".charges- J pirqtib 1 1 iv>; Asked ? to . c6afi) rii ' th( rv oorr , ?:Si<!r.f*v ? Chappy pye&ident of - ti?i? sUV>>nt Wdy, Wat it had ahv-ays 1 ? . traditional' thai -drunkenness an<! %voul<l not be' tolcrat f.d at the unWeinVty arH T*Tat the ccuiteil was merely. d?ini* hs iltUy in cr.ierin^ the us.pen:- io::s. * "Pom Father" ''Veer Father/' a ^ eal la-ujcHlrfc "hit will be jriven at. AlleTf?ville High Scb6;I Saturday evening March 12. at 8:00 o'clock. Poor Father thinks ?' <?" knows -aow to jugfcle the truth, but ??*i oi?e U'a&hjpgtoiv -Brown, the colored >-er ? i yant, outwits him and caused a peek | if trouble to ail; especially to' a wealthy bachelor, Sidnry Dumme' - whose. memory is. very bad Cake and Pie Sale B?? ybiii cakes. -pt<s. early arid f!ov?;?:IM I'rftm t' e lactic- s Of the K.l-^ar Tone Memorial CKvtf -h Satur3ay at Oa. cUr.a^ Tcwtr & l.i^hi l,V? .office Main Street . Sale ? begin* ' ji't :.10r ja? ,m., ? ' ? ? . ' ? r ? . ? . : '? ?" ? 7? Shop* early and x A The oh. ice-. I/r. ' - nabii "Tom .- ( '? ><?>'*?.. Player?*' ^re^enting; 3la^pf?ts :\fay?v'* Comedy Sensation ? T.AtiY -MlJffc* ia thrce^acta. You'll -l ;H votir 'i.i<ic-? -u Palace ! , f h n KUi^ Mareij'lOtJh >:!."> v{. . OVER 200fr' KILLED IN JAPAN EARTHQUAKE Woman's Glub Presents An- Interesting Program S nor.:-; or. ;: by the- Woman's Club f Jl: xbprb? Dr. O; R. .Mancum. pactor cf the First Baptist .Churejj 'of. Osifoid.-. delivered two very interests Icctur Tnesday which deHphtr ed -th"-?e. were fortunate enough "to ho presen l. Iti the afterocon at 3:45 he spokf. on Art befcre a larpe crowd: 'Hip evening subject was "The Rjjttlofioids, of Fnwicfe/* - an al ways interesting subject which held the attention of the audjen<?e from the very beginning. Dr. Man^um has c nly recently returned from a tour of France, and other European countries, ai>;> .^poke froni first hand knrwledtfc. A hififh^y enjoyable pari cf thv program was the musical -eii-ctitHfrs rertdered by Mri Ben Parham, con : tralto arid Mrs, Pace, sopra no, which added much to the pleasure of the jlcverifr-s;. Also accompanying the party were Mr3. Kerr TayVrr and Miss: S adit* -Parham. Excellent Work Done By Roxboro High S. Avcrsjje Is Better Than The Systems.^* . Pvof. IL B. i)awe>, Principal of Rcxboro KHiph Scho) ha* just re ceived -the foll:w:np letter, wfcich is very encouraging. not inly, to the Principal, but to: the town at large: 'Result* on the two standard t#sta 'tiVen high school trniot* April i %1026- f^j>ear ,in pnrt, Mwr. The table :"hovrt. the median scores nmde . by. your high school V* compared with those fr the State as n whole. l*ho?Tjdyke Icvi*n Word Knowledge Comprehension . STorth rar lmii #4.73 id.JiS ?- JliU*al ?_ysV'gas <?2^>0 14.33 C'ty -'syslejns tf7:2*i 17.58 Hcxboi'o. Hfeh liiif)? bTy.p.u. . Pn-gram Intermediate B. V. P. I J - ? March i:J.' 1927 Cir ; up ?y/- i(n <iuly, Ben- Davis. Captain: ^Subject,. The Banner cf '(i'bi.-d.iVirrf." Sorig. Tru~t -tind Obey. ? Prayer. By "Winnie:- Wtlfhrn*. keng, I .oy< Lifted Me. . 'Buvini-.^s'.' ,v- ? ?? - Bib\e Drill,' By N<iv;t 1.un?ford. ...leader. ; - 77. . r ?- . Scripture Reading . and" I njtro.hiy? tif.-n. bv^ Be p. Dayi.-'. The I>ay* f XOali,- by .. Katrinft Muggins; ?? . . The Obrdieju-e of Xt.ih. hy D: !' - .? Preaching ?'<?' X?>ah, by Sue ..He?c:er. " . ? ' '? ' The Story' ?<)?' . the' by Doli^n ??? Tl ? Value of the .-Story tYr I*. , by' A!v:h Warren. ..Song," "Who-- -i;'v: r Wili." ' . -Pr?y?r'. r.'"- ;-v" Mr, Farmer We will p.^y you" t ? top market .ppiic .izt vonr pt^eral farm pro uc*\ consisting. of valves, beave?, li!?nn, chicker-. butter etc. We carry 'a Jt'ull line -of fre?'n moats < nd fiSh at the ri;rht price. r II. LOY. * Koxboro. \'*o ? ? Debaters Selected ? ?'Preiimmnrio were Neld Mpnday ; n<i cfebatorg .selected "for tHe High School Trianfcnlar debate. The toK 'lowing- were *etectc'?J: Affirmative, Nc?v* l.un?ford. K. O. Carver, .Tr. Negative;' Rachel Bradr.heri 'GeoiRfi Burch. Notice T ? nr- bj n.'.r; nflir-iw-t .with str*. ?Albert (.'layion on Tut-i^av. ,M? ? h 1 5th; A \ c mbers . wjH pltase* 'ijv effort*, to be present. ; k. ''S,V ' Two ot' hrgs, coittftinm# Zl$ mi main, v.; erg ?oM iu la?.* w cz-k ??'by-' nHfl*~ fa rnw^s - oiC niJ.Wir/i (fount v. ? t '*? ? "k b ? W voi, t2 2 :: arid 13 per Collapse Of Houses, Falling Tilt? and Fire Three Factor* ? - Causing Deaths MANY VILLAGES UffVKLED 1 Toyko, March 8. r- At least". persons-icst their, lives ui the three / I minute rart^-QtKv.^i? vthii'h r<K^ir*i t central Japan Monday, 1000 a loo. jpeiojj -IdHisd in the f.w n cf Mimy am a. HnfliWow? village!; in the1 ; urns' district were He strove* I, wfcHe j fire "which came close on the fcirim of the quake accounted for a jcrr*S j dumber of casualties, which it ? er pected, will reach seyeral thousand in burnod and itfjured. Home c.ff ice 'advices fvom the pr* fecture of 'Tokyo reported the. fcl : Mineyama 1,000 killed, 1,000 hot*?** destroyed; lwataka, 100 killed, 5W I houses destroyed; Isbikawa 20 Kfflfd, j 31' injured, b&2 hbuse* burned; Irhih . 20 killed, 35R houses burned. The official advices also judical**! j that numerous other villajre? had f b^'n laid waste and that at least. 5?i persons had been killed at various places in~~the s?mp .district. . .. i Relief measures. nre~ beine- taken "try hr .pjwmrtt-nL 250 police and | Other relief workers .be in* **nt irmm. ' .j. Kyoto, to aid the inhabitants of tic stricken district. Arniy airplane ;also were sent cut from Kayc*?-. to i invjstipate the' extent of the. de j v as ted area. V - |v Various reports cf the casualties | and ilaraafce Caused by the <(u?ke ! wei> still irtost speculative becans* |vf the interruption cf cohmu imitation l it may be day? before accurate ti^r urea cart be obtained! j ;The shock,- wb??h at first was hori cjojitalj became perpendicular before 4 it ubskk^i and apparently vxtt-nJed j oyer a wk.Nr district, than the quake which are, f .frequent occuri-vncr in j Japan. Houses collapsed, tiles. ftH j ;anrjf fires broke Gut ulmost iinnwd . ately, these three, cau&?s account, inp ' *er virtually ' all- pf. the casualties. . A majority f thf in habitants of ITpkyo f til t the ^heefc, but it was . yf wptser than others which have br-err if no, j m porta net ' * Q; OSequeptly tov ? ?cfnl* time there was a tendency ta. mirrimize the importance of rfci* tiuake a rtd T -was not until this, mom tup* that the fill I realization raine j-; cf. h. \y ser.iou'?' the Wemprs fcad ..Seer',. Notice Thi* is to notify all .interested 'thar I have-'Sold'.out ra-y store, cpnsis^ 'h.fjjf'^f jreheral ? merchandise, to Mr I; Ktrrl < 'handle r, ? and 1 will not ".be ' ?? V?spc nsibk* . -for- any , debts made.' a/- ,j j' t? i' this ? date, - r Alt; old account* ;o\e payable to .:J.' I... (iarrett op W . D. Oakley* ^nh ? wa^Jt to' ask all who are fcwipf* u ' j.tak'e sterp* try pay ju^t a* son as pyf \Vible, aft I " want tocl'se w|> the basi 7>cns without any delay. 1 ivish -to return thanks to tho*e. ; who favored rne with their patran j| j'-pre, and trust. tH?\\v wfll be just a? ? 'liberal with .Mr. Chnmiler. This March H. 1D27. """ * "i 1'.. BARRETT. Services At Lambeth Memorial ^ Uev. Walter S. Tillman, former - \ \y of Roxbcro who recently mov?rf l| up r;jar Danville, VfcM wilt preach at i-Uui ? I nmhi-lh M??rnnrinl t harch on the ;feird- Sunday nigtt of thy m* njh. Rev. Mr. Til 1ms* n has a f?6st of fr^ndf amV ftdmSret* in Hoxboro \ i'.rd- Per- n County who will bp jrtnd ' of the opportunity hpw Kio> preach at thi* service. ' ' Right Qn His Job si/. Kr.-mk Cash, 'mrri-ntpndmtt in rhsvfre of b ounty road*, is one mans 'flat W nn W* Jib. In It'** tharr 12 ' rears, a f pgr it i-Mpped ' *ncwlnj? h? ' h&d hh foivc o*v thr road*. and bj IVoykillJS anti) ' iibouf niiilnijcht fctttL. i rat'Kl flt . llle maiT^ vlca^r of wo*" Tilr ' (Jie tlfty'folUviOK the enowfsll. j Z&nn lirry'n Prodoctiiin 'THE j OF THE FORB8T" ft ah JtcV^ WaU.' .. ' rind tieonria H?lt at t'abitu- Thaattre j Mumfeiy Match Wth. ' * . ?>'

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